package scalaSciCommands;
// this package implements basic commands for the scalaSci's console
import scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Vector;
import scala.Function0;
import scala.Option;
public class BasicCommands {
public static String commands = " \n--------------scalaLab's Basic System Commands ----------------\n\n "+
"\ndir():Unit : displays the directory contents" + "\nls() : displays the directory contents (as dir())"+
"\ndirR():Unit : recursively displays the directory contents"+ "\nlsR() : recursively displays the directory contents"+
"\ncd(\"directory\"):Unit : changes the current directory"+
"\nmd(\"directory\"): creates the specified directory"+
"\nmkdir(\"directory\"): creates the specified directory"+
"\npwd(): Unit : displays the current working directory "+
"\ncls() : clears the display"+
"\nwhos() // prints the names and types of the user defined variables"+
"\nwhosv() // prints the names, types and values of the user defined variables"+
"\nwhoc() // prints the binding for common types"+
"\ntic() : starts the timer"+ "\ntoc() : retrieves the time passed from the previous tick"+
"\nString getFile(String initialDirectory, [String messageToUser]): gets a File with a File Dialog, starting at directory initialDirectory, specifying optionally a message to display to the user"+
"\n String getFile( String messageToUser, boolean paramIsMessage): gets a File with a File Dialog, specifying a message to display to the user"+
" \ndouble getDouble(String messageOfDialogBox, [double defaultValue]): gets a double value with a dialog box, specifying an optional default parameter"+
" \nint getInt(String messageOfDialogBox, [int defaultValue]): gets an int value with a dialog box, specifying an optional default parameter"+
" \nString getString(String messageOfDialogBox, [String defaultValue]): gets a String value with a dialog box, specifying an optional default parameter"+
"\n def load(fileName: String) : Int // loads the Matlab .mat file contents to scalaSci workspace"+
"\n def save(fileName: String, variableToSave: Double, variableName: String): Boolean"+
"\n def save(fileName: String, variableToSave: RichDouble2DArray, variableName: String): Boolean"+
"\n def matVars() // displays the Matlab variables of the workspace"+
"\n def getMatScalar(scalarName: String): Double // returns the value of the Matlab scalar variable"+
"\n def getMatArray(arrayName: String): Array[Array[Double]] // returns the value of the Matlab array variable"+
"\nboolean save(String fileName) : // writes to the Matlab .mat file the contents of the scalaSci workspace"+
"\nboolean save(String fileName, String variableNameToSave)"+
"\nint format(int decPoints) // controls how many decimal points to display for doubles, sets to decPoints, returns previous setting "+
"\n def setprecision(decPoints: Int): Unit "+
"\n def setVerbose(vflag: Boolean) // controls verbosing the results of toString() "+
"\n def getVerbose() // returns the current verbosing state "+
"\n def setVecMxElemsToDisplay( mxElems: Int) : Int // controls the number of elements displayed for vectors "+
"\n def setVecDigitsPrecision(precision: Int) // controls the precision of vector elements "+
"\n def getVecDigitsPrecision() // returns the precision with which vector elements are displayed"+
"\n def getMatMxRowsToDisplay() // returns the number of rows displayed for matrices"+
"\n def getMatMxColsToDisplay() // returns the number of cols displayed for matrices"+
"\n def setMatMxRowsToDisplay(nrows: Int) // sets the number of rows displayed for matrices"+
"\n def setMatMxColsToDisplay(ncols: Int) //sets the number of cols displayed for matrices"+
"\n def setMatDigitsPrecision(precision: Int) // controls the precision of Matrix elements "+
"\n def getMatDigitsPrecision() // returns the precision with which Matrix elements are displayed"+
"\n String dump() // dumps the Scala interpreter state"+
"\n def reset():Unit // resets the Scala interpreter state"+
"\n def clear(): Unit // clears the Scala interpreter state without using default imports"+
"\n String classpath() // returns the classpath of the Scala interpreter"+
"\n String appendClasspath(String newPath) // appends the specified path to the classpath of the Scala interpreter if already not exist"+
"\n String scalaInterpreterWithClassPathComponents() // updates the internal Scala classpath with the ScalaSciClassPath setting"+
"\n def setVecResizeFactor( newResizeFactor: Double):Double // sets the Vector resize factor. Returns the previous setting"+
"\n def scatterPlotsOn() // turns on scatter plotting"+
"\n def linePlotsOn() // turns on line plotting"+
"\n def exec(ScalaScriptFileName: String) // executes the code in the file ScalaScriptFileName"+
"\n def eval(String expr): Object // evaluates the ScalaSci expression passed as a String, e.g. eval(\"var x = rand(1000); plot(x);\")"+
"\n def inspect(Object obj) // inspects the object using reflection "+
"\n def inspectg(Object obj) // inspects the object graphically "+
"\n def displayMatrix(m: Array[Array[Double]]): Unit, def displayMatrix(m: scalaSci.Matrix): Unit, def displayMatrix(m: scalaSci.Mat): Unit "+ // displays the contents of the Matrix
"\n def clearUserPaths() // clears all the user classpaths used by the interpreter "+
"\n def disp(a: Array[Array[Double]]):Unit // displays the contents of the double array a "+
"\n def disp(v: Vec):Unit // displays the contents of the Vector v "+
"\n def disp(m: Mat):Mat // displays the contents of the Mat m"+
"\n def disp(m: Matrix):Unit // displays the contents of the Matrix m "+
"\ndef setw(nWhites: Int): Unit // outputs nWhites white spaces "+
"\n def typeOf() // displays the type of a variable "+
"\n def freeMem():Unit // displays the free memory"+
"\n def gc(): Unit // garbage collect"+
"\n def printSettings(): String // display the settings of the ScalaLab global interpreter";
public static void setw(int nwhites) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nwhites);
for (int k=0; k<nwhites; k++)
sb.append(" ");
//"\n def replay()\n";
public static void whos() {
public static void whoc() {
public static void whosv() {
public static void setVerbose(boolean vflag) {
public static boolean getVerbose() {
return scalaSci.PrintFormatParams.getVerbose();
public static void setVecMxElemsToDisplay(int mxElems)
public static int getVecDigitsPrecision() {
return scalaSci.PrintFormatParams.getVecDigitsPrecision();
public static void setVecDigitsPrecision(int precision) {
public static int getMatDigitsPrecision() {
return scalaSci.PrintFormatParams.getMatDigitsPrecision();
public static int getMatMxRowsToDisplay() {
return scalaSci.PrintFormatParams.getMatMxRowsToDisplay();
public static void setMatMxRowsToDisplay(int nrows) {
public static int getMatMxColsToDisplay() {
return scalaSci.PrintFormatParams.getMatMxColsToDisplay();
public static void setMatMxColsToDisplay(int ncols) {
public static String printSettings() {
String currentInterpreterSettings = GlobalValues.globalInterpreter.settings().optimise().toString()+"\n"+
return currentInterpreterSettings;
public static String fail(String str) {
return str;
public static long freeMem() {
long frMem = GlobalValues.rt.freeMemory();
GlobalValues.lastResultOutputArea.setText("Free memory = "+frMem);
return frMem;
public static void gc() {
// var a = readARFFFile("c:\\test\\quake.arff")
/*public static double [][] readARFFFile(String fileName ) {
Instances instances=null;
FileReader arffReader = new FileReader(fileName);
instances = new Instances(arffReader);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("ReadARFF: I/O exception");
int nInstances = instances.numInstances();
int nAttribs = instances.numAttributes();
double [][] values = new double[nInstances][nAttribs];
for (int inst=0; inst<nInstances; inst++) {
weka.Instance currentInstance = instances.instance(inst);
for (int attr=0; attr<nAttribs; attr++)
values[inst][attr] = currentInstance.value(attr);
return values;
public static void replay() {
public static int load(String fileName) { // loads the Matlab .mat file contents to scalaSci workspace"+
public static boolean save(String fileName, scalaSci.Vec v, String variableNameToSave) { // writes to the Matlab .mat file the contents of the scalaSci workspace"
return, v, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, double [] varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, double [][] varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, scalaSci.Mat varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, scalaSci.EJML.Mat varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, scalaSci.MTJ.Mat varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, scalaSci.CommonMaths.Mat varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
public static boolean save(String fileName, scalaSci.Matrix varValues, String variableNameToSave) {
return, varValues, variableNameToSave);
// display the names of all Matlab vars, both scalars and arrays
public static void matVars() {
System.out.println("\nSCALARS READED FROM .mat FILES : \n");
Enumeration scalarNames = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.scalarValuesFromMatlab.keys();
while (scalarNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String currentVarName = scalarNames.nextElement().toString();
System.out.println("\nMATRICES READED FROM .mat FILES: \n");
Enumeration arrayNames = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.arrayValuesFromMatlab.keys();
while (arrayNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String currentArrayName = arrayNames.nextElement().toString();
// get the value of a Matlab scalar
public static double getMatScalar(String name) {
double scalarValue = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.scalarValuesFromMatlab.get(name);
return scalarValue;
// get the value of a Matlab array
public static double [][] getMatArray(String name) {
double [][] arrayValue = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.arrayValuesFromMatlab.get(name);
return arrayValue;
public static void disp( double [][] a) {
int N = a.length;
int M = a[0].length;
for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
for (int m=0; m<M; m++)
System.out.print(a[n][m]+" ");
public static void disp( scalaSci.Vec a) {
System.out.println("Vector contents: \n");
double [] av = a.getv();
for (int m=0; m<a.size(); m++)
System.out.print(av[m]+" ");
public static void disp( scalaSci.Mat m) {
System.out.println("Zero-indexed Matrix contents: \n");
public static void disp( scalaSci.Matrix m) {
System.out.println("One-indexed Matrix contents: \n");
public static void clearUserPaths() {
public static void displayMatrix( double [][] matrix) {
scalaExec.gui.watchMatrix.display(matrix, false);
public static void displayMatrix( scalaSci.Matrix matrix) {
scalaExec.gui.watchMatrix.display(matrix.getv(), true);
public static void displayMatrix( scalaSci.Mat matrix) {
scalaExec.gui.watchMatrix.display(matrix.getv(), false);
public static void inspect(Object obj) {
public static void inspectg(Object obj) {
public static void dumpState() {
System.out.println("dumpState: ");
public static Object eval(String expr) { res = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.globalInterpreter.interpret(expr);
return res;
public static String typeOf(String ident) {
String typeStr = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.globalInterpreter.typeOfExpression(ident, true).toString();
return typeStr;
// # eval("var kk = k"); var hh = 7*kk
public static Integer getIntValue(String varName) { // gets the value of the variable varName if it was defined
String evalExpr = "var vv ="+varName;
Object rv = eval(evalExpr);
return (Integer)rv;
public static void setprecision(int decPoints) {
// controls how many decimal points to display for doubles, sets to decPoints, returns previous setting
public static int format(int decPoints) {
int prevFmtLen = GlobalValues.doubleFormatLen;
GlobalValues.doubleFormatLen = decPoints;
String s="0.";
for (int k=0; k<decPoints;k++) s +="0";
GlobalValues.fmtString = new DecimalFormat(s);
GlobalValues.fmtMatrix = GlobalValues.fmtString;
GlobalValues.fmtString.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(new Locale("us")));
GlobalValues.fmtMatrix.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(new Locale("us")));
return prevFmtLen;
public static String tic() {
GlobalValues.timeForTic = System.nanoTime(); // save the current time
return Long.toString(GlobalValues.timeForTic);
public static String toc() {
double delay = (double)(System.nanoTime()-GlobalValues.timeForTic)/1000000000.0;
return Double.toString(delay);
//double sm=0.0d; int k1=1; tic(); while (k1 < 1000000) { sm = (0.0002/(double)k1); k1++; }; String tm = toc(); System.out.println("sm = "+sm+", tm = "+tm);
public static void cls() {
public static void help() {
public static void help(String command) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
String fullFileName = GlobalValues.scalalabHelpPath+File.separator+command+".pdf";
File ft = new File(fullFileName);
long filelen = ft.length();
if (filelen ==0L ) {
System.out.println("file "+fullFileName+" has zero length");
//JPEGHelpFrame lf = new JPEGHelpFrame(ft);
PDFHelpFrame lf = new PDFHelpFrame(ft);
public static void disp(String str) {
public static double getDouble(String msg) {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(msg);
double val = Double.valueOf(strMsg);
return val;
public static double getDouble() {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Give double value");
double val = Double.valueOf(strMsg);
return val;
public static int getInt(String msg) {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(msg);
int val = Integer.valueOf(strMsg);
return val;
public static int getInt() {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Give int value");
int val = Integer.valueOf(strMsg);
return val;
public static String getString(String msg) {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(msg);
return strMsg;
public static String getString() {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Give String value");
return strMsg;
public static double getDouble(String msg, double defaultVal) {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(msg, Double.toString(defaultVal));
double val = Double.valueOf(strMsg);
return val;
public static int getInt(String msg, int defaultVal) {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(msg, Integer.toString(defaultVal));
int val = Integer.valueOf(strMsg);
return val;
public static String getString(String msg, String defaultVal) {
String strMsg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(msg, defaultVal);
return strMsg;
public static String getFile() {
javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser = new javax.swing.JFileChooser(Directory.Current().get().path());
chooser.setDialogTitle("Specify file for loading data");
File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
return file.getAbsolutePath(); // the full file name
public static String getFile(String dir) {
javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser = new javax.swing.JFileChooser(dir);
chooser.setDialogTitle("Specify file for loading data");
File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
return file.getAbsolutePath(); // the full file name
public static String getFile(String dir, String messageToUser) {
javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser = new javax.swing.JFileChooser(dir);
File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
return file.getAbsolutePath(); // the full file name
public static String getFile( String messageToUser, boolean paramIsMessage) {
javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser = new javax.swing.JFileChooser();
File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
return file.getAbsolutePath(); // the full file name
public static Object arrayGrow( Object o) {
Class cl = o.getClass();
if (!cl.isArray() ) return null;
Class componentType = cl.getComponentType();
int length = Array.getLength(o);
int newLength = length * 11 / 10 + 10;
Object newArray = Array.newInstance(componentType, newLength);
System.arraycopy(o, 0, newArray, 0, length);
return newArray;
public static String dump() {
//String scalaInterpreterState = GlobalValues.scalalabMainFrame.scalalabConsole.scalaInterpreter.dumpBoundNames();
return ""; //scalaInterpreterState;
// reset the Scala interpreter
public static void reset() {
public static void clear() {
public static String classpath() {
scala.collection.immutable.List <URL> classp = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.globalInterpreter.compilerClasspath().toList();
return classp.toString();
public static String appendClasspath(String newPath) {
// construct and initialize a new Scala Interpreter with appended classpath that includes the 'newPath'
newPath = newPath.trim();
// update also the GUI ScalaSciClassPathComponents parameter to include the new path
if (GlobalValues.ScalaSciClassPathComponents.contains(newPath)==false) {
if (GlobalValues.interpreterClassPathComponents.contains(newPath) == false) {
// return the appended classpath
return classpath();
public static String appendClasspaths(String [] newPaths) {
int len = newPaths.length;
// construct and initialize a new Scala Interpreter with appended classpath that includes the 'newPath'
// update also the GUI ScalaSciClassPathComponents parameter to include the new path
for (int k=0; k<newPaths.length; k++)
if (GlobalValues.ScalaSciClassPathComponents.contains(newPaths[k])==false)
// return the appended classpath
return classpath();
public static String appendClasspaths(Vector <String> newPaths) {
int len = newPaths.size();
// construct and initialize a new Scala Interpreter with appended classpath that includes the 'newPath'
if (GlobalValues.interpreterTypeForPane == GlobalValues.EJMLMat)
// update also the GUI ScalaSciClassPathComponents parameter to include the new path
for (int k=0; k<newPaths.size(); k++)
if (GlobalValues.ScalaSciClassPathComponents.contains(newPaths.elementAt(k))==false)
// return the appended classpath
return classpath();
// creates a new Scala Interpreter that is initialized to include all the ScalaSciClassPathComponents in its classpath
public static String scalaInterpreterWithClassPathComponents() {
int cplen = GlobalValues.ScalaSciClassPathComponents.size();
String [] cpElems = new String[cplen];
for (int k=0; k < cplen; k++)
cpElems[k] = (String) GlobalValues.ScalaSciClassPathComponents.elementAt(k);
return classpath();
public static void exec(String fileName) {
if (fileName.indexOf(File.separatorChar)==-1) // not absolute path: append current directory
fileName = Directory.Current().get().path()+File.separator+fileName;
if (fileName.indexOf(".")==-1) // append as default extension ".scala"
fileName = fileName+".scala";
if (fileName != null) { // load the contents of the file at the editor's textArea for editing
int idxDir = fileName.indexOf(File.separatorChar);
try {
File file = new File(fileName);
FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fr);
int MaxBufLen = (int) file.length();
char [] cbuf = new char[MaxBufLen];, 0, MaxBufLen);
String textIn = String.valueOf(cbuf);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Cannot read file "+fileName);