/* Digital Wizard's Lab - game development framework
* Copyright (C) 2013, Matt Merkulov
* All rights reserved. Use of this code is allowed under the
* Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the license.txt
* file distributed with this code, or available from
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
package dwlab.shapes.line_segments;
import dwlab.base.XMLObject;
import dwlab.shapes.Line;
import dwlab.shapes.Shape;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.Sprite;
import dwlab.visualizers.Color;
import dwlab.visualizers.Visualizer;
* It's line section between 2 pivots (sprites centers).
public class LineSegment extends Shape {
* Pivots array.
public Sprite[] pivot = new Sprite[ 2 ];
public LineSegment() {
* Creates line section between two pivots.
* @return New line.
* @see #placeBetween example
public LineSegment( Sprite pivot1, Sprite pivot2 ) {
this.pivot[ 0 ] = pivot1;
this.pivot[ 1 ] = pivot2;
public void usePivots( Sprite pivot1, Sprite pivot2 ) {
pivot[ 0 ] = pivot1;
pivot[ 1 ] = pivot2;
public void toLine( Line line ) {
line.usePivots( pivot[ 0 ], pivot[ 1 ] );
public Line toLine() {
return new Line( pivot[ 0 ], pivot[ 1 ] );
// ==================== Drawing ===================
public void draw( Color drawingColor ) {
if( visible ) visualizer.drawUsingLineSegment( this, drawingColor );
public void drawUsingVisualizer( Visualizer vis, Color drawingColor ) {
if( visible ) vis.drawUsingLineSegment( this, drawingColor );
// ==================== Collisions ===================
public double length() {
return pivot[ 0 ].distanceTo( pivot[ 1 ] );
* Checks if the line section collides with given line.
* @return True if the line section collides with given line, otherwise false.
* You can specify are pivots needs to be checked for collision too (e. g. line sections have common pivot).
* @see #lTGraph example
public boolean collidesWithLineSegment( LineSegment lineSegment, boolean includingPivots ) {
if( pivot[ 0 ].isAtPositionOf( lineSegment.pivot[ 0 ] ) || pivot[ 0 ].isAtPositionOf( lineSegment.pivot[ 1 ] ) || pivot[ 1 ].isAtPositionOf( lineSegment.pivot[ 0 ] )
|| pivot[ 1 ].isAtPositionOf( lineSegment.pivot[ 1 ] ) ) {
if( includingPivots ) return true; else return false;
double x1 = pivot[ 0 ].getX();
double y1 = pivot[ 0 ].getY();
double x2 = pivot[ 1 ].getX();
double y2 = pivot[ 1 ].getY();
double x3 = lineSegment.pivot[ 0 ].getX();
double y3 = lineSegment.pivot[ 0 ].getY();
double x4 = lineSegment.pivot[ 1 ].getX();
double y4 = lineSegment.pivot[ 1 ].getY();
double dX1 = x2 - x1;
double dY1 = y2 - y1;
double dX3 = x4 - x3;
double dY3 = y4 - y3;
double d = dX3 * dY1 - dY3 * dX1;
if( d == 0 ) return false;
double n = ( dY1 * ( x1 - x3 ) + dX1 * ( y3 - y1 ) ) / d;
double m = ( dX3 * ( y3 - y1 ) + dY3 * ( x1 - x3 ) ) / d;
if( includingPivots ) {
if( n >= 0.0 && n <= 1.0 && m >= 0.0 && m <= 1.0 ) return true;
} else {
if( n > 0.0 && n < 1.0 && m > 0.0 && m < 1.0 ) return true;
return false;
// ==================== Other ====================
public void xMLIO( XMLObject xMLObject ) {
super.xMLIO( xMLObject );
pivot[ 0 ] = xMLObject.manageObjectField( "piv0", pivot[ 0 ] );
pivot[ 1 ] = xMLObject.manageObjectField( "piv1", pivot[ 1 ] );