/* Digital Wizard's Lab - game development framework
* Copyright (C) 2013, Matt Merkulov
* All rights reserved. Use of this code is allowed under the
* Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the license.txt
* file distributed with this code, or available from
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php */
package dwlab.shapes.maps;
import dwlab.base.service.Service;
import dwlab.base.service.Service.Margins;
import dwlab.base.XMLObject;
import static dwlab.platform.Functions.*;
import dwlab.shapes.Shape;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.Sprite;
import dwlab.visualizers.Color;
import dwlab.visualizers.Visualizer;
import java.util.*;
* Sprite map is a structure which can contain sprites, draw and perform collision checks between them and other shapes.
* Operations like drawing and checking collision between large groups of sprites will be faster with use of collision maps.
public class SpriteMap extends Map {
public HashSet<Sprite> sprites = new HashSet<Sprite>();
public Sprite lists[][][];
public int listSize[][];
* Width of sprite map cell in units.
* @see #setCellSize
public double cellWidth = 1d;
* Height of sprite map cell in units.
* @see #setCellSize
public double cellHeight = 1d;
* Margins for drawing sprite map in units.
* When drawing sprite map, margins define the size of rectangular frame around camera's rectangle in which objects will be also drawn.
* Will be handy if you draw sprite map with objects with XScale / YScale parameters greater than 1.0.
public double leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin;
* Flag which defines will be the sprite map sorted by sprite Y coordinates.
* False by default.
public boolean sorted = false;
* Flag which defines will be all objects recognized as pivots.
* False by default.
public boolean pivotMode = false;
public int initialArraysSize = 8;
public int wrapX( int value ) {
return value & xMask;
public int wrapY( int value ) {
return value & yMask;
public String getClassTitle() {
return "Sprite map";
public SpriteMap toSpriteMap() {
return this;
* Creates collision map.
* You should specify cell quantities and size.
* @see #createForShape
public SpriteMap( int xQuantity, int yQuantity, double cellWidth, double cellHeight, boolean sorted, boolean pivotMode ) {
this.setResolution( xQuantity, yQuantity );
this.cellWidth = cellWidth;
this.cellHeight = cellHeight;
this.sorted = sorted;
this.pivotMode = pivotMode;
* Creates collision map using existing shape.
* Collision map with size not less than shape size will be created. You can specify cell size either.
* Use this function ob layer bounds or layer tilemap which are covers all level to maximize performance.
public SpriteMap( Shape shape, double cellSize, boolean sorted, boolean pivotMode ) {
this.setResolution( Service.toPowerOf2( (int) Math.ceil( shape.getWidth() / cellSize ) ), Service.toPowerOf2( (int) Math.ceil( shape.getHeight() / cellSize ) ) );
this.cellWidth = cellSize;
this.cellHeight = cellSize;
this.sorted = sorted;
this.pivotMode = pivotMode;
public SpriteMap( Shape shape, double cellSize ) {
this.setResolution( Service.toPowerOf2( (int) Math.ceil( shape.getWidth() / cellSize ) ), Service.toPowerOf2( (int) Math.ceil( shape.getHeight() / cellSize ) ) );
this.cellWidth = cellSize;
this.cellHeight = cellSize;
public SpriteMap() {
// ==================== Parameters ====================
public final void setResolution( int newXQuantity, int newYQuantity ) {
super.setResolution( newXQuantity, newYQuantity );
if( debug ) if( ! masked ) error( "Map resoluton must be power of 2" );
lists = new Sprite[ newYQuantity ][][];
listSize = new int[ newYQuantity ][];
for( int yy = 0; yy < newYQuantity; yy++ ) {
lists[ yy ] = new Sprite[ newXQuantity ][];
listSize[ yy ] = new int[ newXQuantity ];
for( int xx = 0; xx < newXQuantity; xx++ ) lists[ yy ][ xx ] = new Sprite[ initialArraysSize ];
* Sets cell size of sprite map.
public void setCellSize( double newCellWidth, double newCellHeight ) {
cellWidth = newCellWidth;
cellHeight = newCellHeight;
* Sets all margins to single value.
public void setBorder( double border ) {
setMargins( border, border, border, border );
* Sets margins of the map.
public void setMargins( double newLeftMargin, double newTopMargin, double newRightMargin, double newBottomMargin ) {
leftMargin = newLeftMargin;
topMargin = newTopMargin;
rightMargin = newRightMargin;
bottomMargin = newBottomMargin;
// ==================== Drawing ===================
* Draws all objects of sprite map which are in cells under camera's rectangle plus margins.
public void draw( Color drawingColor ) {
drawUsingVisualizer( null, drawingColor );
Margins serviceMargins = new Margins();
public void drawUsingVisualizer( Visualizer vis, Color drawingColor ) {
if( visible ) {
Service.getEscribedRectangle( leftMargin, topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin, serviceMargins );
int mapX1 = Service.floor( serviceMargins.min.x / cellWidth );
int mapY1 = Service.floor( serviceMargins.min.y / cellHeight );
int mapX2 = Service.floor( serviceMargins.max.x / cellWidth );
int mapY2 = Service.floor( serviceMargins.max.y / cellHeight );
int xN[] = new int[ mapX2 - mapX1 + 1 ];
for( int yy = mapY1; yy <= mapY2; yy++ ) {
int maskedY = yy & yMask;
if( sorted ) {
double maxY = ( yy + 1 ) * cellHeight;
while( true ) {
double minY = 0;
int storedX = 0;
Sprite storedSprite = null;
for( int xx = 0; xx <= mapX2 - mapX1; xx++ ) {
int maskedX = xx & yMask;
int n = xN[ xx ];
if( n >= listSize[ maskedY ][ maskedX ] ) continue;
Sprite sprite = lists[ maskedY ][ maskedX ][ n ];
double y0 = sprite.getY();
if( y0 >= maxY ) continue;
if( storedSprite == null || y0 < minY ) {
minY = y0;
storedX = xx;
storedSprite = sprite;
if( storedSprite == null ) break;
if( storedSprite.checkValue != Sprite.checkNum ) {
if( vis != null ) {
vis.drawUsingSprite( storedSprite, storedSprite, drawingColor );
} else {
storedSprite.draw( drawingColor );
storedSprite.checkValue = Sprite.checkNum;
xN[ storedX ] += 1;
} else {
for( int xx = mapX1; xx <= mapX2; xx++ ) {
int maskedX = xx & xMask;
Sprite array[] = lists[ maskedY ][ maskedX ];
for( int n = 0; n < listSize[ maskedY ][ maskedX ]; n++ ) {
Sprite sprite = array[ n ];
if( sprite.checkValue != Sprite.checkNum ) {
if( vis != null ) {
sprite.drawUsingVisualizer( vis, drawingColor );
} else {
sprite.draw( drawingColor );
sprite.checkValue = Sprite.checkNum;
// ==================== Insert / remove objects ====================
* Inserts a sprite into sprite map
* When PivotMode is set to True, insertion will be faster.
* @see #removeSprite
public void insertSprite( Sprite sprite, boolean changeSpriteMapField, boolean modifySet ) {
if( modifySet ) sprites.add( sprite );
if( pivotMode ) {
insertSprite( sprite, ( (int) Service.round( sprite.getX() / cellWidth ) ) & xMask, ( (int) Service.round( sprite.getY() / cellHeight ) ) & yMask );
} else {
int mapX1 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getX() - 0.5d * sprite.getWidth() ) / cellWidth );
int mapY1 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getY() - 0.5d * sprite.getHeight() ) / cellHeight );
int mapX2 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getX() + 0.5d * sprite.getWidth() - inaccuracy ) / cellWidth );
int mapY2 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getY() + 0.5d * sprite.getHeight() - inaccuracy ) / cellHeight );
for( int yy = mapY1; yy <= mapY2; yy++ ) {
for( int xx = mapX1; xx <= mapX2; xx++ ) {
insertSprite( sprite, xx & xMask, yy & yMask );
if( changeSpriteMapField ) sprite.spriteMap = this;
public void insertSprite( Sprite sprite ) {
insertSprite( sprite, true, true );
public void insertSprite( Sprite sprite, int mapX, int mapY ) {
Sprite array[] = lists[ mapY ][ mapX ];
int size = listSize[ mapY ][ mapX ];
if( array.length == size ) {
array = Arrays.copyOf( array, size * 2 );
lists[ mapY ][ mapX ] = array;
array[ size ] = sprite;
if( sorted ) {
for( int n=0; n <= size; n++ ) {
if( sprite.getY() < array[ n ].getY() ) {
for( int m=size - 1; m <= n; m += -1 ) array[ m + 1 ] = array[ m ];
array[ n ] = sprite;
} else {
array[ size ] = sprite;
listSize[ mapY ][ mapX ] += 1;
* Removes sprite from sprite map.
* When PivotMode is set to True, removal will be faster.
* @see #insertSprite
public void removeSprite( Sprite sprite, boolean changeSpriteMapField, boolean modifySet ) {
if( modifySet ) sprites.remove( sprite );
if( pivotMode ) {
removeSprite( sprite, ( (int) Service.round( sprite.getX() / cellWidth ) ) & xMask, ( (int) Service.round( sprite.getY() / cellHeight ) ) & yMask );
} else {
int mapX1 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getX() - 0.5d * sprite.getWidth() ) / cellWidth );
int mapY1 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getY() - 0.5d * sprite.getHeight() ) / cellHeight );
int mapX2 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getX() + 0.5d * sprite.getWidth() - inaccuracy ) / cellWidth );
int mapY2 = Service.floor( ( sprite.getY() + 0.5d * sprite.getHeight() - inaccuracy ) / cellHeight );
for( int yy = mapY1; yy <= mapY2; yy++ ) {
for( int xx = mapX1; xx <= mapX2; xx++ ) {
removeSprite( sprite, xx & xMask, yy & yMask );
if( changeSpriteMapField ) sprite.spriteMap = null;
public void removeSprite( Sprite sprite ) {
removeSprite( sprite, true, true );
public void removeSprite( Sprite sprite, int mapX, int mapY ) {
Sprite array[] = lists[ mapY ][ mapX ];
int size = listSize[ mapY ][ mapX ];
for( int n = 0; n <= size; n++ ) {
if( array[ n ] == sprite ) {
if( sorted ) {
for( int m=n + 1; m <= size; m++ ) array[ m - 1 ] = array[ m ];
} else {
array[ n ] = array[ size - 1 ];
listSize[ mapY ][ mapX ] -= 1;
* Clears sprite map.
public void clear() {
for( int yy = 0; yy <= yQuantity; yy++ ) {
for( int xx = 0; xx <= xQuantity; xx++ ) {
listSize[ yy ][ xx ] = 0;
// ==================== Shape management ====================
public Shape load() {
SpriteMap newSpriteMap = loadShape().toSpriteMap();
for( Sprite childSprite: sprites ) {
newSpriteMap.insertSprite( childSprite.loadShape().toSprite(), true, true );
return newSpriteMap;
public Shape findShape( String parameterName, String parameterValue ) {
super.findShape( parameterName, parameterValue );
for( Shape childShape: sprites ) {
Shape shape = childShape.findShape( parameterName, parameterValue );
if( shape != null ) return shape;
return null;
public Shape findShape( Class shapeClass ) {
super.findShape( shapeClass );
for( Shape childShape: sprites ) {
Shape shape = childShape.findShape( shapeClass );
if( shape != null ) return shape;
return null;
public Shape findShape( String parameterName, String parameterValue, Class shapeClass ) {
super.findShape( parameterName, parameterValue, shapeClass );
for( Shape childShape: sprites ) {
Shape shape = childShape.findShape( parameterName, parameterValue, shapeClass );
if( shape != null ) return shape;
return null;
public boolean insert( Shape shape, Shape pivotShape, Relativity relativity ) {
Sprite sprite = pivotShape.toSprite();
if( sprite == null ) return false;
if( sprites.contains( sprite ) ) {
sprite = shape.toSprite();
if( sprite != null ) sprites.add( sprite );
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean insert( Collection<Shape> shapes, Shape pivotShape, Relativity relativity ) {
Sprite sprite = pivotShape.toSprite();
if( sprite == null ) return false;
if( sprites.contains( sprite ) ) {
for( Shape shape : shapes ) {
sprite = shape.toSprite();
if( sprite != null ) sprites.add( sprite );
return true;
} else {
return false;
public Shape remove( Shape shape ) {
Sprite sprite = shape.toSprite();
if( sprite != null ) sprites.remove( sprite );
return this;
public Shape remove( Class shapeClass ) {
for ( Iterator<Sprite> iterator = sprites.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Shape childSprite = iterator.next();
if( childSprite.getClass() == shapeClass ) iterator.remove(); else childSprite.remove( shapeClass );
return this;
// ==================== Other ===================
public void init() {
for( Sprite sprite: sprites ) sprite.init();
public void act() {
for( Sprite sprite: sprites ) sprite.act();
public void update() {
for( Shape obj: sprites ) obj.update();
public Shape clone() {
SpriteMap newSpriteMap = new SpriteMap();
copyTo( newSpriteMap );
for( Sprite sprite: sprites ) newSpriteMap.insertSprite( sprite, true, true );
return newSpriteMap;
public void copyTo( Shape shape ) {
copyShapeTo( shape );
SpriteMap spriteMap = shape.toSpriteMap();
if( debug ) if( spriteMap == null ) error( "Trying to copy sprite map \"" + shape.getTitle() + "\" data to non-sprite-map" );
spriteMap.setResolution( xQuantity, yQuantity );
spriteMap.cellWidth = cellWidth;
spriteMap.cellHeight = cellHeight;
spriteMap.leftMargin = leftMargin;
spriteMap.rightMargin = rightMargin;
spriteMap.topMargin = topMargin;
spriteMap.bottomMargin = bottomMargin;
spriteMap.sorted = sorted;
spriteMap.pivotMode = pivotMode;
public int showModels( int y, String shift ) {
if( behaviorModels.isEmpty() ) {
if( sprites.isEmpty() ) return y;
drawText( shift + getTitle() + " ", 0, y );
y += 16;
} else {
y = super.showModels( y, shift );
for( Shape shape: sprites ) y = shape.showModels( y, shift + " " );
return y;
public void xMLIO( XMLObject xMLObject ) {
cellWidth = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "cell-width", cellWidth, 1d );
cellHeight = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "cell-height", cellHeight, 1d );
leftMargin = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "left-margin", leftMargin );
rightMargin = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "right-margin", rightMargin );
topMargin = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "top-margin", topMargin );
bottomMargin = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "bottom-margin", bottomMargin );
sorted = xMLObject.manageBooleanAttribute( "sorted", sorted );
pivotMode = xMLObject.manageBooleanAttribute( "pivot-mode", pivotMode );
initialArraysSize = xMLObject.manageIntAttribute( "arrays-size", initialArraysSize, 8 );
super.xMLIO( xMLObject );
if( XMLObject.xMLGetMode() ) {
for( XMLObject spriteXMLObject: xMLObject.children ) insertSprite( (Sprite) spriteXMLObject.manageObject( null ), true, true );
} else {
for( Sprite sprite: sprites ) {
XMLObject newXMLObject = new XMLObject();
newXMLObject.manageObject( sprite );
xMLObject.children.addLast( newXMLObject );