package org.pkg.jstools.preferences;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.BooleanFieldEditor;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.ComboFieldEditor;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditorPreferencePage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferencePage;
import org.pkg.jstools.JSToolsActivator;
* This class represents a preference page that is contributed to the
* Preferences dialog. By subclassing <samp>FieldEditorPreferencePage</samp>, we
* can use the field support built into JFace that allows us to create a page
* that is small and knows how to save, restore and apply itself.
* <p>
* This page is used to modify preferences only. They are stored in the
* preference store that belongs to the main plug-in class. That way,
* preferences can be accessed directly via the preference store.
public class BeautifierPreferencePage extends FieldEditorPreferencePage
implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage {
* Values for code indentation.
private String[][] indentArray = { { "4 spaces", "4" },
{ "a tab character", "1" }, { "2 spaces", "2" },
{ "3 spaces", "3" }, { "8 spaces", "8" } };
* Values for brace style.
private String[][] braceArray = {
{ "Braces with control statement", "collapse" },
{ "Braces on own line", "expand" },
{ "End braces on own line", "end-expand" }
* The default constructor for the beautifier preference page.
public BeautifierPreferencePage() {
setDescription("See for details.");
* Creates the field editors. Field editors are abstractions of the common
* GUI blocks needed to manipulate various types of preferences. Each field
* editor knows how to save and restore itself.
public void createFieldEditors() {
addField(new ComboFieldEditor(PreferenceConstants.JSB_INDENT,
"Indent with", indentArray, getFieldEditorParent()));
addField(new BooleanFieldEditor(PreferenceConstants.JSB_PRESERVE_EMPTY,
"Preserve empty lines", getFieldEditorParent()));
addField(new BooleanFieldEditor(PreferenceConstants.JSB_DETECT_PACKERS,
"Detect packers", getFieldEditorParent()));
addField(new BooleanFieldEditor(PreferenceConstants.JSB_IDENT_SPACE,
"Add space after identifiers (function, catch, etc.)",
addField(new BooleanFieldEditor(PreferenceConstants.JSB_LINT_HAPPY,
"Enable jslint strict mode",
addField(new ComboFieldEditor(PreferenceConstants.JSB_BRACE_STYLE,
"Brace Style", braceArray, getFieldEditorParent()));
/*Link lnk = new Link(getFieldEditorParent(), 0);
lnk.setText("See <a href=\"\"></a> for details.");*/
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferencePage#init(org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench)
public void init(IWorkbench workbench) {