* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package lineage2.gameserver.skills.skillclasses;
import java.util.List;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Skill;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.stats.Formulas;
import lineage2.gameserver.stats.Formulas.AttackInfo;
import lineage2.gameserver.stats.Stats;
import lineage2.gameserver.templates.StatsSet;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class Drain extends Skill
* Field _absorbAbs.
private final double _absorbAbs;
* Constructor for Drain.
* @param set StatsSet
public Drain(StatsSet set)
_absorbAbs = set.getDouble("absorbAbs", 0.f);
* Method useSkill.
* @param activeChar Creature
* @param targets List<Creature>
public void useSkill(Creature activeChar, List<Creature> targets)
int sps = isSSPossible() ? activeChar.getChargedSpiritShot() : 0;
boolean ss = isSSPossible() && activeChar.getChargedSoulShot();
Creature realTarget;
boolean reflected;
final boolean corpseSkill = _targetType == SkillTargetType.TARGET_CORPSE;
for (Creature target : targets)
if (target != null)
reflected = !corpseSkill && target.checkReflectSkill(activeChar, this);
realTarget = reflected ? activeChar : target;
if ((getPower() > 0) || (_absorbAbs > 0))
if (realTarget.isDead() && !corpseSkill)
double hp = 0.;
double targetHp = realTarget.getCurrentHp();
if (!corpseSkill)
double damage, reflectableDamage = 0;
if (isMagic())
AttackInfo info = Formulas.calcMagicDam(activeChar, realTarget, this, sps);
damage = info.damage;
reflectableDamage = info.reflectableDamage;
AttackInfo info = Formulas.calcPhysDam(activeChar, realTarget, this, false, false, ss, false);
damage = info.damage;
reflectableDamage = info.reflectableDamage;
if (info.lethal_dmg > 0)
realTarget.reduceCurrentHp(info.lethal_dmg, reflectableDamage, activeChar, this, true, true, false, false, false, false, false);
double targetCP = realTarget.getCurrentCp();
if ((damage > targetCP) || !realTarget.isPlayer())
hp = (damage - targetCP) * _absorbPart;
realTarget.reduceCurrentHp(damage, reflectableDamage, activeChar, this, true, true, false, true, false, false, true);
if (!reflected)
realTarget.doCounterAttack(this, activeChar, false);
if ((_absorbAbs == 0) && (_absorbPart == 0))
hp += _absorbAbs;
if ((hp > targetHp) && !corpseSkill)
hp = targetHp;
double addToHp = Math.max(0, Math.min(hp, ((activeChar.calcStat(Stats.HP_LIMIT, null, null) * activeChar.getMaxHp()) / 100.) - activeChar.getCurrentHp()));
if ((addToHp > 0) && !activeChar.isHealBlocked())
activeChar.setCurrentHp(activeChar.getCurrentHp() + addToHp, false);
if (realTarget.isDead() && corpseSkill && realTarget.isNpc())
((NpcInstance) realTarget).endDecayTask();
getEffects(activeChar, target, getActivateRate() > 0, false, reflected);
if (isMagic() ? sps != 0 : ss)