package net.firstpartners.spreadsheet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFName;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.AreaReference;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellReference;
* Read Ranges from Excel, Convert to a format that rules can use
* Based on Sample from Apache POI
* @author paulbrowne
public class RangeConvertor {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RangeConvertor.class.getName());
* Read an excel file and spit out what we find.
* @param args
* Expect one argument that is the file to read.
* @throws IOException
* When there is an error processing the file.
public static RangeHolder convertExcelToCells(HSSFWorkbook wb)
throws IOException {
RangeHolder returnValues = new RangeHolder();
// retrieve the named range
int numberOfNames = wb.getNumberOfNames();
// Get all the named ranges in our spreadsheet
for (int namedRangeIdx = 0; namedRangeIdx < numberOfNames; namedRangeIdx++) {
HSSFName aNamedRage = wb.getNameAt(namedRangeIdx);
// retrieve the cell at the named range and test its contents
AreaReference aref = new AreaReference(aNamedRage.getReference());
CellReference[] crefs = aref.getAllReferencedCells();
// A Range that we will put the new cells into
Range redRange = new Range(aNamedRage.getNameName());
for (int thisCellinRange = 0; thisCellinRange < crefs.length; thisCellinRange++) {
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheet(crefs[thisCellinRange]
HSSFRow r = sheet.getRow(crefs[thisCellinRange].getRow());
HSSFCell thisExcelCell = null;
if (r != null) {
thisExcelCell = r.getCell(crefs[thisCellinRange].getCol());
// extract the cell contents based on cell type etc.
// Create our JavaBean representing the cell
String cellHandle = redRange.getUniqueCellName(thisCellinRange);
net.firstpartners.spreadsheet.Cell redCell = CellConvertor
.convertExcelToCell(cellHandle, thisExcelCell);
//Give the cell information about who is holding it
//and that it should pass on property change events to it
// Add the list of cells to a range
redRange.put(cellHandle, redCell);
return returnValues;
* Update an excel file with our new values
public static void convertCellsToExcel(HSSFWorkbook wb, RangeHolder updatedValues) throws IOException {
// retrieve the named range
int numberOfNames = wb.getNumberOfNames();
//Get all names of *all* the cells in *all* the ranges
Map<String,Cell> allCells =updatedValues.getAllCells();
for (int namedCellIdx = 0; namedCellIdx < numberOfNames; namedCellIdx++) {
HSSFName aNamedCell = wb.getNameAt(namedCellIdx);
// retrieve the cell at the named range and test its contents
AreaReference aref = new AreaReference(aNamedCell.getReference());
CellReference[] crefs = aref.getAllReferencedCells();
for (int thisCellinRange = 0; thisCellinRange < crefs.length; thisCellinRange++) {
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheet(crefs[thisCellinRange]
HSSFRow r = sheet.getRow(crefs[thisCellinRange].getRow());
// Get the cell that is referred to
HSSFCell excelCell = null;
if (r != null) {
excelCell = r.getCell(crefs[thisCellinRange].getCol());
// Check that the range name is on our list
String cellHandle = Range.getUniqueCellName(aNamedCell
.getNameName(), thisCellinRange);
if (allCells.containsKey(cellHandle)) {
CellConvertor.convertCellToExcel(wb, excelCell,
} else {
log.finest("Name not found in facts:" + cellHandle);
} else {"Null");