package com.log4jviewer.ui.views;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.SWTWorkbenchBot;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotToolbarPushButton;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotToolbarRadioButton;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import utils.swtbot.UITest;
* The class that incapsulates all necessary functionality for simple "Log4j" view UI tests creating.
* @author <a href="">Daniil Yaroslavtsev</a>
public abstract class AbstractMainViewTest extends UITest {
/** The UI testing bot. */
private static SWTWorkbenchBot bot = getBot();
/** The "Open error view" button. */
private static SWTBotToolbarPushButton openErrsViewButton;
/** The "Load logs from text file" button. */
private static SWTBotToolbarPushButton loadLogsForFileButton;
/** The "Start Log4j Server" button. */
private static SWTBotToolbarRadioButton startLog4jServerButton;
/** The "Stop Log4j Server" button. */
private static SWTBotToolbarRadioButton stopLog4jServerButton;
/** The "Clear log table" button. */
private static SWTBotToolbarPushButton clearLogTableButton;
public static void beforeClass() {
// BOT.resetWorkbench(); // set the workbench to it`s initial state
closeUnnecessaryViewsIfNeeded(); // Close any windows and views except "Log4j-Viewer"
findAndParsePageControls(); // and parse "Log4j" view controls.
public void beforeTest() {
public void afterTest() {
public static void afterClass() {
* Finds and parses the page controls.
protected static void findAndParsePageControls() {
openErrsViewButton = getToolbarPushButtonWithTooltip("Open error view");
loadLogsForFileButton = getToolbarPushButtonWithTooltip("Load logs from text file");
startLog4jServerButton = getToolbarRadioButtonWithTooltip("Start Log4j Server");
stopLog4jServerButton = getToolbarRadioButtonWithTooltip("Stop Log4j Server");
clearLogTableButton = getToolbarPushButtonWithTooltip("Clear log table");
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static SWTBotToolbarPushButton getToolbarPushButtonWithTooltip(final String toolTipText) {
Matcher matcher = Matchers.allOf(
WidgetMatcherFactory.withStyle(SWT.PUSH, "push")
ToolItem toolItem = (ToolItem) bot.widget(matcher);
return new SWTBotToolbarPushButton(toolItem);
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static SWTBotToolbarRadioButton getToolbarRadioButtonWithTooltip(final String toolTipText) {
Matcher matcher = Matchers.allOf(
WidgetMatcherFactory.withStyle(SWT.RADIO, "radio")
ToolItem toolItem = (ToolItem) bot.widget(matcher);
return new SWTBotToolbarRadioButton(toolItem);
// Setters
// Getters
* Gets the "Open error view" button.
* @return the "Open error view" button
protected static SWTBotToolbarPushButton getOpenErrsViewButton() {
return openErrsViewButton;
* Gets the "Load logs from text file" button.
* @return the "Load logs from text file" button
protected static SWTBotToolbarPushButton getLoadLogsForFileButton() {
return loadLogsForFileButton;
* Gets the "Start Log4j Server" button.
* @return the "Start Log4j Server" button
protected static SWTBotToolbarRadioButton getStartLog4jServerButton() {
return startLog4jServerButton;
* Gets the "Stop Log4j Server" button.
* @return the "Stop Log4j Server" button
protected static SWTBotToolbarRadioButton getStopLog4jServerButton() {
return stopLog4jServerButton;
* Gets the "Clear log table" button.
* @return the "Clear log table" button
protected static SWTBotToolbarPushButton getClearLogTableButton() {
return clearLogTableButton;
// "press ... button" methods
* Presses the "Open error view" button.
protected static void pressOpenErrsViewButton() {;
* Presses the "Load logs from text file" button.
protected static void pressLoadLogsForFileButton() {;
* Presses the "Start Log4j Server" button.
protected static void selectStartLog4jServerButton() {;
* Presses the "Stop Log4j Server" button.
protected static void selectStopLog4jServerButton() {;
* Presses the "Clear log table" button.
protected static void pressClearLogTableButton() {;
* Sets the initial view state.
protected static void setInitialViewState() {
// no code