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package clips.delegate.DEC;
import cli_fmw.delegate.AuditListener;
import cli_fmw.delegate.DEC.DECClientAbstract;
import cli_fmw.delegate.DelegateLine2;
import cli_fmw.main.ClipsException;
import clips.delegate.client.ClientLocal;
import framework.beans.DEC.HasClient;
* @author axe
public class DECClient extends DECClientAbstract<ClientLocal> {
private final AuditListener al;
public DECClient(DelegateLine2<?, ? extends HasClient> dl2, String readableException, AuditListener al) throws ClipsException {
super(dl2, readableException);
this.al = al;
protected ClientLocal getClientFromID(int id) throws ClipsException{
return new ClientLocal(id, al);