Package org.tmatesoft.hg.util

Source Code of org.tmatesoft.hg.util.RegularFileStats

* Copyright (c) 2012 TMate Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* For information on how to redistribute this software under
* the terms of a license other than GNU General Public License
* contact TMate Software at
package org.tmatesoft.hg.util;

import static org.tmatesoft.hg.util.LogFacility.Severity.Warn;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.tmatesoft.hg.core.SessionContext;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.Internals;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.ProcessExecHelper;

* Utility to collect executable files and symbolic links in a directory.
* Not public as present approach (expect file but collect once per directory) may need to be made explicit
* TODO post-1.0 Add Linux-specific set of tests (similar to my test-flags repository, with symlink, executable and regular file,
* and few revisions where link and exec flags change. +testcase when link points to non-existing file (shall not report as missing,
* iow either FileInfo.exist() shall respect symlinks or WCSC account for )
* TODO post-1.0 Add extraction of link modification time, see RegularFileInfo#lastModified()
* @author Artem Tikhomirov
* @author TMate Software Ltd.
/*package-local*/ class RegularFileStats {
  private boolean isExec, isSymlink;
  private String symlinkValue;
  private final List<String> command;
  private final ProcessExecHelper execHelper;
  private final Matcher linkMatcher, execMatcher;
  private final SessionContext sessionContext;
  // directory name to (short link name -> link target)
  private Map<String, Map<String, String>> dir2links = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
  // directory name to set of executable file short names
  private Map<String, Set<String>> dir2execs = new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>();

  RegularFileStats(SessionContext ctx) {
    sessionContext = ctx;
    final Pattern pLink, pExec;
    if (Internals.runningOnWindows()) {
      // XXX this implementation is not yet tested against any Windows repository,
      // only against sample dir listings. As long as Mercurial doesn't handle Windows
      // links, we don't really need this
      command = Arrays.asList("cmd", "/c", "dir");
      // Windows patterns need to work against full directory listing (I didn't find a way
      // to list single file with its attributes like SYMLINK)
      pLink = Pattern.compile("^\\S+.*\\s+<SYMLINK>\\s+(\\S.*)\\s+\\[(.+)\\]$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
      pExec = Pattern.compile("^\\S+.*\\s+\\d+\\s+(\\S.*\\.exe)$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
    } else if (Internals.runningOnMac()) {
      command = Arrays.asList("/bin/ls", "-lnoT");
      // -n to present userid and group as digits
      // -o don't need group
      // -T complete time in standard format (used as boundary in the pattern)
      // Perhaps, shall use -B for octal non-printable characters. Shall implement unescapeFilename, below, then.
      pLink = Pattern.compile("^lrwxr.xr.x\\s.*\\s\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d \\d\\d\\d\\d (.+) -> (.+)$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
      pExec = Pattern.compile("^-..[sx]..[sx]..[sx]\\s.*\\s\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d \\d\\d\\d\\d (.+)$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
    } else {
      command = Arrays.asList("/bin/ls", "-l", "-Q"); // -Q is essential to get quoted name - the only way to
      // tell exact file name (which may start or end with spaces.
      pLink = Pattern.compile("^lrwxrwxrwx\\s.*\\s\"(.*)\"\\s+->\\s+\"(.*)\"$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
      // pLink: group(1) is full name if single file listing (ls -l /usr/bin/java) and short name if directory listing (ls -l /usr/bin)
      //        group(2) is link target
      pExec = Pattern.compile("^-..[sx]..[sx]..[sx]\\s.*\\s\"(.+)\"$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
      // pExec: group(1) is name of executable file
    linkMatcher = pLink.matcher("");
    execMatcher = pExec.matcher("");
    execHelper = new ProcessExecHelper();

   * Fails silently indicating false for both x and l in case interaction with file system failed
   * @param f file to check, doesn't need to exist
  public void init(File f) {
    isExec = isSymlink = false;
    symlinkValue = null;
    // can't check isFile because Java would say false for a symlink with non-existing target
    if (f.isDirectory()) {
      // perhaps, shall just collect stats for all files and set false to exec/link flags?
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    final String dirName = f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
    final String fileName = f.getName();
    try {
      Map<String, String> links = dir2links.get(dirName);
      Set<String> execs = dir2execs.get(dirName);
      if (links == null || execs == null) {
        ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(command);
        CharSequence result = execHelper.exec(cmd);
        if (execMatcher.reset(result).find()) {
          execs = new HashSet<String>();
          do {
          } while (execMatcher.find());
        } else {
          execs = Collections.emptySet(); // indicate we tried and found nothing
        if (linkMatcher.reset(result).find()) {
          links = new HashMap<String, String>();
          do {
            links.put(unescapeFilename(, unescapeFilename(;
          } while (linkMatcher.find());
        } else {
          links = Collections.emptyMap();
        dir2links.put(dirName, links);
        dir2execs.put(dirName, execs);
      isExec = execs.contains(fileName);
      isSymlink = links.containsKey(fileName);
      if (isSymlink) {
        symlinkValue = links.get(fileName);
      } else {
        symlinkValue = null;
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
      sessionContext.getLog().dump(getClass(), Warn, ex, String.format("Failed to detect flags for %s", f));
      // try again? ensure not too long? stop right away?
      // IGNORE, keep isExec and isSymlink false
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      sessionContext.getLog().dump(getClass(), Warn, ex, String.format("Failed to detect flags for %s", f));
      // IGNORE, keep isExec and isSymlink false

  public boolean isExecutable() {
    return isExec;
  public boolean isSymlink() {
    return isSymlink;

  public String getSymlinkTarget() {
    if (isSymlink) {
      return symlinkValue;
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  // FIXME nop at the moment, but need to implement if use escape code for non-printable characters
  private static String unescapeFilename(String cs) {
    return cs; 

Related Classes of org.tmatesoft.hg.util.RegularFileStats

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