/* Digital Wizard's Lab - game development framework
* Copyright (C) 2013, Matt Merkulov
* All rights reserved. Use of this code is allowed under the
* Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the license.txt
* file distributed with this code, or available from
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
package dwlab.shapes;
import dwlab.base.*;
import static dwlab.base.Obj.classes;
import dwlab.base.images.Image;
import dwlab.base.service.Align;
import dwlab.base.service.Service;
import dwlab.base.service.Vector;
import dwlab.behavior_models.BehaviorModel;
import dwlab.behavior_models.ModelStack;
import dwlab.controllers.Button;
import dwlab.controllers.ButtonAction;
import static dwlab.platform.Functions.*;
import dwlab.shapes.layers.Layer;
import dwlab.shapes.maps.tilemaps.TileMap;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.Camera;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.Sprite;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.SpriteCollisionHandler;
import dwlab.visualizers.Visualizer;
import dwlab.visualizers.WindowedVisualizer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Common object for item of game field.
public class Shape extends Obj {
public enum Relativity {
private LinkedList<Parameter> parameters = null;
* Shape coordinates in units.
* @see #getX, #setX, #getY, #setY
protected double x, y;
* Shape size in units.
* @see #setWidth, #setHeight, #getDiameter, #setDiameter,
protected double width, height;
* Shape visualizer (object which displays this shape).
* @see #lTVisualizer, #lTDebugVisualizer, #l_DebugVisualizer
public Visualizer visualizer = new Visualizer();
* Visibility flag.
* If False then shape will not be drawn.
* @see #draw, #drawUsingVisualizer, #active example
public boolean visible = true;
* Activity flag.
* If False then Act() method for shape will not be executed.
* @see #act
public boolean active = true;
* Behavior models list.
* Standard Act() method will apply every behavior model in this list to the shape.
* @see #lTBehaviorModel
public final LinkedList<BehaviorModel> behaviorModels = new LinkedList<BehaviorModel>();
public int collisionLayer;
// ==================== Drawing ===================
private static final Vector servicePivot = new Vector();
private static final Vector serviceSizes = new Vector();
* Prints text inside the shape.
* Current ImageFont is used. You can specify horizontal and vertical alignment and also horizontal and vertical shift in units.
public void print( String text, Align horizontalAlign, Align verticalAlign, double horizontalShift, double verticalShift ) {
double xX, yY;
switch( horizontalAlign ) {
case TO_LEFT:
xX = leftX();
case TO_RIGHT:
xX = rightX();
xX = x;
switch( verticalAlign ) {
case TO_TOP:
yY = topY();
yY = bottomY();
yY = y;
Camera.current.fieldToScreen( xX + horizontalShift, yY + verticalShift, servicePivot );
switch( horizontalAlign ) {
servicePivot.x -= 0.5d * getTextWidth( text );
case TO_RIGHT:
servicePivot.x -= getTextWidth( text );
switch( verticalAlign ) {
servicePivot.y -= 0.5d * getTextHeight();
servicePivot.y -= getTextHeight();
drawText( text, servicePivot.x, servicePivot.y );
public void print( String text ) {
print( text, Align.TO_CENTER, Align.TO_CENTER, 0, 0 );
public void print( String text, Align horizontalAlign, Align verticalAlign ) {
print( text, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, 0, 0 );
private static final Vector serviceVector1 = new Vector();
private static final Vector serviceVector2 = new Vector();
public void drawContour( double contourLineWidth, double xScale, double yScale ) {
double oldLineWidth = lineWidth;
lineWidth = contourLineWidth;
Camera.current.fieldToScreen( x, y, serviceVector1 );
Camera.current.sizeFieldToScreen( width * xScale, height * yScale, serviceVector2 );
drawEmptyRectangle( serviceVector1.x, serviceVector1.y, serviceVector2.x, serviceVector2.y );
lineWidth = oldLineWidth;
public void drawContour( double lineWidth ) {
drawContour( lineWidth, 1d, 1d );
* Sets shape's rectangle as viewport.
public void setAsViewport() {
Camera.current.fieldToScreen( x, y, servicePivot );
Camera.current.sizeFieldToScreen( width, height, serviceSizes );
if( servicePivot.x < 0 ) {
serviceSizes.x += servicePivot.x;
servicePivot.x = 0;
if( servicePivot.y < 0 ) {
serviceSizes.y += servicePivot.y;
servicePivot.y = 0;
setViewport( Service.round( servicePivot.x ), Service.round( servicePivot.y ), Service.round( serviceSizes.x ), Service.round( serviceSizes.y ) );
// ==================== Collisions ===================
public Sprite layerLastSpriteCollision( Sprite sprite ) {
return null;
public void spriteLayerCollisions( Sprite sprite, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
// ==================== Position ====================
public double getX() {
return x;
public Shape setX( double newX ) {
setCoords( newX, y );
return this;
public double getY() {
return y;
public Shape setY( double newY ) {
setCoords( x, newY );
return this;
* Distance to point.
* @return Distance from the shape center to the point with given coordinates.
* @see #distanceTo
public double distanceTo( double pointX, double pointY ) {
double dX = x - pointX;
double dY = y - pointY;
return Math.sqrt( dX * dX + dY * dY );
* Distance to shape.
* @return Distance from the shape center to center of another shape.
* @see #distanceToPoint, #distanceToPoint example
public double distanceTo( Shape shape ) {
double dX = x - shape.x;
double dY = y - shape.y;
return Math.sqrt( dX * dX + dY * dY );
public double distance2to( Shape shape ) {
double dX = x - shape.x;
double dY = y - shape.y;
return dX * dX + dY * dY;
* Checks if the shape is at position of another shape.
* @return True if shape center has same coordinates as another shape center.
* @see #x, #y, #moveTowards example
public boolean isAtPositionOf( Shape shape ) {
return shape.x == x && shape.y == y;
public boolean isAtPositionOf( double pointX, double pointY ) {
return pointX == x && pointY == y;
* Sets coordinates of the shape.
* It's better to use this method instead of equating X and Y fields to new values.
* @see #x, #y, #setCornerCoords, #alterCoords, #setMouseCoords
public Shape setCoords( double newX, double newY ) {
x = newX;
y = newY;
return this;
* Alter coordinates of the shape.
* Given values will be added to the coordinates. It's better to use this method instead of incrementing X and Y fields manually.
* @see #setCoords, #setCornerCoords, #setMouseCoords, #clone example
public Shape alterCoords( double dX, double dY ) {
setCoords( x + dX, y + dY );
return this;
* Moves vector to mouse position.
* Mouse coordinates will be transformed to field coordinates using current camera. Then shape coordinates will be equated to these.
* @see #setCoords, #placeBetween example
public Shape setMouseCoords( Camera camera ) {
camera.screenToField( mouseX, mouseY, Camera.servicePivot );
setCoords( Camera.servicePivot.x, Camera.servicePivot.y );
return this;
public Shape setMouseCoords() {
setMouseCoords( Camera.current );
return this;
public Shape setCoordsRelativeTo( Sprite sprite, double newX, double newY ) {
double spriteAngle = directionTo( newX, newY ) + sprite.angle;
double radius = Math.sqrt( newX * newX + newY * newY );
setCoords( sprite.x + radius * Math.cos( spriteAngle ), sprite.y + radius * Math.sin( spriteAngle ) );
return this;
* Position vector using coordinates in tilemap's coordinate system
* Integer TileX and TileY sets shape position to the center of given tilemap's cooresponding tile
public Shape positionOn( TileMap tileMap, double tileX, double tileY ) {
x = tileMap.leftX() + ( tileX + 0.5d ) * tileMap.getTileWidth();
y = tileMap.topY() + ( tileY + 0.5d ) * tileMap.getTileHeight();
return this;
* Moves the vector.
* The shape will be moved with given horizontal and vertical speed per second.
* @see #lTButtonAction example
public Shape move( double dX, double dY ) {
setCoords( x + dX * Project.deltaTime, y + dY * Project.deltaTime );
return this;
* Left side of the shape.
* @return X coordinate of left shape side in units.
* @see RightX#, TopY#, BottomY#, #x, #width
public double leftX() {
return x - 0.5d * width;
* Top of the shape.
* @return Y coordinate of shape top in units.
* @see LeftX#, RightX#, BottomY#, #y, #height
public double topY() {
return y - 0.5d * height;
* Right side of the shape.
* @return X coordinate of right shape side in units.
* @see #leftX, #topY, #bottomY, #x, #width
public double rightX() {
return x + 0.5d * width;
* Bottom of the shape
* @return Y coordinate of shape bottom in units.
* @see LeftX#, RightX#, TopY#, #y, #height
public double bottomY() {
return y + 0.5d * height;
public Shape setCoordsAndSize( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) {
x = 0.5d * ( x1 + x2 );
y = 0.5d * ( y1 + y2 );
width = x2 - x1;
height = y2 - y1;
return this;
* Sets top-left corner coordinates of the shape.
* After this operation top-left corner of the shape will be at given coordinates.
* @see #setCoords, #alterCoords, #setMouseCoords
public Shape setCornerCoords( double newX, double newY ) {
setCoords( newX + width * 0.5d, newY + height * 0.5d );
return this;
* Moves vector to another one.
* Center coordinates of the shape will be equated to corresponding center coordinates of given shape.
* @see #isAtPositionOf, #setCoords
public Shape jumpTo( Shape shape ) {
setCoords( shape.x , shape.y );
return this;
* Moves the shape with given velocity towards shape.
* @see #moveForward, #moveBackward
public Shape moveTowards( Shape shape, double velocity ) {
moveTowards( shape.x, shape.y, velocity );
return this;
* Moves the shape with given velocity towards shape.
* @see #moveForward
public Shape moveTowards( double destinationX, double destinationY, double velocity ) {
double angle = directionTo( destinationX, destinationY );
double dX = Math.cos( angle ) * velocity * Project.deltaTime;
double dY = Math.sin( angle ) * velocity * Project.deltaTime;
if( Math.abs( dX ) >= Math.abs( x - destinationX ) && Math.abs( dY ) >= Math.abs( y - destinationY ) ) {
setCoords( destinationX, destinationY );
} else {
setCoords( x + dX, y + dY );
return this;
* Places the shape between two another shapes.
* K parameter is in 0...1 interval.
* <ul>
* <li> 0 shifts shape to the center of first given shape.
* <li> 1 shifts shape to the center of the second given shape.
* <li> 0.5 shifts shape to the middle between given shapes centers.
* </ul>
public Shape placeBetween( Shape shape1, Shape shape2, double k ) {
setCoords( shape1.x + ( shape2.x - shape1.x ) * k, shape1.y + ( shape2.y - shape1.y ) * k );
return this;
private static final ButtonAction[] keysWSAD = {
ButtonAction.create( "up", Button.Name.W ),
ButtonAction.create( "down", Button.Name.S ),
ButtonAction.create( "left", Button.Name.A ),
ButtonAction.create( "right", Button.Name.D )
* Allowing moving the shape around with given velocity with WSAD keys.
* @see #moveUsingArrows, #moveUsingKeys, #move
public Shape moveUsingWSAD( double velocity ) {
moveUsingKeys( keysWSAD, velocity );
return this;
private static final ButtonAction[] keysArrows = {
ButtonAction.create( "up", Button.Name.UP ),
ButtonAction.create( "down", Button.Name.DOWN ),
ButtonAction.create( "left", Button.Name.LEFT ),
ButtonAction.create( "right", Button.Name.RIGHT )
* Allowing moving the shape around with given velocity with Arrow keys.
* @see #moveUsingWSAD, #moveUsingKeys, #move
public Shape moveUsingArrows( double velocity ) {
moveUsingKeys( keysArrows, velocity );
return this;
* Allowing moving the shape around with with given keys and velocity.
* @see #moveUsingArrows, #moveUsingWSAD, #move
public Shape moveUsingKeys( ButtonAction[] keys, double velocity ) {
double dX = ( keys[ 2 ].isDown() ? -1d : ( keys[ 3 ].isDown() ? 1d : 0d ) );
double dY = ( keys[ 0 ].isDown() ? -1d : ( keys[ 1 ].isDown() ? 1d : 0d ) );
Camera.current.sizeScreenToField( dX, dY, servicePivot );
if( servicePivot.x == 0 && servicePivot.y == 0 ) return this;
double k = velocity / Service.distance( servicePivot.x, servicePivot.y ) * Project.deltaTime;
setCoords( x + servicePivot.x * k, y + servicePivot.y * k );
return this;
* Applies parallax effect for shape depending on current camera size and position relative to given shape.
public Shape parallax( Shape shape ) {
double dX = shape.getWidth() - Camera.current.getWidth();
double dY = shape.getHeight() - Camera.current.getHeight();
setCoords( shape.leftX() + 0.5 * width + ( Camera.current.leftX() - shape.leftX() ) * ( shape.getWidth() - width ) / dX,
shape.topY() + 0.5 * height + ( Camera.current.topY() - shape.topY() ) * ( shape.getHeight() - height ) / dY );
return this;
// ==================== Limiting ====================
* Limits shape with given rectangular shape.
* If the shape is outside given shape, it will be moved inside it. If the shape is larger than given shape, it will be moved to the center of given shape.
* @see #limitHorizontallyWith, #limitVerticallyWith, #limitLeftWith, #limitRightWith, #limitTopWith, #limitBottomWith
public Shape limitWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
limitHorizontallyWith( rectangle, handler );
limitVerticallyWith( rectangle, handler );
return this;
public Shape limitWith( Shape rectangle ) {
limitHorizontallyWith( rectangle );
limitVerticallyWith( rectangle );
return this;
* Keeps shape within limits of given shape horizontally.
* @see #limitWith, #limitVerticallyWith, #limitLeftWith, #limitRightWith, #limitTopWith, #limitBottomWith
public Shape limitHorizontallyWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
limitHorizontallyWith( rectangle );
return this;
public Shape limitHorizontallyWith( Shape rectangle ) {
double x1 = Math.min( rectangle.x, rectangle.leftX() + 0.5 * width );
double x2 = Math.max( rectangle.x, rectangle.rightX() - 0.5 * width );
setX( Service.limit( x, x1, x2 ) );
return this;
* Keeps shape within limits of given shape vertically.
* @see #limitWith, #limitHorizontallyWith, #limitLeftWith, #limitRightWith, #limitTopWith, #limitBottomWith
public Shape limitVerticallyWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
limitVerticallyWith( rectangle );
return this;
public Shape limitVerticallyWith( Shape rectangle ) {
double y1 = Math.min( rectangle.y, rectangle.topY() + 0.5 * height );
double y2 = Math.max( rectangle.y, rectangle.bottomY() - 0.5 * height );
setY( Service.limit( y, y1, y2 ) );
return this;
* Limits left side of the shape with left side of given rectangular shape.
* If the left side X coordinate of shape is less than left side X coordinate of given shape, left side of the shape will be equated to left side of given shape.
* @see #limitWith, #limitHorizontallyWith, #limitVerticallyWith, #limitRightWith, #limitTopWith, #limitBottomWith
public Shape limitLeftWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
limitLeftWith( rectangle );
return this;
public Shape limitLeftWith( Shape rectangle ) {
if( leftX() < rectangle.leftX() ) setX( rectangle.leftX() + 0.5 * width );
return this;
* Limits top of the shape with top of given rectangular shape.
* If the top Y coordinate of shape is less than top Y coordinate of given shape, top of the shape will be equated to the top of given shape.
* @see #limitWith, #limitHorizontallyWith, #limitVerticallyWith, #limitLeftWith, #limitRightWith, #limitBottomWith
public Shape limitTopWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
limitTopWith( rectangle );
return this;
public Shape limitTopWith( Shape rectangle ) {
if( topY() < rectangle.topY() ) setY( rectangle.topY() + 0.5 * height );
return this;
* Limits right side of the shape with right side of given rectangular shape.
* If the right side X coordinate of shape is more than right side X coordinate of given shape, right side of the shape will be equated to right side of given shape.
* @see #limitWith, #limitHorizontallyWith, #limitVerticallyWith, #limitLeftWith, #limitTopWith, #limitBottomWith
public Shape limitRightWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
limitRightWith( rectangle );
return this;
public Shape limitRightWith( Shape rectangle ) {
if( rightX() > rectangle.rightX() ) setX( rectangle.rightX() - 0.5 * width );
return this;
* Limits bottom of the shape with bottom of given rectangular shape.
* If the bottom Y coordinate of shape is more than bottom Y coordinate of given shape, bottom of the shape will be equated to the bottom of given shape.
* @see #limitWith, #limitHorizontallyWith, #limitVerticallyWith, #limitLeftWith, #limitRightWith, #limitTopWith
public Shape limitBottomWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
limitBottomWith( rectangle );
return this;
public Shape limitBottomWith( Shape rectangle ) {
if( bottomY() > rectangle.bottomY() ) setY( rectangle.bottomY() - 0.5 * height );
return this;
// ==================== Size ====================
public double getWidth() {
return width;
public Shape setWidth( double newWidth ) {
setSize( newWidth, height );
return this;
public double getHeight() {
return height;
public Shape setHeight( double newHeight ) {
setSize( width, newHeight );
return this;
* Returns diameter of circular shape.
* @return Width field of the shape.
* @see #setDiameter
public double getDiameter() {
return width;
* Sets the diameter of the shape.
* @see #getDiameter
public Shape setDiameter( double newDiameter ) {
setSize( newDiameter, newDiameter );
return this;
* Sets the size of the shape.
* It's better to use this method instead of equating Width and Height fields to new values.
* @see #width, #height, #setWidth, #setHeight, #setSizeAs, #alterSize
public Shape setSize( double newWidth, double newHeight ) {
width = newWidth;
height = newHeight;
return this;
* Sets the size of the shape as of given shape.
* @see #width, #height, #setWidth, #setHeight, #setSize, #alterSize, #directAs example
public Shape setSizeAs( Shape shape ) {
setSize( shape.width, shape.height );
return this;
* Alters the size of the shape.
* It's better to use this method instead of equating Width and Height fields to new values.
* @see #width, #height, #setWidth, #setHeight, #setSize, #setSizeAs, #stretch example
public Shape alterSize( double dWidth, double dHeight ) {
width *= dWidth;
height *= dHeight;
return this;
* Alters both sizes of the shape (pretending they are equal).
* It's better to use this method instead of equating Width and Height fields to new values.
* @see #clone example
public Shape alterDiameter( double d ) {
width *= d;
height *= d;
return this;
* Corrects height to display shape image with no distortion.
* After this operation ratio of width to height will be the same as ratio of image width to image height.
* @see #height, #setHeight, #visualizer
public Shape correctHeight() {
Image image = visualizer.image;
setSize( width, width * image.getHeight() / image.getWidth() );
return this;
public enum Facing {
* Returns shape facing.
* @return Shape facing
* <ul>
* <li> Returns -1.0 if shape is facing left (LeftFacing constant)
* <li> Returns +1.0 if shape is facing right (RightFacing constant).
* </ul>
* Equal to the sign of visualizer XScale field.
* @see #setFacing, #xScale
public Facing getFacing() {
return visualizer.getFacing();
* Sets the facing of a shape.
* Use LeftFacing and RightFacing constants.
* @see #getFacing, #xScale
public Shape setFacing( Facing newFacing ) {
visualizer.setFacing( newFacing );
return this;
// ==================== Angle ====================
* Direction to the point.
* @return Angle between vector from the center of the shape to the point with given coordinates and X axis.
* @see #directionTo, #distanceToPoint example
public double directionTo( double pointX, double pointY ) {
return Math.atan2( pointY - y, pointX - x );
* Direction to shape.
* @return Angle between vector from the center of this shape to center of given shape and X axis.
* @see #directionToPoint, #distanceToPoint example
public double directionTo( Shape shape ) {
return Math.atan2( shape.y - y, shape.x - x );
// ==================== Behavior models ===================
private class BehaviorModelAttacher extends Obj {
BehaviorModel model;
Shape shape;
public BehaviorModelAttacher( Shape shape, BehaviorModel model ) {
this.shape = shape;
this.model = model;
public void act() {
shape.behaviorModels.add( model );
* Attaches behavior model to the shape.
* Model will be initialized and activated if necessary.
* @see #lTBehaviorModel, #activate
public Shape attachModel( BehaviorModel model, boolean activate ) {
Project.managers.add( new BehaviorModelAttacher( this, model ) );
model.init( this );
if( activate ) {
model.activate( this );
model.active = true;
return this;
public Shape attachModel( BehaviorModel model ) {
return attachModel( model, true );
public Shape attachModelImmediately ( BehaviorModel model, boolean activate ) {
behaviorModels.add( model );
model.init( this );
if( activate ) {
model.activate( this );
model.active = true;
return this;
public Shape attachModelImmediately( BehaviorModel model ) {
return attachModelImmediately( model, true );
* Attaches list of behavior model to the shape.
public Shape attachModels( LinkedList<BehaviorModel> models, boolean activate ) {
for( BehaviorModel model: models ) {
attachModel( model, activate );
return this;
public Shape attachModels( LinkedList<BehaviorModel> models ) {
return attachModels( models, true );
* Finds behavior model by its class name.
* @return First behavior model with the class of given name.
* @see #lTBehaviorModel
public BehaviorModel findModel( Class modelClass ) {
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
if( model.getClass() == modelClass ) return model;
return null;
* Activates all behavior models of the shape.
* Executes Activate() method of all deactivated models and set their Active field to True.
* @see #deactivateAllModels, #lTBehaviorModel, #activate
public Shape activateAllModels() {
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
if( ! model.active ) {
model.activate( this );
model.active = true;
return this;
* Deactivates all behavior models of the shape.
* Executes Deactivate() method of all activated models and set their Active field to False.
* @see #activateAllModels, #lTBehaviorModel, #deactivate
public Shape deactivateAllModels() {
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
if( model.active ) {
model.deactivate( this );
model.active = false;
return this;
* Activates shape behavior models of class with given name.
* Executes Activate() method of all inactive models of class with given name and set their Active field to True.
* @see #deactivateModel, #toggleModel, #lTBehaviorModel, #activate
public Shape activateModel( Class modelClass ) {
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
if( model.getClass() == modelClass && !model.active ) {
model.activate( this );
model.active = true;
return this;
* Deactivates shape behavior models of class with given name.
* Executes Deactivate() method of all active models of class with given name and set their Active field to False.
* @see #activateModel, #toggleModel, #lTBehaviorModel, #deactivate
public Shape deactivateModel( Class modelClass ) {
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
if( model.getClass() == modelClass && model.active ) {
model.deactivate( this );
model.active = false;
return this;
* Toggles activity of shape behavior models of class with given name.
* Executes Activate() method of all inactive and Deactivate() method of all active models of class with given name and toggles their Active field.
* @see #activateModel, #deactivateModel, #lTBehaviorModel, #activate, #deactivate
public Shape toggleModel( Class modelClass ) {
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
if( model.getClass() == modelClass && model.active ) {
if( model.active ) {
model.deactivate( this );
model.active = false;
} else {
model.activate( this );
model.active = true;
return this;
public Shape removeModel( BehaviorModel model ) {
model.remove( this );
return this;
* Removes all shape behavior models of class with given name.
* Active models will be deactivated before removal.
* @see #lTBehaviorModel, #deactivate
public Shape removeModel( Class modelClass ) {
for( BehaviorModel shapeModel: behaviorModels ) {
if( shapeModel.getClass() == modelClass ) shapeModel.remove( this );
return this;
* Removes every other behavior model of same type from shape's behavior models.
* @see #remove
public final Shape removeSame( BehaviorModel model ) {
Class modelClass = model.getClass();
for( BehaviorModel shapeModel: behaviorModels ) {
if( shapeModel.getClass() == modelClass ) shapeModel.remove( this );
return this;
public void addToStack( BehaviorModel animationModel, boolean activate ) {
ModelStack stack = (ModelStack) findModel( ModelStack.class );
if( stack == null ) {
stack = new ModelStack();
attachModelImmediately( stack );
stack.add( animationModel, activate );
public void addToStack( BehaviorModel animationModel ) {
addToStack( animationModel, true );
* Shows all behavior models attached to shape with their status.
public int showModels( int y, String shift ) {
if( behaviorModels.isEmpty() ) return y;
drawText( shift + getTitle() + " ", 0, y );
y += 16;
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
String activeString;
if( model.active ) activeString = "active"; else activeString = "inactive";
drawText( shift + model.getClass().getName() + " " + activeString + ", " + model.info( this ), 8, y );
y += 16;
return y;
public void showModels() {
showModels( 0, "" );
// ==================== Windowed Visualizer ====================
* Limits sprite displaying by window with given parameters.
* These parameters forms a rectangle on game field which will be viewport for displaying the sprite.
* All sprite parts which are outside this rectangle will not be displayed.
* @see #limitByWindowShape, #removeWindowLimit
public Shape limitByWindow( double wX, double wY, double wWidth, double wHeight ) {
WindowedVisualizer newVisualizer = new WindowedVisualizer();
newVisualizer.visualizer = visualizer;
newVisualizer.viewports = new Shape[ 1 ];
Shape viewport = new Shape();
viewport.x = wX;
viewport.y = wY;
viewport.width = wWidth;
viewport.height = wHeight;
newVisualizer.viewports[ 1 ] = viewport;
visualizer = newVisualizer;
return this;
* Limits sprite displaying by given rectangular shape.
* All sprite parts which are outside this rectangle will not be displayed.
* @see #limitByWindow, #removeWindowLimit
public Shape limitByWindowShape( Shape shape ) {
WindowedVisualizer newVisualizer = new WindowedVisualizer();
newVisualizer.visualizer = visualizer;
newVisualizer.viewports = new Shape[ 1 ];
newVisualizer.viewports[ 0 ] = new Shape();
shape.copyShapeTo( newVisualizer.viewports[ 0 ] );
visualizer = newVisualizer;
return this;
public Shape limitByWindowShapes( Shape[] shapes ) {
WindowedVisualizer newVisualizer = new WindowedVisualizer();
newVisualizer.visualizer = visualizer;
newVisualizer.viewports = new Shape[ shapes.length ];
for( int n = 0; n < shapes.length; n++ ) {
newVisualizer.viewports[ n ] = new Shape();
shapes[ n ].copyShapeTo( newVisualizer.viewports[ n ] );
visualizer = newVisualizer;
return this;
* Removes window limit.
* After executing this method the sprite will be displayed as usual.
* @see #limitByWindow, #limitByWindowShape
public Shape removeWindowLimit() {
visualizer = ( (WindowedVisualizer) visualizer ).visualizer;
return this;
// ==================== Parameters ===================
public boolean parameterExists( String name ) {
if( parameters != null ) {
for( Parameter parameter: parameters ) {
if( parameter.name.equals( name ) ) return true;
return false;
* Retrieves value of object's parameter with given name.
* @return Value of object's parameter with given name.
* @see #getTitle, #getName, #lTBehaviorModel example.
public String getParameter( String name ) {
if( parameters != null ) {
for( Parameter parameter: parameters ) {
if( parameter.name.equals( name ) ) return parameter.value;
return "";
public int getIntegerParameter( String name ) {
return Integer.parseInt( getParameter( name ) );
public double getDoubleParameter( String name ) {
return Double.parseDouble( getParameter( name ) );
public int[] getIntegerParameters( String name, String separator ) {
String chunks[] = getParameter( name ).split( separator );
int[] params = new int[ chunks.length ];
for( int n = 0; n < chunks.length; n++ ) params[ n ] = Integer.parseInt( chunks[ n ] );
return params;
public int[] getIntegerParameters( String name ) {
return getIntegerParameters( name, "," );
public double[] getDoubleParameters( String name, String separator ) {
String chunks[] = getParameter( name ).split( separator );
double[] params = new double[ chunks.length ];
for( int n = 0; n < chunks.length; n++ ) params[ n ] = Double.parseDouble( chunks[ n ] );
return params;
public double[] getDoubleParameters( String name ) {
return getDoubleParameters( name, "," );
public String getTitle() {
return TitleGenerator.current.getTitle( this );
public String getClassTitle() {
return "";
* Retrieves name of object.
* @return Value of object's parameter "name".
* @see #getParameter, #getTitle
public String getName() {
return getParameter( "name" );
* Sets shape parameter with given name and value.
* Recommended to use it only if you build your own world via code.
* @see #getParameter
public Shape setParameter( String name, String value ) {
if( parameters != null ) {
for( Parameter parameter: parameters ) {
if( parameter.name.equals( name ) ) {
parameter.value = value;
return this;
addParameter( name, value );
return this;
* Adds parameter with given name and value to the shape.
* Recommended to use it only if you build your own world via code.
* @see #getParameter
public Shape addParameter( String name, String value ) {
Parameter parameter = new Parameter();
parameter.name = name;
parameter.value = value;
if( parameters != null ) parameters = new LinkedList<Parameter>();
parameters.addLast( parameter );
return this;
* Removes parameter with given name from the shape.
* Recommended to use it only if you build your own world via code.
* @see #getParameter
public Shape removeParameter( String name ) {
if( parameters == null ) return this;
for ( Iterator<Parameter> iterator = parameters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
if( iterator.next().name.equals( name ) ) iterator.remove();
return this;
// ==================== Search ===================
public Shape load() {
return loadShape();
public Shape loadShape() {
Shape newShape = null;
try {
if( parameterExists( "class" ) ) {
Class newShapeClass = classes.get( getParameter( "class" ) );
newShape = (Shape) newShapeClass.newInstance();
} else {
newShape = (Shape) getClass().newInstance();
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
Logger.getLogger( Shape.class.getName() ).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
copyTo( newShape );
return newShape;
* Finds shape by parameter of given name and value.
* @return First found layer shape with parameter of given name and value.
public Shape findShape( String parameterName, String parameterValue ) {
if( getParameter( parameterName ).equals( parameterValue ) || parameterName.isEmpty() ) return this; else return null;
* Finds shape by name.
* @return First found shape with given name.
* @see #parallax example
public Shape findShape( String name ) {
return findShape( "name", name );
public Shape findShape( Class shapeClass ) {
if( getClass() == shapeClass ) return this; else return null;
* Finds shape by given class and parameter of given name and value.
* @return First found layer shape of given class and parameter of given name and value.
public Shape findShape( String parameterName, String parameterValue, Class shapeClass ) {
if( getClass() == shapeClass ) {
if( getParameter( parameterName ).equals( parameterValue ) || parameterName.isEmpty() ) return this;
return null;
* Finds shape by name and class.
* @return First found shape with specified name of given class.
* @see #parallax example
public Shape findShape( String name, Class shapeClass ) {
return findShape( "name", name, shapeClass );
* Inserts the shape before given.
* Included layers and sprite maps will be also checked for given shape.
public boolean insert( Shape shape, Shape pivotShape, Relativity relativity ) {
return false;
* Inserts collection of shapes before given.
* Included layers and sprite maps will be also checked for given shape.
public boolean insert( Collection<Shape> shapes, Shape pivotShape, Relativity relativity ) {
return false;
* Removes the shape from layer.
* Included layers and sprite maps will be also processed.
public Shape remove( Shape shape ) {
return this;
* Removes all shapes of class with given name from layer.
* Included layers will be also processed.
public Shape remove( Class shapeClass ) {
return this;
private class LayerInserter extends Obj {
Layer layer;
Shape shape;
public void act() {
layer.addLast( shape );
public void insertTo( Layer layer ) {
LayerInserter inserter= new LayerInserter();
inserter.layer = layer;
inserter.shape = this;
Project.managers.add( inserter );
private class LayerRemover extends Obj {
Layer layer;
Shape shape;
public void act() {
layer.remove( shape );
public void removeFrom( Layer layer ) {
LayerRemover remover = new LayerRemover();
remover.layer = layer;
remover.shape = this;
Project.managers.add( remover );
// ==================== Management ===================
* Acting method of the shape.
* Fill it with the shape acting commands. By default this method applies all behavior models of the shape to the shape, so if
* you want to have this action inside your own Act() method, use Super.Act() command.
* @see #lTBehaviorModel, #applyTo, #watch
public void act() {
if( active ) {
for( BehaviorModel model: behaviorModels ) {
if( model.active ) {
model.applyTo( this );
} else {
model.watch( this );
if ( debug ) {
Project.spriteActed = true;
Project.spritesActed += 1;
public Shape hide() {
active = false;
visible = false;
return this;
public boolean physics() {
return false;
public int countSprites() {
return 1;
// ==================== Methods for rectangle ====================
public void getBounds( Service.Margins margins ) {
double dWidth = 0.5d * width;
double dHeight = 0.5 * height;
margins.min.x = x - dWidth;
margins.min.y = y - dHeight;
margins.max.x = x + dWidth;
margins.max.y = y + dHeight;
public void getBounds( Shape pivot1, Shape pivot2, Shape pivot3, Shape pivot4 ) {
double dWidth = 0.5d * width;
double dHeight = 0.5d * height;
if( pivot1 != null ) pivot1.setX( x - dWidth );
if( pivot2 != null ) pivot2.setY( y - dHeight );
if( pivot3 != null ) pivot3.setX( x + dWidth );
if( pivot4 != null ) pivot4.setY( y + dHeight );
public void getBounds( Shape pivot1, Shape pivot2 ) {
getBounds( pivot1, pivot2, pivot1, pivot2 );
public void getPivots( Shape pivot1, Shape pivot2, Shape pivot3, Shape pivot4 ) {
getBounds( pivot1, pivot1, pivot3, pivot3 );
getBounds( pivot4, pivot2, pivot2, pivot4 );
// ==================== Cloning ===================
* Clones the shape.
* @return Clone of the shape.
public Shape clone() {
Shape newShape = new Shape();
copyShapeTo( newShape );
return newShape;
public void copyShapeTo( Shape shape ) {
shape.parameters = parameters;
if( visualizer != null ) shape.visualizer = visualizer.clone();
shape.x = x;
shape.y = y;
shape.width = width;
shape.height = height;
shape.visible = visible;
shape.active = active;
public void copyTo( Shape shape ) {
copyShapeTo( shape );
// ==================== Saving / loading ====================
public void xMLIO( XMLObject xMLObject ) {
super.xMLIO( xMLObject );
parameters = xMLObject.manageListField( "parameters", parameters );
x = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "x", x );
y = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "y", y );
width = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "width", width, 1.0 );
height = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "height", height, 1.0 );
visible = xMLObject.manageBooleanAttribute( "visible", visible, true );
active = xMLObject.manageBooleanAttribute( "active", active, true );
visualizer = xMLObject.manageObjectField( "visualizer", visualizer );