* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package lineage2.gameserver.templates;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import lineage2.commons.geometry.Polygon;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.CharacterAI;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.DoorAI;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.DoorInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.Scripts;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class DoorTemplate extends CharTemplate
* Field _log.
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DoorTemplate.class);
public static final Constructor<DoorAI> DEFAULT_AI_CONSTRUCTOR = (Constructor<DoorAI>) CharacterAI.class.getConstructors()[0];
* @author Mobius
public static enum DoorType
* Field DOOR.
* Field WALL.
* Field _id.
private final int _id;
* Field _name.
private final String _name;
* Field _doorType.
private final DoorType _doorType;
* Field _unlockable.
private final boolean _unlockable;
* Field _isHPVisible.
private final boolean _isHPVisible;
* Field _opened.
private final boolean _opened;
* Field _targetable.
private final boolean _targetable;
* Field _polygon.
private final Polygon _polygon;
* Field _loc.
private final Location _loc;
* Field _key.
private final int _key;
* Field _openTime.
private final int _openTime;
* Field _rndTime.
private final int _rndTime;
* Field _closeTime.
private final int _closeTime;
* Field _masterDoor.
private final int _masterDoor;
* Field _aiParams.
private final StatsSet _aiParams;
* Field _classAI.
private Class<DoorAI> _classAI = DoorAI.class;
* Field _constructorAI.
private Constructor<DoorAI> _constructorAI = DEFAULT_AI_CONSTRUCTOR;
* Constructor for DoorTemplate.
* @param set StatsSet
public DoorTemplate(StatsSet set)
_id = set.getInteger("uid");
_name = set.getString("name");
_doorType = set.getEnum("door_type", DoorType.class, DoorType.DOOR);
_unlockable = set.getBool("unlockable", false);
_isHPVisible = set.getBool("show_hp", false);
_opened = set.getBool("opened", false);
_targetable = set.getBool("targetable", true);
_loc = (Location) set.get("pos");
_polygon = (Polygon) set.get("shape");
_key = set.getInteger("key", 0);
_openTime = set.getInteger("open_time", 0);
_rndTime = set.getInteger("random_time", 0);
_closeTime = set.getInteger("close_time", 0);
_masterDoor = set.getInteger("master_door", 0);
_aiParams = (StatsSet) set.getObject("ai_params", StatsSet.EMPTY);
setAI(set.getString("ai", "DoorAI"));
* Method setAI.
* @param ai String
private void setAI(String ai)
Class<DoorAI> classAI = null;
classAI = (Class<DoorAI>) Class.forName("lineage2.gameserver.ai." + ai);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
classAI = (Class<DoorAI>) Scripts.getInstance().getClasses().get("ai.door." + ai);
if (classAI == null)
_log.error("Not found ai class for ai: " + ai + ". DoorId: " + _id);
_classAI = classAI;
_constructorAI = (Constructor<DoorAI>) _classAI.getConstructors()[0];
if (_classAI.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class))
_log.error("Ai type: " + ai + ", is deprecated. DoorId: " + _id);
* Method getNewAI.
* @param door DoorInstance
* @return CharacterAI
public CharacterAI getNewAI(DoorInstance door)
return _constructorAI.newInstance(door);
catch (Exception e)
_log.error("Unable to create ai of doorId " + _id, e);
return new DoorAI(door);
* Method getNpcId.
* @return int
public int getNpcId()
return _id;
* Method getName.
* @return String
public String getName()
return _name;
* Method getDoorType.
* @return DoorType
public DoorType getDoorType()
return _doorType;
* Method isUnlockable.
* @return boolean
public boolean isUnlockable()
return _unlockable;
* Method isHPVisible.
* @return boolean
public boolean isHPVisible()
return _isHPVisible;
* Method getPolygon.
* @return Polygon
public Polygon getPolygon()
return _polygon;
* Method getKey.
* @return int
public int getKey()
return _key;
* Method isOpened.
* @return boolean
public boolean isOpened()
return _opened;
* Method getLoc.
* @return Location
public Location getLoc()
return _loc;
* Method getOpenTime.
* @return int
public int getOpenTime()
return _openTime;
* Method getRandomTime.
* @return int
public int getRandomTime()
return _rndTime;
* Method getCloseTime.
* @return int
public int getCloseTime()
return _closeTime;
* Method isTargetable.
* @return boolean
public boolean isTargetable()
return _targetable;
* Method getMasterDoor.
* @return int
public int getMasterDoor()
return _masterDoor;
* Method getAIParams.
* @return StatsSet
public StatsSet getAIParams()
return _aiParams;