* AnnotateBySpecPR.java
* This file is is free software, licenced under the
* GNU Library General Public License, Version 2, June 1991.
* See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* $Id: $
package at.ofai.gate.virtualdocuments;
import gate.AnnotationSet;
import gate.Document;
import gate.Factory;
import gate.Annotation;
import gate.FeatureMap;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;
import gate.util.InvalidOffsetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.InvalidNameException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* A class that can be used to extract a string
* (with {@link #getStringForDocument(Document, String)})
* or a sequence of annotations
* (with {@link #getIterator(Document, String)}
* from an annotated document based on a list of annotation specifications
* and a list of processing options which have to be provided when an object of
* this class is created. The annotation specifications describe
* which annotations and features to pick in which order of preference and
* whether to use the document text covered by an annotation, the value
* of a feature of an annotation, or some constant string value in case
* an annotation type or annotation with some feature is found.
* The processing options specify if and how to separate the strings which are
* found based on the annotation specification or how to look for the next
* matching annotation after an annotation has been found.
* <p>
* The annotation specifications list consists of entries as described below,
* where the order of the entries expresses decreasing priority:
* <ul>
* <li>annotationtype - if an annotation type "annotationtype"
* is found, take the text covered by that annotation
* <li>annotationtype->value - this matches in the same way as the previous
* specification but takes the value specified instead of the text covered
* by the annotation.
* is found, take the value specified after the arrow
* <li>annotationtype.featurename - if an annotation of
* type "annotationtype" is found with a non-null value for the feature with
* the name "featurename", take the value of the feature.
* <li>annotationtype.featurename->value - this matches in the same way as
* the previous specification but takes the value specified instead of the
* value of the feature.
* <li>@STRING - if no annotation matches, take the original document text
* until some other higher priority specification matches. This can only be
* reasonably be used as the last entry in the list (since it will always match).
* </ul>
* Note that trailing spaces are not ignored as they may be significant,
* for example for a specification like "SpaceToken-> " which specifies that
* for each SpaceToken annotation a literal space should be generated.
* <p>
* The processing option list consists of entries of the following form,
* in any order:
* <ul>
* <li>takeAll=true|false if true, apply all matching specifications at some
* offset, if false only the one with the highest priority. If there are several
* annotations matching a single specification, only the longest match is
* selected, no matter what this parameter is set to.
* <li>takeOverlapping=true|false if true, try all offsets within a range
* that already matched, if false, proceed to the offset behind the current
* match.
* <li>separator=somestring how to separate the output from different offsets
* <li>separatorSame=someString how to seperate the output that comes from
* identical offsets. If not set, use the same string as for <code>separator</code>.
* <li>terminator=string how to terminate the output string.
* <li>separatorKeyValue=someString if this is specified and not empty, the
* output will have the format "key<someString>value" where key is the
* specification, someString what has been specified for this parameter and
* value the text added to the output.
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note that some of the annotation specifications or processing options do not
* make sense when used with {@link #getIterator}.
* <p>
* Before extracting annotations, the user can request that mappings from
* offsets in the original document to the output string and/or mappings
* from the offsets in the output string back to the original document are
* creating by calling {@link #setGenerateForwardOffsetMap} with parameter true
* and/or {@link #setGenerateBackwardOffsetMap} with parameter true.
* This is implemented as a setter method and not as a processing parameter
* since it is something that the end user in general should not be able to
* influence.
* <p>
* When those maps have been generated, the methods
* {@link #addBackMappedAnnotations} and
* {@link #addForwardMappedAnnotations} (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) can be used
* to transfer annotations from the virtual document to the original document
* or from the original document to the virtual document.
* <p>
* Add the construct !Type and !Type.feature to the specification: if this
* is present and active at an offset, the processing should immediately skip
* to the next candidate offset and not try the remaining specs. The meaning
* of !Type.feature is that there is an annotation type Type present which
* does have a feature map that contains a non-null value for the feature.
* The meaning of just !Type is that there is an annotation of that type
* present. Maybe we should only implement !Type at the moment.
* <ul>
* <li>IMPORTANT: transfer the code to actually create a virtual document
* into this class!
* </ul>
* @author Johann Petrak
public class AnnotatedDocumentTransformer {
private List<AnnotationParm> theAnnotationParms = new ArrayList<AnnotationParm>();
private List<String> originalAnnotationParms;
public Set<String> annotationTypes = new HashSet<String>();
// processing parms
// take all annotations at a single position
private Boolean takeAll = false;
// take all new annotations encountered during annotations that have already
// been processed (overlapping with processed but first at current)
private Boolean takeOverlapping = false;
// The separator between what we take from successive offsets
private String separator = "";
// The separator between what we take from the same offset, if we do
// If null, same as whatever separator has been set or defaults to
private String separatorSame = null;
// What to append at the end of the string extracted from a document
private String terminator = "";
// If specified (not null) a string to insert between a key/value pair
// generated for an annotation (this will not work with @STRING
// this will generate as the keyword the original annotation specification
// and as the value the value returned for that specification
private String separatorKeyValue = null;
private Boolean generateForwardOffsetMap = false;
private Boolean generateBackwardOffsetMap = false;
public Boolean getGenerateForwardOffsetMap() {
return generateForwardOffsetMap;
public Boolean getGenerateBackwardOffsetMap() {
return generateBackwardOffsetMap;
private OffsetMapping theForwardOffsetMapping = null;
public OffsetMapping getForwardOffsetMap() {
return theForwardOffsetMapping;
private OffsetMapping theBackwardOffsetMapping = null;
public OffsetMapping getBackwardOffsetMap() {
return theBackwardOffsetMapping;
// if we do both forward and backward mapping, a set to remember which
// annotations have been forward mapped, so we can avoid to needlessly
// mapping them back
private HashSet<Annotation> forwardMappedAnnotations;
protected Logger logger;
public AnnotatedDocumentTransformer(
List<String> annotationParms,
FeatureMap processingParms,
boolean generateForwardOffsetMap,
boolean generateBackwardOffsetMap)
throws InvalidNameException {
this.generateForwardOffsetMap = generateForwardOffsetMap;
this.generateBackwardOffsetMap = generateBackwardOffsetMap;
// if the annotationParms is null, we have an error
logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
if(annotationParms == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("annotationParms must not be null");
if(annotationParms.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("annotationParms must not be empty");
// if the processing parms is null, create an empty list for it
if(processingParms == null) {
processingParms = Factory.newFeatureMap();
int i = 0;
for(String parm : annotationParms) {
AnnotationParm p = new AnnotationParm(parm);
if(p.getTypeName() != null) {
if(p.getTypeName().equals("@STRING")) {
if(i < annotationParms.size()-1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@STRING can only occur as the last specification");
originalAnnotationParms = new ArrayList<String>(annotationParms);
for(Object keyObject : processingParms.keySet()) {
String key = (String)keyObject;
String val = (String)processingParms.get(keyObject);
if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("takeall")) {
takeAll = Boolean.valueOf(val);
} else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("takeOverlapping")) {
takeOverlapping = Boolean.valueOf(val);
} else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("separator")) {
separator = val;
} else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("separatorSame")) {
separatorSame = val;
} else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("separatorKeyValue")) {
separatorKeyValue = val;
} else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("terminator")) {
terminator = val;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter/value: "+key+"/"+val);
// now, if separatorSame is still null, set it to whatever separator
// is set
if(separatorSame == null) {
separatorSame = separator;
private void initMappings() {
if(generateForwardOffsetMap) {
theForwardOffsetMapping = new ForwardOffsetMapping();
if(generateBackwardOffsetMap) {
theBackwardOffsetMapping = new BackwardOffsetMapping();
if(generateBackwardOffsetMap && generateForwardOffsetMap) {
forwardMappedAnnotations = new HashSet<Annotation>();
public String getStringForDocument(Document aDocument, String annSetName) {
TextForSpecIterator it =
new TextForSpecIterator(aDocument,annSetName,theAnnotationParms, annotationTypes, takeAll, takeOverlapping);
StringBuilder resultString =
new StringBuilder(aDocument.getContent().size().intValue());
boolean first = true;
Long lastOffset = -1l;
int outOffset = 0;
int inOffset = 0;
int sourceLen = 0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
String toAppend = it.next();
Annotation ann = it.getAnnotation();
if(ann == null) { // if @STRING is matched
sourceLen = 1;
} else {
inOffset = ann.getStartNode().getOffset().intValue();
sourceLen = (int)(ann.getEndNode().getOffset() - ann.getStartNode().getOffset());
//sourceLen = Utils.length(ann);
//System.out.println("Got content >"+toAppend+"< annotation: "+ann);
// check if we process the very first part, if yes, no separator
// string (if any is defined) needs to be inserted, otherwise
// insert the one that applies if we are at a new or the same
// offset as before.
if(first) {
first = false;
} else {
if(it.getOffset().equals(lastOffset)) {
addMappings(ann.getEndNode().getOffset().intValue(), outOffset, 0, separatorSame.length(), false);
outOffset += separatorSame.length();
} else {
// TODO: if we get the result of @STRING, ann is null!
// In that case, the
if(ann == null) {
addMappings((int)(it.getOffset()+it.getContent().length()), outOffset, 0, separator.length(), false);
} else {
addMappings(ann.getEndNode().getOffset().intValue(), outOffset, 0, separator.length(), false);
outOffset += separator.length();
lastOffset = it.getOffset();
// insert the actual string as requested and add a mapping for it
if(separatorKeyValue != null) {
int newLength = it.getSpec().length() + separatorKeyValue.length() + toAppend.length();
addMappings(inOffset, outOffset, sourceLen, newLength, false);
} else {
//!System.out.println("Appending: >"+toAppend+"< origOff="+inOffset+" virtOff="+outOffset+" srcLen="+sourceLen);
addMappings(inOffset, outOffset, sourceLen, toAppend.length(), false);
outOffset += toAppend.length();
inOffset += sourceLen;
// finally, append the terminator string, if any
if(terminator != null && !terminator.equals("")) {
//System.out.println("Content sizes old/new: "+aDocument.getContent().size()+"/"+resultString.length());
String tmp = aDocument.getContent().toString().replaceAll("\\n", " ");
//System.out.println("Content old: >"+tmp+"<");
tmp = resultString.toString().replaceAll("\\n", " ");
//System.out.println("Content new: >"+tmp+"<");
if(generateBackwardOffsetMap) {
//System.out.println("backward map generated: "+theBackwardOffsetMapping);
//System.out.println("bwmap from: "+theBackwardOffsetMapping.mapFrom);
//System.out.println("bwmap to: "+theBackwardOffsetMapping.mapTo);
if(generateForwardOffsetMap) {
//System.out.println("forward map generated: "+theForwardOffsetMapping);
//System.out.println("fwmap from: "+theForwardOffsetMapping.mapFrom);
//System.out.println("fwmap to: "+theForwardOffsetMapping.mapTo);
return resultString.toString();
* Return an iterator that can be used to access the annotations according
* to the annotation specification in increasing offset order.
* <p>
* @param doc
* @param annSetName
* @return
public TextForSpecIterator getIterator(Document doc, String annSetName) {
TextForSpecIterator it = new TextForSpecIterator(doc,annSetName,theAnnotationParms,annotationTypes, takeAll, takeOverlapping);
return it;
private void addMappedAnnotation(
AnnotationSet targetSet,
Annotation theAnn,
OffsetMapping offsetMap) {
Long newFrom = offsetMap.getFromLong(theAnn.getStartNode().getOffset());
Long newTo = offsetMap.getToLong(Math.max(theAnn.getEndNode().getOffset()-1,0l));
//!System.out.println("Mapping targetfrom="+newFrom+" targetto="+newTo+" virtfrom="+theAnn.getStartNode().getOffset()+" virtto="+theAnn.getEndNode().getOffset());
// TODO: use a deep copy clone of the original Feature Map instead!?!?
} catch (InvalidOffsetException ex) {
throw new GateRuntimeException(ex);
private void addMappings(int origOffset, int targetOffset, int sourceLen, int targetLen, boolean copy) {
if(generateForwardOffsetMap) {
//System.out.println("Adding forward mapping at "+origOffset+" sourcelength="+sourceLen+" targetLen="+targetLen);
origOffset, sourceLen, targetLen, copy);
if(generateBackwardOffsetMap) {
//System.out.println("Adding backward mapping at "+targetOffset+" sourcelength="+sourceLen+" targetLen="+targetLen);
origOffset, sourceLen, targetLen, copy);
public void addBackMappedAnnotations(Document originalDoc, Document virtualDoc,
List<String> annotationSetsTypes) {
if(!generateBackwardOffsetMap) {
throw new GateRuntimeException(
"Cannot create a backward mapping when backward map creation is disabled");
// TODO: before selecting an annotation to map back, check in
// forwardMappedAnnotations (if non-null) if this annotation is new
// or one of the forward mapped ones. In the latter case, ignore.
if(annotationSetsTypes == null) {
} else {
// go through list of sets and types and process
for (String setType : annotationSetsTypes) {
// if setType contains a dot, assume it is a set name followed by
// a type, otherwise assume it is just a set name
String[] tmp1 = setType.split("\\.",2);
String annotationSetName = tmp1[0];
String annotationTypeName = (tmp1.length == 2) ? tmp1[1] : null;
if(annotationSetName.equals("")) {
annotationSetName = null;
AnnotationSet theAnns = virtualDoc.getAnnotations(annotationSetName);
AnnotationSet targetSet = originalDoc.getAnnotations(annotationSetName);
if(annotationTypeName != null) {
theAnns = theAnns.get(annotationTypeName);
for (Annotation theAnn : theAnns) {
public void addForwardMappedAnnotations(Document originalDoc, Document virtualDoc,
List<String> annotationSetsTypes) {
if(!generateForwardOffsetMap) {
throw new GateRuntimeException(
"Cannot create a forward mapping when forward map creation is disabled");
// For now: if null, do not do anything!
if(annotationSetsTypes == null) {
} else {
for(String setType : annotationSetsTypes) {
// if setType contains a dot, assume it is a set name followed by
// a type, otherwise assume it is just a set name
String[] tmp1 = setType.split("\\.",2);
String annotationSetName = tmp1[0];
String annotationTypeName = (tmp1.length == 2) ? tmp1[1] : null;
if(annotationSetName.equals("")) {
annotationSetName = null;
AnnotationSet theAnns = originalDoc.getAnnotations(annotationSetName);
AnnotationSet targetSet = virtualDoc.getAnnotations(annotationSetName);
if(annotationTypeName != null) {
theAnns = theAnns.get(annotationTypeName);
for (Annotation theAnn : theAnns) {