/* Digital Wizard's Lab - game development framework
* Copyright (C) 2013, Matt Merkulov
* All rights reserved. Use of this code is allowed under the
* Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the license.txt
* file distributed with this code, or available from
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
package dwlab.behavior_models;
import dwlab.shapes.Shape;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.Sprite;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.VectorSprite;
* Distance joint keeps fixed distance between parent pivot and given shape.
public class DistanceJoint extends BehaviorModel<Shape> {
public Sprite parentPivot;
public double distance;
public boolean fixedAngle = true;
* Creates distance joint for specified parent pivot using current pivots position.
* @return
public DistanceJoint( Sprite parentPivot ) {
this.parentPivot = parentPivot;
public DistanceJoint( Sprite parentPivot, boolean fixedAngle ) {
this.parentPivot = parentPivot;
this.fixedAngle = fixedAngle;
public void init( Shape shape ) {
distance = parentPivot.distanceTo( shape );
public void applyTo( Shape shape ) {
double newDistance = parentPivot.distanceTo( shape );
if( newDistance == 0 ) {
shape.setCoords( parentPivot.getX() + distance, parentPivot.getY() );
} else {
double k = distance / newDistance;
VectorSprite vectorSprite = (VectorSprite) shape;
if( vectorSprite != null ) {
double dDistance = newDistance - distance;
vectorSprite.dX += ( parentPivot.getX() - shape.getX() ) * dDistance;
vectorSprite.dY += ( parentPivot.getY() - shape.getY() ) * dDistance;
if( fixedAngle ) vectorSprite.updateAngularModel();
shape.setCoords( parentPivot.getX() + ( shape.getX() - parentPivot.getX() ) * k, parentPivot.getY() + ( shape.getY() - parentPivot.getY() ) * k );