Package clips.shedule.individual

Source Code of clips.shedule.individual.SheduleIndividualExceptionTableModel

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package clips.shedule.individual;

import TimeTable.DayOfWeek;
import TimeTable.JTimeTable;
import cli_fmw.main.ClipsException;
import cli_fmw.main.MainWindow;
import cli_fmw.main.audit.AuditManager;
import clips.delegate.shedule.individual.SheduleIndividualLocal;
import clips.delegate.shedule.individual.WeekIndex;
import clips.shedule.template.SheduleTemplateTableModel;
import cli_fmw.utils.MessageBox;
import clips.delegate.shedule.SheduledDay;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;

* та же модель, что и при просомтре запланированных данных,
* за исключением  того, что есть контекстное меню
* @author axe
public class SheduleIndividualExceptionTableModel extends SheduleTemplateTableModel {

    private AuditManager am;
    private SheduledDay sheduledDay;

    SheduleIndividualExceptionTableModel(SheduledDay sheduledDay,
            SheduleIndividualLocal sil, WeekIndex weekIndex, AuditManager am) throws ClipsException {
        super(sil, weekIndex, am);
        this.sheduledDay = sheduledDay;
     * Функция вызывается при нажатии клавиши контестного меню
     * @param table - таблица
     * @param x - позиция курсора мыши
     * @param y - позиция курсора мыши
    public void contextMenu(JTimeTable table, int x, int y) {
        DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = table.getDay().getDayOfWeek();
        JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu();

        JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Добавить работу...");
        menuItem.addActionListener(new AddNewSpanAction(dayOfWeek));
        menuItem = new JMenuItem("Подробнее...");
        menuItem.addActionListener(new DetailsBtnListener(dayOfWeek));
      , x, y);
    class DetailsBtnListener implements ActionListener {
        DayOfWeek dayOfweek;
        public DetailsBtnListener (DayOfWeek dayOfweek) {
            this.dayOfweek = dayOfweek;
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
            try {
                SheduleIndividualExceptionDialog dlg =
                        new SheduleIndividualExceptionDialog(MainWindow.mainWindow,
                        sil, sheduledDay, currentweekIndex, dayOfweek, am);
            } catch (ClipsException ex) {

Related Classes of clips.shedule.individual.SheduleIndividualExceptionTableModel

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