// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.collide.server.documents;
import com.google.collide.dto.DocOp;
import com.google.collide.dto.DocumentSelection;
import com.google.collide.server.documents.VersionedDocument.DocumentOperationException;
import com.google.collide.server.documents.VersionedDocument.VersionedText;
import com.google.collide.server.shared.merge.ConflictChunk;
import com.google.collide.server.shared.merge.MergeChunk;
import com.google.collide.server.shared.merge.MergeResult;
import com.google.collide.server.shared.util.FileHasher;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.Anchor;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.Anchor.ShiftListener;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.AnchorManager;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.AnchorType;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.InsertionPlacementStrategy;
import com.google.collide.shared.ot.DocOpUtils;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import org.vertx.java.core.logging.Logger;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Default implementation of {@link FileEditSession}.
* <p>
* This class is thread-safe.
final class FileEditSessionImpl implements FileEditSession {
* Bundles together a snapshot of the text of this file with any conflict chunks.
private static class VersionedTextAndConflictChunksImpl
VersionedTextAndConflictChunks {
private final VersionedText text;
private final List<AnchoredConflictChunk> conflictChunks;
VersionedText text, List<AnchoredConflictChunk> conflictChunks) {
this.text = text;
this.conflictChunks = conflictChunks;
public VersionedText getVersionedText() {
return text;
public List<AnchoredConflictChunk> getConflictChunks() {
return conflictChunks;
private static class AnchoredConflictChunk extends ConflictChunk {
private static final AnchorType CONFLICT_CHUNK_START_LINE =
AnchorType.create(FileEditSessionImpl.class, "conflictChunkStart");
private static final AnchorType CONFLICT_CHUNK_END_LINE =
AnchorType.create(FileEditSessionImpl.class, "conflictChunkEnd");
public final Anchor startLineAnchor;
public final Anchor endLineAnchor;
public AnchoredConflictChunk(ConflictChunk chunk, VersionedDocument doc) {
super(chunk, chunk.isResolved());
// Add anchors at the conflict regions' boundaries, so their position/size
// gets adjusted automatically as the user enters text in and around them.
startLineAnchor = doc.addAnchor(
CONFLICT_CHUNK_START_LINE, chunk.getStartLine(), AnchorManager.IGNORE_COLUMN);
startLineAnchor.getShiftListenerRegistrar().add(new ShiftListener() {
public void onAnchorShifted(Anchor anchor) {
endLineAnchor =
doc.addAnchor(CONFLICT_CHUNK_END_LINE, chunk.getEndLine(), AnchorManager.IGNORE_COLUMN);
endLineAnchor.getShiftListenerRegistrar().add(new ShiftListener() {
public void onAnchorShifted(Anchor anchor) {
* Given a merge result from the originally conflicted state, construct conflict chunks for it.
private static List<ConflictChunk> constructConflictChunks(MergeResult mergeResult) {
List<ConflictChunk> conflicts = Lists.newArrayList();
for (MergeChunk mergeChunk : mergeResult.getMergeChunks()) {
if (mergeChunk.hasConflict()) {
conflicts.add(new ConflictChunk(mergeChunk));
return conflicts;
* Document that contains the file contents.
private VersionedDocument contents;
/** The list of conflict chunks for this file. */
private final List<AnchoredConflictChunk> conflictChunks = Lists.newArrayList();
* The size and sha1 fields don't actually need to stay in lock-step with the doc contents since
* there's no public API for retrieving a snapshot of both values. Thus, we don't need blocking
* synchronization. We do however need to ensure that updates made by one thread are seen by other
* threads, so they must be declared volatile.
/** Size of the file, in bytes. Lazily computed by {@link #getSize()}. */
private Integer size = null;
/** SHA-1 hash of the file contents. Lazily computed by {@link #getSha1()}. */
private ByteString sha1 = null;
/** CC revision of the document that we last saved */
private int lastSavedCcRevision;
/** CC revision of the document after the last mutation was applied */
private int lastMutationCcRevision;
/** True if the file-edit session has been closed */
private boolean closed = false;
/** When this file edit session was closed. Makes sense only if closed = true. */
private long closedTimeMs;
/** Time that this FileEditSession was created (millis since epoch) */
private final long createdAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
private OnCloseListener onCloseListener;
/** The ID of the resource this edit session is opened for. */
private final String resourceId;
private final Logger logger;
protected String lastSavedPath;
* Constructs a {@link FileEditSessionImpl} for a file.
* @param resourceId the identifier for the resource we are editing.
* @param initialContents the initial contents of the file
* @param mergeResult if non-null the merge info related to the out of date
FileEditSessionImpl(String resourceId, String path, String initialContents,
@Nullable MergeResult mergeResult, Logger logger) {
this.resourceId = resourceId;
this.lastSavedPath = path;
this.logger = logger;
this.contents = new VersionedDocument(initialContents, logger);
if (mergeResult != null) {
// Construct conflict chunks.
List<ConflictChunk> chunks = constructConflictChunks(mergeResult);
this.contents = new VersionedDocument(mergeResult.getMergedText(), logger);
if (chunks.size() == 0) {
logger.error(String.format("Non-null MergeResult passed to FileEditSession for file that"
+ " should have merged cleanly: [%s]", this));
for (ConflictChunk chunk : chunks) {
this.conflictChunks.add(new AnchoredConflictChunk(chunk, contents));
this.lastSavedCcRevision = contents.getCcRevision();
this.lastMutationCcRevision = 0;
logger.debug(String.format("FileEditSession [%s] was created at [%d]", this, createdAt));
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
if (!closed) {
String.format("FileEditSession [%s] finalized without being closed first", this));
} catch (Throwable thrown) {
String.format("Uncaught Throwable in FileEditSessionImpl.finalize of [%s]", this),
} finally {
private void checkNotClosed() {
if (closed) {
throw new FileEditSessionClosedException(resourceId, closedTimeMs);
public void close() {
// if already closed, do nothing and silently return
if (!closed) {
closed = true;
closedTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// TODO: Maybe change the semantics of this method to block until
// all outstanding calls to other methods guarded by checkNotClosed()
// finish. IncrementableCountDownLatch would do the trick.
if (hasChanges()) {
logger.warn(String.format("FileEditSession [%s] closed while dirty", this));
if (onCloseListener != null) {
public synchronized void setOnCloseListener(OnCloseListener listener) {
if (this.onCloseListener != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("One listener already registered.");
this.onCloseListener = listener;
public VersionedDocument.ConsumeResult consume(List<DocOp> docOps, String authorClientId,
int intendedCcRevision, DocumentSelection selection) throws DocumentOperationException {
boolean containsMutation = DocOpUtils.containsMutation(docOps);
VersionedDocument.ConsumeResult result =
contents.consume(docOps, authorClientId, intendedCcRevision, selection);
if (containsMutation) {
lastMutationCcRevision = contents.getCcRevision();
// Reset the cached size and SHA-1. We'll wait until someone actually calls getSize() or
// getSha1() to recompute them.
size = null;
sha1 = null;
return result;
private String getText() {
return contents.asText().text;
public String getContents() {
return getText();
public int getCcRevision() {
return lastMutationCcRevision;
public int getSize() {
if (size == null) {
try {
size = getText().getBytes("UTF-8").length;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// UTF-8 is a charset required by Java spec, per javadoc of
// java.nio.charset.Charset, so this can't happen.
throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 not supported in this JVM?!", e);
return size;
public ByteString getSha1() {
if (sha1 == null) {
sha1 = FileHasher.getSha1(getText());
return sha1;
public VersionedDocument getDocument() {
return contents;
public String getFileEditSessionKey() {
// probably ok to call on a closed FileEditSession
return resourceId;
public boolean hasChanges() {
return lastSavedCcRevision < lastMutationCcRevision;
public void save(String currentPath) throws IOException {
if (currentPath == null) {
logger.fatal(String.format("We do do not know the path for edit session [%s]!", this));
// Get a consistent snapshot of the raw text and conflict chunks
VersionedTextAndConflictChunksImpl snapshot = getContentsAndConflictChunks();
String text = snapshot.getVersionedText().text;
List<AnchoredConflictChunk> conflictChunks = snapshot.getConflictChunks();
if (hasUnresolvedConflictChunks(conflictChunks)) {
// TODO: There are conflict chunks in this file that need resolving.
saveConflictChunks(currentPath, text, conflictChunks);
} else {
// Remove all conflict chunk anchors from the document
for (AnchoredConflictChunk conflict : conflictChunks) {
saveChanges(currentPath, text);
lastSavedCcRevision = snapshot.getVersionedText().ccRevision;
lastSavedPath = currentPath;
logger.debug(String.format("Saved file [%s]", this));
private void saveChanges(String path, String text) throws IOException {
* TODO: what we really should do is track lastModified. Then we can lock,
* check the lastModified, and merge in any local FS changes that happened
* since we last saved.
* We should also listen on "documents.fileSystemEvents" for to get
* notified instantly when the FS version changes, so we can eagerly apply
* the delta and push to clients.
logger.debug(String.format("Saving file [%s]", path));
File file = new File(path);
Files.write(text, file, Charsets.UTF_8);
private void saveConflictChunks(
String path, String text, List<AnchoredConflictChunk> conflictChunks) {
// TODO: Write the conflict chunks to some out of band location.
public List<ConflictChunk> getConflictChunks() {
return Lists.newArrayList((Iterable<? extends ConflictChunk>) conflictChunks);
public VersionedTextAndConflictChunksImpl getContentsAndConflictChunks() {
return new VersionedTextAndConflictChunksImpl(contents.asText(), Lists.newArrayList(
public boolean resolveConflictChunk(int chunkIndex) throws IOException {
AnchoredConflictChunk chunk = conflictChunks.get(chunkIndex);
if (chunk.isResolved()) {
* This chunk can't be resolved because it is already resolved. This can happen if another
* collaborator resolved the chunk, but this client did not get the notification until they
* sent their own resolve message.
return false;
logger.debug(String.format("Resolved conflict #%d in file [%s]", chunkIndex, this));
* Immediately save the file.
* TODO: how to store chunk resolution?
// TODO: Resolve path prior to calling save.
return true;
public boolean hasUnresolvedConflictChunks() {
return hasUnresolvedConflictChunks(getConflictChunks());
private static boolean hasUnresolvedConflictChunks(List<? extends ConflictChunk> conflictChunks) {
for (ConflictChunk conflict : conflictChunks) {
if (!conflict.isResolved()) {
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
return resourceId;
public String getSavedPath() {
return lastSavedPath;