* Copyright (C) 2008 Google - Enterprise EMEA SE
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.gsa;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.google.gsa.sessions.SessionTimer;
import com.google.gsa.sessions.Sessions;
import com.google.gsa.sessions.UserIDEncoder;
import com.google.gsa.sessions.UserSession;
import com.google.gsa.valve.configuration.ValveConfiguration;
import com.google.gsa.valve.configuration.ValveConfigurationException;
import com.google.gsa.valve.configuration.ValveConfigurationInstance;
import com.google.gsa.valve.errormgmt.ErrorManagement;
import com.google.gsa.valve.saml.SAMLArtifactProcessor;
import com.google.gsa.valve.saml.authn.SAMLAuthN;
import com.google.gsa.valve.utils.ValveUtils;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
* This is the main authentication servlet when a login form is being used to
* get user credentials. It implements the whole authentication process when
* the username and password is collected up and starts the global authentication
* process for the user.
* <p>
* It invokes the root authentication process to garantee the user is
* authenticated in all the backend repositories. It supports both the SAML
* and the Forms Based interface.
* <p>
* If the overall process result is an unauthorized, a 401 error message is
* sent back to the user's browser.
* <p>
* It also handles crawling when Forms Based authentication has been set.
public class Authenticate extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8944353938289271212L;
private static Logger logger = null;
private ValveConfiguration valveConf;
//Vars for Krb support
private boolean isKerberos = false;
//Session Management Var
private boolean isSessionEnabled = false;
long maxSessionAge;
long sessionTimeout;
long sessionCleanup;
SessionTimer sessionTimer;
public static final long SEC_IN_MIN = 60;
private static final String KRB5_ID = "krb5";
//authn process class name
String authenticationProcessClsName = null;
//Cookie vars
String authCookieDomain = null;
String authCookiePath = null;
String authCookieName = null;
int authMaxAge = 300;
String refererCookieName = null;
ErrorManagement errorMngmt = null;
static String encoder = "UTF-8";
boolean isSAML = false;
String refererSAML = null;
String relayState = null;
String samlRequest = null;
static {
// Instantiate logger
logger = Logger.getLogger(Authenticate.class);
* Servlet's doPost: processes the POST request coming from the login form
* @param request
* @param response
* @throws IOException
* @throws ServletException
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
ServletException {
logger.debug("Authenticate: doPost");
// Read XML config file pointer
String gsaValveConfigPath = null;
if (request.getAttribute("gsaValveConfigPath") == null) {
//Get Parameter instead of attribute: SAML
gsaValveConfigPath =
} else {
gsaValveConfigPath =
logger.debug("Config file: " + gsaValveConfigPath);
//Create the credentials store
try {
this.valveConf =
} catch (ValveConfigurationException e) {
logger.error("Valve Config instantiation error: " + e);
Credentials creds = new Credentials();
String username = null;
//GSA Authn cookie
Cookie gsaAuthCookie = null;
//authCookies vector
Vector<Cookie> authCookies = new Vector<Cookie>();
//AuthN process instance
AuthenticationProcessImpl authenticationProcessCls = null;
logger.debug("Authenticate servlet Start");
//Read config vars from file
boolean isConfigOK = setValveParams(request);
logger.debug("Checking if vars were read properly");
if (!isConfigOK) {
logger.error("Configuration is not OK. Check your config file but either you are trying to use Kerberos Negotiation (use the Kerberized frontend instead)" +
"or Kerberos is active but Session does not (they have to be as well). Please review documentation before proceeding");
"Bad configuration. Contact application administrator");
//Session ID vars definition
String sessionID = null;
String encodedSessionID = null;
Cookie cookies[] = null;
Cookie gsaRefererCookie = null;
// Retrieve cookies
cookies = request.getCookies();
logger.debug(cookies.length + " cookies found before authenticating");
// Protection
if (cookies != null) {
// Look for the referer cookie
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
logger.trace(cookies[i].getName() + ":" +
// Look for the referer cookie
if ((cookies[i].getName()).equals(refererCookieName)) {
// Cache cookie
gsaRefererCookie = cookies[i];
// Exit
// Protection
if (!isSAML) {
if (gsaRefererCookie == null) {
// Raise error
"The GSA authentication servlet couldn't read the referer cookie");
// Log error
logger.error("The GSA authentication servlet couldn't read the referer cookie, pls. check the cookie domain value");
// Return
} else {
//Get SAML Params
relayState = request.getParameter("RelayState");
samlRequest = request.getParameter("SAMLRequest");
boolean noParams = false;
if ((relayState == null) || (relayState.equals(""))) {
noParams = true;
} else {
if ((samlRequest == null) || (samlRequest.equals(""))) {
noParams = true;
if (noParams) {
"Invalid request");
//Setting root credentials coming from the login form
username = settingRootCredentials(creds, request);
logger.debug("Username is: " + username);
// Instantiate the authentication process class
try {
// Instantiate the authorization process class
authenticationProcessCls =
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
// Log error
logger.error("InstantiationException - Authentication servlet parameter [authenticationProcessImpl] has not been set correctly");
// Return
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Log error
logger.error("IllegalAccessException - Authentication servlet parameter [authenticationProcessImpl] has not been set correctly");
// Return
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Log error
logger.error("ClassNotFoundException - Authentication servlet parameter [authenticationProcessImpl] has not been set correctly");
logger.error("Cannot find class: " + authenticationProcessClsName);
// Return
// Initialize status code
int statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
//creation time var
long creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//Instantiate authentication cookie with creation time
//SET a value for the USERID
sessionID = UserIDEncoder.getID(username, creationTime);
encodedSessionID = URLEncoder.encode(sessionID, encoder);
gsaAuthCookie = new Cookie(authCookieName, encodedSessionID);
// Set cookie domain
// Set cookie path
// Set expiration time
try {
// Execute the authentication process in here
if (!isSAML) {
statusCode =
authenticationProcessCls.authenticate(request, response,
creds, null);
} else {
statusCode =
authenticationProcessCls.authenticate(request, response,
creds, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Debug
logger.error("Authentication process raised exception: " +
e.getMessage(), e);
// Protection
if (statusCode != HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) {
//Send personalized error message (if any)
try {
//create the instance if it does not exist
if (errorMngmt == null) {
errorMngmt =
new ErrorManagement(valveConf.getErrorLocation());
if (errorMngmt != null) {
} catch (ValveConfigurationException e) {
logger.error("Configuration error: " + e);
// Raise error
// Debug
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Authentication process failed");
// Return
//Session support
if (isSessionEnabled) {
logger.error("Session is enabled");
UserSession userSession = new UserSession();
//Manage Cookies
//add Auth Cookie to the authCookies vector
//add cookies to session
//add creds
if (isKerberos) {
//get credentials
boolean nonValidCred = getKrbCredentials(creds, userSession);
if (nonValidCred) {
"Credentials not valid");
// Log error
logger.error("Kerberos Subject has not been created properly");
// Return
//Store Session in the Session Map
Sessions sessions = Sessions.getInstance();
//Setting session times
sessions.addSession(sessionID, userSession);
logger.debug("User Session created");
// Add internal authentication cookie
// Debug
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Authentication process successful");
if (!isSAML) {
// Debug
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Redirecting user to: " +
// Redirect
} else {
//create the artifact
long maxArtifactAge =
new Long(valveConf.getSAMLConfig().getMaxArtifactAge()).longValue();
//Instead of using the username, we'll use the session id
String artifact =
//Create the referer var
//redirect to the GSA's Artifact consumer
try {
refererSAML =
ValveUtils.getGSAHost("", valveConf, cookies, valveConf.getRefererCookieName());
SAMLAuthN samlAuthN = new SAMLAuthN();
String redirectURL =
samlAuthN.redirectLocation(refererSAML, relayState, artifact);
logger.debug("SAML:Redirecting to " + redirectURL);
} catch (ValveConfigurationException e) {
logger.error ("Configuration error: "+ e.getMessage(),e);
* Servlet's doGet: processes a GET request (only valid for kerberos
* requests)
* @param request HTTP request
* @param response HTTP response
* @throws IOException
* @throws ServletException
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
ServletException {
//Add support for Kerberos
if ((request.getAttribute("isKerberos")).toString().equals("true")) {
doPost(request, response);
} else {
// Raise error
"The GSA Authenticate servlet does not accept GET requests!");
* Transforms a Cookie vector into a cookie array
* @param authCookies cookie vector
* @return cookie array
public Cookie[] setCookieArray(Vector<Cookie> authCookies) {
Cookie[] arrayCookie = null;
if (!authCookies.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Cookie array is not null. Contains " +
authCookies.size() + " entries");
arrayCookie = new Cookie[authCookies.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < authCookies.size(); i++) {
logger.debug("Cookie [" + i + "]: " +
authCookies.elementAt(i).getName() + ":" +
arrayCookie[i] = authCookies.elementAt(i);
return arrayCookie;
* Gets Kerberos credentials from the user session
* @param creds credentials
* @param userSession user session
* @return boolean - if Krb credentials exists
public boolean getKrbCredentials(Credentials creds,
UserSession userSession) {
boolean nonValidCred = true;
try {
if (creds.getCredential(KRB5_ID) != null) {
Subject krbSubject = creds.getCredential(KRB5_ID).getSubject();
if (krbSubject != null) {
logger.error("Kerberos Subject exists");
nonValidCred = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error getting Krb credentials: " + e.getMessage(),
nonValidCred = true;
return nonValidCred;
* Sets the Valve configuration parameters
* @param request HTTP request
* @return boolean - if config is OK
public boolean setValveParams(HttpServletRequest request) {
boolean isConfigOK = true;
// Read HTTP request attributes
logger.debug("Reading configuration vars");
try {
authCookieName = valveConf.getAuthCookieName();
logger.debug("authCookieName: " + authCookieName);
//refererCookieName = (request.getAttribute("refererCookie")).toString();
refererCookieName = valveConf.getRefererCookieName();
logger.debug("refererCookieName: " + refererCookieName);
authCookieDomain = valveConf.getAuthCookieDomain();
authCookiePath = valveConf.getAuthCookiePath();
try {
authMaxAge = Integer.parseInt(valveConf.getAuthMaxAge());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
logger.error ("Invalid authMaxAge value in the config: "
+ nfe.getMessage());
logger.error ("Setting authMaxAge to -1...");
authMaxAge = -1;
authenticationProcessClsName =
//Is it SAML
if (valveConf.getSAMLConfig().isSAML().equals("true")) {
isSAML = true;
//Is it Kerberos?
if (valveConf.getKrbConfig().isKerberos().equals("true")) {
isKerberos = true;
maxSessionAge =
(new Long(valveConf.getSessionConfig().getMaxSessionAge())).longValue();
//Is it Negotiate?
if (valveConf.getKrbConfig().isNegotiate().equals("true")) {
//Negotiation can not be used. Use Kerberos frontend instead
isConfigOK = false;
} else {
if (valveConf.getSessionConfig().isSessionEnabled().equals("false")) {
//Session has to be enabled if Kerberos is used
isConfigOK = false;
} else {
isKerberos = false;
//Set Session Vars
if (valveConf.getSessionConfig().isSessionEnabled().equals("true")) {
isSessionEnabled = true;
//Set Kerberos and Session vars
maxSessionAge =
(new Long(valveConf.getSessionConfig().getMaxSessionAge())).longValue();
sessionTimeout =
(new Long(valveConf.getSessionConfig().getSessionTimeout())).longValue();
sessionCleanup =
(new Long(valveConf.getSessionConfig().getSessionCleanup())).longValue();
} else {
isSessionEnabled = false;
//if ((isSessionEnabled)||(isKerberos)) {
if (isSessionEnabled) {
logger.debug("Getting sessionTimer instance");
sessionTimer =
SessionTimer.getInstance(isSessionEnabled, isKerberos,
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
logger.error("Null pointer exception when setting config vars: " +
e.getMessage(), e);
isConfigOK = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception when setting config vars: " +
e.getMessage(), e);
isConfigOK = false;
return isConfigOK;
* Setting root credentials that are coming in the HTTP request
* @param creds credentials
* @param request HTTP request
* @return username
public String settingRootCredentials(Credentials creds,
HttpServletRequest request) {
String username = null;
try {
// Read HTTP request parameters
username = request.getParameter("UserID");
logger.debug("Adding credentials for root to credentials store");
Credential rootCred = new Credential("root");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error when getting credentials from parameters");
return username;