package teammates;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager;
import javax.jdo.Transaction;
import teammates.exception.TeamFormingSessionExistsException;
import teammates.jdo.*;
public class TeamForming {
private static TeamForming instance = null;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Evaluations.class
* Constructs an Accounts object. Obtains an instance of PersistenceManager
* class to handle datastore transactions.
private TeamForming() {
private PersistenceManager getPM() {
return Datastore.getPersistenceManager();
public static TeamForming inst() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new TeamForming();
return instance;
* Adds an evaluation to the specified course.
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: Must be valid)
* @param name
* the evaluation name (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
* @param instructions
* the instructions for the evaluation (Pre-condition: Must not
* be null)
* @param commentsEnabled
* if students are allowed to make comments (Pre-condition: Must
* not be null)
* @param start
* the start date/time of the evaluation (Pre-condition: Must not
* be null)
* @param deadline
* the deadline of the evaluation (Pre-condition: Must not be
* null)
* @param gracePeriod
* the amount of time after the deadline within which submissions
* will still be accepted (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
* @throws EvaluationExistsException
* if an evaluation with the specified name exists for the
* course
public void createTeamFormingSession(String courseID, Date start, Date deadline, double timeZone, int gracePeriod,
String instructions, String profileTemplate)
throws TeamFormingSessionExistsException {
if (getTeamFormingSession(courseID, deadline) != null) {
throw new TeamFormingSessionExistsException();
//System.out.println("Inserting session: "+deadline+ " and course: "+courseID);
TeamFormingSession teamFormingSession = new TeamFormingSession(courseID, start, deadline, timeZone, gracePeriod,
instructions, profileTemplate);
try {
} finally {
// pending
// Build submission objects for each student based on their team number
//createSubmissions(courseID, name);
* Returns an TeamFormingSession object.
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
* @param name
* the deadline(endTime) (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
* @return the team forming session of the specified course and deadline
public TeamFormingSession getTeamFormingSession(String courseID, Date deadline) {
// String query = "select from " + TeamFormingSession.class.getName()
// + " where endTime == '" + deadline + "' && courseID == '" + courseID
// + "'";
String query = "select from " + TeamFormingSession.class.getName()
+ " where courseID == '" + courseID + "'";
//System.out.println("query is: "+query);
List<TeamFormingSession> teamFormingSessionList = (List<TeamFormingSession>) getPM().newQuery(
return null;
return teamFormingSessionList.get(0);
catch(Exception e){
return null;
* Returns the Team Forming Session objects belonging to some Course objects.
* @param courseList
* a list of courses (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
* @return the list of team forming sessions belonging to the list of courses
public List<TeamFormingSession> getTeamFormingSessionList(List<Course> courseList) {
List<TeamFormingSession> teamFormingSessionList = new ArrayList<TeamFormingSession>();
for (Course c : courseList) {
String query = "select from " + TeamFormingSession.class.getName()
+ " where courseID == '" + c.getID() + "'";
List<TeamFormingSession> tempTeamFormingSessionList = (List<TeamFormingSession>) getPM()
return teamFormingSessionList;
* Checks every team forming session and activate it if the current time
* is later than start time.
* @return list of team forming sessions that were activated in the function call
public List<TeamFormingSession> activateTeamFormingSessions() {
List<TeamFormingSession> teamFormingSessionList = getAllTeamFormingSessions();
List<TeamFormingSession> activatedTeamFormingSessionList = new ArrayList<TeamFormingSession>();
Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
for (TeamFormingSession t : teamFormingSessionList) {
// Fix the time zone accordingly
(int) (60 * 60 * 1000 * t.getTimeZone()));
if (c1.after(c2) || c1.equals(c2)) {
if (t.isActivated() == false) {
// Revert time zone change
(int) (-60 * 60 * 1000 * t.getTimeZone()));
return activatedTeamFormingSessionList;
* Returns all Team Forming Sessions objects.
* @return the list of all evaluations
public List<TeamFormingSession> getAllTeamFormingSessions() {
String query = "select from " + TeamFormingSession.class.getName();
List<TeamFormingSession> teamFormingSessionList = (List<TeamFormingSession>) getPM().newQuery(
return teamFormingSessionList;
* Adds to TaskQueue emails to inform students of an Team Forming Session.
* @param studentList
* the list of students to be informed
* @param courseID
* the course ID
* @param deadline
* the deadline of the team forming session
public void informStudentsOfTeamFormingSessionOpening(List<Student> studentList,
String courseID, Date deadline) {
Queue queue = QueueFactory.getQueue("email-queue");
List<TaskOptions> taskOptionsList = new ArrayList<TaskOptions>();
for (Student s : studentList) {
// There is a limit of 100 tasks per batch addition to Queue in
// Google App
// Engine
if (taskOptionsList.size() == 100) {
taskOptionsList = new ArrayList<TaskOptions>();
.param("operation", "informstudentsofevaluationopening")
.param("email", s.getEmail()).param("name", s.getName())
.param("courseid", courseID)
.param("deadline", deadline.toString()));
if (!taskOptionsList.isEmpty()) {
* Deletes a Team Forming Session and its Submission objects.
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: The courseID and deadline
* pair must be valid)
* @param deadline
* the team forming session deadline (Pre-condition: The courseID and
* deadline pair must be valid)
public void deleteTeamFormingSession(String courseID, Date deadline) {
//System.out.println(deadline +" and "+courseID);
TeamFormingSession teamFormingSession = getTeamFormingSession(courseID, deadline);
if(teamFormingSession == null)
System.out.println("No session found!");
try {
} finally {
// Delete submission entries
// List<Submission> submissionList = getSubmissionList(courseID, deadline);
// getPM().deletePersistentAll(submissionList);
* Deletes all Team Forming Session objects and its Submission objects from a Course.
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: Must be valid)
public void deleteTeamFormingSession(String courseID) {
List<TeamFormingSession> teamFormingSessionList = getTeamFormingSessionList(courseID);
//List<Submission> submissionList = getSubmissionList(courseID);
try {
} finally {
* Returns the Team Forming Session objects belonging to a Course.
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
* @return the list of evaluations belonging to the specified course
public List<TeamFormingSession> getTeamFormingSessionList(String courseID) {
String query = "select from " + TeamFormingSession.class.getName()
+ " where courseID == '" + courseID + "'";
List<TeamFormingSession> teamFormingSessionList = (List<TeamFormingSession>) getPM().newQuery(
return teamFormingSessionList;
* Adds to TaskQueue emails to remind students of an Evaluation.
* @param studentList
* the list of students to remind (Pre-condition: Must be valid)
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
* @param deadline
* the evaluation deadline (Pre-condition: Must not be null)
public void remindStudents(List<Student> studentList, String courseID, Date deadline) {
Queue queue = QueueFactory.getQueue("email-queue");
List<TaskOptions> taskOptionsList = new ArrayList<TaskOptions>();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HHmm");
for (Student s : studentList) {
// There is a limit of 100 tasks per batch addition to Queue in
// Google App Engine
if (taskOptionsList.size() == 100) {
taskOptionsList = new ArrayList<TaskOptions>();
.param("operation", "remindstudents")
.param("email", s.getEmail()).param("name", s.getName())
.param("courseid", courseID)
.param("deadline", df.format(deadline)));
if (!taskOptionsList.isEmpty()) {
* Edits an Team Forming Session object with the new values and returns true if there
* are changes, false otherwise.
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: The courseID and deadline
* pair must be valid)
* @param newInstructions
* new instructions for the evaluation (Pre-condition: Must not
* be null)
* @param newStart
* new start date for the evaluation (Pre-condition: Must not be
* null)
* @param newDeadline
* new deadline for the evaluation (Pre-condition: Must not be
* null)
* @param newGracePeriod
* new grace period for the evaluation (Pre-condition: Must not
* be null)
* @return <code>true</code> if there are changes, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
public boolean editTeamFormingSession(String courseID, Date newStart,
Date newDeadline, int newGracePeriod, String newInstructions, String newProfileTemplate) {
TeamFormingSession teamFormingSession = getTeamFormingSession(courseID, null);
Transaction tx = getPM().currentTransaction();
try {
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
return false;
return true;
* Adds to TaskQueue emails to inform students of changes to an Team Forming Session
* object.
* @param studentList
* the list of students to inform (Pre-condition: The parameters
* must be valid)
* @param courseID
* the course ID (Pre-condition: The parameters must be valid)
public void informStudentsOfChanges(List<Student> studentList,
String courseID, Date endTime) {
Queue queue = QueueFactory.getQueue("email-queue");
List<TaskOptions> taskOptionsList = new ArrayList<TaskOptions>();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HHmm");
TeamFormingSession teamFormingSession = getTeamFormingSession(courseID, endTime);
Date start = teamFormingSession.getStart();
Date deadline = teamFormingSession.getDeadline();
String instructions = teamFormingSession.getInstructions();
String profileTemplate = teamFormingSession.getProfileTemplate();
for (Student s : studentList) {
// There is a limit of 100 tasks per batch addition to Queue in
// Google App Engine
if (taskOptionsList.size() == 100) {
taskOptionsList = new ArrayList<TaskOptions>();
.param("operation", "informstudentsofevaluationchanges")
.param("email", s.getEmail()).param("name", s.getName())
.param("courseid", courseID)
.param("start", df.format(start))
.param("deadline", df.format(deadline))
.param("instr", instructions)
.param("profileTemplate", profileTemplate));
if (!taskOptionsList.isEmpty()) {