* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package lineage2.gameserver.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import lineage2.commons.collections.LazyArrayList;
import lineage2.gameserver.Config;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Zone.ZoneType;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.entity.Reflection;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class World
* Field _log.
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(World.class);
* Field MAP_MIN_X.
public static final int MAP_MIN_X = (Config.GEO_X_FIRST - 20) << 15;
* Field MAP_MAX_X.
public static final int MAP_MAX_X = (((Config.GEO_X_LAST - 20) + 1) << 15) - 1;
* Field MAP_MIN_Y.
public static final int MAP_MIN_Y = (Config.GEO_Y_FIRST - 18) << 15;
* Field MAP_MAX_Y.
public static final int MAP_MAX_Y = (((Config.GEO_Y_LAST - 18) + 1) << 15) - 1;
* Field MAP_MIN_Z.
public static final int MAP_MIN_Z = Config.MAP_MIN_Z;
* Field MAP_MAX_Z.
public static final int MAP_MAX_Z = Config.MAP_MAX_Z;
public static final int WORLD_SIZE_X = (Config.GEO_X_LAST - Config.GEO_X_FIRST) + 1;
public static final int WORLD_SIZE_Y = (Config.GEO_Y_LAST - Config.GEO_Y_FIRST) + 1;
* Field SHIFT_BY.
public static final int SHIFT_BY = Config.SHIFT_BY;
* Field SHIFT_BY_Z.
public static final int SHIFT_BY_Z = Config.SHIFT_BY_Z;
* Field OFFSET_X.
public static final int OFFSET_X = Math.abs(MAP_MIN_X >> SHIFT_BY);
* Field OFFSET_Y.
public static final int OFFSET_Y = Math.abs(MAP_MIN_Y >> SHIFT_BY);
* Field OFFSET_Z.
public static final int OFFSET_Z = Math.abs(MAP_MIN_Z >> SHIFT_BY_Z);
* Field REGIONS_X.
private static final int REGIONS_X = (MAP_MAX_X >> SHIFT_BY) + OFFSET_X;
* Field REGIONS_Y.
private static final int REGIONS_Y = (MAP_MAX_Y >> SHIFT_BY) + OFFSET_Y;
* Field REGIONS_Z.
private static final int REGIONS_Z = (MAP_MAX_Z >> SHIFT_BY_Z) + OFFSET_Z;
* Field _worldRegions.
private static volatile WorldRegion[][][] _worldRegions = new WorldRegion[REGIONS_X + 1][REGIONS_Y + 1][REGIONS_Z + 1];
* Method init.
public static void init()
_log.info("L2World: Creating regions: [" + (REGIONS_X + 1) + "][" + (REGIONS_Y + 1) + "][" + (REGIONS_Z + 1) + "].");
* Method getRegions.
* @return WorldRegion[][][]
private static WorldRegion[][][] getRegions()
return _worldRegions;
* Method validX.
* @param x int
* @return int
private static int validX(int x)
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
else if (x > REGIONS_X)
return x;
* Method validY.
* @param y int
* @return int
private static int validY(int y)
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
else if (y > REGIONS_Y)
return y;
* Method validZ.
* @param z int
* @return int
private static int validZ(int z)
if (z < 0)
z = 0;
else if (z > REGIONS_Z)
return z;
* Method validCoordX.
* @param x int
* @return int
public static int validCoordX(int x)
if (x < MAP_MIN_X)
x = MAP_MIN_X + 1;
else if (x > MAP_MAX_X)
x = MAP_MAX_X - 1;
return x;
* Method validCoordY.
* @param y int
* @return int
public static int validCoordY(int y)
if (y < MAP_MIN_Y)
y = MAP_MIN_Y + 1;
else if (y > MAP_MAX_Y)
y = MAP_MAX_Y - 1;
return y;
* Method validCoordZ.
* @param z int
* @return int
public static int validCoordZ(int z)
if (z < MAP_MIN_Z)
z = MAP_MIN_Z + 1;
else if (z > MAP_MAX_Z)
z = MAP_MAX_Z - 1;
return z;
* Method regionX.
* @param x int
* @return int
private static int regionX(int x)
return (x >> SHIFT_BY) + OFFSET_X;
* Method regionY.
* @param y int
* @return int
private static int regionY(int y)
return (y >> SHIFT_BY) + OFFSET_Y;
* Method regionZ.
* @param z int
* @return int
private static int regionZ(int z)
return (z >> SHIFT_BY_Z) + OFFSET_Z;
* Method isNeighbour.
* @param x1 int
* @param y1 int
* @param z1 int
* @param x2 int
* @param y2 int
* @param z2 int
* @return boolean
static boolean isNeighbour(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2)
return (x1 <= (x2 + 1)) && (x1 >= (x2 - 1)) && (y1 <= (y2 + 1)) && (y1 >= (y2 - 1)) && (z1 <= (z2 + 1)) && (z1 >= (z2 - 1));
* Method getRegion.
* @param loc Location
* @return WorldRegion
public static WorldRegion getRegion(Location loc)
return getRegion(validX(regionX(loc.x)), validY(regionY(loc.y)), validZ(regionZ(loc.z)));
* Method getRegion.
* @param obj GameObject
* @return WorldRegion
public static WorldRegion getRegion(GameObject obj)
return getRegion(validX(regionX(obj.getX())), validY(regionY(obj.getY())), validZ(regionZ(obj.getZ())));
* Method getRegion.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
* @return WorldRegion
private static WorldRegion getRegion(int x, int y, int z)
WorldRegion[][][] regions = getRegions();
WorldRegion region = null;
region = regions[x][y][z];
if (region == null)
synchronized (regions)
region = regions[x][y][z];
if (region == null)
region = regions[x][y][z] = new WorldRegion(x, y, z);
return region;
* Method getPlayer.
* @param name String
* @return Player
public static Player getPlayer(String name)
return GameObjectsStorage.getPlayer(name);
* Method getPlayer.
* @param objId int
* @return Player
public static Player getPlayer(int objId)
return GameObjectsStorage.getPlayer(objId);
* Method addVisibleObject.
* @param object GameObject
* @param dropper Creature
public static void addVisibleObject(GameObject object, Creature dropper)
if ((object == null) || !object.isVisible() || object.isInObserverMode())
WorldRegion region = getRegion(object);
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == region)
if (currentRegion == null)
for (int x = validX(region.getX() - 1); x <= validX(region.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(region.getY() - 1); y <= validY(region.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(region.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(region.getZ() + 1); z++)
getRegion(x, y, z).addToPlayers(object, dropper);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
if (!isNeighbour(region.getX(), region.getY(), region.getZ(), x, y, z))
getRegion(x, y, z).removeFromPlayers(object);
for (int x = validX(region.getX() - 1); x <= validX(region.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(region.getY() - 1); y <= validY(region.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(region.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(region.getZ() + 1); z++)
if (!isNeighbour(currentRegion.getX(), currentRegion.getY(), currentRegion.getZ(), x, y, z))
getRegion(x, y, z).addToPlayers(object, dropper);
* Method removeVisibleObject.
* @param object GameObject
public static void removeVisibleObject(GameObject object)
if ((object == null) || object.isVisible() || object.isInObserverMode())
WorldRegion currentRegion;
if ((currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion()) == null)
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
getRegion(x, y, z).removeFromPlayers(object);
* Method getAroundObjectById.
* @param object GameObject
* @param objId int
* @return GameObject
public static GameObject getAroundObjectById(GameObject object, int objId)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return null;
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (obj.getObjectId() == objId)
return obj;
return null;
* Method getAroundObjects.
* @param object GameObject
* @return List<GameObject>
public static List<GameObject> getAroundObjects(GameObject object)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
List<GameObject> result = new LazyArrayList<>(128);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if ((obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
return result;
* Method getAroundObjects.
* @param object GameObject
* @param radius int
* @param height int
* @return List<GameObject>
public static List<GameObject> getAroundObjects(GameObject object, int radius, int height)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
int ox = object.getX();
int oy = object.getY();
int oz = object.getZ();
int sqrad = radius * radius;
List<GameObject> result = new LazyArrayList<>(128);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if ((obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
if (Math.abs(obj.getZ() - oz) > height)
int dx = Math.abs(obj.getX() - ox);
if (dx > radius)
int dy = Math.abs(obj.getY() - oy);
if (dy > radius)
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > sqrad)
return result;
* Method getAroundCharacters.
* @param object GameObject
* @return List<Creature>
public static List<Creature> getAroundCharacters(GameObject object)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
List<Creature> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isCreature() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
result.add((Creature) obj);
return result;
* Method getAroundCharacters.
* @param object GameObject
* @param radius int
* @param height int
* @return List<Creature>
public static List<Creature> getAroundCharacters(GameObject object, int radius, int height)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
int ox = object.getX();
int oy = object.getY();
int oz = object.getZ();
int sqrad = radius * radius;
List<Creature> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isCreature() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
if (Math.abs(obj.getZ() - oz) > height)
int dx = Math.abs(obj.getX() - ox);
if (dx > radius)
int dy = Math.abs(obj.getY() - oy);
if (dy > radius)
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > sqrad)
result.add((Creature) obj);
return result;
* Method getAroundNpc.
* @param object GameObject
* @return List<NpcInstance>
public static List<NpcInstance> getAroundNpc(GameObject object)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
List<NpcInstance> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isNpc() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
result.add((NpcInstance) obj);
return result;
* Method getAroundNpc.
* @param object GameObject
* @param radius int
* @param height int
* @return List<NpcInstance>
public static List<NpcInstance> getAroundNpc(GameObject object, int radius, int height)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
int ox = object.getX();
int oy = object.getY();
int oz = object.getZ();
int sqrad = radius * radius;
List<NpcInstance> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isNpc() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
if (Math.abs(obj.getZ() - oz) > height)
int dx = Math.abs(obj.getX() - ox);
if (dx > radius)
int dy = Math.abs(obj.getY() - oy);
if (dy > radius)
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > sqrad)
result.add((NpcInstance) obj);
return result;
* Method getAroundPlayables.
* @param object GameObject
* @return List<Playable>
public static List<Playable> getAroundPlayables(GameObject object)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
List<Playable> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isPlayable() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
result.add((Playable) obj);
return result;
* Method getAroundPlayables.
* @param object GameObject
* @param radius int
* @param height int
* @return List<Playable>
public static List<Playable> getAroundPlayables(GameObject object, int radius, int height)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
int ox = object.getX();
int oy = object.getY();
int oz = object.getZ();
int sqrad = radius * radius;
List<Playable> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isPlayable() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
if (Math.abs(obj.getZ() - oz) > height)
int dx = Math.abs(obj.getX() - ox);
if (dx > radius)
int dy = Math.abs(obj.getY() - oy);
if (dy > radius)
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > sqrad)
result.add((Playable) obj);
return result;
* Method getAroundPlayers.
* @param object GameObject
* @return List<Player>
public static List<Player> getAroundPlayers(GameObject object)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
List<Player> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isPlayer() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
result.add((Player) obj);
return result;
* Method getAroundPlayers.
* @param object GameObject
* @param radius int
* @param height int
* @return List<Player>
public static List<Player> getAroundPlayers(GameObject object, int radius, int height)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
int ox = object.getX();
int oy = object.getY();
int oz = object.getZ();
int sqrad = radius * radius;
List<Player> result = new LazyArrayList<>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isPlayer() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
if (Math.abs(obj.getZ() - oz) > height)
int dx = Math.abs(obj.getX() - ox);
if (dx > radius)
int dy = Math.abs(obj.getY() - oy);
if (dy > radius)
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > sqrad)
result.add((Player) obj);
return result;
* Method isNeighborsEmpty.
* @param region WorldRegion
* @return boolean
public static boolean isNeighborsEmpty(WorldRegion region)
for (int x = validX(region.getX() - 1); x <= validX(region.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(region.getY() - 1); y <= validY(region.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(region.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(region.getZ() + 1); z++)
if (!getRegion(x, y, z).isEmpty())
return false;
return true;
* Method activate.
* @param currentRegion WorldRegion
public static void activate(WorldRegion currentRegion)
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
getRegion(x, y, z).setActive(true);
* Method deactivate.
* @param currentRegion WorldRegion
public static void deactivate(WorldRegion currentRegion)
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
if (isNeighborsEmpty(getRegion(x, y, z)))
getRegion(x, y, z).setActive(false);
* Method showObjectsToPlayer.
* @param player Player
public static void showObjectsToPlayer(Player player)
WorldRegion currentRegion = player.isInObserverMode() ? player.getObserverRegion() : player.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
int oid = player.getObjectId();
int rid = player.getReflectionId();
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if ((obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
player.sendPacket(player.addVisibleObject(obj, null));
* Method removeObjectsFromPlayer.
* @param player Player
public static void removeObjectsFromPlayer(Player player)
WorldRegion currentRegion = player.isInObserverMode() ? player.getObserverRegion() : player.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
int oid = player.getObjectId();
int rid = player.getReflectionId();
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if ((obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
player.sendPacket(player.removeVisibleObject(obj, null));
* Method removeObjectFromPlayers.
* @param object GameObject
public static void removeObjectFromPlayers(GameObject object)
WorldRegion currentRegion = object.getCurrentRegion();
if (currentRegion == null)
int oid = object.getObjectId();
int rid = object.getReflectionId();
Player p;
List<L2GameServerPacket> d = null;
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isPlayer() || (obj.getObjectId() == oid) || (obj.getReflectionId() != rid))
p = (Player) obj;
p.sendPacket(p.removeVisibleObject(object, d == null ? d = object.deletePacketList() : d));
* Method addZone.
* @param zone Zone
static void addZone(Zone zone)
Reflection reflection = zone.getReflection();
Territory territory = zone.getTerritory();
if (territory == null)
_log.info("World: zone - " + zone.getName() + " not has territory.");
for (int x = validX(regionX(territory.getXmin())); x <= validX(regionX(territory.getXmax())); x++)
for (int y = validY(regionY(territory.getYmin())); y <= validY(regionY(territory.getYmax())); y++)
for (int z = validZ(regionZ(territory.getZmin())); z <= validZ(regionZ(territory.getZmax())); z++)
WorldRegion region = getRegion(x, y, z);
for (GameObject obj : region)
if (!obj.isCreature() || (obj.getReflection() != reflection))
((Creature) obj).updateZones();
* Method removeZone.
* @param zone Zone
static void removeZone(Zone zone)
Reflection reflection = zone.getReflection();
Territory territory = zone.getTerritory();
if (territory == null)
_log.info("World: zone - " + zone.getName() + " not has territory.");
for (int x = validX(regionX(territory.getXmin())); x <= validX(regionX(territory.getXmax())); x++)
for (int y = validY(regionY(territory.getYmin())); y <= validY(regionY(territory.getYmax())); y++)
for (int z = validZ(regionZ(territory.getZmin())); z <= validZ(regionZ(territory.getZmax())); z++)
WorldRegion region = getRegion(x, y, z);
for (GameObject obj : region)
if (!obj.isCreature() || (obj.getReflection() != reflection))
((Creature) obj).updateZones();
* Method getZones.
* @param inside List<Zone>
* @param loc Location
* @param reflection Reflection
public static void getZones(List<Zone> inside, Location loc, Reflection reflection)
WorldRegion region = getRegion(loc);
Zone[] zones = region.getZones();
if (zones.length == 0)
for (Zone zone : zones)
if (zone.checkIfInZone(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, reflection))
* Method isWater.
* @param loc Location
* @param reflection Reflection
* @return boolean
public static boolean isWater(Location loc, Reflection reflection)
return getWater(loc, reflection) != null;
* Method getWater.
* @param loc Location
* @param reflection Reflection
* @return Zone
public static Zone getWater(Location loc, Reflection reflection)
WorldRegion region = getRegion(loc);
Zone[] zones = region.getZones();
if (zones.length == 0)
return null;
for (Zone zone : zones)
if ((zone != null) && (zone.getType() == ZoneType.water) && zone.checkIfInZone(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, reflection))
return zone;
return null;
* Method getStats.
* @return int[]
public static int[] getStats()
WorldRegion region;
int[] ret = new int[32];
for (int x = 0; x <= REGIONS_X; x++)
for (int y = 0; y <= REGIONS_Y; y++)
for (int z = 0; z <= REGIONS_Z; z++)
region = _worldRegions[x][y][z];
if (region != null)
if (region.isActive())
for (GameObject obj : region)
if (obj.isCreature())
if (obj.isPlayer())
Player p = (Player) obj;
if (p.isInOfflineMode())
else if (obj.isNpc())
if (obj.isMonster())
if (obj.isMinion())
NpcInstance npc = (NpcInstance) obj;
if (npc.hasAI())
if (npc.getAI().isActive())
else if (obj.isPlayable())
else if (obj.isDoor())
else if (obj.isItem())
return ret;
public static List<NpcInstance> getAroundNpcCor(Location loc, WorldRegion region, int reflect, int radius, int height)
WorldRegion currentRegion = region;
if (currentRegion == null)
return new ArrayList<NpcInstance>(0);
int rid = reflect;
int ox = loc.x;
int oy = loc.y;
int oz = loc.z;
int sqrad = radius * radius;
List<NpcInstance> result = new ArrayList<NpcInstance>(64);
for (int x = validX(currentRegion.getX() - 1); x <= validX(currentRegion.getX() + 1); x++)
for (int y = validY(currentRegion.getY() - 1); y <= validY(currentRegion.getY() + 1); y++)
for (int z = validZ(currentRegion.getZ() - 1); z <= validZ(currentRegion.getZ() + 1); z++)
for (GameObject obj : getRegion(x, y, z))
if (!obj.isNpc() || obj.getReflectionId() != rid)
if (Math.abs(obj.getZ() - oz) > height)
int dx = Math.abs(obj.getX() - ox);
if (dx > radius)
int dy = Math.abs(obj.getY() - oy);
if (dy > radius)
if (dx * dx + dy * dy > sqrad)
result.add((NpcInstance) obj);
return result;