* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ai.freya;
import lineage2.commons.util.Rnd;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.CtrlEvent;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.Fighter;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.entity.Reflection;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowScreenMessage;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowScreenMessage.ScreenMessageAlign;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.components.CustomMessage;
import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.components.NpcString;
import lineage2.gameserver.tables.SkillTable;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class FreyaThrone extends Fighter
* Field Skill_EternalBlizzard. (value is 6274)
private static final int Skill_EternalBlizzard = 6274;
* Field _eternalblizzardReuseTimer.
private long _eternalblizzardReuseTimer = 0;
* Field _eternalblizzardReuseDelay.
private static final int _eternalblizzardReuseDelay = 60;
* Field Skill_IceBall. (value is 6278)
private static final int Skill_IceBall = 6278;
* Field _iceballReuseTimer.
private long _iceballReuseTimer = 0;
* Field _iceballReuseDelay.
private static final int _iceballReuseDelay = 20;
* Field _iceballChance.
private static final int _iceballChance = 60;
* Field Skill_SummonElemental. (value is 6277)
private static final int Skill_SummonElemental = 6277;
* Field _summonReuseTimer.
private long _summonReuseTimer = 0;
* Field _summonReuseDelay.
private static final int _summonReuseDelay = 60;
* Field _summonChance.
private static final int _summonChance = 70;
* Field Skill_SelfNova. (value is 6279)
private static final int Skill_SelfNova = 6279;
* Field _selfnovaReuseTimer.
private long _selfnovaReuseTimer = 0;
* Field _selfnovaReuseDelay.
private static final int _selfnovaReuseDelay = 70;
* Field Skill_DeathSentence. (value is 6280)
private static final int Skill_DeathSentence = 6280;
* Field _deathsentenceReuseTimer.
private long _deathsentenceReuseTimer = 0;
* Field _deathsentenceReuseDelay.
private static final int _deathsentenceReuseDelay = 50;
* Field _deathsentenceChance.
private static final int _deathsentenceChance = 60;
* Field Skill_Anger. (value is 6285)
private static final int Skill_Anger = 6285;
* Field _angerReuseTimer.
private long _angerReuseTimer = 0;
* Field _angerReuseDelay.
private static final int _angerReuseDelay = 50;
* Field _angerChance.
private static final int _angerChance = 60;
* Field _idleDelay.
private long _idleDelay = 0;
* Field lastFactionNotifyTime.
private long lastFactionNotifyTime = 0;
* Constructor for FreyaThrone.
* @param actor NpcInstance
public FreyaThrone(NpcInstance actor)
* Method thinkAttack.
protected void thinkAttack()
final NpcInstance actor = getActor();
final Creature topDamager = actor.getAggroList().getTopDamager();
final Creature randomHated = actor.getAggroList().getRandomHated();
final Creature mostHated = actor.getAggroList().getMostHated();
if (!actor.isCastingNow() && (_eternalblizzardReuseTimer < System.currentTimeMillis()))
actor.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Skill_EternalBlizzard, 1), actor, true);
final Reflection r = getActor().getReflection();
for (Player p : r.getPlayers())
p.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(NpcString.I_FEEL_STRONG_MAGIC_FLOW, 3000, ScreenMessageAlign.MIDDLE_CENTER, true));
_eternalblizzardReuseTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() + (_eternalblizzardReuseDelay * 1000L);
if (!actor.isCastingNow() && !actor.isMoving && (_iceballReuseTimer < System.currentTimeMillis()) && Rnd.chance(_iceballChance))
if ((topDamager != null) && !topDamager.isDead() && topDamager.isInRangeZ(actor, 1000))
actor.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Skill_IceBall, 1), topDamager, true);
_iceballReuseTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() + (_iceballReuseDelay * 1000L);
if (!actor.isCastingNow() && (_summonReuseTimer < System.currentTimeMillis()) && Rnd.chance(_summonChance))
actor.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Skill_SummonElemental, 1), actor, true);
for (NpcInstance guard : getActor().getAroundNpc(800, 100))
guard.altOnMagicUseTimer(guard, SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Skill_SummonElemental, 1));
_summonReuseTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() + (_summonReuseDelay * 1000L);
if (!actor.isCastingNow() && (_selfnovaReuseTimer < System.currentTimeMillis()))
actor.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Skill_SelfNova, 1), actor, true);
_selfnovaReuseTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() + (_selfnovaReuseDelay * 1000L);
if (!actor.isCastingNow() && !actor.isMoving && (_deathsentenceReuseTimer < System.currentTimeMillis()) && Rnd.chance(_deathsentenceChance))
if ((randomHated != null) && !randomHated.isDead() && randomHated.isInRangeZ(actor, 1000))
actor.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Skill_DeathSentence, 1), randomHated, true);
_deathsentenceReuseTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() + (_deathsentenceReuseDelay * 1000L);
if (!actor.isCastingNow() && !actor.isMoving && (_angerReuseTimer < System.currentTimeMillis()) && Rnd.chance(_angerChance))
actor.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Skill_Anger, 1), actor, true);
_angerReuseTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() + (_angerReuseDelay * 1000L);
if ((mostHated != null) && (randomHated != null) && (actor.getAggroList().getCharMap().size() > 1))
actor.getAggroList().remove(mostHated, true);
actor.getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, randomHated, 300000);
if (_idleDelay > 0)
_idleDelay = 0;
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFactionNotifyTime) > _minFactionNotifyInterval)
lastFactionNotifyTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (NpcInstance npc : actor.getReflection().getNpcs())
if (npc.isMonster() && (!npc.equals(actor)))
npc.getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, actor.getAggroList().getMostHated(), 5);
* Method onEvtSpawn.
protected void onEvtSpawn()
final long generalReuse = System.currentTimeMillis() + 40000L;
_eternalblizzardReuseTimer += generalReuse + (Rnd.get(1, 20) * 1000L);
_iceballReuseTimer += generalReuse + (Rnd.get(1, 20) * 1000L);
_summonReuseTimer += generalReuse + (Rnd.get(1, 20) * 1000L);
_selfnovaReuseTimer += generalReuse + (Rnd.get(1, 20) * 1000L);
_deathsentenceReuseTimer += generalReuse + (Rnd.get(1, 20) * 1000L);
_angerReuseTimer += generalReuse + (Rnd.get(1, 20) * 1000L);
final Reflection r = getActor().getReflection();
for (Player p : r.getPlayers())
this.notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, p, 2);
* Method thinkActive.
* @return boolean
protected boolean thinkActive()
if ((_idleDelay == 0) && !getActor().isCurrentHpFull())
_idleDelay = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Reflection ref = getActor().getReflection();
if (!getActor().isDead() && (_idleDelay > 0) && ((_idleDelay + 60000) < System.currentTimeMillis()))
if (!ref.isDefault())
for (Player p : ref.getPlayers())
p.sendMessage(new CustomMessage("scripts.ai.freya.FreyaFailure", p));
return true;
* Method teleportHome.
protected void teleportHome()