// Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.ancillary.opt;
import com.google.caja.parser.AncestorChain;
import com.google.caja.parser.MutableParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Block;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.CatchStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Declaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionDeclaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Identifier;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operator;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Reference;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.WithStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.scope.ScopeType;
import com.google.caja.parser.quasiliteral.Scope;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.util.Iterators;
import com.google.caja.util.SafeIdentifierMaker;
import com.google.caja.util.SyntheticAttributeKey;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
* Renames all local variables in scopes not visible to calls to {@code eval}
* to shorten names. This change is semantics preserving on any valid ES 262
* interpreter that throws an {@code EvalError} when {@code eval} is used via an
* alias.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public final class LocalVarRenamer {
private final MessageQueue mq;
* @param mq will receive warnings about scoping oddities.
public LocalVarRenamer(MessageQueue mq) { this.mq = mq; }
private static final SyntheticAttributeKey<ScopeInfo> SCOPE
= new SyntheticAttributeKey<ScopeInfo>(ScopeInfo.class, "scope");
public Block optimize(Block program) {
// Don't modify the input.
program = (Block) program.clone();
// Mark each node with a scope-wrapper that makes it easier to track
// variable usage.
attachScopes(AncestorChain.instance(program), new ScopeInfo(program, mq));
// Walk the tree assigning names efficiently.
// Modify the tree to use the assigned names.
rename(null, program);
return program;
private static boolean attachScopes(AncestorChain<?> ac, ScopeInfo scope) {
// We infect scopes root-wards if we see a problematic construct like
// "eval" or "with" which would change behavior if variables in scope where
// it is declared were renamed.
boolean infected = false;
ParseTreeNode n = ac.node;
n.getAttributes().set(SCOPE, scope);
if (n instanceof FunctionConstructor) {
FunctionConstructor fc = (FunctionConstructor) n;
scope = new ScopeInfo(scope, Scope.fromFunctionConstructor(scope.s, fc));
if (fc.getIdentifierName() != null) {
// A ctor's name is apparent in its scope, unlike a fn declarations name
// which is apparent in the containing scope.
n.getAttributes().set(SCOPE, scope);
} else if (n instanceof CatchStmt) {
CatchStmt cs = (CatchStmt) n;
scope = new ScopeInfo(scope, Scope.fromCatchStmt(scope.s, cs));
// Normally, declaration in a catch block are hoisted to the parent.
// Since the logic below does that, make sure that the exception
// declaration is not hoisted.
scope.decls.add(AncestorChain.instance(ac, cs.getException()));
cs.getException().getAttributes().set(SCOPE, scope);
// And recurse to the body manually so as to avoid recursing to the
// exception declaration.
attachScopes(AncestorChain.instance(ac, cs.getBody()), scope);
return false;
} else if (n instanceof Reference) {
Reference r = (Reference) n;
String rName = r.getIdentifierName();
Scope definingScope = scope.s.thatDefines(rName);
assert (definingScope != null) || scope.s.isOuter(rName) : rName;
scope.uses.add(new Use(scope.withScope(definingScope), rName));
if ("eval".equals(rName)) { infected = true; }
infected = infected || "eval".equals(rName);
} else if (n instanceof Declaration) {
ScopeInfo declaring = scope;
// Hoist out of catch block scopes.
while (declaring.s.getType() == ScopeType.CATCH) {
declaring = declaring.parent;
} else if (n instanceof WithStmt) {
// References inside with(...){} could be variable names or they could
// be property names.
infected = true;
} else if (Operation.is(n, Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS)) {
// Do not let the property name reference be treated as a reference to
// a var or global.
attachScopes(AncestorChain.instance(ac, n.children().get(0)), scope);
return false;
for (ParseTreeNode child : n.children()) {
infected |= attachScopes(AncestorChain.instance(ac, child), scope);
if (infected) { scope.setDynamicUsePossible(); }
return infected;
* @param scope the set of uses of names defined in ancestor scopes in usage
* and its descendants.
private static void assignNames(ScopeInfo scope) {
Set<Use> outerUses = Sets.newHashSet();
addUsedOuters(scope, scope.depth, outerUses);
// Compute the set of names used in this scope and children which cannot
// be masked by newly chosen names.
Set<String> alreadyUsed = Sets.newHashSet(scope.mapping.values());
for (Use u : outerUses) {
String name = u.definingScope != null
? u.definingScope.mapping.get(u.origName) : null;
// Happens if global, or if not renamed because eval is used in an outer
// scope.
if (name == null) { name = u.origName; }
alreadyUsed.add(name != null ? name : u.origName);
Iterator<String> namer = Iterators.filter(
new SafeIdentifierMaker(), alreadyUsed);
for (AncestorChain<Declaration> d : scope.decls) {
String dName = d.node.getIdentifierName();
if (scope.mapping.containsKey(dName)) { continue; } // Skip duplicates
String newName = scope.isDynamicUsePossible() ? dName : namer.next();
scope.mapping.put(dName, newName);
// Allocate names of function constructors in children to make sure
// that, on IE with its weird scoping rules, their names do not collide
// with any locals.
for (ScopeInfo inner : scope.inners) {
for (AncestorChain<FunctionConstructor> f : inner.fns) {
FunctionConstructor fc = f.node;
String fnName = fc.getIdentifierName();
assert fnName != null;
if (inner.mapping.containsKey(fnName)) { continue; } // Skip duplicates
String newName;
if (f.parent.node instanceof FunctionDeclaration) {
// Use the same name as the enclosing function declaration.
newName = scope.mapping.get(fnName);
} else {
// Allocate a new that will not conflict with that of containing
// declaration in the presence of IE's weird scoping rules.
// var foo;
// var bar = function foo() {};
// Now foo is a function!!!
newName = inner.isDynamicUsePossible() ? fnName : namer.next();
inner.mapping.put(fnName, newName);
// Allocate exception names as if they were local function declarations.
// This behavior, where we allocate a scope, and then flatten it, makes
// sure we interpret uses based on user-intent, but generate names that
// do not introduce collisions on IE6 with its broken scoping rules.
if (!inner.isDynamicUsePossible()) {
allocateExceptionNames(inner, namer);
* Work around IE problems where catch block exception variables pollute the
* containing function scope by preallocating the names using the function
* scopes namer. Specifically, on IE,
* <pre>
* (function () {
* var ex = 'from outer';
* try {
* throw 'from try';
* } catch (ex) {
* }
* alert(ex); // alerts 'from try' on IE, 'from outer' according to spec.
* })();
* </pre>
* @param namer generates unique, non-colliding names in the containing
* function scope.
private static void allocateExceptionNames(
ScopeInfo scope, Iterator<String> namer) {
if (scope.s.getType() == ScopeType.CATCH) {
for (AncestorChain<Declaration> d : scope.decls) {
String name = d.node.getIdentifierName();
if (!scope.mapping.containsKey(name)) {
scope.mapping.put(name, namer.next());
for (ScopeInfo inner : scope.inners) {
allocateExceptionNames(inner, namer);
* Compute the set of names defined in containing scopes, used in scope
* and any inner scope.
* <p>
* E.g., in <pre>
* var a, b;
* function f(n) {
* return a + n;
* }
* </pre>
* for the scope of f's body, {@code a} is a used outer, and {@code b} is not
* a used outer since it is not referenced, and {@code n} is not a used outer
* since, although it is used, it is defined in that scope so not an outer.
* @param scope a scope at depth {@code depth} or a scope entirely contained
* by such a scope.
* @param depth the depth of the scope that is considered the current scope.
* @param used receives all outer uses. Modified in place.
private static void addUsedOuters(ScopeInfo scope, int depth, Set<Use> used) {
for (Use u : scope.uses) {
if (u.definingScope == null || u.definingScope.depth < depth) {
for (ScopeInfo c : scope.inners) {
addUsedOuters(c, depth, used);
private static void rename(ParseTreeNode parent, ParseTreeNode n) {
// Walk post order so that function constructors are renamed before any
// function declaration that contains them.
// All the mutation done by this optimizer is done here, and the only
// mutation done is to replace Identifier nodes.
for (ParseTreeNode child : n.children()) {
rename(n, child);
if (n instanceof Reference) {
if (!isMemberAccess(parent, (Reference) n)) {
renameOne((Reference) n);
} else if (n instanceof FunctionConstructor) {
FunctionConstructor fc = (FunctionConstructor) n;
if (fc.getIdentifierName() != null) {
} else if (n instanceof Declaration) {
renameOne((Declaration) n);
private static boolean isMemberAccess(ParseTreeNode parent, Reference ref) {
return parent != null
&& Operation.is(parent, Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS)
&& parent.children().get(1) == ref;
private static void renameOne(MutableParseTreeNode n) {
Identifier id = (Identifier) n.children().get(0);
String origName = id.getName();
ScopeInfo u = n.getAttributes().get(SCOPE);
Scope s = (n instanceof FunctionConstructor)
? u.s : u.s.thatDefines(origName);
if (s != null) { // Will be null for undeclared globals.
String newName = u.withScope(s).mapping.get(origName);
if (!newName.equals(origName)) {
n.replaceChild(new Identifier(id.getFilePosition(), newName), id);