* AnnotateBySpecPR.java
* This file is is free software, licenced under the
* GNU Library General Public License, Version 2, June 1991.
* See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* $Id: TextForSpecIterator.java 81 2012-03-26 11:17:46Z johann.petrak@gmail.com $
package at.ofai.gate.virtualdocuments;
import gate.Annotation;
import gate.AnnotationSet;
import gate.Document;
import gate.Utils;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class TextForSpecIterator implements Iterator<String> {
static final String ERRMSG = "before first call of next() or after hasNext() is false";
private Document theDocument;
private AnnotationSet theAnnSet;
private AnnotationSet curOff_Set;
private int toOffset = 0; // the offset after the last character to include
private int curOffset = 0;
private List<AnnotationParm> annSpecs;
private int curAnnSpec = 0;
private Set<String> annotationTypes = new HashSet<String>();
private boolean takeAll;
private boolean takeOverlapping;
TextForSpecIterator(Document doc, String annSetName, List<AnnotationParm> annParms, Set<String> anntypes, boolean takeall, boolean takeoverlapping) {
takeAll = takeall;
takeOverlapping = takeoverlapping;
annotationTypes = anntypes;
annSpecs = annParms;
TextForSpecIterator(Document doc, String annSetName, Long fromOffset, Long toOffset, List<AnnotationParm> annParms, Set<String> anntypes, boolean takeall, boolean takeoverlapping) {
takeAll = takeall;
takeOverlapping = takeoverlapping;
annotationTypes = anntypes;
annSpecs = annParms;
private void init(Document doc, String annSetName, Long from, Long to) {
theDocument = doc;
theAnnSet = theDocument.getAnnotations(annSetName);
if(to == null) {
toOffset = gate.Utils.length(theDocument);
} else {
toOffset = to.intValue();
if(from == null) {
curOffset = 0;
} else {
curOffset = from.intValue();
theAnnSet = theAnnSet.get(annotationTypes);
theAnnSet = theAnnSet.get(new Long(curOffset),new Long(toOffset));
//logger.debug("Annotations in start set: "+theAnnSet.size());
//logger.debug("Parameter specifications: "+annSpecs);
curAnnSpec = 0; // the annotation specification to process next
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
// this always contains the the next annotation or null if no more
// annotations are available;
protected Annotation nextAnnotation = null;
protected Annotation currentAnnotation = null;
// the number of the specification used for finding nextAnnotation
// This field is set by determineNextMatch.
// If no annotation is found, this is set to -1
protected int nextSpecNo = -1;
// The number of the specification used for the annotation that the last
// call to next() returned. This is set in next()
protected int currentSpecNo = -1;
private String nextContent = null;
private String currentContent = null;
private Long currentOffset = null;
private Long nextOffset = null;
private String currentSpec = null;
private String nextSpec = null;
// this finds the next annotation if there is one and stores it in
// nextAnnotation -- if there is none, store null.
// All the additional information for that annotation is also stored in
// the respective next... fields. Each call to next() sets the
// current... fields to the next... fields and calculates the new next...
// fields (until there is nothing more found).
// All the get... methods return the content of the current... fields
// so, once next() has been called if an annotation is still there,
// all the get... methods can be called as often as wanted to return
// the various pieces of information for the current annotation.
protected void determineNextMatch() {
// at any time, the variables curOffset and curAnnSpec point to the
// offset and annotation specification to process next, except when
// no annotation was found, then curOffset is set to toOffset
// first set nextAnnotation to null, so if we find nothing we already
// have the correct value
nextContent = null;
nextAnnotation = null;
nextOffset = -1l;
nextSpecNo = -1;
nextSpec = null;
//System.out.println("Trying to determine next content curOffset="+curOffset+", toOffset="+toOffset);
while (curOffset < toOffset) {
// lets see if we find an annotation related to curAnnSpec at curOffset
//logger.debug("Checking offset/sec: "+curOffset+"/"+curAnnSpec);
//System.out.println("Iterating at offset="+curOffset+" of "+toOffset+", curAnnSpec="+curAnnSpec+", got="+curOff_Set.size());
AnnotationParm parm = annSpecs.get(curAnnSpec);
String typeName = parm.getTypeName();
Set<String> featureSet = parm.getFeatureSet();
String featureName = parm.getFeatureName();
String constantValue = parm.getConstantValue();
AnnotationSet tmpSet = null;
//logger.debug("Checking specification type/feature: "+typeName+"/"+featureName);
//logger.debug("Annotations in CurAnnSet: "+curOff_Set.size());
if(typeName.equals("@STRING")) {
// if we arrive at this spec, set the content to the character
// at the current position, leave the ann null and advance the
// offset by one and reset the spec number to 0
nextAnnotation = null;
nextSpecNo = curAnnSpec;
nextContent = theDocument.getContent().toString().substring(curOffset,curOffset+1);
nextOffset = new Long(curOffset);
nextSpec = annSpecs.get(nextSpecNo).toString();
curAnnSpec = 0;
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
//System.out.println("B: Going to next offset="+curOffset+" found "+curOff_Set.size());
// TODO: when is this needed? if curOff_Set is empty, only if one
// of the next annSpecs is @String, otherwise we will never get
// something
if(curOff_Set.size() == 0) {
//System.out.println("curOff_Set is empty, get for next annspec");
if(curAnnSpec >= annSpecs.size()) {
curAnnSpec = 0;
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
//System.out.println("C: Going to next offset="+curOffset+" found "+curOff_Set.size());
if(featureSet == null) {
tmpSet = curOff_Set.get(typeName);
} else {
tmpSet = curOff_Set.get(typeName,featureSet);
//logger.debug("Size of tmpSet: "+tmpSet.size());
//System.out.println("After checking for anns, tmpSet has "+tmpSet.size());
if(!tmpSet.isEmpty()) {
// get the longest annotation in the set, but only if it fits
// and ends before toOffset
Annotation ann = null;
int maxlength = -1;
Iterator<Annotation> it = tmpSet.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
Annotation tmpAnn = it.next();
if(Utils.length(tmpAnn) > maxlength &&
tmpAnn.getEndNode().getOffset().intValue() <= toOffset) {
maxlength = Utils.length(tmpAnn);
ann = tmpAnn;
// ann should now contain the longest annotation, or is still null
// if none of the ones found fitted
if(ann == null) {
//logger.debug("Did not find a fitting longest annotation");
//System.out.println("Did not find a fitting longest ann");
if(curAnnSpec >= annSpecs.size()) {
curAnnSpec = 0;
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
//System.out.println("A: Going to next offset="+curOffset+" found "+curOff_Set.size());
String toAppend;
if(constantValue != null) {
toAppend = constantValue;
//logger.debug("Getting constant value");
//System.out.println("Appending constant value: >"+toAppend+"<");
} else if(featureName != null) {
//logger.debug("Getting value for feature "+featureName);
toAppend = ann.getFeatures().get(featureName).toString();
//System.out.println("Appending for feature: "+toAppend);
} else {
//logger.debug("Getting underlying string");
toAppend = Utils.stringFor(theDocument, ann);
//System.out.println("Appending string: "+toAppend);
//logger.debug("Found this content: "+toAppend);
// ann is the annotation we want to pick, so set it
nextAnnotation = ann;
nextSpecNo = curAnnSpec;
nextContent = toAppend;
nextOffset = ann.getStartNode().getOffset();
nextSpec = annSpecs.get(nextSpecNo).toString();
// depending on the parameter settings, advance the offset
if(takeAll) {
// do not advance the offset, just the spec, but if we have
// no more specs, also advance offset
if(curAnnSpec >= annSpecs.size()) {
curAnnSpec = 0;
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
//System.out.println("D: Going to next offset="+curOffset+" found "+curOff_Set.size());
} else if(takeOverlapping) {
// go to next offset and start with parameters all over
curAnnSpec = 0;
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
//System.out.println("E: Going to next offset="+curOffset+" found "+curOff_Set.size());
} else {
// skip after end of currently processed annotation and start with
// specs all over
curOffset += gate.Utils.length(ann);
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
//System.out.println("F: Going to next offset="+curOffset+" found "+curOff_Set.size());
curAnnSpec = 0;
} else {
// nothing found at that offset, try next spec or next offset
if(curAnnSpec >= annSpecs.size()) {
curAnnSpec = 0;
curOff_Set = Utils.getAnnotationsAtOffset(theAnnSet,new Long(curOffset));
//System.out.println("G: Going to next offset="+curOffset+" found "+curOff_Set.size());
* The number of the specification used to find the annotation returned
* by the latest call to {@link #next()}.
* Note that this method must be called AFTER next()!
* @return currentSpecNo - the number of the current annotation.
public int getSpecNo() {
if(currentContent == null) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Method getSpecNo "+ERRMSG);
return currentSpecNo;
public String getContent() {
if(currentContent == null) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Method getContent "+ERRMSG);
return currentContent;
public Long getOffset() {
if(currentContent == null) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Method getOffset "+ERRMSG);
return currentOffset;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextContent != null;
public String getSpec() {
if(currentContent == null) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Method getSpec "+ERRMSG);
return currentSpec;
public Annotation getAnnotation() {
if(currentContent == null) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Method getAnnotation "+ERRMSG);
return currentAnnotation;
public String next() {
currentAnnotation = nextAnnotation;
currentSpecNo = nextSpecNo;
currentContent = nextContent;
currentOffset = nextOffset;
currentSpec = nextSpec;
return currentContent;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove is not supported!");