* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package lineage2.gameserver.geodata;
import static lineage2.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.EAST;
import static lineage2.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.NORTH;
import static lineage2.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.NSWE_ALL;
import static lineage2.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.NSWE_NONE;
import static lineage2.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.SOUTH;
import static lineage2.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine.WEST;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import lineage2.gameserver.Config;
import lineage2.gameserver.geodata.PathFindBuffers.GeoNode;
import lineage2.gameserver.geodata.PathFindBuffers.PathFindBuffer;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.GameObject;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class PathFind
* Field geoIndex.
private int geoIndex = 0;
* Field buff.
private PathFindBuffer buff;
* Field path.
private List<Location> path;
* Field hNSWE.
private final short[] hNSWE = new short[2];
* Field endPoint. Field startPoint.
private final Location startPoint, endPoint;
* Field currentNode. Field endNode. Field startNode.
private GeoNode startNode, endNode, currentNode;
* Constructor for PathFind.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
* @param destX int
* @param destY int
* @param destZ int
* @param obj GameObject
* @param geoIndex int
public PathFind(int x, int y, int z, int destX, int destY, int destZ, GameObject obj, int geoIndex)
this.geoIndex = geoIndex;
startPoint = Config.PATHFIND_BOOST == 0 ? new Location(x, y, z) : GeoEngine.moveCheckWithCollision(x, y, z, destX, destY, true, geoIndex);
endPoint = (Config.PATHFIND_BOOST != 2) || (Math.abs(destZ - z) > 200) ? new Location(destX, destY, destZ) : GeoEngine.moveCheckBackwardWithCollision(destX, destY, destZ, startPoint.x, startPoint.y, true, geoIndex);
startPoint.z = GeoEngine.NgetHeight(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, startPoint.z, geoIndex);
endPoint.z = GeoEngine.NgetHeight(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, endPoint.z, geoIndex);
int xdiff = Math.abs(endPoint.x - startPoint.x);
int ydiff = Math.abs(endPoint.y - startPoint.y);
if ((xdiff == 0) && (ydiff == 0))
if (Math.abs(endPoint.z - startPoint.z) < 32)
path = new ArrayList<>();
path.add(0, startPoint);
int mapSize = 2 * Math.max(xdiff, ydiff);
if ((buff = PathFindBuffers.alloc(mapSize)) != null)
buff.offsetX = startPoint.x - (buff.mapSize / 2);
buff.offsetY = startPoint.y - (buff.mapSize / 2);
if (obj.isPlayable())
* Method findPath.
* @return List<Location>
private List<Location> findPath()
startNode = buff.nodes[startPoint.x - buff.offsetX][startPoint.y - buff.offsetY].set(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, (short) startPoint.z);
GeoEngine.NgetHeightAndNSWE(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, (short) startPoint.z, hNSWE, geoIndex);
startNode.z = hNSWE[0];
startNode.nswe = hNSWE[1];
startNode.costFromStart = 0f;
startNode.state = GeoNode.OPENED;
startNode.parent = null;
endNode = buff.nodes[endPoint.x - buff.offsetX][endPoint.y - buff.offsetY].set(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, (short) endPoint.z);
startNode.costToEnd = pathCostEstimate(startNode);
startNode.totalCost = startNode.costFromStart + startNode.costToEnd;
long nanos = System.nanoTime();
long searhTime = 0;
int itr = 0;
while (((searhTime = System.nanoTime() - nanos) < Config.PATHFIND_MAX_TIME) && ((currentNode = buff.open.poll()) != null))
if ((currentNode.x == endPoint.x) && (currentNode.y == endPoint.y) && (Math.abs(currentNode.z - endPoint.z) < 64))
path = tracePath(currentNode);
currentNode.state = GeoNode.CLOSED;
buff.totalTime += searhTime;
buff.totalItr += itr;
if (path != null)
else if (searhTime > Config.PATHFIND_MAX_TIME)
return path;
* Method tracePath.
* @param f GeoNode
* @return List<Location>
private List<Location> tracePath(GeoNode f)
List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<>();
locations.add(0, f.getLoc());
f = f.parent;
while (f.parent != null);
return locations;
* Method handleNode.
* @param node GeoNode
private void handleNode(GeoNode node)
int clX = node.x;
int clY = node.y;
short clZ = node.z;
getHeightAndNSWE(clX, clY, clZ);
short NSWE = hNSWE[1];
if (((NSWE & SOUTH) == SOUTH) && ((NSWE & EAST) == EAST))
getHeightAndNSWE(clX + 1, clY, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & SOUTH) == SOUTH)
getHeightAndNSWE(clX, clY + 1, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & EAST) == EAST)
handleNeighbour(clX + 1, clY + 1, node, true);
if (((NSWE & SOUTH) == SOUTH) && ((NSWE & WEST) == WEST))
getHeightAndNSWE(clX - 1, clY, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & SOUTH) == SOUTH)
getHeightAndNSWE(clX, clY + 1, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & WEST) == WEST)
handleNeighbour(clX - 1, clY + 1, node, true);
if (((NSWE & NORTH) == NORTH) && ((NSWE & EAST) == EAST))
getHeightAndNSWE(clX + 1, clY, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & NORTH) == NORTH)
getHeightAndNSWE(clX, clY - 1, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & EAST) == EAST)
handleNeighbour(clX + 1, clY - 1, node, true);
if (((NSWE & NORTH) == NORTH) && ((NSWE & WEST) == WEST))
getHeightAndNSWE(clX - 1, clY, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & NORTH) == NORTH)
getHeightAndNSWE(clX, clY - 1, clZ);
if ((hNSWE[1] & WEST) == WEST)
handleNeighbour(clX - 1, clY - 1, node, true);
if ((NSWE & EAST) == EAST)
handleNeighbour(clX + 1, clY, node, false);
if ((NSWE & WEST) == WEST)
handleNeighbour(clX - 1, clY, node, false);
if ((NSWE & SOUTH) == SOUTH)
handleNeighbour(clX, clY + 1, node, false);
if ((NSWE & NORTH) == NORTH)
handleNeighbour(clX, clY - 1, node, false);
* Method pathCostEstimate.
* @param n GeoNode
* @return float
private float pathCostEstimate(GeoNode n)
int diffx = endNode.x - n.x;
int diffy = endNode.y - n.y;
int diffz = endNode.z - n.z;
return (float) Math.sqrt((diffx * diffx) + (diffy * diffy) + ((diffz * diffz) / 256));
* Method traverseCost.
* @param from GeoNode
* @param n GeoNode
* @param d boolean
* @return float
private float traverseCost(GeoNode from, GeoNode n, boolean d)
if ((n.nswe != NSWE_ALL) || (Math.abs(n.z - from.z) > 16))
return 3f;
getHeightAndNSWE(n.x + 1, n.y, n.z);
if ((hNSWE[1] != NSWE_ALL) || (Math.abs(n.z - hNSWE[0]) > 16))
return 2f;
getHeightAndNSWE(n.x - 1, n.y, n.z);
if ((hNSWE[1] != NSWE_ALL) || (Math.abs(n.z - hNSWE[0]) > 16))
return 2f;
getHeightAndNSWE(n.x, n.y + 1, n.z);
if ((hNSWE[1] != NSWE_ALL) || (Math.abs(n.z - hNSWE[0]) > 16))
return 2f;
getHeightAndNSWE(n.x, n.y - 1, n.z);
if ((hNSWE[1] != NSWE_ALL) || (Math.abs(n.z - hNSWE[0]) > 16))
return 2f;
return d ? 1.414f : 1f;
* Method handleNeighbour.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param from GeoNode
* @param d boolean
private void handleNeighbour(int x, int y, GeoNode from, boolean d)
int nX = x - buff.offsetX, nY = y - buff.offsetY;
if ((nX >= buff.mapSize) || (nX < 0) || (nY >= buff.mapSize) || (nY < 0))
GeoNode n = buff.nodes[nX][nY];
float newCost;
if (!n.isSet())
n = n.set(x, y, from.z);
GeoEngine.NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y, from.z, hNSWE, geoIndex);
n.z = hNSWE[0];
n.nswe = hNSWE[1];
int height = Math.abs(n.z - from.z);
if ((height > Config.PATHFIND_MAX_Z_DIFF) || (n.nswe == NSWE_NONE))
newCost = from.costFromStart + traverseCost(from, n, d);
if ((n.state == GeoNode.OPENED) || (n.state == GeoNode.CLOSED))
if (n.costFromStart <= newCost)
if (n.state == GeoNode.NONE)
n.costToEnd = pathCostEstimate(n);
n.parent = from;
n.costFromStart = newCost;
n.totalCost = n.costFromStart + n.costToEnd;
if (n.state == GeoNode.OPENED)
n.state = GeoNode.OPENED;
* Method getHeightAndNSWE.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z short
private void getHeightAndNSWE(int x, int y, short z)
int nX = x - buff.offsetX, nY = y - buff.offsetY;
if ((nX >= buff.mapSize) || (nX < 0) || (nY >= buff.mapSize) || (nY < 0))
GeoNode n = buff.nodes[nX][nY];
if (!n.isSet())
n = n.set(x, y, z);
GeoEngine.NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y, z, hNSWE, geoIndex);
n.z = hNSWE[0];
n.nswe = hNSWE[1];
hNSWE[0] = n.z;
hNSWE[1] = n.nswe;
* Method getPath.
* @return List<Location>
public List<Location> getPath()
return path;