* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package services;
import lineage2.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.GameObjectTasks;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.World;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.Functions;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.ItemFunctions;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.NpcUtils;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.PositionUtils;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class Birthday extends Functions
* Field EXPLORERHAT. (value is 10250)
private static final int EXPLORERHAT = 10250;
* Field HAT. (value is 13488)
private static final int HAT = 13488;
* Field NPC_ALEGRIA. (value is 32600)
private static final int NPC_ALEGRIA = 32600;
* Field msgSpawned. (value is ""scripts/services/Birthday-spawned.htm"")
private static final String msgSpawned = "scripts/services/Birthday-spawned.htm";
* Method summonAlegria.
public void summonAlegria()
Player player = getSelf();
NpcInstance npc = getNpc();
if ((player == null) || (npc == null) || !NpcInstance.canBypassCheck(player, player.getLastNpc()))
for (NpcInstance n : World.getAroundNpc(npc))
if (n.getNpcId() == NPC_ALEGRIA)
show(msgSpawned, player, npc);
int x = (int) (npc.getX() + (40 * Math.cos(npc.headingToRadians((npc.getHeading() - 32768) + 8000))));
int y = (int) (npc.getY() + (40 * Math.sin(npc.headingToRadians((npc.getHeading() - 32768) + 8000))));
NpcInstance alegria = NpcUtils.spawnSingle(NPC_ALEGRIA, x, y, npc.getZ(), 180000);
alegria.setHeading(PositionUtils.calculateHeadingFrom(alegria, player));
catch (Exception e)
* Method exchangeHat.
public void exchangeHat()
Player player = getSelf();
final NpcInstance npc = getNpc();
if ((player == null) || (npc == null) || !NpcInstance.canBypassCheck(player, player.getLastNpc()) || npc.isBusy())
if (ItemFunctions.getItemCount(player, EXPLORERHAT) < 1)
show("default/32600-nohat.htm", player, npc);
ItemFunctions.removeItem(player, EXPLORERHAT, 1, true);
ItemFunctions.addItem(player, HAT, 1, true);
show("default/32600-successful.htm", player, npc);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
player.setVar("Birthday", String.valueOf(now), -1);
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().execute(new GameObjectTasks.DeleteTask(npc));