package org.groovymud.engine;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.groovymud.object.MudObject;
import org.groovymud.object.ObjectLocation;
import org.groovymud.object.registry.MudObjectAttendant;
import org.groovymud.utils.MessengerUtils;
* This object is responsible for managing the shutdown it informs the mud via
* the registered shutdown informer mud object
* @author matt
public class ShutdownBehaviour {
private MudObjectAttendant attendant;
protected Observable informer;
private int maxShutdownHeartBeats;
private int shutdownHeartBeats;
private JMudEngine engine;
private ObjectLocation shutDownInformer;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ShutdownBehaviour.class);
protected void initialise() {
Observable o = null;
if (getInformer() == null) {
try {
MudObject obj = getAttendant().cloneObject(getShutDownInformer().getHandle());
if (obj instanceof Observable) {
o = (Observable) obj;
} else {"could not use shutdowninformer, was not observable");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(e, e);
public void handleShutdown() {
if (shutdownHeartBeats++ == getMaxShutdownHeartBeats()) {
if (informer != null) {
String message = "";
if (informer instanceof MudObject) {
MudObject obj = (MudObject) informer;
message += obj.getName() + " shouts:";
message += "Mud shutting down NOW!!";
MessengerUtils.sendMessageToMud(informer, "", message);
}"Shutdown NOW!");
if (shutdownHeartBeats % 20 == 0 || shutdownHeartBeats == 1 || (maxShutdownHeartBeats - shutdownHeartBeats) < 10) {
public void informMudOfShutdown() {
String timeLeft = calculateTimeLeft();
if (informer != null) {
String message = "";
if (informer instanceof MudObject) {
MudObject obj = (MudObject) informer;
message += obj.getName() + " shouts:";
message += "Mud shutting down in " + timeLeft;
MessengerUtils.sendMessageToMud(informer, "", message);
}"shutting down in " + timeLeft);
protected String calculateTimeLeft() {
int secondsLeft = ((maxShutdownHeartBeats - shutdownHeartBeats) * JMudEngine.mudHeartbeatLength) / 1000;
int timeLeft = 0;
String value = "";
if (secondsLeft > 60) {
timeLeft = secondsLeft / 60;
secondsLeft -= timeLeft * 60;
if (timeLeft > 0) {
value = timeLeft + " minutes and ";
value += secondsLeft + " seconds";
return value;
public int getMaxShutdownHeartBeats() {
return maxShutdownHeartBeats;
public void setMaxShutdownHeartBeats(int maxShutdownHeartBeats) {
this.maxShutdownHeartBeats = maxShutdownHeartBeats;
public int getShutdownHeartBeats() {
return shutdownHeartBeats;
public void setShutdownHeartBeats(int shutdownHeartBeats) {
this.shutdownHeartBeats = shutdownHeartBeats;
public JMudEngine getEngine() {
return engine;
public void setEngine(JMudEngine engine) {
this.engine = engine;
public Observable getInformer() {
return informer;
public void setInformer(Observable informer) {
this.informer = informer;
public ObjectLocation getShutDownInformer() {
return shutDownInformer;
public void setShutDownInformer(ObjectLocation shutDownInformer) {
this.shutDownInformer = shutDownInformer;
public void setAttendant(MudObjectAttendant attendant) {
this.attendant = attendant;
public MudObjectAttendant getAttendant() {
return attendant;