* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package lineage2.gameserver.handler.admincommands.impl;
import lineage2.gameserver.data.xml.holder.ItemHolder;
import lineage2.gameserver.handler.admincommands.IAdminCommandHandler;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player;
import lineage2.gameserver.templates.item.ItemTemplate;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.AdminFunctions;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.ItemFunctions;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Util;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class AdminNochannel implements IAdminCommandHandler
* @author Mobius
private static enum Commands
* Field admin_nochannel.
* Field admin_nc.
* Method useAdminCommand.
* @param comm Enum<?>
* @param wordList String[]
* @param fullString String
* @param activeChar Player
* @return boolean
* @see lineage2.gameserver.handler.admincommands.IAdminCommandHandler#useAdminCommand(Enum<?>, String[], String, Player)
public boolean useAdminCommand(Enum<?> comm, String[] wordList, String fullString, Player activeChar)
Commands command = (Commands) comm;
if (!activeChar.getPlayerAccess().CanBanChat)
return false;
int banChatCount = 0;
int penaltyCount = 0;
int banChatCountPerDay = activeChar.getPlayerAccess().BanChatCountPerDay;
if (banChatCountPerDay > 0)
String count = activeChar.getVar("banChatCount");
if (count != null)
banChatCount = Integer.parseInt(count);
String penalty = activeChar.getVar("penaltyChatCount");
if (penalty != null)
penaltyCount = Integer.parseInt(penalty);
long LastBanChatDayTime = 0;
String time = activeChar.getVar("LastBanChatDayTime");
if (time != null)
LastBanChatDayTime = Long.parseLong(time);
if (LastBanChatDayTime != 0)
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - LastBanChatDayTime) < (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))
if (banChatCount >= banChatCountPerDay)
activeChar.sendMessage("В �?утки, вы можете выдат�? не более " + banChatCount + " банов чата.");
return false;
int bonus_mod = banChatCount / 10;
bonus_mod = Math.max(1, bonus_mod);
bonus_mod = 1;
if ((activeChar.getPlayerAccess().BanChatBonusId > 0) && (activeChar.getPlayerAccess().BanChatBonusCount > 0))
int add_count = activeChar.getPlayerAccess().BanChatBonusCount * bonus_mod;
ItemTemplate item = ItemHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(activeChar.getPlayerAccess().BanChatBonusId);
activeChar.sendMessage("Бону�? за модерирование: " + add_count + " " + item.getName());
if (penaltyCount > 0)
activeChar.sendMessage("Штраф за нару�?ени�?: " + penaltyCount + " " + item.getName());
activeChar.setVar("penaltyChatCount", "" + Math.max(0, penaltyCount - add_count), -1);
add_count -= penaltyCount;
if (add_count > 0)
ItemFunctions.addItem(activeChar, activeChar.getPlayerAccess().BanChatBonusId, add_count, true);
activeChar.setVar("LastBanChatDayTime", "" + System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
activeChar.setVar("banChatCount", "0", -1);
banChatCount = 0;
activeChar.setVar("LastBanChatDayTime", "" + System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
switch (command)
case admin_nochannel:
case admin_nc:
if (wordList.length < 2)
activeChar.sendMessage("USAGE: //nochannel charName [period] [reason]");
return false;
int timeval = 30;
if (wordList.length > 2)
timeval = Integer.parseInt(wordList[2]);
catch (Exception E)
timeval = 30;
String msg = AdminFunctions.banChat(activeChar, null, wordList[1], timeval, wordList.length > 3 ? Util.joinStrings(" ", wordList, 3) : null);
if ((banChatCountPerDay > -1) && msg.startsWith("Вы забанили чат"))
activeChar.setVar("banChatCount", "" + banChatCount, -1);
activeChar.sendMessage("У ва�? о�?тало�?�? " + (banChatCountPerDay - banChatCount) + " банов чата.");
return true;
* Method getAdminCommandEnum.
* @return Enum[]
* @see lineage2.gameserver.handler.admincommands.IAdminCommandHandler#getAdminCommandEnum()
public Enum<?>[] getAdminCommandEnum()
return Commands.values();