* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package bosses;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import lineage2.commons.threading.RunnableImpl;
import lineage2.commons.util.Rnd;
import lineage2.gameserver.Config;
import lineage2.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.DefaultAI;
import lineage2.gameserver.listener.actor.OnDeathListener;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Zone;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.actor.listener.CharListenerList;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.Functions;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Log;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.TimeUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import bosses.EpicBossState.State;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class SailrenManager extends Functions implements ScriptFile, OnDeathListener
* Field _log.
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SailrenManager.class);
* @author Mobius
private static class ActivityTimeEnd extends RunnableImpl
* Constructor for ActivityTimeEnd.
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
* Method runImpl.
public void runImpl()
* @author Mobius
private static class CubeSpawn extends RunnableImpl
* Constructor for CubeSpawn.
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
* Method runImpl.
public void runImpl()
_teleportCube = spawn(new Location(27734, -6838, -1982, 0), TeleportCubeId);
* @author Mobius
private static class IntervalEnd extends RunnableImpl
* Constructor for IntervalEnd.
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
* Method runImpl.
public void runImpl()
* @author Mobius
private static class Social extends RunnableImpl
* Field _action.
private final int _action;
* Field _npc.
private final NpcInstance _npc;
* Constructor for Social.
* @param npc NpcInstance
* @param actionId int
Social(NpcInstance npc, int actionId)
_npc = npc;
_action = actionId;
* Method runImpl.
public void runImpl()
_npc.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(_npc.getObjectId(), _action));
* @author Mobius
private static class onAnnihilated extends RunnableImpl
* Constructor for onAnnihilated.
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
* Method runImpl.
public void runImpl()
* @author Mobius
private static class SailrenSpawn extends RunnableImpl
* Field _npcId.
private final int _npcId;
* Field _pos.
private final Location _pos = new Location(27628, -6109, -1982, 44732);
* Constructor for SailrenSpawn.
* @param npcId int
SailrenSpawn(int npcId)
_npcId = npcId;
* Method runImpl.
public void runImpl()
if (_socialTask != null)
_socialTask = null;
switch (_npcId)
case Velociraptor:
_velociraptor = spawn(new Location(27852, -5536, -1983, 44732), Velociraptor);
((DefaultAI) _velociraptor.getAI()).addTaskMove(_pos, false);
if (_socialTask != null)
_socialTask = null;
_socialTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Social(_velociraptor, 2), 6000);
if (_activityTimeEndTask != null)
_activityTimeEndTask = null;
_activityTimeEndTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ActivityTimeEnd(), FWS_ACTIVITYTIMEOFMOBS);
case Pterosaur:
_pterosaur = spawn(new Location(27852, -5536, -1983, 44732), Pterosaur);
((DefaultAI) _pterosaur.getAI()).addTaskMove(_pos, false);
if (_socialTask != null)
_socialTask = null;
_socialTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Social(_pterosaur, 2), 6000);
if (_activityTimeEndTask != null)
_activityTimeEndTask = null;
_activityTimeEndTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ActivityTimeEnd(), FWS_ACTIVITYTIMEOFMOBS);
case Tyrannosaurus:
_tyranno = spawn(new Location(27852, -5536, -1983, 44732), Tyrannosaurus);
((DefaultAI) _tyranno.getAI()).addTaskMove(_pos, false);
if (_socialTask != null)
_socialTask = null;
_socialTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Social(_tyranno, 2), 6000);
if (_activityTimeEndTask != null)
_activityTimeEndTask = null;
_activityTimeEndTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ActivityTimeEnd(), FWS_ACTIVITYTIMEOFMOBS);
case Sailren:
_sailren = spawn(new Location(27810, -5655, -1983, 44732), Sailren);
_state.setRespawnDate(getRespawnInterval() + FWS_ACTIVITYTIMEOFMOBS);
((DefaultAI) _sailren.getAI()).addTaskMove(_pos, false);
if (_socialTask != null)
_socialTask = null;
_socialTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Social(_sailren, 2), 6000);
if (_activityTimeEndTask != null)
_activityTimeEndTask = null;
_activityTimeEndTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ActivityTimeEnd(), FWS_ACTIVITYTIMEOFMOBS);
* Field _velociraptor.
static NpcInstance _velociraptor;
* Field _pterosaur.
static NpcInstance _pterosaur;
* Field _tyranno.
static NpcInstance _tyranno;
* Field _sailren.
static NpcInstance _sailren;
* Field _teleportCube.
static NpcInstance _teleportCube;
* Field _cubeSpawnTask.
private static ScheduledFuture<?> _cubeSpawnTask = null;
* Field _monsterSpawnTask.
private static ScheduledFuture<?> _monsterSpawnTask = null;
* Field _intervalEndTask.
private static ScheduledFuture<?> _intervalEndTask = null;
* Field _socialTask.
static ScheduledFuture<?> _socialTask = null;
* Field _activityTimeEndTask.
static ScheduledFuture<?> _activityTimeEndTask = null;
* Field _onAnnihilatedTask.
private static ScheduledFuture<?> _onAnnihilatedTask = null;
* Field Sailren. (value is 29065)
private static final int Sailren = 29065;
* Field Velociraptor. (value is 22198)
private static final int Velociraptor = 22198;
* Field Pterosaur. (value is 22199)
private static final int Pterosaur = 22199;
* Field Tyrannosaurus. (value is 22217)
private static final int Tyrannosaurus = 22217;
* Field TeleportCubeId. (value is 31759)
private static final int TeleportCubeId = 31759;
* Field _state.
static EpicBossState _state;
* Field _zone.
private static Zone _zone;
* Field _enter.
private static final Location _enter = new Location(27734, -6938, -1982);
* Field FWS_ENABLESINGLEPLAYER. (value is false)
private static final boolean FWS_ENABLESINGLEPLAYER = Boolean.TRUE;
private static final int FWS_ACTIVITYTIMEOFMOBS = 120 * 60000;
private static final int FWS_FIXINTERVALOFSAILRENSPAWN = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60000;
private static final int FWS_RANDOMINTERVALOFSAILRENSPAWN = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60000;
* Field FWS_INTERVALOFNEXTMONSTER. (value is 60000)
private static final int FWS_INTERVALOFNEXTMONSTER = 60000;
* Field _isAlreadyEnteredOtherParty.
private static boolean _isAlreadyEnteredOtherParty = false;
* Field Dying.
private static boolean Dying = false;
* Method banishForeigners.
private static void banishForeigners()
for (Player player : getPlayersInside())
* Method checkAnnihilated.
private synchronized static void checkAnnihilated()
if ((_onAnnihilatedTask == null) && isPlayersAnnihilated())
_onAnnihilatedTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new onAnnihilated(), 5000);
* Method getPlayersInside.
* @return List<Player>
private static List<Player> getPlayersInside()
return getZone().getInsidePlayers();
* Method getRespawnInterval.
* @return int
static int getRespawnInterval()
* Method getZone.
* @return Zone
public static Zone getZone()
return _zone;
* Method init.
private void init()
_state = new EpicBossState(Sailren);
_zone = ReflectionUtils.getZone("[sailren_epic]");
_log.info("SailrenManager: State of Sailren is " + _state.getState() + ".");
if (!_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.NOTSPAWN))
_log.info("SailrenManager: Next spawn date of Sailren is " + TimeUtils.toSimpleFormat(_state.getRespawnDate()) + ".");
* Method isPlayersAnnihilated.
* @return boolean
private static boolean isPlayersAnnihilated()
for (Player pc : getPlayersInside())
if (!pc.isDead())
return false;
return true;
* Method onDeath.
* @param self Creature
* @param killer Creature
* @see lineage2.gameserver.listener.actor.OnDeathListener#onDeath(Creature, Creature)
public void onDeath(Creature self, Creature killer)
if (self.isPlayer() && (_state != null) && (_state.getState() == State.ALIVE) && (_zone != null) && _zone.checkIfInZone(self.getX(), self.getY()))
else if (self.equals(_velociraptor))
if (_monsterSpawnTask != null)
_monsterSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SailrenSpawn(Pterosaur), FWS_INTERVALOFNEXTMONSTER);
else if (self.equals(_pterosaur))
if (_monsterSpawnTask != null)
_monsterSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SailrenSpawn(Tyrannosaurus), FWS_INTERVALOFNEXTMONSTER);
else if (self.equals(_tyranno))
if (_monsterSpawnTask != null)
_monsterSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SailrenSpawn(Sailren), FWS_INTERVALOFNEXTMONSTER);
else if (self.equals(_sailren))
* Method onSailrenDie.
* @param killer Creature
private static void onSailrenDie(Creature killer)
if (Dying)
Dying = true;
Log.add("Sailren died", "bosses");
_cubeSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new CubeSpawn(), 10000);
* Method setIntervalEndTask.
private static void setIntervalEndTask()
if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.ALIVE))
if (!_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.INTERVAL))
_intervalEndTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new IntervalEnd(), _state.getInterval());
* Method setUnspawn.
private static void setUnspawn()
if (_velociraptor != null)
if (_velociraptor.getSpawn() != null)
_velociraptor = null;
if (_pterosaur != null)
if (_pterosaur.getSpawn() != null)
_pterosaur = null;
if (_tyranno != null)
if (_tyranno.getSpawn() != null)
_tyranno = null;
if (_sailren != null)
if (_sailren.getSpawn() != null)
_sailren = null;
if (_teleportCube != null)
if (_teleportCube.getSpawn() != null)
_teleportCube = null;
if (_cubeSpawnTask != null)
_cubeSpawnTask = null;
if (_monsterSpawnTask != null)
_monsterSpawnTask = null;
if (_intervalEndTask != null)
_intervalEndTask = null;
if (_socialTask != null)
_socialTask = null;
if (_activityTimeEndTask != null)
_activityTimeEndTask = null;
if (_onAnnihilatedTask != null)
_onAnnihilatedTask = null;
* Method sleep.
static void sleep()
if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.ALIVE))
* Method setSailrenSpawnTask.
public synchronized static void setSailrenSpawnTask()
if (_monsterSpawnTask == null)
_monsterSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SailrenSpawn(Velociraptor), FWS_INTERVALOFNEXTMONSTER);
* Method isEnableEnterToLair.
* @return boolean
public static boolean isEnableEnterToLair()
return _state.getState() == EpicBossState.State.NOTSPAWN;
* Method canIntoSailrenLair.
* @param pc Player
* @return int
public static int canIntoSailrenLair(Player pc)
if (!FWS_ENABLESINGLEPLAYER && (pc.getParty() == null))
return 4;
else if (_isAlreadyEnteredOtherParty)
return 2;
else if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.NOTSPAWN))
return 0;
else if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.ALIVE) || _state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.DEAD))
return 1;
else if (_state.getState().equals(EpicBossState.State.INTERVAL))
return 3;
return 0;
* Method entryToSailrenLair.
* @param pc Player
public static void entryToSailrenLair(Player pc)
if (pc.getParty() == null)
pc.teleToLocation(Location.findPointToStay(_enter, 80, pc.getGeoIndex()));
final List<Player> members = new ArrayList<>();
for (Player mem : pc.getParty().getPartyMembers())
if ((mem != null) && !mem.isDead() && mem.isInRange(pc, 1000))
for (Player mem : members)
mem.teleToLocation(Location.findPointToStay(_enter, 80, mem.getGeoIndex()));
_isAlreadyEnteredOtherParty = true;
* Method onLoad.
* @see lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile#onLoad()
public void onLoad()
* Method onReload.
* @see lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile#onReload()
public void onReload()
* Method onShutdown.
* @see lineage2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile#onShutdown()
public void onShutdown()
// empty method