// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.collide.client.editor;
import com.google.collide.client.util.logging.Log;
import com.google.collide.json.shared.JsonArray;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.Document;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.Line;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.LineInfo;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.Anchor;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.AnchorManager;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.AnchorType;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.anchor.Anchor.RemovalStrategy;
import com.google.collide.shared.util.SortedList;
import com.google.collide.shared.util.ListenerRegistrar.Remover;
import com.google.collide.shared.util.SortedList.OneWayIntComparator;
* This class takes care of mapping between the different coordinates used by
* the editor. The two supported systems are:
* <ul>
* <li>Offset (x,y) - in pixels, relative to the top left of line 0 in the
* current document.
* <li>Line (line, column) - the real line number and column, taking into
* account spacer objects in between lines. Lines and columns are 0-indexed.
* </ul>
class CoordinateMap implements Document.LineListener {
interface DocumentSizeProvider {
float getEditorCharacterWidth();
int getEditorLineHeight();
void handleSpacerHeightChanged(Spacer spacer, int oldHeight);
private static class OffsetCache {
private static final SortedList.Comparator<OffsetCache> COMPARATOR =
new SortedList.Comparator<OffsetCache>() {
public int compare(OffsetCache a, OffsetCache b) {
return a.offset - b.offset;
private static final SortedList.OneWayIntComparator<OffsetCache> Y_OFFSET_ONE_WAY_COMPARATOR =
new SortedList.OneWayIntComparator<OffsetCache>() {
public int compareTo(OffsetCache s) {
return value - s.offset;
private static final SortedList.OneWayIntComparator<OffsetCache> LINE_NUMBER_ONE_WAY_COMPARATOR
= new SortedList.OneWayIntComparator<OffsetCache>() {
public int compareTo(OffsetCache s) {
return value - s.lineNumber;
private final int offset;
private final int height;
private final int lineNumber;
private OffsetCache(int offset, int lineNumber, int height) {
this.offset = offset;
this.height = height;
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
private static final OffsetCache BEGINNING_EMPTY_OFFSET_CACHE = new OffsetCache(0, 0, 0);
private static final AnchorType SPACER_ANCHOR_TYPE = AnchorType.create(CoordinateMap.class,
private static final Spacer.Comparator SPACER_COMPARATOR = new Spacer.Comparator();
private static final Spacer.OneWaySpacerComparator SPACER_ONE_WAY_COMPARATOR =
new Spacer.OneWaySpacerComparator();
/** Used by {@link #getPrecedingOffsetCache(int, int)} */
private static final int IGNORE = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private Document document;
private DocumentSizeProvider documentSizeProvider;
/** List of offset cache items, sorted by the offset */
private SortedList<OffsetCache> offsetCache;
* True if there is at least one spacer in the editor, false otherwise (false
* means a simple height / line height calculation can be used)
private boolean requiresMapping;
/** Sorted by line number */
private SortedList<Spacer> spacers;
/** Summation of all spacers' heights */
private int totalSpacerHeight;
/** Remover for listener */
private Remover documentLineListenerRemover;
CoordinateMap(DocumentSizeProvider documentSizeProvider) {
this.documentSizeProvider = documentSizeProvider;
requiresMapping = false;
int convertYToLineNumber(int y) {
if (y < 0) {
return 0;
int lineHeight = documentSizeProvider.getEditorLineHeight();
if (!requiresMapping) {
return y / lineHeight;
OffsetCache precedingOffsetCache = getPrecedingOffsetCache(y, IGNORE);
int precedingOffsetCacheBottom = precedingOffsetCache.offset + precedingOffsetCache.height;
int lineNumberRelativeToOffsetCacheLine = (y - precedingOffsetCacheBottom) / lineHeight;
if (y < precedingOffsetCacheBottom) {
// y is inside the spacer
return precedingOffsetCache.lineNumber;
} else {
return precedingOffsetCache.lineNumber + lineNumberRelativeToOffsetCacheLine;
* Returns the top of the given line.
int convertLineNumberToY(int lineNumber) {
int lineHeight = documentSizeProvider.getEditorLineHeight();
if (!requiresMapping) {
return lineNumber * lineHeight;
OffsetCache precedingOffsetCache = getPrecedingOffsetCache(IGNORE, lineNumber);
int precedingOffsetCacheBottom = precedingOffsetCache.offset + precedingOffsetCache.height;
int offsetRelativeToOffsetCacheBottom =
(lineNumber - precedingOffsetCache.lineNumber) * lineHeight;
return precedingOffsetCacheBottom + offsetRelativeToOffsetCacheBottom;
* Returns the first {@link OffsetCache} that is positioned less than or equal
* to {@code y} or {@code lineNumber}. This methods fills the
* {@link #offsetCache} if necessary ensuring the returned {@link OffsetCache}
* is up-to-date.
* @param y the y, or {@link #IGNORE} if looking up by {@code lineNumber}
* @param lineNumber the line number, or {@link #IGNORE} if looking up by
* {@code y}
private OffsetCache getPrecedingOffsetCache(int y, int lineNumber) {
assert (y != IGNORE && lineNumber == IGNORE) || (lineNumber != IGNORE && y == IGNORE);
final int lineHeight = documentSizeProvider.getEditorLineHeight();
OffsetCache previousOffsetCache;
if (y != IGNORE) {
previousOffsetCache =
getCachedPrecedingOffsetCacheImpl(OffsetCache.Y_OFFSET_ONE_WAY_COMPARATOR, y);
} else {
previousOffsetCache =
getCachedPrecedingOffsetCacheImpl(OffsetCache.LINE_NUMBER_ONE_WAY_COMPARATOR, lineNumber);
if (previousOffsetCache == null) {
if (spacers.size() > 0 && spacers.get(0).getLineNumber() == 0) {
previousOffsetCache = createOffsetCache(0, 0, spacers.get(0).getHeight());
} else {
* Optimization so the common case that the target has previously been
* computed requires no more computation
int offsetCacheSize = offsetCache.size();
if (offsetCacheSize > 0
&& isTargetEarlierThanOffsetCache(y, lineNumber, offsetCache.get(offsetCacheSize - 1))) {
return previousOffsetCache;
// This will return this offset cache's matching spacer
int spacerPos = getPrecedingSpacerIndex(previousOffsetCache.lineNumber);
* We want the spacer following this offset cache's spacer, or the first
* spacer if none were found
for (int n = spacers.size(); spacerPos < n; spacerPos++) {
Spacer curSpacer = spacers.get(spacerPos);
int previousOffsetCacheBottom = previousOffsetCache.offset + previousOffsetCache.height;
int simpleLinesHeight =
(curSpacer.getLineNumber() - previousOffsetCache.lineNumber) * lineHeight;
if (simpleLinesHeight == 0) {
Log.warn(Spacer.class, "More than one spacer on line " + previousOffsetCache.lineNumber);
// Create an offset cache for this spacer
OffsetCache curOffsetCache =
createOffsetCache(previousOffsetCacheBottom + simpleLinesHeight,
curSpacer.getLineNumber(), curSpacer.getHeight());
if (isTargetEarlierThanOffsetCache(y, lineNumber, curOffsetCache)) {
return previousOffsetCache;
previousOffsetCache = curOffsetCache;
return previousOffsetCache;
* Returns the {@link OffsetCache} instance in list that has the greatest
* value less than or equal to the given {@code value}. Returns null if there
* isn't one.
* This should only be used by {@link #getPrecedingOffsetCache(int, int)}.
private OffsetCache getCachedPrecedingOffsetCacheImpl(
OneWayIntComparator<OffsetCache> comparator, int value) {
int index = offsetCache.findInsertionIndex(comparator, false);
return index >= 0 ? offsetCache.get(index) : null;
private boolean isTargetEarlierThanOffsetCache(int y, int lineNumber, OffsetCache offsetCache) {
return ((y != IGNORE && y < offsetCache.offset) ||
(lineNumber != IGNORE && lineNumber < offsetCache.lineNumber));
private OffsetCache createOffsetCache(int offset, int lineNumber, int height) {
OffsetCache createdOffsetCache = new OffsetCache(offset, lineNumber, height);
return createdOffsetCache;
private int getPrecedingSpacerIndex(int lineNumber) {
return spacers.findInsertionIndex(SPACER_ONE_WAY_COMPARATOR, false);
* Adds a spacer above the given lineInfo line with height heightPx and
* returns the created Spacer object.
* @param lineInfo the line before which the spacer will be inserted
* @param height the height in pixels of the spacer
Spacer createSpacer(LineInfo lineInfo, int height, Buffer buffer, String cssClass) {
int lineNumber = lineInfo.number();
// create an anchor on the current line
Anchor anchor =
document.getAnchorManager().createAnchor(SPACER_ANCHOR_TYPE, lineInfo.line(), lineNumber,
// account for the height of the line the spacer is on
Spacer spacer = new Spacer(anchor, height, this, buffer, cssClass);
totalSpacerHeight += height;
requiresMapping = true;
return spacer;
boolean removeSpacer(Spacer spacer) {
int lineNumber = spacer.getLineNumber();
if (spacers.remove(spacer)) {
totalSpacerHeight -= spacer.getHeight();
invalidateLineNumberAndFollowing(lineNumber - 1);
return true;
return false;
void handleDocumentChange(Document document) {
if (documentLineListenerRemover != null) {
this.document = document;
spacers = new SortedList<Spacer>(SPACER_COMPARATOR);
offsetCache =
new SortedList<OffsetCache>(OffsetCache.COMPARATOR);
documentLineListenerRemover = document.getLineListenerRegistrar().add(this);
requiresMapping = false; // starts with no items in list
totalSpacerHeight = 0;
public void onLineAdded(Document document, int lineNumber, JsonArray<Line> addedLines) {
public void onLineRemoved(Document document, int lineNumber, JsonArray<Line> removedLines) {
* Call this after any line changes (adding/deleting lines, changing line
* heights). Only invalidate (delete) cache items >= lineNumber, don't
* recalculate.
void invalidateLineNumberAndFollowing(int lineNumber) {
int insertionIndex = offsetCache.findInsertionIndex(OffsetCache.LINE_NUMBER_ONE_WAY_COMPARATOR);
private void updateRequiresMapping() {
// check to change active status
requiresMapping = spacers.size() > 0;
int getTotalSpacerHeight() {
return totalSpacerHeight;
void handleSpacerHeightChanged(Spacer spacer, int oldHeight) {
totalSpacerHeight -= oldHeight;
totalSpacerHeight += spacer.getHeight();
documentSizeProvider.handleSpacerHeightChanged(spacer, oldHeight);