* Copyright (c) 2011-2013 TMate Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* For information on how to redistribute this software under
* the terms of a license other than GNU General Public License
* contact TMate Software at support@hg4j.com
package org.tmatesoft.hg.internal;
import static org.tmatesoft.hg.util.LogFacility.Severity.Error;
import java.io.File;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.core.HgIOException;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.core.SessionContext;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgDataFile;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgInternals;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRepoConfig.ExtensionsSection;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRepository;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRepositoryFiles;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRepositoryLock;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRuntimeException;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.util.LogFacility;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.util.Path;
import org.tmatesoft.hg.util.PathRewrite;
* Fields/members that shall not be visible
* @author Artem Tikhomirov
* @author TMate Software Ltd.
public final class Internals implements SessionContext.Source {
* Allows to specify Mercurial installation directory to detect installation-wide configurations.
* Without this property set, hg4j would attempt to deduce this value locating hg executable.
public static final String CFG_PROPERTY_HG_INSTALL_ROOT = "hg4j.hg.install_root";
* Tells repository not to cache files/revlogs
* XXX perhaps, need to respect this property not only for data files, but for manifest and changelog as well?
* (@see HgRepository#getChangelog and #getManifest())
public static final String CFG_PROPERTY_REVLOG_STREAM_CACHE = "hg4j.repo.disable_revlog_cache";
* Name of charset to use when translating Unicode filenames to Mercurial storage paths, string,
* to resolve with {@link Charset#forName(String)}.
* E.g. <code>"cp1251"</code> or <code>"Latin-1"</code>.
* <p>Mercurial uses system encoding when mangling storage paths. Default value
* based on 'file.encoding' Java system property is usually fine here, however
* in certain scenarios it may be desirable to force a different one, and this
* property is exactly for this purpose.
* <p>E.g. Eclipse defaults to project encoding (Launch config, Common page) when launching an application,
* and if your project happen to use anything but filesystem default (say, UTF8 on cp1251 system),
* native storage paths won't match
public static final String CFG_PROPERTY_FS_FILENAME_ENCODING = "hg.fs.filename.encoding";
* Timeout, in seconds, to acquire filesystem {@link HgRepositoryLock lock}.
* Mercurial provides 'ui.timeout' in hgrc (defaults to 600 seconds) to specify how long
* it shall try to acquire a lock for storage or working directory prior to fail.
* This configuration property allows to override timeout value from Mercurial's configuration
* file and use Hg4J-specific value instead.
* Integer value, use negative for attempts to acquire lock until success, and zero to try once and fail immediately.
public static final String CFG_PROPERTY_FS_LOCK_TIMEOUT = "hg4j.fs.lock.timeout";
* Alternative, more effective approach to build revision text from revlog patches - collect all the
* patches one by one, starting at revision next to base, and apply against each other to get
* one final patch, which in turned is applied to base revision.
* <p>
* Original approach is to apply each patch to a previous revision, so that with base revision
* of 1M and three patches, each altering just a tiny fraction
* of the origin, with latter approach we consume 1M (original) + 1M (first patch applied) + 1M (second
* patch applied) + 1M (third patch applied).
* <p>
* Alternative approach, controlled with this option, first combines these there patches into one,
* and only then applies it to base revision, eliminating 2 intermediate elements.
* <p>
* Since 1.2, default value for this option is <em>TRUE</em>, (was <code>false</code> in <b>Hg4J 1.1</b>)
* @since 1.1
public static final String CFG_PROPERTY_PATCH_MERGE = "hg4j.repo.merge_revlog_patches";
* Phases were introduced in Mercurial 2.1. Unless there's <code>phaseroots</code> file in the
* repository's storage area, <b>Hg4J</b> pretends phases are not enabled and doesn't update
* phase information on commit/push/pull. If, however, it's desired to keep phase information,
* this option may be set to <code>true</code>, and <code>phaseroots</code> file gets updated
* along with repository changes.
* <p>Default value: <code>false</code>
* @since 1.2
public static final String CFG_PROPERTY_CREATE_PHASEROOTS = "hg4j.repo.create_phaseroots";
public static final int REVLOGV1_RECORD_SIZE = 64;
private List<Filter.Factory> filterFactories;
private final HgRepository repo;
private final File repoDir;
private final boolean isCaseSensitiveFileSystem;
private final DataAccessProvider dataAccess;
private final ImplAccess implAccess;
private final int requiresFlags;
private final PathRewrite dataPathHelper; // access to file storage area (usually under .hg/store/data/), with filenames mangled
private final PathRewrite repoPathHelper; // access to system files (under .hg/store if requires has 'store' flag)
private final boolean shallMergePatches;
private final boolean shallWritePhaseroots;
private final RevlogStreamFactory streamProvider;
public Internals(HgRepository hgRepo, File hgDir, ImplAccess implementationAccess) throws HgRuntimeException {
repo = hgRepo;
repoDir = hgDir;
implAccess = implementationAccess;
isCaseSensitiveFileSystem = !runningOnWindows();
SessionContext ctx = repo.getSessionContext();
dataAccess = new DataAccessProvider(ctx);
RepoInitializer repoInit = new RepoInitializer().initRequiresFromFile(repoDir);
requiresFlags = repoInit.getRequires();
dataPathHelper = repoInit.buildDataFilesHelper(getSessionContext());
repoPathHelper = repoInit.buildStoreFilesHelper();
final PropertyMarshal pm = new PropertyMarshal(ctx);
boolean shallCacheRevlogsInRepo = pm.getBoolean(CFG_PROPERTY_REVLOG_STREAM_CACHE, true);
streamProvider = new RevlogStreamFactory(this, shallCacheRevlogsInRepo);
shallMergePatches = pm.getBoolean(Internals.CFG_PROPERTY_PATCH_MERGE, true);
shallWritePhaseroots = pm.getBoolean(Internals.CFG_PROPERTY_CREATE_PHASEROOTS, false);
public boolean isInvalid() {
return !repoDir.exists() || !repoDir.isDirectory();
public File getRepositoryFile(HgRepositoryFiles f) {
switch (f.getHome()) {
case Store : return getFileFromStoreDir(f.getName());
case Repo : return getFileFromRepoDir(f.getName());
default : return new File(repo.getWorkingDir(), f.getName());
* Access files under ".hg/".
* File not necessarily exists, this method is merely a factory for {@link File files} at specific, configuration-dependent location.
* @param name shall be normalized path
public File getFileFromRepoDir(String name) {
return new File(repoDir, name);
* Access files under ".hg/store/" or ".hg/" depending on use of 'store' in requires.
* File not necessarily exists, this method is merely a factory for Files at specific, configuration-dependent location.
* @param name shall be normalized path
public File getFileFromStoreDir(String name) {
CharSequence location = repoPathHelper.rewrite(name);
return new File(repoDir, location.toString());
* Access files under ".hg/store/data", ".hg/store/dh/" or ".hg/data" according to settings in requires file.
* File not necessarily exists, this method is merely a factory for Files at specific, configuration-dependent location.
* @param name shall be normalized path, without .i or .d suffixes
public File getFileFromDataDir(CharSequence path) {
CharSequence storagePath = dataPathHelper.rewrite(path);
return new File(repoDir, storagePath.toString());
public SessionContext getSessionContext() {
return repo.getSessionContext();
public LogFacility getLog() {
return getSessionContext().getLog();
public HgRepository getRepo() {
return repo;
public DataAccessProvider getDataAccess() {
return dataAccess;
public PathRewrite buildNormalizePathRewrite() {
if (runningOnWindows()) {
return new WinToNixPathRewrite();
} else {
return new PathRewrite.Empty(); // or strip leading slash, perhaps?
public List<Filter.Factory> getFilters() {
if (filterFactories == null) {
filterFactories = new ArrayList<Filter.Factory>();
ExtensionsSection cfg = repo.getConfiguration().getExtensions();
if (cfg.isEnabled("eol")) {
NewlineFilter.Factory ff = new NewlineFilter.Factory();
if (cfg.isEnabled("keyword")) {
KeywordFilter.Factory ff = new KeywordFilter.Factory();
return filterFactories;
public boolean isCaseSensitiveFileSystem() {
return isCaseSensitiveFileSystem;
public boolean fncacheInUse() {
return (getRequiresFlags() & RequiresFile.FNCACHE) != 0;
public EncodingHelper buildFileNameEncodingHelper() {
return new EncodingHelper(getFileEncoding(getSessionContext()), repo);
public static EncodingHelper buildFileNameEncodingHelper(SessionContext.Source ctx) {
return new EncodingHelper(getFileEncoding(ctx.getSessionContext()), ctx);
/*package-local*/ static Charset getFileEncoding(SessionContext ctx) {
Object altEncoding = ctx.getConfigurationProperty(CFG_PROPERTY_FS_FILENAME_ENCODING, null);
Charset cs;
if (altEncoding == null) {
cs = Charset.defaultCharset();
} else {
try {
cs = Charset.forName(altEncoding.toString());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// both IllegalCharsetNameException and UnsupportedCharsetException are subclasses of IAE, too
// not severe enough to throw an exception, imo. Just record the fact it's bad ad we ignore it
ctx.getLog().dump(Internals.class, Error, ex, String.format("Bad configuration value for filename encoding %s", altEncoding));
cs = Charset.defaultCharset();
return cs;
* Access to mangled name of a file in repository storage, may come handy for debug.
* @return mangled path of the repository file
public CharSequence getStoragePath(HgDataFile df) {
return dataPathHelper.rewrite(df.getPath().toString());
public int getRequiresFlags() {
return requiresFlags;
boolean shallMergePatches() {
return shallMergePatches;
boolean shallCreatePhaseroots() {
return shallWritePhaseroots;
RevlogChangeMonitor getRevlogTracker(File f) {
// TODO decide whether to use one monitor per multiple files or
// an instance per file; and let SessionContext pass alternative implementation)
return new RevlogChangeMonitor(f);
public static boolean runningOnWindows() {
return System.getProperty("os.name").indexOf("Windows") != -1;
public static boolean runningOnMac() {
return System.getProperty("os.name").indexOf("Mac") != -1;
* @param fsHint optional hint pointing to filesystem of interest (generally, it's possible to mount
* filesystems with different capabilities and repository's capabilities would depend on which fs it resides)
* @return <code>true</code> if executable files deserve tailored handling
public static boolean checkSupportsExecutables(File fsHint) {
// *.exe are not executables for Mercurial
return !runningOnWindows();
* @param fsHint optional hint pointing to filesystem of interest (generally, it's possible to mount
* filesystems with different capabilities and repository's capabilities would depend on which fs it resides)
* @return <code>true</code> if filesystem knows what symbolic links are
public static boolean checkSupportsSymlinks(File fsHint) {
// Windows supports soft symbolic links starting from Vista
// However, as of Mercurial 2.1.1, no support for this functionality
// XXX perhaps, makes sense to override with a property a) to speed up when no links are in use b) investigate how this runs windows
return !runningOnWindows();
* For Unix, returns installation root, which is the parent directory of the hg executable (or symlink) being run.
* For Windows, it's Mercurial installation directory itself
* @param ctx
private static File findHgInstallRoot(SessionContext ctx) {
// let clients to override Hg install location
String p = (String) ctx.getConfigurationProperty(CFG_PROPERTY_HG_INSTALL_ROOT, null);
if (p != null) {
return new File(p);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(System.getenv("PATH"), System.getProperty("path.separator"), false);
final boolean runsOnWin = runningOnWindows();
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String pe = st.nextToken();
File execCandidate = new File(pe, runsOnWin ? "hg.exe" : "hg");
if (execCandidate.exists() && execCandidate.isFile()) {
File execDir = execCandidate.getParentFile();
// e.g. on Unix runs "/shared/tools/bin/hg", directory of interest is "/shared/tools/"
return runsOnWin ? execDir : execDir.getParentFile();
return null;
* User-specific configuration, from system-wide and user home locations, without any repository-specific data.
* @see http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hgrc.5.html
public static ConfigFile readConfiguration(SessionContext sessionCtx) throws HgIOException {
ConfigFile configFile = new ConfigFile(sessionCtx);
File hgInstallRoot = findHgInstallRoot(sessionCtx); // may be null
if (runningOnWindows()) {
if (hgInstallRoot != null) {
for (File f : getWindowsConfigFilesPerInstall(hgInstallRoot)) {
LinkedHashSet<String> locations = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (String loc : locations) {
File location = new File(loc);
configFile.addLocation(new File(location, "Mercurial.ini"));
configFile.addLocation(new File(location, ".hgrc"));
} else {
if (hgInstallRoot != null) {
File d = new File(hgInstallRoot, "etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/");
if (d.isDirectory() && d.canRead()) {
for (File f : listConfigFiles(d)) {
configFile.addLocation(new File(hgInstallRoot, "etc/mercurial/hgrc"));
// same, but with absolute paths
File d = new File("/etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/");
if (d.isDirectory() && d.canRead()) {
for (File f : listConfigFiles(d)) {
configFile.addLocation(new File("/etc/mercurial/hgrc"));
configFile.addLocation(new File(System.getenv("HOME"), ".hgrc"));
return configFile;
* Repository-specific configuration
* @see http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hgrc.5.html
public ConfigFile readConfiguration() throws HgIOException {
ConfigFile configFile = readConfiguration(repo.getSessionContext());
// last one, overrides anything else
// <repo>/.hg/hgrc
return configFile;
/*package-local*/ImplAccess getImplAccess() {
return implAccess;
private static List<File> getWindowsConfigFilesPerInstall(File hgInstallDir) {
File f = new File(hgInstallDir, "Mercurial.ini");
if (f.exists()) {
return Collections.singletonList(f);
f = new File(hgInstallDir, "hgrc.d/");
if (f.canRead() && f.isDirectory()) {
return listConfigFiles(f);
// TODO [post-1.1] query registry, e.g. with
// Runtime.exec("reg query HKLM\Software\Mercurial")
f = new File("C:\\Mercurial\\Mercurial.ini");
if (f.exists()) {
return Collections.singletonList(f);
return Collections.emptyList();
private static List<File> listConfigFiles(File dir) {
assert dir.canRead();
assert dir.isDirectory();
final File[] allFiles = dir.listFiles();
// File is Comparable, lexicographically by default
ArrayList<File> rv = new ArrayList<File>(allFiles.length);
for (File f : allFiles) {
if (f.getName().endsWith(".rc")) {
return rv;
public static File getInstallationConfigurationFileToWrite(SessionContext ctx) {
File hgInstallRoot = findHgInstallRoot(ctx); // may be null
// choice of which hgrc to pick here is according to my own pure discretion
if (hgInstallRoot != null) {
// use this location only if it's writable
File cfg = new File(hgInstallRoot, runningOnWindows() ? "Mercurial.ini" : "etc/mercurial/hgrc");
if (cfg.canWrite() || cfg.getParentFile().canWrite()) {
return cfg;
// fallback
if (runningOnWindows()) {
if (hgInstallRoot == null) {
return new File("C:\\Mercurial\\Mercurial.ini");
} else {
// yes, we tried this file already (above) and found it non-writable
// let caller fail with can't write
return new File(hgInstallRoot, "Mercurial.ini");
} else {
return new File("/etc/mercurial/hgrc");
public static File getUserConfigurationFileToWrite(SessionContext ctx) {
LinkedHashSet<String> locations = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
final boolean runsOnWindows = runningOnWindows();
if (runsOnWindows) {
for (String loc : locations) {
File location = new File(loc);
File rv = new File(location, ".hgrc");
if (rv.exists() && rv.canWrite()) {
return rv;
if (runsOnWindows) {
rv = new File(location, "Mercurial.ini");
if (rv.exists() && rv.canWrite()) {
return rv;
// fallback to default, let calling code fail with Exception if can't write
return new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".hgrc");
public RevlogStream createManifestStream() {
File manifestFile = getFileFromStoreDir("00manifest.i");
return streamProvider.create(manifestFile);
public RevlogStream createChangelogStream() {
File chlogFile = getFileFromStoreDir("00changelog.i");
return streamProvider.create(chlogFile);
public RevlogStream resolveStoreFile(Path path) {
return streamProvider.getStoreFile(path, false);
public Transaction.Factory getTransactionFactory() {
return new COWTransaction.Factory();
// marker method
public static IllegalStateException notImplemented() {
return new IllegalStateException("Not implemented");
public static Internals getInstance(HgRepository repo) {
return HgInternals.getImplementationRepo(repo);
public static <T> CharSequence join(Iterable<T> col, CharSequence separator) {
if (col == null) {
return String.valueOf(col);
Iterator<T> it = col.iterator();
if (!it.hasNext()) {
return "[]";
String v = String.valueOf(it.next());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(v);
while (it.hasNext()) {
v = String.valueOf(it.next());
return sb;
* keep an eye on all long to int downcasts to get a chance notice the lost of data
* Use if there's even subtle chance there might be loss
* (ok not to use if there's no way for l to be greater than int)
public static int ltoi(long l) {
int i = (int) l;
assert ((long) i) == l : "Loss of data!";
return i;
// access implementation details (fields, methods) of oth.repo package
public interface ImplAccess {
public RevlogStream getStream(HgDataFile df);
public RevlogStream getManifestStream();
public RevlogStream getChangelogStream();