* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 TMate Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* For information on how to redistribute this software under
* the terms of a license other than GNU General Public License
* contact TMate Software at support@hg4j.com
package org.tmatesoft.hg.internal;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.zip.DataFormatException;
import java.util.zip.Inflater;
* Utility to test/debug/troubleshoot
* @author Artem Tikhomirov
* @author TMate Software Ltd.
public class RevlogDump {
* Takes 3 command line arguments -
* repository path,
* path to index file (i.e. store/data/hello.c.i) in the repository (relative)
* and "dumpData" whether to print actual content or just revlog headers
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String repo = "/temp/hg/hello/.hg/";
String filename = "store/00changelog.i";
// String filename = "store/data/hello.c.i";
// String filename = "store/data/docs/readme.i";
// System.out.println(escape("abc\0def\nzxc\tmnb"));
boolean dumpDataFull = true;
boolean dumpDataStats = false;
if (args.length > 1) {
repo = args[0];
filename = args[1];
dumpDataFull = args.length > 2 ? "dumpData".equals(args[2]) : false;
dumpDataStats = args.length > 2 ? "dumpDataStats".equals(args[2]) : false;
final boolean needRevData = dumpDataFull || dumpDataStats;
RevlogReader rr = new RevlogReader(new File(repo, filename)).needData(needRevData);
System.out.printf("%#8x, inline: %b\n", rr.versionField, rr.inlineData);
System.out.println("Index Offset Flags Packed Actual Base Rev Link Rev Parent1 Parent2 nodeid");
ByteBuffer data = null;
while (rr.hasMore()) {
System.out.printf("%4d:%14d %6X %10d %10d %10d %10d %8d %8d %040x\n", rr.entryIndex, rr.offset, rr.flags, rr.compressedLen, rr.actualLen, rr.baseRevision, rr.linkRevision, rr.parent1Revision, rr.parent2Revision, new BigInteger(rr.nodeid));
if (needRevData) {
String resultString;
if (rr.getDataLength() == 0) {
resultString = "<NO DATA>";
} else {
data = ensureCapacity(data, rr.getDataLength());
resultString = buildString(data, rr.isPatch(), dumpDataFull);
if (resultString.endsWith("\n")) {
} else {
private static ByteBuffer ensureCapacity(ByteBuffer src, int requiredCap) {
if (src == null || src.capacity() < requiredCap) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate((1 + requiredCap) * 3 / 2);
return src;
private static String buildString(ByteBuffer data, boolean isPatch, boolean completeDataDump) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (isPatch) {
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.array(), data.arrayOffset(), data.remaining()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (dis.available() > 0) {
int s = dis.readInt();
int e = dis.readInt();
int l = dis.readInt();
sb.append(String.format("%d..%d, %d", s, e, l));
if (completeDataDump) {
byte[] src = new byte[l];
dis.read(src, 0, l);
sb.append(escape(new String(src, 0, l, "UTF-8")));
} else {
return sb.toString();
} else {
if (completeDataDump) {
return escape(new String(data.array(), data.arrayOffset(), data.remaining(), "UTF-8"));
return String.format("<DATA>:%d bytes", data.remaining());
private static Pattern controlCharPattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Cntrl}");
// \p{Cntrl} A control character: [\x00-\x1F\x7F]
private static String[] replacements = new String[33];
static {
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
// no idea why need FOUR backslashes to get only one in printout
replacements[i] = String.format("\\\\%X", i);
replacements[32] = String.format("\\\\%X", 127);
// handy to get newline-separated data printed on newlines.
// set to false for non-printable data (e.g. binaries, where \n doesn't make sense)
private static boolean leaveNewlineInData = true;
private static String escape(CharSequence possiblyWithBinary) {
Matcher m = controlCharPattern.matcher(possiblyWithBinary);
StringBuffer rv = new StringBuffer();
while (m.find()) {
char c = m.group().charAt(0);
if (leaveNewlineInData && c == '\n') {
int x = (int) c;
m.appendReplacement(rv, replacements[x == 127 ? 32 : x]);
return rv.toString();
public static class RevlogReader {
private final File file;
private boolean needRevData;
private DataInputStream dis;
private boolean inlineData;
public int versionField;
private FileChannel dataStream;
public int entryIndex;
private byte[] data;
private int dataOffset, dataLen;
public long offset;
public int flags;
public int baseRevision;
public int linkRevision;
public int parent1Revision;
public int parent2Revision;
public int compressedLen;
public int actualLen;
public byte[] nodeid = new byte[21]; // need 1 byte in the front to be 0 to avoid negative BigInts
public RevlogReader(File f) {
assert f.getName().endsWith(".i");
file = f;
// affects #readNext()
public RevlogReader needData(boolean needData) {
needRevData = needData;
return this;
public void init(boolean mayRequireData) throws IOException {
dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
DataInput di = dis;
versionField = di.readInt();
final int INLINEDATA = 1 << 16;
inlineData = (versionField & INLINEDATA) != 0;
dataStream = null;
if (!inlineData && mayRequireData) {
String fname = file.getAbsolutePath();
dataStream = new FileInputStream(new File(fname.substring(0, fname.length()-2) + ".d")).getChannel();
entryIndex = -1;
public void startFrom(int startEntryIndex) throws IOException {
if (dis == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Call #init() first");
if (entryIndex != -1 && startEntryIndex != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't seek once iteration has started");
if (dataStream == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Sorry, initial seek is now supported for separate .i/.d only");
long newPos = startEntryIndex * Internals.REVLOGV1_RECORD_SIZE, actualSkip;
do {
actualSkip = dis.skip(newPos);
if (actualSkip <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(actualSkip));
newPos -= actualSkip;
} while (newPos > 0);
entryIndex = startEntryIndex - 1;
public boolean hasMore() throws IOException {
return dis.available() > 0;
public void readNext() throws IOException, DataFormatException {
DataInput di = dis;
long l = di.readLong();
offset = entryIndex == 0 ? 0 : (l >>> 16);
flags = (int) (l & 0x0FFFF);
compressedLen = di.readInt();
actualLen = di.readInt();
baseRevision = di.readInt();
linkRevision = di.readInt();
parent1Revision = di.readInt();
parent2Revision = di.readInt();
di.readFully(nodeid, 1, 20);
// CAN'T USE skip() here without extra precautions. E.g. I ran into situation when
// buffer was 8192 and BufferedInputStream was at position 8182 before attempt to skip(12).
// BIS silently skips available bytes and leaves me two extra bytes that ruin the rest of the code.
data = new byte[compressedLen];
if (inlineData) {
} else if (needRevData) {
if (needRevData) {
if (compressedLen == 0) {
data = null;
dataOffset = dataLen = 0;
} else {
if (data[0] == 0x78 /* 'x' */) {
Inflater zlib = new Inflater();
zlib.setInput(data, 0, compressedLen);
byte[] result = new byte[actualLen * 3];
int resultLen = zlib.inflate(result);
data = result;
dataOffset = 0;
dataLen = resultLen;
} else if (data[0] == 0x75 /* 'u' */) {
dataOffset = 1;
dataLen = data.length - 1;
} else {
dataOffset = 0;
dataLen = data.length;
public int getDataLength() {
// NOT actualLen - there are empty patch revisions (dataLen == 0, but actualLen == previous length)
// NOT compressedLen - zip data is uncompressed
return dataLen;
public void getData(ByteBuffer bb) {
assert bb.remaining() >= dataLen;
bb.put(data, dataOffset, dataLen);
public boolean isPatch() {
assert entryIndex != -1;
return baseRevision != entryIndex;
public boolean isInline() {
assert dis != null;
return inlineData;
public void done() throws IOException {
dis = null;
if (dataStream != null) {
dataStream = null;