package com.floreysoft.jmte;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.encoder.XMLEncoder;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.message.AbstractErrorHandler;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.message.Message;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.message.ParseException;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.message.ResourceBundleMessage;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.realLife.RealLiveTest;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.renderer.RawRenderer;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.NamedDateRenderer;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.NamedStringRenderer;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.SampleCompiledSequenceTemplate;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.SampleComplexExpressionCompiledTemplate;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.SampleIfCmpCompiledTemplate;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.SampleIfEmptyFalseExpressionCompiledTemplate;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.SampleNestedExpressionCompiledTemplate;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.SampleNewlineForeachSeparatorCompiledTemplate;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.sample.SampleSimpleExpressionCompiledTemplate;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.token.AnnotationToken;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.token.ForEachToken;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.token.Token;
import com.floreysoft.jmte.util.Util;
public abstract class AbstractEngineTest {
static final DefaultModelAdaptor MODEL_ADAPTOR = new DefaultModelAdaptor();
public static final String LONG_TEMPLATE_MANY_ITERATIONS = "${foreach longList item}"
+ "${if address='Filbert'}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${foreach strings string}${if string='String2'}${string}${end}${end}"
+ "${if bean.trueCond}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${if bean.trueCondObj}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${if map}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${if hugo}${address}${else}${if address}${address}${else}NIX${end}${end}"
+ "${if nix}Something${if address}${address}${end}${end}"
+ "${if something}${else}${if something}${else}Something${if address}${address}${end}${end}${end}"
+ "\n${end}"
+ "${foreach list item}${foreach item.list item2}${if item}${item2.property1}${end}${end}\n${end}";
public static final String LONG_TEMPLATE = "SOME TEXT"
+ "${if address='Filbert'}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${foreach strings string}${if string='String2'}${string}${end}${end}"
+ "${if bean.trueCond}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${if bean.trueCondObj}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${if map}${address}${else}NIX${end}"
+ "${if hugo}${address}${else}${if address}${address}${else}NIX${end}${end}"
+ "${if nix}Something${if address}${address}${end}${end}"
+ "${if something}${else}${if something}${else}Something${if address}${address}${end}${end}${end}"
+ "${foreach list item}${foreach item.list item2}${if item}${item2.property1}${end}${end}\n${end}";
private static final int SIZE_LONG_LIST = 1000;
protected abstract Engine newEngine();
// used to suppress error messages on stderr
protected ErrorHandler getTestErrorHandler() {
return new AbstractErrorHandler() {
public void error(String messageKey, Token token,
Map<String, Object> parameters) throws ParseException {
Message message = new ResourceBundleMessage(messageKey)
throw new ParseException(message);
final Engine ENGINE_WITH_CUSTOM_RENDERERS = newEngine().registerRenderer(
Object.class, new Renderer<Object>() {
public String render(Object o, Locale locale) {
return "Object=" + o.toString();
}).registerRenderer(MyBean.class, new Renderer<MyBean>() {
public String render(MyBean o, Locale locale) {
return "Render=" + o.property1.toString();
.registerNamedRenderer(new NamedDateRenderer())
.registerNamedRenderer(new NamedStringRenderer());
private static final MyBean MyBean1 = new MyBean("1.1", "1.2");
private static final MyBean MyBean2 = new MyBean("2.1", "2.2");
private static final class RawNoopRenderer implements Renderer<String>, RawRenderer {
public String render(String o, Locale locale) {
return o;
private static final class RawNamedNoopRenderer implements NamedRenderer, RawRenderer {
public String render(Object o, String format, Locale locale) {
return o.toString();
public String getName() {
return "raw";
public RenderFormatInfo getFormatInfo() {
return null;
public Class<?>[] getSupportedClasses() {
Class<?>[] clazzes = { String.class };
return clazzes;
private static class MyIterable implements Iterable {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
public MyIterable() {
public MyIterable(List<Object> list) {
this.list = list;
public Iterator<Object> iterator() {
return list.iterator();
public static class MyBean {
private Object property1 = "propertyValue1";
public Object property2 = "propertyValue2";
public boolean falseCond = false;
public Boolean falseCondObj = new Boolean(false);
public MyBean(Object property1, Object property2) {
this.property1 = property1;
this.property2 = property2;
public MyBean() {
public List getList() {
return LIST;
public Map getMap() {
return MAP;
public Object getProperty1() {
return property1;
public boolean getTrueCond() {
return true;
public Boolean getTrueCondObj() {
return new Boolean(true);
public String toString() {
return property1.toString() + ", " + property2.toString();
private final static Map<String, Object> MAP = new HashMap<String, Object>();
static {
MAP.put("mapEntry1", "mapValue1");
MAP.put("mapEntry2", "mapValue2");
private final static List<MyBean> LIST = new ArrayList<MyBean>();
static {
private final static List<String> LONG_LIST = new ArrayList<String>();
static {
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_LONG_LIST; i++) {
LONG_LIST.add("list_entry_" + i);
private final static MyBean[] ARRAY = new MyBean[2];
static {
ARRAY[0] = MyBean1;
ARRAY[1] = MyBean2;
private final static int[] INT_ARRAY = { 1, 2 };
private final static Iterable ITERABLE;
static {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
ITERABLE = new MyIterable(list);
private final static MyBean BEAN = new MyBean();
private final static String[] STRINGS = { "String1", "String2", "String3" };
final static Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.getDefault();
final static Map<String, Object> DEFAULT_MODEL = new HashMap<String, Object>();
static {
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("something", "something");
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("address", "Filbert");
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("map", MAP);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("list", LIST);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("iterable", ITERABLE);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("array", ARRAY);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("bean", BEAN);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("emptyMap", new HashMap());
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("emptyList", new ArrayList());
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("emptyArray", new Object[0]);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("emptyIntArray", new int[0]);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("emptyIterable", new MyIterable());
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("empty", "");
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("strings", STRINGS);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("date", new Date(0));
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("int", 0);
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("bigDecimal0", new BigDecimal("0"));
DEFAULT_MODEL.put("bigDecimal1", new BigDecimal("1.0"));
public void variableName() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> simpleModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String output = newEngine()
"${if http://www\\.google\\.com/m8/feeds/groups/daniel\\.florey%40gmail\\.com/base/16e7715c8a9e5849}works${else}does not work${end}",
assertEquals("works", output);
public void format() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().format("${if 1}${1}${else}${2}${end}",
"arg1", "arg2");
assertEquals("arg1", output);
// just to prove that shortcut for false-branch works
newEngine().format("${if 1}${1}${else}${2}${end}", "arg1");
// check for null values
output = newEngine().format("${if 1}${1}${else}${2}${end}", null,
assertEquals("arg2", output);
// check for boolean values
output = newEngine().format("${if 1}${1}${else}${2}${end}", false,
assertEquals("arg2", output);
public void formatNamed() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("${if 1}${2}${else}broken${end}",
new ModelBuilder("1", "arg1", "2", "arg2").build());
assertEquals("arg2", output);
public void simpleExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("${address}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void empty() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("${\n}${ \n }${}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("", output);
public void suffixPrefix() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("PREFIX${address}SUFFIX",
assertEquals("PREFIX" + DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address") + "SUFFIX", output);
public void noTransformation() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("No transformation required",
assertEquals("No transformation required", output);
public void errorPosition() throws Exception {
boolean foundPosition = false;
try {
Engine newEngine = newEngine();
newEngine.transform("\n${address}\n ${else}NIX${end}",
} catch (ParseException e) {
String message = e.getMessage();
foundPosition = message
.equals("Error while parsing 'else' at location (3:8): Can't use else outside of if block!");
"Position not found in exception message or exception not thrown",
public void mapExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
.transform("${map.mapEntry1}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(MAP.get("mapEntry1"), output);
public void propertyExpressionGetter() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("${bean.property1}",
assertEquals(BEAN.getProperty1().toString(), output);
public void propertyExpressionField() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("${bean.property2}",
assertEquals(BEAN.property2.toString(), output);
public void nullExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("${undefined}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("", output);
public void directMap() throws Exception {
// if we try to directly output a map, we simply get the first value
String output = newEngine().transform("${map}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("{mapEntry1=mapValue1, mapEntry2=mapValue2}", output);
public void directEmptyMap() throws Exception {
// if we try to directly output an empty map, we simply get an empty
// string
String output = newEngine().transform("${emptyMap}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("", output);
public void directList() throws Exception {
// if we try to directly output a list, we simply get the first value
String output = newEngine().transform("${list}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("[1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2]", output);
public void directArray() throws Exception {
// if we try to directly output an array, we simply get the first value
String output = newEngine().transform("${array}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("1.1, 1.2", output);
public void directEmptyList() throws Exception {
// if we try to directly output an empty list, we simply get an empty
// string
String output = newEngine().transform("${emptyList}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("", output);
public void directEmptyArray() throws Exception {
// if we try to directly output an empty array, we simply get an empty
// string
String output = newEngine().transform("${emptyArray}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("", output);
public void ifEmptyFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if empty}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void ifNullTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if address}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
@Test(expected = ParseException.class)
public void elseWithoutIfError() throws Exception {
Engine newEngine = newEngine();
newEngine.transform("${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
@Test(expected = ParseException.class)
public void endWithoutBlockError() throws Exception {
Engine newEngine = newEngine();
newEngine.transform("${address}${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
@Test(expected = ParseException.class)
public void invalidExpressionError() throws Exception {
Engine newEngine = newEngine();
newEngine.transform("${loop does not exist}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
public void defaultShortcut() throws Exception {
String full = newEngine().transform(
"${if address}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${address(NIX)}",
assertEquals(full, shortCut);
public void defaultShortcutActivated() throws Exception {
String full = newEngine().transform(
"${if noAddress}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${noAddress(NIX)}",
assertEquals(full, shortCut);
public void wrapShortcut() throws Exception {
String full = newEngine().transform(
"<h1>${if address}${address}${else}NIX${end}</h1>",
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${<h1>,address(NIX),</h1>}",
assertEquals(full, shortCut);
public void wrapShortcutActivated() throws Exception {
String full = newEngine().transform(
"<h1>${if noAddress}${address}${else}NIX${end}</h1>",
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${<h1>,noAddress(NIX),</h1>}",
assertEquals(full, shortCut);
public void wrapShortcutEmpty() throws Exception {
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${<h1>,noAddress,</h1>}",
assertEquals("", shortCut);
public void wrapNoPre() throws Exception {
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${,address,</h1>}",
assertEquals("Filbert</h1>", shortCut);
public void wrapKeepWS() throws Exception {
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${ ,address, }",
assertEquals(" Filbert ", shortCut);
public void wrapNoPost() throws Exception {
String shortCut = newEngine().transform("${<h1>,address,}",
assertEquals("<h1>Filbert", shortCut);
public void wrapEscaping() throws Exception {
String template = "${ \\,,address,, }";
String shortCut = newEngine().transform(template, DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(" ,Filbert, ", shortCut);
public void wrapSkipWS() throws Exception {
String template = "${, address,}";
String shortCut = newEngine().transform(template, DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("Filbert", shortCut);
public void ifNotExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if !hugo}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifNotElseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if !address}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void stringEq() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if address='Filbert'}${address}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void objectNeq() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if !bigDecimal0=0}${bigDecimal0}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void objectEq() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if bigDecimal1='1.0'}${bigDecimal1}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("bigDecimal1").toString(), output);
public void stringEqNotElse() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if !address='Filbert'}${address}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void stringEqInForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach strings string}${if string='String2'}${string}${end}${end}",
assertEquals("String2", output);
public void ifBooleanTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if bean.trueCond}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifBooleanObjTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if bean.trueCondObj}${address}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifBooleanFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
.transform("${if bean.falseCond}${address}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void ifBooleanStringExpression() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String falseString = new Boolean(false).toString();
assertEquals("false", falseString);
model.put("falseString", falseString);
String output = newEngine().transform("${if falseString}NO${end}",
assertEquals("", output);
public void ifBooleanCallableExpression() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("falseCallable", new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
return false;
String output = newEngine().transform("${if !falseCallable}YES${end}",
assertEquals("YES", output);
public void ifBooleanObjFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if bean.falseCondObj}${address}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void ifMapTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if map}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifMapFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if emptyMap}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void ifCollectionTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if list}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifCollectionFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if emptyList}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void ifIterableTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if iterable}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifIterableFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if emptyIterable}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void ifArrayTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if array}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifArrayFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if emptyArray }${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void ifPrimitiveArrayTrueExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if intArray}${address}${else}NIX${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void ifPrimitiveArrayFalseExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
.transform("${if emptyIntArray }${address}${else}NIX${end}",
assertEquals("NIX", output);
public void nestedIfExpression() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${if hugo}${address}${else}${if address}${address}${else}NIX${end}${end}",
assertEquals(DEFAULT_MODEL.get("address"), output);
public void nestedIfSkip() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${if nix}Something${if address}${address}${end}${end}",
assertEquals("", output);
public void nestedIfElseSkip() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${if something}${else}${if something}${else}Something${if address}${address}${end}${end}${end}",
assertEquals("", output);
public void simpleForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach list item}${item}\n${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("1.1, 1.2\n" + "2.1, 2.2\n", output);
public void simpleForeachIgnoredNewlinesInsideTags() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${\nforeach list item}${item}${\nend\n}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("1.1, 1.2" + "2.1, 2.2", output);
public void foreachSingletonAsList() throws Exception {
// if the variable we want to iterate over is atomic, we simply wrap
// it into a singleton list
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach address item}${item}${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
String expected = newEngine().transform("${address}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(expected, output);
public void foreachArray() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach array item}${item}\n${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("1.1, 1.2\n" + "2.1, 2.2\n", output);
public void foreachPrimitiveArray() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach intArray item}${item}\n${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("1\n2\n", output);
public void foreachMap() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach map entry}${entry.key}=${entry.value}\n${end}",
assertEquals("mapEntry1=mapValue1\n" + "mapEntry2=mapValue2\n", output);
public void specialForeachVariables() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach list item}${item}\n${if last_item}last${end}${if first_item}first${end}${if even_item} even${end}${if odd_item} odd${end}${end}",
assertEquals("1.1, 1.2\nfirst even" + "2.1, 2.2\nlast odd", output);
public void foreachSeparator() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${ \n foreach\n\t list \r item ,}${item.property1}${end}",
assertEquals("1.1 ,2.1", output);
public void crazyForeachSeparator() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
.transform("${ foreach list item }${item.property1}${end}",
assertEquals("1.1 2.1", output);
public void newlineForeachSeparator() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${ foreach list item \n}${item.property1}${end}",
assertEquals("1.1\n2.1", output);
public void propertyForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach list item}${item.property1}\n${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("1.1\n" + "2.1\n", output);
public void nestedForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach list item}${foreach item.list item2}${item2.property1}${end}\n${end}",
assertEquals("1.12.1\n" + "1.12.1\n", output);
public void ifInNestedForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach list item}${foreach item.list item2}${if item}${item2.property1}${end}${end}\n${end}",
assertEquals("1.12.1\n" + "1.12.1\n", output);
public void emptyForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach emptyList item}${item.property1}\n${end}",
assertEquals("", output);
public void ifInForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach list item}${if item}${item}${if hugo}${item}${end}${end}\n${end}",
assertEquals("1.1, 1.2\n" + "2.1, 2.2\n", output);
public void elseInForeach() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach strings string , }${if string=String1}nada${else}nüscht${end}${end}",
assertEquals("nada, nüscht, nüscht", output);
public void scopingInFalseIf() throws Exception {
String template = "${if emptyList}" + "Was da"
+ "${foreach emptyList item}" + "${end}" + "${else}"
+ "Nüscht" + "${end}";
String output = newEngine().transform(template, DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("Nüscht", output);
public void foreachDoubleVarName() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach list item }${item}:${foreach strings item ,}${item}${end}${end}",
"1.1, 1.2:String1,String2,String3 2.1, 2.2:String1,String2,String3",
public void simpleEscaping() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("\\${\\}\n\\\\}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("${}\n\\}", output);
public void escapingKernel() throws Exception {
String output = Util.MINI_PARSER.unescape("\\${\\}\n\\\\}");
assertEquals("${}\n\\}", output);
public void complexEscaping() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach list item \\${\n \\},}${item.property1}${end}\n\\\\",
assertEquals("1.1${\n },2.1\n\\", output);
public void quotes() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine().transform("\"${int}\" \\\"", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("\"0\" \"", output);
public void renderer() throws Exception {
"${bean} and ${bean;long} and ${address;this is the format(no matter what I type; - this is part of the format)}",
"Render=propertyValue1 and Render=propertyValue1 and Object=Filbert",
public void wrapShortcutFormat() throws Exception {
String full = ENGINE_WITH_CUSTOM_RENDERERS.transform(
"<h1>${if address}${address;long(full)}${else}NIX${end}</h1>",
String shortCut = ENGINE_WITH_CUSTOM_RENDERERS.transform(
"${<h1>,address(NIX),</h1>;long(full)}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(full, shortCut);
public void defaultShortcutFormat() throws Exception {
String full = ENGINE_WITH_CUSTOM_RENDERERS.transform(
"${if address}${address;long(full)}${else}NIX${end}",
String shortCut = ENGINE_WITH_CUSTOM_RENDERERS.transform(
"${address(NIX);long(full)}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(full, shortCut);
public void namedRenderer() throws Exception {
"\"${date;date(yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z)}\" and \"${int;date}\" and ${bean;date(long)} and ${address;string(this is the format(no matter what I type; - this is part of the format))}",
clearTimezone("\"1970.01.01 01:00:00 MEZ\" and \"01.01.1970 01:00:00 +0100\" and Render=propertyValue1 and String=Filbert(this is the format(no matter what I type; - this is part of the format))"),
private String clearTimezone(String timeString) {
return timeString.replace("MEZ", "").replace("CET", "");
public void callable() throws Exception {
Callable<Date> date = new Callable<Date>() {
public Date call() throws Exception {
return new Date(0);
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("date", date);
String output = ENGINE_WITH_NAMED_RENDERERS.transform(
"${date;date(yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z)}", model);
assertEquals(clearTimezone("1970.01.01 01:00:00 MEZ"), clearTimezone(output));
public void processor() throws Exception {
Processor<Boolean> oddExpression = new Processor<Boolean>() {
public Boolean eval(TemplateContext context) {
ForEachToken foreach = context.peek(ForEachToken.class);
if (foreach != null) {
return foreach.getIndex() % 2 == 1;
return false;
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("oddExpression", oddExpression);
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach list item}${item}\n" + "${if last_item}last${end}"
+ "${if first_item}first${end}"
+ "${if even_item} even${end}"
+ "${if oddExpression} odd${end}${end}", model);
assertEquals("1.1, 1.2\nfirst even" + "2.1, 2.2\nlast odd", output);
public void callableForeach() throws Exception {
Callable<List<String>> foreach = new Callable<List<String>>() {
public List<String> call() throws Exception {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "i1", "i2", "i3" });
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("foreach", foreach);
String output = newEngine().transform(
"${foreach foreach item , }${item}${end}", model);
assertEquals("i1, i2, i3", output);
public void compiledSimpleSample() throws Exception {
String input = "${address}";
String interpretedOutput = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
String compiledOutput = new SampleSimpleExpressionCompiledTemplate(
newEngine()).transform(DEFAULT_MODEL, DEFAULT_LOCALE,
assertEquals(interpretedOutput, compiledOutput);
public void compiledComplexSample() throws Exception {
String input = "${<h1>,address(NIX),</h1>;long(full)}";
String interpretedOutput = ENGINE_WITH_CUSTOM_RENDERERS.transform(
String compiledOutput = new SampleComplexExpressionCompiledTemplate(
assertEquals(interpretedOutput, compiledOutput);
public void compiledIfSample() throws Exception {
String input = "${if !bean.trueCond}${address}${else}NIX${end}";
String interpretedOutput = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
String compiledOutput = new SampleIfEmptyFalseExpressionCompiledTemplate(
newEngine()).transform(DEFAULT_MODEL, DEFAULT_LOCALE,
assertEquals(interpretedOutput, compiledOutput);
public void compiledForeachSample() throws Exception {
String input = "${ foreach list item \n}${item.property1}${end}";
String interpretedOutput = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
String compiledOutput = new SampleNewlineForeachSeparatorCompiledTemplate(
newEngine()).transform(DEFAULT_MODEL, DEFAULT_LOCALE,
assertEquals(interpretedOutput, compiledOutput);
public void compiledSequenceSample() throws Exception {
String input = "PREFIX${<h1>,address(NIX),</h1>;long(full)}SUFFIX";
String interpretedOutput = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
String compiledOutput = new SampleCompiledSequenceTemplate(newEngine())
assertEquals(interpretedOutput, compiledOutput);
public void compiledNestedSample() throws Exception {
String input = "${foreach list item}${foreach item.list item2}OUTER_PRFIX${if item}${item2.property1}INNER_SUFFIX${end}${end}\n${end}";
String interpretedOutput = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
String compiledOutput = new SampleNestedExpressionCompiledTemplate(
newEngine()).transform(DEFAULT_MODEL, DEFAULT_LOCALE,
assertEquals(interpretedOutput, compiledOutput);
public void compiledIfEqSample() throws Exception {
String input = "${if address='Filbert'}${address}${else}NIX${end}";
String interpretedOutput = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
String compiledOutput = new SampleIfCmpCompiledTemplate(newEngine())
assertEquals(interpretedOutput, compiledOutput);
public void longList() throws Exception {
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach longList item}STUFF${item}MORE_STUFF${item}\n${end}",
StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_LONG_LIST; i++) {
String item = "list_entry_" + i;
assertEquals(expected.toString(), output);
public void largeTemplateManyIterations() throws Exception {
final String expectedLine = "SOME TEXT" + "Filbert" + "String2"
+ "Filbert" + "Filbert" + "Filbert" + "MORE TEXT" + "Filbert"
+ "\n";
String output = newEngine().transform(template, DEFAULT_MODEL);
StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_LONG_LIST; i++) {
expected.append("1.12.1\n" + "1.12.1\n");
assertEquals(expected.toString(), output);
public void largeTemplate() throws Exception {
String template = LONG_TEMPLATE;
final String expected = "SOME TEXT" + "Filbert" + "String2" + "Filbert"
+ "Filbert" + "Filbert" + "MORE TEXT" + "Filbert" + "1.12.1\n"
+ "1.12.1\n";
String output = newEngine().transform(template, DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(expected.toString(), output);
// need to call it from here to have it executed in all three engine
// versions
public void realLife() throws Exception {
new RealLiveTest().shopTest(newEngine());
public void comment() throws Exception {
String input = "${-- comment}${address}";
String output = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("Filbert", output);
public void annotation() throws Exception {
String input = "${@type MyBean bean}${foreach bean.list item , }${item.property1}${end}";
String output = newEngine().transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("1.1, 2.1", output);
public void annotationProcessor() throws Exception {
String input = "${@sample argument}${foreach bean.list item , }${item.property1}${end}";
Engine engine = newEngine();
engine.registerAnnotationProcessor(new AnnotationProcessor<String>() {
public String eval(AnnotationToken token, TemplateContext context) {
return token.getArguments();
public String getType() {
return "sample";
String output = engine.transform(input, DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals("argument1.1, 2.1", output);
public void backslashInData() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("str", "Hello \\ world!");
String output = newEngine().transform("back\\\\slash for all: ${str}",
assertEquals("back\\slash for all: Hello \\ world!", output);
public void forachIterator() throws Exception {
String actual = newEngine().transform("${foreach list i}${_it.property1}${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
String output = newEngine().transform("${foreach list i}${i.property1}${end}", DEFAULT_MODEL);
assertEquals(output, actual);
public void forachIteratorNested() throws Exception {
String actual = newEngine()
"${foreach list item}${foreach _it.list item2}${_it.property1}${end}\n${end}",
String output = newEngine()
"${foreach list item}${foreach item.list item2}${item2.property1}${end}\n${end}",
assertEquals(output, actual);
public void forachIndex() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("array", new String[] { "item A", "item B", "item C" });
Engine engine = newEngine();
String actual = engine.transform("${foreach array item \n}${index_item}. ${item}${end}", model);
String expected = "1. item A\n" + "2. item B\n" + "3. item C";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void nestedForachIndex() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("array", new String[] { "outer#1", "outer#2"});
model.put("array2", new String[] { "inner#1", "inner#2"});
Engine engine = newEngine();
String actual = engine.transform("${foreach array item \n}${index_item;index} ${item}\n${foreach array2 inner \n}${index_inner;index(a)} ${inner}${end}${end}", model);
String expected = "1 outer#1\n" + "1 inner#1\n" +"2 inner#2\n" + "2 outer#2\n"+ "1 inner#1\n" +"2 inner#2";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
private static NamedRenderer indexRenderer = new NamedRenderer() {
public String render(Object o, String format, Locale locale) {
if (format != null && format.length() > 0 && Character.isLetter(format.charAt(0))) {
// format is character, use small letter alpha formatter
String string = o.toString();
try {
int parsedInt = Integer.parseInt(string);
if (parsedInt > 0 && parsedInt <= 26) {
return "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(parsedInt - 1) + ".";
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// do nothing, simply fall back to default formatting
// suppose we have a number a index, use it with a bit of formatting
return "(" + o.toString() + ")";
public Class<?>[] getSupportedClasses() {
return new Class[]{String.class};
public String getName() {
return "index";
public RenderFormatInfo getFormatInfo() {
return null;
public void forachIndexWithRenderer() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("array", new String[] { "item A", "item B", "item C" });
Engine engine = newEngine();
// sample renderer that can do number and letter bullet points
// can easily be extended to any other format
String actual = engine.transform("${foreach array item \n}${index_item;index} ${item}${end}", model);
String expected = "(1) item A\n" + "(2) item B\n" + "(3) item C";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void nestedForachIndexWithRenderer() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("array", new String[] { "outer#1", "outer#2"});
model.put("array2", new String[] { "inner#1", "inner#2"});
Engine engine = newEngine();
// sample renderer that can do number and letter bullet points
// can easily be extended to any other format
String actual = engine.transform("${foreach array item \n}${index_item;index} ${item}\n${foreach array2 inner \n}${index_inner;index(a)} ${inner}${end}${end}", model);
String expected = "(1) outer#1\n" + "a. inner#1\n" +"b. inner#2\n" + "(2) outer#2\n"+ "a. inner#1\n" +"b. inner#2";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void spacedIdentifier() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// used to reference a column/field in a certain table in Google Spreadsheet
model.put("‘Mein Blatt 1’!B2", "Huhn");
Engine engine = newEngine();
// engine.setQuoteCharacter('\'');
String actual = engine.transform("${‘Mein Blatt 1’!B2}", model);
String expected = "Huhn";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void forachSpaceIdentifier() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("‘Mein Blatt 1’!B2", new String[] { "item A", "item B", "item C" });
Engine engine = newEngine();
// engine.setQuoteCharacter('\'');
String actual = engine.transform("${foreach ‘Mein Blatt 1’!B2 item \n}${item}${end}", model);
String expected = "item A\n" + "item B\n" + "item C";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// Bug:
public void slashWrappedInside() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object book = new Object() {
public String getTitle() {
return "whatever";
model.put("book", book);
Engine engine = newEngine();
String actual = engine.transform("<input type='text' name='title' value=${book.title}/>", model);
String expected = "<input type='text' name='title' value=whatever/>";
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void xmlEncoder() throws Exception {
Engine engine = newEngine();
engine.setEncoder(new XMLEncoder());
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("toEncode", "&<>'\"");
String actual = engine.transform("${toEncode}", model);
assertEquals("&<>'"", actual);
public void xmlEncoderRawRenderer() throws Exception {
Renderer<String> rawRenderer = new RawNoopRenderer();
Engine engine = newEngine();
engine.registerRenderer(String.class, rawRenderer);
engine.setEncoder(new XMLEncoder());
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("toEncode", "&<>'\"");
String actual = engine.transform("${toEncode}", model);
assertEquals("&<>'\"", actual);
public void xmlEncoderRawNamedRenderer() throws Exception {
NamedRenderer rawRenderer = new RawNamedNoopRenderer();
Engine engine = newEngine();
engine.setEncoder(new XMLEncoder());
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("toEncode", "&<>'\"");
String actual = engine.transform("${toEncode;raw}", model);
assertEquals("&<>'\"", actual);