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package web.reception;
import domain.Client;
import domain.Lpu;
import domain.shedule.WorkType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import web.generic.CH;
import web.generic.GenericAbstractController;
import web.rechelper.IncomingParamsValidator;
* Контроллер выбора ЛПУ, в которую ьудет производится запись на прием
* Обязательные параметры:
* client - ID пациента
* Необязательные параметры:
* type - ID типа приема
* @author petr
public class LpuController extends GenericAbstractController {
protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
Client client = CH.getOptional(getDao(), Client.class, request.getParameter("client"));
WorkType type = CH.getOptional(getDao(), WorkType.class, request.getParameter("type"));
if (client == null) {
return IncomingParamsValidator.redirectTo("/reception/index.htm", client, null, null, null);
HashMap model = new HashMap();
model.put("client", client);
model.put("type", type);
List<Lpu> lpus = type != null ? getDao().getLpuByWorkType(type) : getDao().getAviableLpu();
if (client.getDistrict() != null){
Lpu userLpu = client.getDistrict().getLpu();
model.put("userLpu", userLpu);
model.put("userLpuAddress", userLpu.getAddress().getAsStringShort());
for (int i = 0; i < lpus.size(); i++) {
Lpu lpu = lpus.get(i);
if (lpu.getId() == userLpu.getId()){
List<LpuRenderDTO> lines = new ArrayList<LpuRenderDTO>();
for (Lpu lpu : lpus) {
lines.add(new LpuRenderDTO(lpu, lpu.getAddress().getAsStringShort()));
model.put("lpus", lines);
String nextUrl = type == null ? "/reception/work.htm": "/reception/collaborator.htm";
model.put("nextUrl", nextUrl);
model.put("pageBreadcrumb", ReceptionController.initBreadCrumb(client, type, null, null));
return new ModelAndView("reception/lpu", model);