package util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import entity.ImageItem;
import entity.User;
public class ItemHelper {
* Get `number` ImageItem-s from the datastore sorted by rating.
* Optionally filters by a single tag.
* @param offset
* @param number
* @param tag, optional
* @return
public static List<ImageItem> getLadder(int offset, int number, String tag)
Query query = new Query("ImageItem");
//filter by tag?
if(tag != null)
query.addFilter(tag + "Tag", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, true);
query.addSort("rating", SortDirection.DESCENDING);
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(query);
List<Entity> results = pq.asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(number).offset(offset));
List<ImageItem> ret = new ArrayList<ImageItem>();
for(Entity e: results)
ret.add(new ImageItem(e));
//System.out.println("Have " + ret.size());
return ret;
public static List<ImageItem> getItemsForDuel(int numItems) {
int numRandomItems = numItems / 2;
int numNewItems = numItems - numRandomItems;
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Query q = new Query("ImageItem");
q.addSort("num_duels", SortDirection.ASCENDING);
PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
List<Entity> duelingList = pq.asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(numNewItems));
q = new Query("__Stat_Kind__");
q.addFilter("kind_name", FilterOperator.EQUAL, "ImageItem");
Entity summary = ds.prepare(q).asSingleEntity();
System.out.println("QQQsummary = " + summary);
Long totalEntities = 100L;
if(summary != null){totalEntities = (Long)summary.getProperty("count");}
while (duelingList.size() < numItems) {
int randomIndex = (int)(Math.random() * totalEntities);
Entity randomItem = pq.asQueryResultList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(numRandomItems).offset(randomIndex)).get(0);
if (!duelingList.contains(randomItem)) {
List<ImageItem> itemList = new ArrayList<ImageItem>();
for (Entity e : duelingList) {
itemList.add(new ImageItem(e));
return itemList;
public static List<ImageItem> getRandomItems(int numItems) {
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Query q = new Query("ImageItem");
PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
List<Entity> allEntities = ds.prepare(q).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withDefaults());
int totalEntities = allEntities.size();
// if more items are requested than exist, only return how many exist
if (totalEntities < numItems) {
numItems = totalEntities;
List<Entity> randomItemList = new ArrayList<Entity>();
while (randomItemList.size() < numItems) {
int randomIndex = (int)(Math.random() * totalEntities);
Entity randomItem = pq.asQueryResultList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1).offset(randomIndex)).get(0);
if (!randomItemList.contains(randomItem)) {
List<ImageItem> itemList = new ArrayList<ImageItem>();
for (Entity e : randomItemList) {
itemList.add(new ImageItem(e));
return itemList;
public static List<ImageItem> getRandomItems(int numItems, String tag) {
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Query q = new Query("ImageItem");
if(tag != null)
q.addFilter(tag + "Tag", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, true);
List<Entity> allEntities = ds.prepare(q).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withDefaults());
int totalEntities = allEntities.size();
// if more items are requested than exist, only return how many exist
if (totalEntities < numItems) {
numItems = totalEntities;
List<Entity> randomItemList = new ArrayList<Entity>();
while (randomItemList.size() < numItems) {
int randomIndex = (int)(Math.random() * totalEntities);
if(tag != null)
q.addFilter(tag + "Tag", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, true);
List<Entity> randomItem = ds.prepare(q).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1).offset(randomIndex));
if (randomItem.size() != 0 && !randomItemList.contains(randomItem.get(0))) {
List<ImageItem> itemList = new ArrayList<ImageItem>();
for (Entity e : randomItemList) {
itemList.add(new ImageItem(e));
return itemList;
public static List<ImageItem> getRandomItems(int numItems, String tag, ImageItem excludeItem) {
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Query q = new Query("ImageItem");
if(tag != null)
q.addFilter(tag + "Tag", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, true);
List<Entity> allEntities = ds.prepare(q).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withDefaults());
int totalEntities = allEntities.size();
// if more items are requested than exist, only return how many exist
if (totalEntities <= numItems) {
numItems = totalEntities-1;
List<Entity> randomItemList = new ArrayList<Entity>();
while (randomItemList.size() < numItems) {
int randomIndex = (int)(Math.random() * totalEntities);
if(tag != null)
q.addFilter(tag + "Tag", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, true);
List<Entity> randomItem = ds.prepare(q).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1).offset(randomIndex));
if (randomItem.size() != 0 && !randomItemList.contains(randomItem.get(0))) {
if (excludeItem == null) {
} else if (!(excludeItem.getUrl().equals(randomItem.get(0).getKey().getName())) ) {
List<ImageItem> itemList = new ArrayList<ImageItem>();
for (Entity e : randomItemList) {
itemList.add(new ImageItem(e));
return itemList;
* Helper method that calculates ELO adjustment, using a slightly modified version of the FIDE formula
* @param r1, rating of player1
* @param r2, rating of player2
* @param winner, true is player1 won; false if player2 won
public static int calcEloAdjustment(int r1, int r2, boolean winner) {
int max_adj = 32;
double multiplier = 1.0;
if (winner)
multiplier = (1/(1+Math.pow(10.0,(r1-r2)/400.0)));
multiplier = (1/(1+Math.pow(10.0,(r2-r1)/400.0)));
int adjustment = (int)Math.round(max_adj * multiplier);
return adjustment;
/* adjust the stats of two items given a winner */
public static void adjustStats(ImageItem i1, ImageItem i2, User u1, User u2, boolean winner) {
int r1 = i1.getRating();
int r2 = i2.getRating();
int adjustment = calcEloAdjustment(r1, r2, winner);
if (winner) {
} else {
/* given the resulting ordering of a battle, commit changes to respective ratings */
public static void resolveDuel(List<String> itemList) {
ImageItem [] items = new ImageItem[4];
User [] users = new User[4];
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
items[i] = ImageItem.get(itemList.get(i));
users[i] = User.get(items[i].getUser());
adjustStats(items[0], items[1], users[0], users[1], true);
adjustStats(items[0], items[2], users[0], users[2], true);
adjustStats(items[0], items[3], users[0], users[3], true);
adjustStats(items[1], items[2], users[1], users[2], true);
adjustStats(items[1], items[3], users[1], users[3], true);
adjustStats(items[2], items[3], users[2], users[3], true);
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
public static ImageItem[] loadStatic(int batchNum) {
ArrayList<String[]> itemData = new ArrayList<String[]>();
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Baby leopards?", "", "cat|pets", "1729", "18", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Stray porch kitty", "", "cat|pets", "1568", "11", "KindlyKitty"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Struttin'", "", "cat", "1366", "5", "CrazyCatLady"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Ebay Stray Kitten", "", "cat", "1483", "8", "AdorableAl"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Captain Cat", "", "cat", "1718", "9", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Downcast Fuzzball", "", "dog", "1253", "18", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Drink Up", "", "cat|pets", "1435", "11", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Blissful comfort", "", "cat", "1336", "13", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I sleep how I wants", "", "cat", "1409", "18", "TheCuteConnoisseur"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Jazz Hand Cat", "", "cat", "1516", "17", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Bathtime sadness", "", "cat", "1644", "2", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " She fought the shoe and the shoe won", "", "cat", "1434", "19", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " aTitle16", "", "", "1504", "20", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Family Cat Photography", "", "cat|pets", "1755", "20", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Here's looking at you", "", "cat|pets", "1702", "18", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I'm a pine cone", "", "wildlife", "1442", "8", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I've fallen and I can't get up!", "", "wildlife", "1321", "4", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " What's up doc?", "", "wildlife", "1474", "3", "dtm988"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Tomatoes give you peace", "", "cat|pets", "1581", "3", "KindlyKitty"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " To the moon!", "", "wildlife", "1370", "9", "PuppyOverload"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Why does this egg feel so large?", "", "dog|bird", "1357", "20", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Feeding the Managerie", "", "pets", "1493", "5", "KindlyKitty"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " My teddy pig...", "", "wildlife", "1319", "2", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Best buds", "", "pets|bird", "1309", "8", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Aww...", "", "cat|pets", "1233", "16", "KindlyKitty"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Battle helmets...on!", "", "wildlife", "1238", "1", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Bwahahaha!!!", "", "", "1509", "20", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Yin-yang", "", "cat|pets", "1690", "3", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " What'ya looking at?", "", "cat|pets", "1372", "16", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Yo! What's up?", "", "dog|pets", "1541", "12", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Please get me out of this dirty place!", "", "cat|pets", "1415", "5", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The bleached managerie and its newest member!", "", "cat|dog|pets", "1510", "16", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " We're going to need more cats...", "", "cat|pets", "1288", "20", "AdorableAl"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " My kitty to hold", "", "human|cat|pets", "1723", "6", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Bear return", "", "pets", "1254", "7", "CrazyCatLady"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " He doesn't know...", "", "cat|wildlife", "1485", "3", "CrazyCatLady"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Let me at 'em!", "", "cat|dog|pets", "1305", "2", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " What is this all about?", "", "dog|pets", "1608", "4", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Keepsake turtle", "", "pets", "1521", "12", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Shh...", "", "cat|pets", "1418", "9", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I'm Super Bird!", "", "wildlife|bird", "1372", "17", "TheCuteConnoisseur"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " All heil the kitty!", "", "cat|pets", "1732", "12", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Pileup on the kitty freeway", "", "cat|pets", "1278", "10", "Awwdorable"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Here's your cat", "", "wildlife|cat", "1553", "4", "Awwdorable"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Tail-tagging along", "", "cat|dog|pets", "1446", "19", "Awwdorable"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The Express Bus", "", "wildlife", "1699", "3", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Kitty kitty", "", "cat", "1739", "14", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Model cat", "", "cat|pets", "1649", "1", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Here's how it's going to go down...", "", "dog|pets", "1658", "17", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Top hat cat", "", "cat|pets", "1330", "12", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Attack of the killer bubble cat!", "", "cat|human", "1413", "1", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Teddy bear for all ages", "", "cat|pets", "1703", "3", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Bunny Yoga", "", "pets", "1743", "3", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Yeah--- leaf!", "", "wildlife", "1759", "2", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " This is a flower-- right?", "", "wildlife", "1372", "3", "KindlyKitty"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " High one!", "", "cat|human|pets", "1471", "13", "KindlyKitty"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " We shouldn't have eaten so much....", "", "wildlife", "1622", "14", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The AT&T Free Cat Offer!", "", "cat|pets", "1620", "6", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Honey-- I blew up the cat!", "", "cat|pets", "1264", "12", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The Cat Rug", "", "cat|pets", "1587", "14", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Tasting the meal", "", "cat|dog|pets", "1672", "13", "PuppyOverload"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I'm fat-- but I'm cold", "", "cat|dog", "1226", "13", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Next Shrek film", "", "", "", "", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Missing doll-- what missing doll?", "", "cat|pets", "1307", "10", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Get away from my kid!", "", "cat|pets", "1275", "1", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Ducks on the duck boat", "", "wildlife", "1300", "19", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Another one of Bambi's friends", "", "wildlife|cats", "1358", "15", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Oh-- why did I look down?", "", "cat|pets", "1511", "17", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Mr. Whiskers", "", "cat|pets", "1404", "10", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Cat on Deck", "", "cat", "1502", "5", "AdorableAl"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Chillaxing...", "", "cat|pets", "1727", "20", "AdorableAl"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Dude-- you're supposed to catch me!", "", "wildlife", "1628", "1", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Cuddling Cutie Cats", "", "cat|pets", "1634", "1", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Siamese Triplet Cats", "", "cat|pets", "1349", "18", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Nap Time", "", "cat|pets", "1791", "2", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I'm the next elmo", "", "cat|pets", "1283", "9", "PuppyOverload"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I'm trapped!", "", "human|cat", "1342", "10", "PuppyOverload"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Really Flat Cat", "", "cat|pets", "1753", "13", "PuppyOverload"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Felled Over", "", "pets", "1628", "13", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Nighty Night", "", "cat|pets", "1301", "10", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " March of the Pandas", "", "wildlife", "1638", "8", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Cuddle with me", "", "cat|pets", "1275", "14", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Tongue", "", "cat|pets", "1223", "13", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " A bowl of kitty", "", "cat|pets", "1488", "11", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " A dog", "", "dog", "1678", "8", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Basket Case Cats", "", "cat|pets", "1509", "9", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Cat Supplication", "", "cat|pets", "1356", "20", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I dont' care if it's just a head-- it's my doll!", "", "cat|pets", "1251", "16", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Bubble Bathtime", "", "pets", "1461", "1", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " So relaxed", "", "cat|pets", "1486", "17", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The cat ladder", "", "cat|pets", "1545", "17", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I love you mom", "", "cat|pets", "1476", "3", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Sunlight! Finally!", "", "wildlife", "1785", "14", "Awwdorable"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Cathernet", "", "cat|pets", "1683", "13", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Oh Yeah!", "", "cat|human|pets", "1567", "15", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " There's always the odd one out", "", "cat|pets", "1663", "6", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Duck gym class", "", "wildlife", "1674", "12", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " nom nom nom", "", "wildlife", "1638", "19", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " A Dog and his kitty", "", "dog|cat|pets", "1664", "18", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Chocolate-claw cat", "", "cat|pets", "1645", "14", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Get him off of me!", "", "cat|pets", "1313", "2", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Corn", "", "", "", "", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Hot Dog Wrap", "", "dog|pets", "1321", "16", "AdorableAl"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Bah!", "", "cat", "1654", "17", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Easter Bonnet Cat", "", "cat", "1572", "13", "TheCuteConnoisseur"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The Wolf Inside", "", "dog|wildlife", "1314", "2", "TheCuteConnoisseur"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The Cat Cave", "", "cat|pets", "1796", "11", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " 1st Rule of the Buddy System", "", "cat|pets", "1505", "15", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Jekyll and Hyde", "", "cat|pets", "1633", "3", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Bosely Medical Center for Ear Restoration", "", "dog|pets", "1251", "20", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Yawn....", "", "cat", "1335", "6", "ravishrestha01"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Yum yum", "", "cat|pets", "1745", "19", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Coming soon to a tree near you...", "", "wildlife", "1253", "7", "aCuriousTA"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I've heard of computer bugs before-- but this?", "", "cat|pets", "1495", "1", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Cat as a Hat", "", "cat|pets|human", "1317", "18", "PuppyOverload"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Cat on Dog", "", "cat|dog|pets", "1462", "5", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Can someone color me in?", "", "cat|pets", "1436", "20", "AdorableAl"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The Dog as Zerg", "", "dog|pets", "1290", "7", "AdorableAl"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The Sleeping Monks", "", "pets", "1584", "6", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " A flower for you-- pal!", "", "dog|pets", "1663", "18", "KindlyKitty"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I bite my fingernails when I sleep", "", "cat|pets", "1502", "7", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Pick of the Litter", "", "dog|pets", "1464", "6", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The new Kermit the Dog", "", "dog|pets", "1326", "20", "PuppyOverload"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Come inside and think about what you've done...", "", "dog|pets", "1646", "9", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Ice Weasel", "", "wildlife", "1315", "2", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The A Team", "", "pets|cat", "1563", "5", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I was jumping...", "", "dog|pets", "1597", "4", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Synchronized Napping", "", "cat|pets", "1739", "14", "TheCuteConnoisseur"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " I'm bored...", "", "cat", "1568", "11", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Boyfriend and Girlfriend", "", "cat|dog|pets", "1395", "14", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Boo!", "", "cat", "1698", "4", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Being Close to Your Food", "", "dog|pets", "1354", "1", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Kleenex Cat", "", "cat|pets", "1605", "4", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " The Leopard Cat", "", "cat", "1377", "11", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Staring Contest", "", "cat|pets", "1375", "1", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Doggy Swing Set", "", "dog|pets", "1359", "10", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Here's the sun-- little kitty", "", "cat|pets", "1214", "9", "TheCuteConnoisseur"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " My doll is in there", "", "cat|pets", "1548", "15", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Elephant Cast", "", "human|wildlife", "1268", "15", "Awwdorable"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Whoa", "", "cat", "1742", "8", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", " Kitty Wristwatch", "", "cat|human|pets", "1729", "8", "inaset33"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Hungry Birds!", "", "bird", "1721", "8", "BirdWatcher"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Waddling Penguin", "", "bird", "1618", "4", "BirdWatcher"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Pyramid of Birds", "", "bird", "1320", "9", "BirdWatcher"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Fed at her expense", "", "bird", "1556", "3", "BirdWatcher"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Odd one out", "", "bird", "1801", "12", "BirdWatcher"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Just a baby bird", "", "bird", "1301", "6", "BirdWatcher"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Squirrels spooning", "", "wildlife", "1221", "9", "NatureLover"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Puppy Love", "", "human|pets", "1123", "8", "BabyLoader"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Confusing baby", "", "human|dog|pets", "1421", "11", "BabyLoader"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "NapTime", "", "human|cat|pets", "1500", "14", "BabyLoader"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Nuzzling Rabit", "", "human|wildlife", "1345", "17", "BabyLoader"});
itemData.add(new String[] {"", "Love and Loyalty", "", "human|dog|pets", "1291", "3", "BabyLoader"});
ImageItem[] itemArray = new ImageItem[itemData.size()];
if (batchNum == 1) {
for (int kk = 0; kk < 40; kk++) {
String[] item = itemData.get(kk);
try {
itemArray[kk] = new ImageItem(
item[3].contains("cat") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("dog") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("bird") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("pets") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("wildlife") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("human") ? true : false,
item[4] == "" ? 1500 : Integer.parseInt(item[4]),
item[5] == "" ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(item[5]),
} catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("warning: error in index " + kk);
} else if (batchNum == 2) {
for (int kk = 40; kk < 80; kk++) {
String[] item = itemData.get(kk);
try {
itemArray[kk] = new ImageItem(
item[3].contains("cat") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("dog") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("bird") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("pets") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("wildlife") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("human") ? true : false,
item[4] == "" ? 1500 : Integer.parseInt(item[4]),
item[5] == "" ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(item[5]),
} catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("warning: error in index " + kk);
} else if (batchNum == 3) {
for (int kk = 80; kk < 120; kk++) {
String[] item = itemData.get(kk);
try {
itemArray[kk] = new ImageItem(
item[3].contains("cat") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("dog") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("bird") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("pets") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("wildlife") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("human") ? true : false,
item[4] == "" ? 1500 : Integer.parseInt(item[4]),
item[5] == "" ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(item[5]),
} catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("warning: error in index " + kk);
} else if (batchNum == 4) {
for (int kk = 120; kk < 152; kk++) {
String[] item = itemData.get(kk);
try {
itemArray[kk] = new ImageItem(
item[3].contains("cat") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("dog") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("bird") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("pets") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("wildlife") ? true : false,
item[3].contains("human") ? true : false,
item[4] == "" ? 1500 : Integer.parseInt(item[4]),
item[5] == "" ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(item[5]),
} catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("warning: error in index " + kk);
return itemArray;