* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package lineage2.gameserver.templates.npc;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lineage2.commons.util.TroveUtils;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.CharacterAI;
import lineage2.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Skill;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.TeleportLocation;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.base.ClassId;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.RaidBossInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.ReflectionBossInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.quest.QuestEventType;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.reward.RewardList;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.reward.RewardType;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.Scripts;
import lineage2.gameserver.skills.effects.EffectTemplate;
import lineage2.gameserver.templates.CharTemplate;
import lineage2.gameserver.templates.StatsSet;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public final class NpcTemplate extends CharTemplate
* Field _log.
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NpcTemplate.class);
public static final Constructor<NpcInstance> DEFAULT_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR = (Constructor<NpcInstance>) NpcInstance.class.getConstructors()[0];
public static final Constructor<CharacterAI> DEFAULT_AI_CONSTRUCTOR = (Constructor<CharacterAI>) CharacterAI.class.getConstructors()[0];
* @author Mobius
public static enum ShotsType
* Field NONE.
* Field SOUL.
* Field SPIRIT.
* Field BSPIRIT.
* Field npcId.
public final int npcId;
* Field name.
public final String name;
* Field title.
public final String title;
* Field level.
public final int level;
* Field rewardExp.
public final long rewardExp;
* Field rewardSp.
public final long rewardSp;
* Field rewardRp.
public final int rewardRp;
* Field aggroRange.
public final int aggroRange;
* Field rhand.
public final int rhand;
* Field lhand.
public final int lhand;
* Field rateHp.
public final double rateHp;
* Field faction.
private Faction faction = Faction.NONE;
* Field jClass.
public final String jClass;
* Field displayId.
public final int displayId;
* Field shots.
public final ShotsType shots;
* Field isRaid.
public boolean isRaid = false;
* Field _AIParams.
private final StatsSet _AIParams;
* Field race.
private int race = 0;
* Field _castleId.
private final int _castleId;
* Field _rewards.
private Map<RewardType, RewardList> _rewards = Collections.emptyMap();
* Field _teleportList.
private TIntObjectHashMap<TeleportLocation[]> _teleportList = TroveUtils.emptyIntObjectMap();
* Field _minions.
private List<MinionData> _minions = Collections.emptyList();
* Field _absorbInfo.
private List<AbsorbInfo> _absorbInfo = Collections.emptyList();
* Field _teachInfo.
private List<ClassId> _teachInfo = Collections.emptyList();
* Field _questEvents.
private Map<QuestEventType, Quest[]> _questEvents = Collections.emptyMap();
* Field _skills.
private TIntObjectHashMap<Skill> _skills = TroveUtils.emptyIntObjectMap();
* Field _damageSkills.
private Skill[] _damageSkills = Skill.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Field _dotSkills.
private Skill[] _dotSkills = Skill.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Field _debuffSkills.
private Skill[] _debuffSkills = Skill.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Field _buffSkills.
private Skill[] _buffSkills = Skill.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Field _stunSkills.
private Skill[] _stunSkills = Skill.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Field _healSkills.
private Skill[] _healSkills = Skill.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Field _classType.
private Class<NpcInstance> _classType = NpcInstance.class;
* Field _constructorType.
private Constructor<NpcInstance> _constructorType = DEFAULT_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR;
* Field _classAI.
private Class<CharacterAI> _classAI = CharacterAI.class;
* Field _constructorAI.
private Constructor<CharacterAI> _constructorAI = DEFAULT_AI_CONSTRUCTOR;
* Field _htmRoot.
private final String _htmRoot;
* Field summonPoints.
private int summonPoints = 1;
private RandomActions _randomActions = null;
private TIntObjectHashMap<WalkerRoute> _walkerRoute = new TIntObjectHashMap<WalkerRoute>();
private boolean displayHpBar;
* Constructor for NpcTemplate.
* @param set StatsSet
public NpcTemplate(StatsSet set)
npcId = set.getInteger("npcId");
displayId = set.getInteger("displayId");
name = set.getString("name");
title = set.getString("title");
level = set.getInteger("level");
rewardExp = set.getLong("rewardExp");
rewardSp = set.getLong("rewardSp");
rewardRp = set.getInteger("rewardRp");
aggroRange = set.getInteger("aggroRange");
rhand = set.getInteger("rhand", 0);
lhand = set.getInteger("lhand", 0);
rateHp = set.getDouble("baseHpRate");
jClass = set.getString("texture", null);
_htmRoot = set.getString("htm_root", null);
shots = set.getEnum("shots", ShotsType.class, ShotsType.NONE);
_castleId = set.getInteger("castle_id", 0);
_AIParams = (StatsSet) set.getObject("aiParams", StatsSet.EMPTY);
setType(set.getString("type", null));
setAI(set.getString("ai_type", null));
displayHpBar = set.getBool("displayHpBar", true);
* Method getInstanceClass.
* @return Class<? extends NpcInstance>
public Class<? extends NpcInstance> getInstanceClass()
return _classType;
* Method getInstanceConstructor.
* @return Constructor<? extends NpcInstance>
public Constructor<? extends NpcInstance> getInstanceConstructor()
return _constructorType;
* Method isInstanceOf.
* @param _class Class<?>
* @return boolean
public boolean isInstanceOf(Class<?> _class)
return _class.isAssignableFrom(_classType);
* Method getNewInstance.
* @return NpcInstance
public NpcInstance getNewInstance()
return _constructorType.newInstance(IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(), this);
catch (Exception e)
_log.error("Unable to create instance of NPC " + npcId, e);
return null;
* Method getNewAI.
* @param npc NpcInstance
* @return CharacterAI
public CharacterAI getNewAI(NpcInstance npc)
return _constructorAI.newInstance(npc);
catch (Exception e)
_log.error("Unable to create ai of NPC " + npcId, e);
return new CharacterAI(npc);
* Method setType.
* @param type String
private void setType(String type)
Class<NpcInstance> classType = null;
classType = (Class<NpcInstance>) Class.forName("lineage2.gameserver.model.instances." + type + "Instance");
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
classType = (Class<NpcInstance>) Scripts.getInstance().getClasses().get("npc.model." + type + "Instance");
if (classType == null)
_log.error("Not found type class for type: " + type + ". NpcId: " + npcId);
_classType = classType;
_constructorType = (Constructor<NpcInstance>) _classType.getConstructors()[0];
if (_classType.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class))
_log.error("Npc type: " + type + ", is deprecated. NpcId: " + npcId);
isRaid = isInstanceOf(RaidBossInstance.class) && !isInstanceOf(ReflectionBossInstance.class);
* Method setAI.
* @param ai String
private void setAI(String ai)
Class<CharacterAI> classAI = null;
classAI = (Class<CharacterAI>) Class.forName("lineage2.gameserver.ai." + ai);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
classAI = (Class<CharacterAI>) Scripts.getInstance().getClasses().get("ai." + ai);
if (classAI == null)
_log.error("Not found ai class for ai: " + ai + ". NpcId: " + npcId);
_classAI = classAI;
_constructorAI = (Constructor<CharacterAI>) _classAI.getConstructors()[0];
if (_classAI.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class))
_log.error("Ai type: " + ai + ", is deprecated. NpcId: " + npcId);
* Method addTeachInfo.
* @param classId ClassId
public void addTeachInfo(ClassId classId)
if (_teachInfo.isEmpty())
_teachInfo = new ArrayList<>(1);
* Method getTeachInfo.
* @return List<ClassId>
public List<ClassId> getTeachInfo()
return _teachInfo;
* Method canTeach.
* @param classId ClassId
* @return boolean
public boolean canTeach(ClassId classId)
return _teachInfo.contains(classId);
* Method addTeleportList.
* @param id int
* @param list TeleportLocation[]
public void addTeleportList(int id, TeleportLocation[] list)
if (_teleportList.isEmpty())
_teleportList = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(1);
_teleportList.put(id, list);
* Method getTeleportList.
* @param id int
* @return TeleportLocation[]
public TeleportLocation[] getTeleportList(int id)
return _teleportList.get(id);
* Method getTeleportList.
* @return TIntObjectHashMap<TeleportLocation[]>
public TIntObjectHashMap<TeleportLocation[]> getTeleportList()
return _teleportList;
* Method putRewardList.
* @param rewardType RewardType
* @param list RewardList
public void putRewardList(RewardType rewardType, RewardList list)
if (_rewards.isEmpty())
_rewards = new HashMap<>(RewardType.values().length);
_rewards.put(rewardType, list);
* Method getRewardList.
* @param t RewardType
* @return RewardList
public RewardList getRewardList(RewardType t)
return _rewards.get(t);
* Method getRewards.
* @return Map<RewardType,RewardList>
public Map<RewardType, RewardList> getRewards()
return _rewards;
* Method addAbsorbInfo.
* @param absorbInfo AbsorbInfo
public void addAbsorbInfo(AbsorbInfo absorbInfo)
if (_absorbInfo.isEmpty())
_absorbInfo = new ArrayList<>(1);
* Method addMinion.
* @param minion MinionData
public void addMinion(MinionData minion)
if (_minions.isEmpty())
_minions = new ArrayList<>(1);
* Method setFaction.
* @param faction Faction
public void setFaction(Faction faction)
this.faction = faction;
* Method getFaction.
* @return Faction
public Faction getFaction()
return faction;
* Method addSkill.
* @param skill Skill
public void addSkill(Skill skill)
if (_skills.isEmpty())
_skills = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
_skills.put(skill.getId(), skill);
if (skill.isNotUsedByAI() || (skill.getTargetType() == Skill.SkillTargetType.TARGET_NONE) || (skill.getSkillType() == Skill.SkillType.NOTDONE) || !skill.isActive())
switch (skill.getSkillType())
case PDAM:
case MDAM:
case DRAIN:
boolean added = false;
if (skill.hasEffects())
for (EffectTemplate eff : skill.getEffectTemplates())
switch (eff.getEffectType())
case Stun:
_stunSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_stunSkills, skill);
added = true;
case DamOverTime:
case DamOverTimeLethal:
case ManaDamOverTime:
case LDManaDamOverTime:
_dotSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_dotSkills, skill);
added = true;
if (!added)
_damageSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_damageSkills, skill);
case DOT:
case MDOT:
case POISON:
case BLEED:
_dotSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_dotSkills, skill);
case DEBUFF:
case SLEEP:
case ROOT:
case MUTE:
_debuffSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_debuffSkills, skill);
case BUFF:
_buffSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_buffSkills, skill);
case STUN:
_stunSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_stunSkills, skill);
case HEAL:
case HOT:
_healSkills = ArrayUtils.add(_healSkills, skill);
* Method getDamageSkills.
* @return Skill[]
public Skill[] getDamageSkills()
return _damageSkills;
* Method getDotSkills.
* @return Skill[]
public Skill[] getDotSkills()
return _dotSkills;
* Method getDebuffSkills.
* @return Skill[]
public Skill[] getDebuffSkills()
return _debuffSkills;
* Method getBuffSkills.
* @return Skill[]
public Skill[] getBuffSkills()
return _buffSkills;
* Method getStunSkills.
* @return Skill[]
public Skill[] getStunSkills()
return _stunSkills;
* Method getHealSkills.
* @return Skill[]
public Skill[] getHealSkills()
return _healSkills;
* Method getMinionData.
* @return List<MinionData>
public List<MinionData> getMinionData()
return _minions;
* Method getSkills.
* @return TIntObjectHashMap<Skill>
public TIntObjectHashMap<Skill> getSkills()
return _skills;
* Method addQuestEvent.
* @param EventType QuestEventType
* @param q Quest
public void addQuestEvent(QuestEventType EventType, Quest q)
if (_questEvents.isEmpty())
_questEvents = new HashMap<>();
if (_questEvents.get(EventType) == null)
_questEvents.put(EventType, new Quest[]
Quest[] _quests = _questEvents.get(EventType);
int len = _quests.length;
Quest[] tmp = new Quest[len + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (_quests[i].getName().equals(q.getName()))
_quests[i] = q;
tmp[i] = _quests[i];
tmp[len] = q;
_questEvents.put(EventType, tmp);
* Method getEventQuests.
* @param EventType QuestEventType
* @return Quest[]
public Quest[] getEventQuests(QuestEventType EventType)
return _questEvents.get(EventType);
* Method getRace.
* @return int
public int getRace()
return race;
* Method setRace.
* @param newrace int
public void setRace(int newrace)
race = newrace;
* Method isUndead.
* @return boolean
public boolean isUndead()
return race == 1;
* Method toString.
* @return String
public String toString()
return "Npc template " + name + "[" + npcId + "]";
* Method getNpcId.
* @return int
public int getNpcId()
return npcId;
* Method getName.
* @return String
public String getName()
return name;
* Method getJClass.
* @return String
public final String getJClass()
return jClass;
* Method getAIParams.
* @return StatsSet
public final StatsSet getAIParams()
return _AIParams;
* Method getAbsorbInfo.
* @return List<AbsorbInfo>
public List<AbsorbInfo> getAbsorbInfo()
return _absorbInfo;
* Method getCastleId.
* @return int
public int getCastleId()
return _castleId;
* Method getQuestEvents.
* @return Map<QuestEventType,Quest[]>
public Map<QuestEventType, Quest[]> getQuestEvents()
return _questEvents;
* Method getHtmRoot.
* @return String
public String getHtmRoot()
return _htmRoot;
* Method getSummonPoints.
* @return int
public int getSummonPoints()
return summonPoints;
* Method setSummonPoints.
* @param count int
public void setSummonPoints(int count)
summonPoints = count;
public void setRandomActions(RandomActions randomActions)
_randomActions = randomActions;
public RandomActions getRandomActions()
return _randomActions;
public void addWalkerRoute(WalkerRoute walkerRoute)
if (!walkerRoute.isValid())
_walkerRoute.put(walkerRoute.getId(), walkerRoute);
public WalkerRoute getWalkerRoute(int id)
return this._walkerRoute.get(id);
public boolean isDisplayHpBar()
return displayHpBar;