* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ai;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lineage2.commons.util.Rnd;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.CtrlEvent;
import lineage2.gameserver.ai.DefaultAI;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Playable;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.Skill;
import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import lineage2.gameserver.scripts.Functions;
import lineage2.gameserver.tables.SkillTable;
import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location;
import bosses.AntharasManager;
* @author Mobius
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class Antharas extends DefaultAI
* Field s_paralyze. Field s_curse. Field s_fear2. Field s_fear.
final Skill s_fear = getSkill(4108, 1), s_fear2 = getSkill(5092, 1), s_curse = getSkill(4109, 1), s_paralyze = getSkill(4111, 1);
* Field s_breath. Field s_meteor. Field s_antharas_ordinary_attack2. Field s_antharas_ordinary_attack. Field s_shock2. Field s_shock.
final Skill s_shock = getSkill(4106, 1), s_shock2 = getSkill(4107, 1), s_antharas_ordinary_attack = getSkill(4112, 1), s_antharas_ordinary_attack2 = getSkill(4113, 1), s_meteor = getSkill(5093, 1), s_breath = getSkill(4110, 1);
* Field s_regen3. Field s_regen2. Field s_regen1.
final Skill s_regen1 = getSkill(4239, 1), s_regen2 = getSkill(4240, 1), s_regen3 = getSkill(4241, 1);
* Field _hpStage.
private int _hpStage = 0;
* Field _minionsSpawnDelay.
private static long _minionsSpawnDelay = 0;
* Field minions.
private final List<NpcInstance> minions = new ArrayList<>();
* Constructor for Antharas.
* @param actor NpcInstance
public Antharas(NpcInstance actor)
* Method onEvtAttacked.
* @param attacker Creature
* @param damage int
protected void onEvtAttacked(Creature attacker, int damage)
for (Playable p : AntharasManager.getZone().getInsidePlayables())
notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, p, 1);
super.onEvtAttacked(attacker, damage);
* Method onEvtSpawn.
protected void onEvtSpawn()
_minionsSpawnDelay = System.currentTimeMillis() + 120000L;
* Method createNewTask.
* @return boolean
protected boolean createNewTask()
Creature target = prepareTarget();
if (target == null)
return false;
final NpcInstance actor = getActor();
if (actor.isDead())
return false;
final double distance = actor.getDistance(target);
final double chp = actor.getCurrentHpPercents();
if (_hpStage == 0)
actor.altOnMagicUseTimer(actor, s_regen1);
_hpStage = 1;
else if ((chp < 75) && (_hpStage == 1))
actor.altOnMagicUseTimer(actor, s_regen2);
_hpStage = 2;
else if ((chp < 50) && (_hpStage == 2))
actor.altOnMagicUseTimer(actor, s_regen3);
_hpStage = 3;
else if ((chp < 30) && (_hpStage == 3))
actor.altOnMagicUseTimer(actor, s_regen3);
_hpStage = 4;
if ((_minionsSpawnDelay < System.currentTimeMillis()) && (getAliveMinionsCount() < 30) && Rnd.chance(5))
final NpcInstance minion = Functions.spawn(Location.findPointToStay(actor.getLoc(), 400, 700, actor.getGeoIndex()), Rnd.chance(50) ? 29190 : 29069);
if (Rnd.chance(50))
return chooseTaskAndTargets(Rnd.chance(50) ? s_antharas_ordinary_attack : s_antharas_ordinary_attack2, target, distance);
final Map<Skill, Integer> d_skill = new HashMap<>();
switch (_hpStage)
case 1:
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_curse);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_paralyze);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_meteor);
case 2:
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_curse);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_paralyze);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_meteor);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_fear2);
case 3:
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_curse);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_paralyze);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_meteor);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_fear2);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_shock2);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_breath);
case 4:
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_curse);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_paralyze);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_meteor);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_fear2);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_shock2);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_fear);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_shock);
addDesiredSkill(d_skill, target, distance, s_breath);
final Skill r_skill = selectTopSkill(d_skill);
if ((r_skill != null) && !r_skill.isOffensive())
target = actor;
return chooseTaskAndTargets(r_skill, target, distance);
* Method getAliveMinionsCount.
* @return int
private int getAliveMinionsCount()
int i = 0;
for (NpcInstance n : minions)
if ((n != null) && !n.isDead())
return i;
* Method getSkill.
* @param id int
* @param level int
* @return Skill
private Skill getSkill(int id, int level)
return SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, level);
* Method onEvtDead.
* @param killer Creature
protected void onEvtDead(Creature killer)
if ((minions != null) && !minions.isEmpty())
for (NpcInstance n : minions)