
Source Code of

// Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.



import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* Makes all requests to the Google Analytics Data Export API.
* @author (Nick Mihailovski)
public class AnalyticsServiceWrapper {

  /** The URL all Google Analytics Data Feed requests start with */
  private static final String BASE_DATA_FEED_URL = "";

  private AnalyticsService analyticsService;
  private AuthorizationService authService;
  private String tableId;
  private String profileName;
  private String startDate;
  private String endDate;
  private String segment;
  private String segmentName;
  private String queryURL;
  private Boolean tokenValid;
  private String accountListError;
  private String dataListError;
  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("AnalyticsServiceWrapper");

   * Constructor.
   * @param analyticsService The AnalyticsService object to make requests to the
   *     Google Analytics API.
   * @param authService The AuthorizationService implementation used to add the authorization
   *     token into the Google Analytics service object.
   * @param tableId the ids parameter of the Data Feed query that corresponds to the Google
   *     Analytics tableId.
  public AnalyticsServiceWrapper(AnalyticsService analyticsService,
      AuthorizationService authService, String tableId, String startDate, String endDate, String segment, String segmentName) {

    this.analyticsService = analyticsService;
    this.authService = authService;
    this.tableId = tableId;
    this.startDate = startDate;
    this.endDate = endDate;
    this.profileName = "";

    // Increase the request timeout to 10 seconds for App Engine.

   * Constructor.
   * @param analyticsService The AnalyticsService object to make requests to the
   *     Google Analytics API.
   * @param authService The AuthorizationService implementation used to add the authorization
   *     token into the Google Analytics service object.
   * @param tableId the ids parameter of the Data Feed query that corresponds to the Google
   *     Analytics tableId.
  public AnalyticsServiceWrapper(AnalyticsService analyticsService,
        AuthorizationService authService, String tableId, String startDate, String endDate) {
    new AnalyticsServiceWrapper(analyticsService, authService, tableId, startDate, endDate, null, "Unknown");
   * Sets the token into the analytics service object. The logic to set the token is in the
   * AuhtorizationSerivice because each authorization implementation handles setting the
   * token differently.
  public void setToken(UserToken userToken) {
    tokenValid = false;
    if (userToken.hasSessionToken()) {
      authService.putTokenInGoogleService(userToken, analyticsService);

      // Assume the token is valid.
      tokenValid = true;

   * Returns the table id.
   * @return the table id.
  public String getTableId() {
    return tableId;

   * Returns if the token was valid.
   * @return if the token was valid.
  public Boolean isTokenValid() {
    return tokenValid;

   * Returns a URL to query the Google Analytics API account feed. This query retrieves the 1000
   * 1000 accounts the current authorized user has access to.
   * @return the account feed URL.
   * @throws MalformedURLException if the URL isn't correct formed.
  private URL getAccountFeedQuery() throws MalformedURLException {
    return new URL("");
   * Requests the Google Analytics account information profiles for the currently authorized user.
   * Then extract the the profile name and table id into a list.
   * @return a list of string arrays with the data from the API.

  public List<String []> getAccountList() {

    if (!isTokenValid()){
      return null;

    Boolean firstEntry = true;
    List<String []> accountList = new ArrayList<String[]>();

    try {
      // Make a request to the Account Feed.
      AccountFeed accountFeed = analyticsService.getFeed(getAccountFeedQuery(), AccountFeed.class);

      // Put the results in a list of String arrays.
      for (AccountEntry entry : accountFeed.getEntries()) {
        accountList.add(new String[] {

        // If no tableId has been configured, use the first tableId from the
        // Account feed as a default.
        if (firstEntry && tableId == null) {
          firstEntry = false;
          tableId = entry.getTableId().getValue();
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
      // If the token in the data store has been revoked, a 401 error is thrown. To continue,
      // the user can just request another token from the authorization routine. So no error
      // message is sent to the user.
      if (e.getHttpErrorCodeOverride() == 401) {
        tokenValid = false;
      } else {
        String errMsg = e.getMessage();
          errMsg = errMsg.startsWith("Timeout")? errMsg +"<br/><strong><em>Timeouts can occur due to AppEngine's limit on query length (10 seconds). Please try again.</em></strong>":errMsg;
          accountListError = errMsg;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      String errMsg = e.getMessage();
      errMsg = errMsg.startsWith("Timeout")? errMsg +"<br/><strong><em>Timeouts can occur due to AppEngine's limit on query length (10 seconds). Please try again.</em></strong>":errMsg;
      accountListError = errMsg;
    return accountList;

   * Requests the Google Analytics account information for the profile given
   * Then extract the the profile name and table id into a list.
   * @return a list of string arrays with the data from the API.
  public List<String []> getAccountList(String gaID) {

    if (!isTokenValid()){
      return null;

    Boolean firstEntry = true;
    List<String []> accountList = new ArrayList<String[]>();

    try {
      // Make a request to the Account Feed.
      AccountFeed accountFeed = analyticsService.getFeed(getAccountFeedQuery(), AccountFeed.class);

      // Put the results in a list of String arrays.
      for (AccountEntry entry : accountFeed.getEntries()) {
        if( entry.getTableId().getValue().toString().equals(gaID)) {
          accountList.add(new String[] {

        // If no tableId has been configured, use the first tableId from the
        // Account feed as a default.
        if (firstEntry && tableId == null) {
          firstEntry = false;
          tableId = entry.getTableId().getValue();
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
      // If the token in the data store has been revoked, a 401 error is thrown. To continue,
      // the user can just request another token from the authorization routine. So no error
      // message is sent to the user.
      if (e.getHttpErrorCodeOverride() == 401) {
        tokenValid = false;
      } else {
        accountListError = e.getMessage();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      accountListError = e.getMessage();
    return accountList;
   * Requests the Google Analytics account information profiles for the currently authorized user.
   * Then extract the the profile name, table id, Account Name and Account Id into a a list of GaProfile objects.
   * @return a list of GaProfile objects with the data from the API.
  public List<GaProfile> getAccountList(boolean full) {

              if (!isTokenValid()){
                return null;

              Boolean firstEntry = true;
              List<GaProfile> accountList = new ArrayList<GaProfile>();

              try {
                // Make a request to the Account Feed.
                AccountFeed accountFeed = analyticsService.getFeed(getAccountFeedQuery(), AccountFeed.class);

                // Put the results in a list of String arrays.
                for (AccountEntry entry : accountFeed.getEntries()) {

                accountList.add(new GaProfile(

                  // If no tableId has been configured, use the first tableId from the
                  // Account feed as a default.
                  if (firstEntry && tableId == null) {
                    firstEntry = false;
                    tableId = entry.getTableId().getValue();
              } catch (ServiceException e) {
                // If the token in the data store has been revoked, a 401 error is thrown. To continue,
                // the user can just request another token from the authorization routine. So no error
                // message is sent to the user.
                if (e.getHttpErrorCodeOverride() == 401) {
                  tokenValid = false;
                } else {
                  accountListError = e.getMessage();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                accountListError = e.getMessage();
              return accountList;

   * Requests the Google Analytics account information profiles for the currently authorized user.
   * Then extract the the profile name, table id, Account Name and Account Id into a a list of GaProfile objects.
   * @return a list of GaProfile objects with the data from the API.
  public List<String []> getSegmentList() {

              if (!isTokenValid()){
                return null;

              Boolean firstEntry = true;
              List<String []> segmentList = new ArrayList<String []>();

              try {
                // Make a request to the Account Feed.
                AccountFeed accountFeed = analyticsService.getFeed(getAccountFeedQuery(), AccountFeed.class);

                // Put the results in a list of String arrays.
                for (Segment curSegment : accountFeed.getSegments()) {
                  segmentList.add(new String[] {
                      curSegment.getName(),(curSegment.hasDefinition() ?

              } catch (ServiceException e) {
                // If the token in the data store has been revoked, a 401 error is thrown. To continue,
                // the user can just request another token from the authorization routine. So no error
                // message is sent to the user.
                if (e.getHttpErrorCodeOverride() == 401) {
                  tokenValid = false;
                } else {
                  accountListError = e.getMessage();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                accountListError = e.getMessage();
              return segmentList;
   * Returns a URL to query the Google Analytics API Data Feed. This query retrieves the top 100
   * landing pages and their entrance and bounce metrics sorted by entrances for the last 14 days
   * starting yesterday.
   * @return a Google Analytics API query.
   * @throws MalformedURLException
  private URL getDataFeedQuery() throws MalformedURLException {

    // Formatter for date.
    SimpleDateFormat gaDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Calendar lastMonth = Calendar.getInstance();
    if(startDate==null) {
      lastMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
      lastMonth.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
      startDate = gaDate.format(lastMonth.getTime());
      lastMonth.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, lastMonth.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
      endDate = gaDate.format(lastMonth.getTime());

    // Make a query.
    DataQuery query = new DataQuery(new URL(BASE_DATA_FEED_URL));
    if (segment !=null) {
    String theURL = query.getUrl().toString();
    return query.getUrl();

   * Requests the Google Analytics profile information for the table id set in this object. If no
   * table id has been set, the table id of the first account retrieved in the setAccountList
   * method is used. This method then extracts the the top 10 ga:source, ga:medium dimensions
   * along with the ga:visits, ga:bouces metrics and sets them in this object's dataList member.
   * @return a list of string arrays with the data from the API.
  public List<String []> getDataList() {
    List<String []> dataList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    Double bounceRate = 0.0;
    Double eComRate = 0.0;

    String myVisitsCI = "";
    if (!isTokenValid()) {
      return dataList;

    try {
       //request account feed to get profile name
       String[] profileList = getAccountList(tableId).get(0);
      // Make a request to the Data Feed.
      DataFeed dataFeed = analyticsService.getFeed(getDataFeedQuery(), DataFeed.class);
      dataList.add(new String[] {"Year", "Month", "Visits", "Transactions", "Quantity", "Unique Pg.V", "Bounce Rate", "eCommerce Conv.", "CI"});
      NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
      if (f instanceof DecimalFormat) {
        ((DecimalFormat) f).applyPattern("###.#");
      // Put the results in a list of String arrays.
      for (DataEntry entry : dataFeed.getEntries()) {
        // Calculate bounce rate.
        bounceRate = entry.doubleValueOf("ga:bounces") / entry.doubleValueOf("ga:entrances") * 100;
        eComRate = entry.doubleValueOf("ga:transactions") / entry.doubleValueOf("ga:visits") * 100;
        Metric myVisits = entry.getMetric("ga:visits");
        myVisitsCI =String.valueOf(f.format(myVisits.getConfidenceInterval()));
        dataList.add(new String[] {
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
      dataListError = e.getMessage();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      String errMsg = e.getMessage();
      errMsg = errMsg.startsWith("Timeout")? "<strong>"+errMsg.substring(0, errMsg.indexOf("http")) + "</strong>"+ errMsg.substring(errMsg.indexOf("http"))+"<br/><strong><em>This is common for long or complex queries due to AppEngine's limit on query length (10 seconds). GA caches results so please wait a few seconds &amp; try again.</em></strong>":errMsg;
      dataListError = errMsg;
   catch (Exception e) {
      dataListError = e.getMessage();
    return dataList;

   * Returns the message from any errors encountered by retrieving account list.
   * @return the error encountered by retrieving the account list.
  public String getAccountListError() {
    return accountListError;

   * Returns the message from any errors encountered by retrieving the data list.
   * @return the error encountered by retrieving the data list.
  public String getDataListError() {
    return dataListError;

* @param startDate the startDate to set
public void setStartDate(String startDate) {
  this.startDate = startDate;

* @return the startDate
public String getStartDate() {
  return startDate;

* @param endDate the endDate to set
public void setEndDate(String endDate) {
  this.endDate = endDate;

* @return the endDate
public String getEndDate() {
  return endDate;

public void setSegment(String segment) {
  this.segment = segment;

* @return the endDate
public String getSegment() {
  return segment;

* @param profileName the profileName to set
public void setProfileName(String profileName) {
  this.profileName = profileName;

* @return the profileName
public String getProfileName() {
  return profileName;

* @param queryURL the queryURL to set
public void setQueryURL(String queryURL) {
  this.queryURL = queryURL;

* @return the queryURL
public String getQueryURL() {
  return queryURL;

* @param segmentName the segmentName to set
public void setSegmentName(String segmentName) {
  this.segmentName = segmentName;

* @return the segmentName
public String getSegmentName() {
  return segmentName;

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