package net.firstpartners.sample.DslRuleflow;
import java.util.HashMap;
import net.firstpartners.drools.FileRuleLoader;
import net.firstpartners.drools.RuleRunner;
import net.firstpartners.drools.log.SpreadSheetLogger;
import net.firstpartners.spreadsheet.RangeConvertor;
import net.firstpartners.spreadsheet.RangeHolder;
import net.firstpartners.spreadsheet.SpreadSheetOutputter;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
* Sample showing how we can read and manipulate data from excel
* Read Ranges from Excel, Convert to a format that rules can use
* Based on Sample from Apache POI
* @author paulbrowne
public class NoRuleflowExample {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RuleflowExample.class);
private static final String EXCEL_DATA_FILE = "chocolate-data.xls";
private static final String EXCEL_OUTPUT_FILE = "chocolate-output.xls";
// the name of the sheet the we log files to
private static final String EXCEL_LOG_WORKSHEET_NAME = "log";
private static final String[] RULES_FILES = new String[] {
//Change from the other version
private static final String RULEFLOW_FILE=null;
private static final String RULEFLOW_ID = "ruleflow-sample";
* Read an excel file and spit out what we find.
* @param args
* Expect one argument that is the file to read.
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Open our Excel file using Apache Poi
// This method searches for our file in a number of places on disk
InputStream inputFromExcel = RuleflowExample.class
if (null == inputFromExcel) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find file:"
} else {"found file:" + EXCEL_DATA_FILE);
// Convert this into a (POI) Workbook
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(new POIFSFileSystem(inputFromExcel));
// Convert the cell
RangeHolder ranges = RangeConvertor.convertExcelToCells(wb);
HashMap<String, Object> globals = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// Create a new Excel Logging object
SpreadSheetLogger excelLogger = new SpreadSheetLogger();
// Set Paramaters
RuleSource ruleSource = new RuleSource();
// Load and fire our rules files against the data
new RuleRunner(new FileRuleLoader()).runStatelessRules(ruleSource,excelLogger);
// update the excel spreadsheet with the result of our rules
RangeConvertor.convertCellsToExcel(wb, ranges);
// update the excel spreadsheet with our log file
excelLogger.flush(wb, EXCEL_LOG_WORKSHEET_NAME);
// Write out modified Excel sheet
SpreadSheetOutputter.outputToFile(wb, EXCEL_OUTPUT_FILE);
// Close our input work book
// complete"Finished");