Package scalaSci.math.plot

Source Code of scalaSci.math.plot.plot

package scalaSci.math.plot;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import org.matheclipse.symja.OutputTextPane;
import org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.TeXConstants;
import org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.TeXFormula;
import org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.TeXIcon;
// objects. In order to implement the grid like structure of Matlab subplots  a constructor
// is defined that builds these objects from an array of graphic panel objects of the same type.
// The FrameView class represents plotting frame objects similar to Matlab figures.
// They can contain a rectangular grid of subplot objects.

import scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues;
import scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.Axis;
import scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.LatexImage;
import scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.texLabel;

public class plot  {

        static public boolean  scatterPlotOn = false;
        static int currentFigTableIndex=0;   // the identifier of the working figure as its index at the Figure table
        static int currentPlotCnt2D = 0// holds the number of the existing 2D figure  objects
        static int currentPlotCnt3D = 0; // holds the number of the existing 3D figure objects
        static int currentPlotCnt = 0// a counter for the current number of figures
        static int maxNumberOfFigs = 20// maximum number of figure frames
        static double  figTableIncreaseFactor = 1.5; // factor to increase dynamically the figure table size
        static PlotPanel [] [] [] allPlots = null// all the plot objects that belong to each Matlab-like figure object, e.g. allPlots[f][] is the table with the references to the plots
        static FrameView [] allFrames =  null; // holds the pointers to all the frames for all the figure objects

        static PlotPanel currentPlot = null// the handle where plot operations are directed

        static boolean new_figure = true// controls whether to create a new figure or to plot upon an existing one

        static boolean holdOnMode = true// controls holding previous plots, used to implement Matlab's hold("on"), hold("off")

        // plots all points, however this can be resource wasteful for large signals
        static public boolean fullPlotsOn() {
            boolean prevState = PlotGlobals.skipPointsOnPlot;
            PlotGlobals.skipPointsOnPlot = false;
            return prevState;
        static public boolean fastPlotsOn() {
            boolean prevState = PlotGlobals.skipPointsOnPlot;
            PlotGlobals.skipPointsOnPlot = true;
            return prevState;
        static public int setMaximumPlotPoints(int newMaxPointsToPlot) {
            int prevMaxPointsToPlot = PlotGlobals.limitPlotPoints;
            PlotGlobals.limitPlotPoints = newMaxPointsToPlot;
            return prevMaxPointsToPlot;

        // controls for 3-D plots the max points at the X-dimension
        static public int setMaximumPlotXPoints(int newMaxPointsXToPlot) {
            int prevMaxXPointsToPlot = PlotGlobals.limitPlotPointsX;
            PlotGlobals.limitPlotPointsX = newMaxPointsXToPlot;
            return prevMaxXPointsToPlot;

        // controls for 3-D plots the max points at the Y-dimension
        static public int setMaximumPlotYPoints(int newMaxPointsYToPlot) {
            int prevMaxYPointsToPlot = PlotGlobals.limitPlotPointsY;
            PlotGlobals.limitPlotPointsY = newMaxPointsYToPlot;
            return prevMaxYPointsToPlot;
        static public PlotPanel getPlot(){
            return currentPlot;
        static public Axis getXAxis() {
            return currentPlot.getAxis(0);
        static public Axis getYAxis() {
            return currentPlot.getAxis(1);
        static public Axis getZAxis() {
            return currentPlot.getAxis(2);
        // turn scatter plots on, in scatter plots points are not connected by a line
        static public  boolean  scatterPlotsOn() {
            boolean prevLineMode = scatterPlotOn;
            scatterPlotOn = true;
            return prevLineMode;

       // turn line plots off, in line plots points are connected by a line
        static public  boolean linePlotsOn() {
            boolean prevLineMode = scatterPlotOn;
            scatterPlotOn = false;
            return prevLineMode;

static public double [] arrToDouble(float [] x// convert float [] array to double []
          int N = x.length;
          double [] dx = new double[N];
          for (int k=0; k<N; k++)
              dx[k] = x[k];
          return dx;

static public double [][] arrToDoubleDouble(float [][] x// convert float [][] array to double [][]
          int N = x.length; int M=x[0].length;
          double [] [] dxy = new double[N][M];
          for (int r=0; r<N; r++)
              for (int c=0; c<M; c++)
               dxy[r][c] = x[r][c];
          return dxy;

public static void subplot( int  p)  {
    int  r = p / 100
    int  rem = p % 100;
    int c = rem / 10;
    int  id = rem % 10;
    subplot2d(r, c, id);

public static void subplot2d( int  p)  {
    int  r = p / 100
    int  rem = p % 100;
    int c = p / 10;
    int  id = rem % 10;
    subplot2d(r, c, id);

public static void subplot3d( int  p)  {
    int  r = p / 100
    int  rem = p % 100;
    int c = p / 10;
    int  id = rem % 10;
    subplot3d(r, c, id);
// increase the size of the global figure table when required
  public   static void  increaseFigTable() {
            int maxNumberOfFigsLarge = (int)(maxNumberOfFigs*figTableIncreaseFactor)// update number of figs
            FrameView []  cpAllFrames = new FrameView[maxNumberOfFigsLarge];   // table that holds indices to the new figure frames
            for (int k=0; k<allFrames.length; k++// copy previous to enlarged
                cpAllFrames[k] = allFrames[k];
            PlotPanel [][][] cpAllPlots = new PlotPanel[maxNumberOfFigsLarge][][];
            for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++// copy previous to enlarged
                cpAllPlots[k] = allPlots[k];
            for (int k=maxNumberOfFigs; k<maxNumberOfFigsLarge; k++) {  // new entries to nulls
                cpAllPlots[k] = null;
                cpAllFrames[k] = null;
            maxNumberOfFigs = maxNumberOfFigsLarge;  // update figure table size
            //   enlarged tables become the current
            allPlots = cpAllPlots;
            allFrames = cpAllFrames;

        // increase the Figure tables to cover the specified Figure number
  public   static void  increaseFigTableSpecifiedSize(int specifiedFigNo) {
            if (specifiedFigNo <= maxNumberOfFigs)
                return// specified size smaller than the current Figure table size
            int maxNumberOfFigsLarge = (int)(figTableIncreaseFactor*specifiedFigNo)// update number of figs
            FrameView []  cpAllFrames = new FrameView[maxNumberOfFigsLarge];
            for (int k=0; k<allFrames.length; k++// copy previous to enlarged
                cpAllFrames[k] = allFrames[k];
            PlotPanel [][][] cpAllPlots = new PlotPanel[maxNumberOfFigsLarge][][];
            for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++// copy previous to enlarged
                cpAllPlots[k] = allPlots[k];
            for (int k=maxNumberOfFigs; k<maxNumberOfFigsLarge; k++) {  // new entries to nulls
                cpAllPlots[k] = null;
                cpAllFrames[k] = null;
            maxNumberOfFigs = maxNumberOfFigsLarge;  // update figure table size
            //   enlarged tables become the current
            allPlots = cpAllPlots;
            allFrames = cpAllFrames;

        // initializes the ploting system
  public  static void initplots() {
    if (allFrames == null)  {   // plotting system not initialized yet
                    allPlots = new PlotPanel[maxNumberOfFigs][][]// all the "subplot" objects
                    for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++)
                       allPlots[k] = null;
                    allFrames = new FrameView[maxNumberOfFigs];   // all the "figure" objects
                    for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++)
                        allFrames[k] = null;
                    currentPlotCnt2D = 0;
                    currentPlotCnt3D = 0;
                    currentPlotCnt = 0;

                    currentFigTableIndex = 0;
                    currentPlot = null;
                    new_figure = true;

        // returns the current number of figure objects (e.g. FrameView objects), is the number of non-null entries of the allFrames[] table
    public static  int  getFigCount()  {
            int figCnt=0;
            for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++)
                if (allFrames[k] != null)

            return figCnt;

        // create  a new 2D figure object if we do not focus on an existing one
  public  static void newPlot2D() {
            initplots()// init plotting system if not yet initialized
            // if either we do not have a current 2D ploting panel or a new figure is explicitly requested we create a new figure
            if  ( (currentPlot == null) || (!(currentPlot instanceof Plot2DPanel) || new_figure))  {
  // assume a subplot2D(1,1,1), i.e.  the array of 2D subplots is initialized to a single subplot for the whole figure
                        Plot2DPanel [][] subplots2D = new Plot2DPanel[1][1];
                        Plot2DPanel  newPanel = new Plot2DPanel();
                        subplots2D[0][0] = newPanel;

                        // construct the new 2D plot frame
                        Plot2DPanel newplot = new Plot2DPanel(subplots2D, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 2D figure object

                        currentFigTableIndex = getFigureId()// request an available free figure identifier

             // initialize the frame window of the new figure
                        String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
                        FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newplot, currentFigTableIndex);
                        if (GlobalValues.smallScalaImage != null)
                          f.setIconImage(GlobalValues.smallScalaImage.getScaledInstance(400,400, 0));

                      allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f;   // keep the frame window of the new figure
                        allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = subplots2D; // keep the subplot structure

                        currentPlotCnt2D++;   // a new 2D plot is created
                        new_figure = false;
                        currentPlot = subplots2D[0][0]// focus on a component with a canvas



        // create  a new 3D figure object if we do not focus on an existing one
public static void  newPlot3D() {
      initplots()// init plotting system if not yet initialized
            // if either we do not have a current 3D ploting panel or a new figure is explicitly requested we create a new figure
            if  ( (currentPlot == null) || (!(currentPlot instanceof Plot3DPanel) || new_figure))  {
      // assume a subplot3D(1,1,1)
                        Plot3DPanel [][] subplots3D = new Plot3DPanel[1][1]// the array of 3D-subplots
                        subplots3D[0][0] = new Plot3DPanel();
                        // construct the new 3D plot frame
                        Plot3DPanel newPlot = new Plot3DPanel(subplots3D, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 3D figure object
                        String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
                        FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newPlot, currentFigTableIndex);
                        if (GlobalValues.smallScalaImage != null)

                        currentFigTableIndex = getFigureId()// get a free figure id

                        allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f; // keep the frame window of the new figure
                        allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = subplots3D;   // keep the subplot structure
                        currentPlotCnt3D++;   // a new 3D plot is created

                        new_figure = false;
                        currentPlot = subplots3D[0][0]// focus on a component with a canvas



// closes all the available figure objects
public static  void closeAll()   {
            if (allFrames != null)
             for (int figId=0; figId<maxNumberOfFigs; figId++)
                 if (allFrames[figId] != null)
            allFrames = null;

public static void close(String all) {
    if (all.equalsIgnoreCase("all"))

// returns an Id of an unused slot for figure
        public static int getFigureId()  {
            boolean  figIdsRemain = false;   // remain empty slots for new figures
            for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++)   {
                if (allFrames[k]==null)  {
                  currentFigTableIndex = k;
                  figIdsRemain =  true;
                  currentFigTableIndex  = k;
            if (figIdsRemain == false)  { // increase the size of figure tables
                int prevFigCnt = maxNumberOfFigs;  // previous count of Figures
                increaseFigTable()// increase the size of figure table
                currentFigTableIndex = prevFigCnt;  // return the first id from the enlarged region
            return currentFigTableIndex;

  // constructs a 2d figure object. Returns the figure id
        static public int figure() {
          return  figure2d();

        // constructs a new figure 2D object with a single subplot panel, i.e. subplot(1,1,1). Returns the figure id
static public  int figure2d() {   // initialize flags for creating a new figure at the next ploting operation
                int currentFigTableIndex = getFigureId()// returns the id of the available figure
                createSubplot2D(1,1,1, currentFigTableIndex);
                return currentFigTableIndex+1;

  // constructs a new figure 3D object with a single subplot panel, i.e. subplot(1,1,1). Returns the figure id
static public  int figure3d() {   // initialize flags for creating a new 3D figure at the next ploting operation
                int currentFigTableIndex = getFigureId()// returns the id of the available figure
                createSubplot3D(1,1,1, currentFigTableIndex);
                return currentFigTableIndex+1;

        // focus on the figure with the identifier figId
static public PlotPanel  figure(int figId) {
            if (figId < 1// assume the smallest figId when a zero or negative figId is requested
                figId = 1;
            if (figId > maxNumberOfFigs)   // increase Figure table size

            int figMinus1 = figId-1;   // indexes start at 0, figures numbered from 1 according to Matlab conventions
            if (allPlots[figMinus1] != null)  {  // figure id exists
               currentPlot = allPlots[figMinus1][0][0]// the requested figure panel
// if the figure id exists and is Plot3DPanel then it should be closed explicitly in order to use the figure id for 3D plots
               if (currentPlot instanceof  Plot3DPanel)
                    return null;
               return  currentPlot;
            else   // we do not have the requested figure object, create it explicitly
         currentFigTableIndex = figMinus1;
         return createSubplot2D(1,1,1, currentFigTableIndex);
        static public int  figure2d(int figId) {
          return figure2d();

        // focus on the figure with the identifier figId
static public PlotPanel  figure3d(int figId) {
            if (figId < 1// assume the smallest figId when a zero or negative figId is requested
                figId = 1;
            int figMinus1 = figId-1;   // indexes start at 0, figures numbered from 1 according to Matlab conventions
            if (allPlots[figMinus1] != null)  {  // figure id exists
               currentPlot = allPlots[figMinus1][0][0]// the requested figure panel
// if the figure id exists and is Plot2DPanel then it should be closed explicitly in order to use the figure id for 3D plots
               if (currentPlot instanceof  Plot2DPanel)
                    return  null;

               return  currentPlot;
            else   // we do not have the requested figure object, create it explicitly
         currentFigTableIndex = figMinus1;
         return createSubplot3D(1,1,1, currentFigTableIndex);

var N=pow(2, 15).toInt;   var t=linspace(0, 10, N);
var (noise, sig) = (vrand(N), sin(2.3*t))
var (fftNoise, fftSig) = (fft(noise), fft(sig))
figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); plot(t, sig, Color.BLUE, "signal"); hold("on"); plot(t, noise, Color.RED, "noise");
subplot(2,1,2); plot(fftSig, Color.BLUE, "FFT of signal"); hold("on"); plot(fftNoise,  Color.RED, "FFT of noise")
static public boolean hold(boolean newHoldState) {
    boolean oldHoldState = holdOnMode;
    holdOnMode = newHoldState;
    return oldHoldState;

static public String hold(String newHoldState) {
    boolean oldHoldState = holdOnMode;
    boolean newHoldModeToSet = false;
    if (newHoldState.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || newHoldState.equalsIgnoreCase("1"))
        newHoldModeToSet = true;
    holdOnMode = newHoldModeToSet;
    return oldHoldState==true?"on":"off";

static public void title(String titleStr)  {
    int plotCnt = currentFigTableIndex;
    if (plotCnt < 0 )
         plotCnt = 0;
    FrameView currentView = allFrames[plotCnt];
    if (currentView != null)
// sets the title of the figure frame with identofoer figId
static public void title(int  figId, String titleStr)  {
    FrameView currentView = allFrames[figId-1];
    if (currentView != null)

t = inc(0, 0.01, 10); x = sin(0.12*t);  plot(x);
// clears all the plots from the figure with figId
static public void clf(int figId)  {
    FrameView   figFrame = allFrames[figId-1];   // the frame of the figure
    if (figFrame == null)   return;   // no such figure
    PlotPanel [][] plots = allPlots[figId-1];
    int numRows = plots.length;
    int numCols = plots[0].length;
    for (int row=0; row < numRows; row++)
        for (int col=0; col < numCols; col++)   {  // for all subplots
            PlotPanel  currentPanel  =  plots[row][col];

// clears all the plots from the reference plotPanel
static public void clf(PlotPanel plotPanel)  {

// clears all the plot with identifier plotId, from the figure with identifier figId, at subplot id: [xId, yId]
// the numbering of plot ids starts at 1 (as the fig ids)
static public void clf(int figId, int xId, int yId, int plotId)  {
    FrameView   figFrame = allFrames[figId-1];   // the frame of the figure
    if (figFrame == null)   return;   // no such figure
    PlotPanel [][] plots = allPlots[figId-1];
    int numRows = plots.length;
    int numCols = plots[0].length;
     if (numRows > yId || numCols > xId)   // requested subplot not exists
    PlotPanel  currentPanel = plots[xId][yId];

// clears the plot with identifier plotId, from the figure with identifier figId
// the numbering of plot ids starts at 1 (as the fig ids)
// Example:
// var x=linspace(0, 2, 1000);   var y = sin(3.4*x); plot(x, y); hold("on")
// plot(x, 3*sin(8*y), Color.BLUE)
//  clf(1,1)  // clears the first plot
static public void clf(int figId, int plotId)  {
    FrameView   figFrame = allFrames[figId-1];   // the frame of the figure
    if (figFrame == null)   return;   // no such figure
    PlotPanel [][] plots = allPlots[figId-1];
    int numRows = plots.length;
    int numCols = plots[0].length;
    for (int row=0; row < numRows; row++)
        for (int col=0; col < numCols; col++)   {  // for all subplots
            PlotPanel  currentPanel  =  plots[row][col];


// clears the plot with identifier plotId, from the figure with identifier figId, at subplot id: [xId, yId]
// the numbering of plot ids starts at 1 (as the fig ids)
static public void clf(int figId, int xId, int yId)  {
    FrameView   figFrame = allFrames[figId-1];   // the frame of the figure
    if (figFrame == null)   return;   // no such figure
    PlotPanel [][] plots = allPlots[figId-1];
    int numRows = plots.length;
    int numCols = plots[0].length;
     if (yId > numRows || xId > numCols)   // requested subplot not exists
    PlotPanel  currentPanel = plots[yId-1][xId-1];

            // creates a Matlab-like placement of multiple subplots in a figure with id figureId
            // the function overwrites (i.e. disposes) any plot object that was residing on slots allFrames[figureId], allPlots[figureId]
            // sets the currentPlot member variable to the focused subplot object
            // a figure identifier to use is explicitly requested
static public PlotPanel  createSubplot2D(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot, int figureId)  {
                   // create new figure
         Plot2DPanel [] [] newPlot2DPanel = new Plot2DPanel[rows][cols];
            for (int ni=0; ni<rows; ni++)    // initialize the new plot panel
                for (int mi=0; mi<cols; mi++)
                   newPlot2DPanel[ni][mi] = new Plot2DPanel();

         currentFigTableIndex = figureId;  // the requested figure id to create
         String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
         // construct the new 2D plot frame
         Plot2DPanel newplot = new Plot2DPanel(newPlot2DPanel, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 2D figure object

         FrameView  fprev = allFrames[currentFigTableIndex]// any existing frame at that slot
         if (fprev ==  null) {
        else // dispose the previous frameView

         FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newplot, currentFigTableIndex);

         allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f;  // keep the currently constructed figure frame
         allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = newPlot2DPanel;  // keep the current 2D figure array of plot panels

         new_figure = false// avoid creating new figure panel for subsequent calls

         // adjust the currentPlot parameter to point to the focused subplot requested by the focusSubPlot parameter
         int rowNo = (int)(focusSubPlot / cols);
   if (rowNo*cols == focusSubPlotrowNo--;

   int colNo = (int)(focusSubPlot - rowNo*cols) - 1;
         currentPlot = newPlot2DPanel[rowNo][colNo];

         return (PlotPanel) newplot;

            // creates a Matlab-like placement of multiple subplots in a figure with id figureId
            // the function overwrites any plot object that was residing on slots allFrames[currentFigTableIndex], allPlots[currentFigTableIndex]
            // sets the currentPlot member variable to the focused subplot object
            // a figure identifierto use  is explicitly requested
  static public PlotPanel  createSubplot3D(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot, int figureId)  {
                   // create new figure
         Plot3DPanel [] [] newPlot3DPanel = new Plot3DPanel[rows][cols];
            for (int ni=0; ni<rows; ni++)    // initialize the new plot panel
                for (int mi=0; mi<cols; mi++)
                   newPlot3DPanel[ni][mi] = new Plot3DPanel();

         currentFigTableIndex = figureId;  // the requested figure id to create
         String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
         // construct the new 3D plot frame
         Plot3DPanel newplot = new Plot3DPanel(newPlot3DPanel, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 3D figure object

         FrameView fprev = allFrames[currentFigTableIndex];   // any existing frame at that slot
         if (fprev == null) {
         else // dispose the previous frameView

         FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newplot, currentFigTableIndex);

         allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f;  // keep the currently constructed figure frame
         allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = newPlot3DPanel;  // keep the current 3D figure array of plot panels

         new_figure = false// avoid creating new figure panel for subsequent calls

         // adjust the currentPlot parameter to point to the focused subplot requested by the focusSubPlot parameter
         int rowNo = (int)(focusSubPlot / cols);
   if (rowNo*cols == focusSubPlotrowNo--;

   int colNo = (int)(focusSubPlot - rowNo*cols) - 1;
         currentPlot = newPlot3DPanel[rowNo][colNo];

         return (PlotPanel) newplot;

// creates a Matlab-like placement of multiple subplots in the current Figure with index currentFigTableIndex
// returns the id of the figure object
  static public int Subplot2D(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot)  {
         if (allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] == null) {  // create new 2D-figure panel
                   // create new figure
                Plot2DPanel [] [] newPlot2DPanel = new Plot2DPanel[rows][cols];
                for (int ni=0; ni<rows; ni++)    // initialize the new plot panel
                    for (int mi=0; mi<cols; mi++)
                        newPlot2DPanel[ni][mi] = new Plot2DPanel();

                        // construct the new 2D plot frame

                Plot2DPanel newplot = new Plot2DPanel(newPlot2DPanel, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 2D figure object
                String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
                FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newplot, currentFigTableIndex);

                allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f;
                allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = newPlot2DPanel;  // keep the current 2D figure frame

                new_figure = false// avoid creating new figure panel for subsequent calls
         // create the objects of the current plot. These are reused at subsequent calls of subplot2D()

                int rowNo = (int)(focusSubPlot / cols);
    if (rowNo*cols == focusSubPlotrowNo--;

    int colNo = (int)(focusSubPlot - rowNo*cols) - 1;
                currentPlot = newPlot2DPanel[rowNo][colNo];

         else // either focus on the requested plot if the subplot grid structure matches,
                    // or otherwise create a new subplot structure
             Plot2DPanel [][] currentPlot2DPanel = (Plot2DPanel[][]) allPlots[currentFigTableIndex];
             Plot2DPanel [] [] newPlot2DPanel = currentPlot2DPanel;

             int yGrid = currentPlot2DPanel.length;
             int xGrid = currentPlot2DPanel[0].length;
             if (yGrid != rows || xGrid != cols)   {    // a grid of different size is requested
                 newPlot2DPanel = new Plot2DPanel[rows][cols];

                 // dispose the previous frameView object
                 FrameView pf = allFrames[currentFigTableIndex];

                 // create new figure
                for (int ni=0; ni<rows; ni++)    // initialize the new plot panel
                    for (int mi=0; mi<cols; mi++)
                        newPlot2DPanel[ni][mi] = new Plot2DPanel();

                Plot2DPanel newplot = new Plot2DPanel(newPlot2DPanel, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 2D figure object
                String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
                FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newplot, currentFigTableIndex);

                allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f;
                allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = newPlot2DPanel;  // keep the current 2D figure frame
                new_figure = false;

             int rowNo = (int)(focusSubPlot / cols);
             if (rowNo*cols == focusSubPlotrowNo--;

             int colNo = (int)(focusSubPlot - rowNo*cols) - 1;
             currentPlot = newPlot2DPanel[rowNo][colNo];
         return currentFigTableIndex;

        // creates a Matlab-like placement of multiple subplots in a figure.
        // returns the id of the figure object
     static public int Subplot3D(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot)  {
         if (allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] == null) {  // create new 3D-figure panel
                   // create new figure
                Plot3DPanel [] [] newPlot3DPanel = new Plot3DPanel[rows][cols];
                for (int ni=0; ni<rows; ni++)    // initialize the new plot panel
                    for (int mi=0; mi<cols; mi++)
                        newPlot3DPanel[ni][mi] = new Plot3DPanel();

                        // construct the new 3D plot frame

                Plot3DPanel newplot = new Plot3DPanel(newPlot3DPanel, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 3D figure object
                String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
                FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newplot, currentFigTableIndex);

                allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f;
                allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = newPlot3DPanel;  // keep the current 3D figure frame

                new_figure = false// avoid creating new figure panel for subsequent calls
         // create the objects of the current plot. These are reused at subsequent calls of subplot3D()

                int rowNo = (int)(focusSubPlot / cols);
    if (rowNo*cols == focusSubPlotrowNo--;

    int colNo = (int)(focusSubPlot - rowNo*cols) - 1;
                currentPlot = newPlot3DPanel[rowNo][colNo];

          else // either focus on the requested plot if the subplot grid structure matches,
                    // or otherwise create a new subplot structure
             Plot3DPanel [][] currentPlot3DPanel = (Plot3DPanel[][]) allPlots[currentFigTableIndex];
             Plot3DPanel [] [] newPlot3DPanel = currentPlot3DPanel;

             int yGrid = currentPlot3DPanel.length;
             int xGrid = currentPlot3DPanel[0].length;
             if (yGrid != rows || xGrid != cols)   {    // a grid of different size is requested
                 newPlot3DPanel = new Plot3DPanel[rows][cols];

                 // dispose the previous frameView object
                 FrameView pf = allFrames[currentFigTableIndex];

                 // create new figure
                for (int ni=0; ni<rows; ni++)    // initialize the new plot panel
                    for (int mi=0; mi<cols; mi++)
                        newPlot3DPanel[ni][mi] = new Plot3DPanel();

                Plot3DPanel newplot = new Plot3DPanel(newPlot3DPanel, PlotPanel.NORTH);    // create a new 3D figure object
                String figTitle = "Fig. "+(currentFigTableIndex+1);
                FrameView f = new FrameView(figTitle, newplot, currentFigTableIndex);

                allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = f;
                allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = newPlot3DPanel;  // keep the current 3D figure frame
                new_figure = false;

             int rowNo = (int)(focusSubPlot / cols);
             if (rowNo*cols == focusSubPlotrowNo--;

             int colNo = (int)(focusSubPlot - rowNo*cols) - 1;
             currentPlot = newPlot3DPanel[rowNo][colNo];
         return currentFigTableIndex;

// overloaded call
    static public void subplot(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot)  {
        Subplot2D(rows,  cols,  focusSubPlot);

// overloaded call
    static public void subplot2D(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot)  {
        Subplot2D(rows,  cols,  focusSubPlot);

     // overloaded call
    static public void subplot2d(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot)  {
        Subplot2D(rows,  cols,  focusSubPlot);

     // overloaded call
static public void subplot3D(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot)  {
        Subplot3D(rows,  cols,  focusSubPlot);
    // overloaded call
static public void subplot3d(int rows, int cols, int focusSubPlot)  {
        Subplot3D(rows,  cols,  focusSubPlot);

// closes the current  figure
static public int close() {
            // find next usable plot
            int currentFigSlotExamined = currentPlotCnt-1;

            FrameView closingFrameView = allFrames[currentFigTableIndex]// the frame view of the current figure
       //  we have a current view,  close it, and refocus on another figure
      if (closingFrameView != null)  {
            if (allPlots[currentFigTableIndex][0][0] instanceof  Plot2DPanel)

            allPlots[currentFigTableIndex] = null;
            allFrames[currentFigTableIndex] = null;
            currentPlotCnt--;   // one less plot

            boolean  atLeastOnefigureRemains = false;
            for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++)  {  // scan all possible slots
                if (allFrames[currentFigSlotExamined] != null)  {   // we have found an unused slot for focusing figure
                    atLeastOnefigureRemains = true;
                if (currentFigSlotExamined  < 0)    // cycle from the highest position
                    currentFigSlotExamined = maxNumberOfFigs-1;
            }   // scan all possible slots

            if (atLeastOnefigureRemains == true)   {   // focus on the detected "survived" figure object
              PlotPanel [][] currentPlotPanel = (PlotPanel[][]) allPlots[currentFigSlotExamined];
              currentPlot = currentPlotPanel[0][0];    // make the first subplot of the figure object as the current one
      }         //  we have a current view,  close it, and refocus on another figure

            currentFigTableIndex = currentFigSlotExamined;
            return currentFigTableIndex+1;

   // close an explicitly requested figure id
   // it focuses automatically on the previous figure object which it returns
    static public int close(int figId) {
        int currentFigSlotExamined = currentPlotCnt-1;

        if (allFrames != null) {   // plot system inited
         int  figMinusOne = figId-1;
             FrameView closingFrameView = allFrames[figMinusOne];
             // find next usable plot

            int len1 = allPlots[figMinusOne][0].length;
            int len2 = allPlots[figMinusOne].length;
       if (closingFrameView != null)     {   // figure frame exists
            for (int i=0; i<len2; i++)
                for (int j=0; j<len1; j++)
                    allPlots[figMinusOne][i][j] = null;

            allPlots[figMinusOne] = null// TODOSterg: handle closing properly
            allFrames[figMinusOne] = null;
            currentPlotCnt--;   // one less plot

              boolean  atLeastOnefigureRemains = false;
              for (int k=0; k<maxNumberOfFigs; k++)  {  // scan all possible slots
                  if (allFrames[currentFigSlotExamined] != null)  {   // we have found an unused slot for focusing figure
                      atLeastOnefigureRemains = true;
                currentFigSlotExamined--;  // check lowest figure id
                currentFigTableIndex = currentFigSlotExamined;
                if (currentFigSlotExamined  < 0)    // cycle from the highest position
                    currentFigTableIndex = currentFigSlotExamined = maxNumberOfFigs-1;
            }   // scan all possible slots

            if (atLeastOnefigureRemains == true)   {   // focus on the detected "survived" figure object
              PlotPanel [][] currentPlotPanel = (PlotPanel[][]) allPlots[currentFigSlotExamined];
              currentPlot = currentPlotPanel[0][0];    // make the first subplot of the figure object as the current one
                new_figure  = true;   // if figures do not remain create one on next plot
              }   // close currentFigTableIndex
            return currentFigSlotExamined+1;   // return index of the closed figure

        static public void setColor(int red, int green, int blue)  {
            Color  newColor = new Color(red, green, blue);

// var x = vrand(500); plot(x);  markX(100, 200, new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 30));  markX(10.0, 0.3)
        static public void xlabel(String xLabelStr) {
            currentPlot.setAxisLabel(scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel.xAxisId, xLabelStr);

        static public void ylabel(String yLabelStr) {
            currentPlot.setAxisLabel(scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel.yAxisId, yLabelStr);

        static public void zlabel(String zLabelStr) {
            if (currentPlot instanceof  Plot3DPanel)
                currentPlot.setAxisLabel(scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel.zAxisId, zLabelStr);

        // set the color for LaTex text and return the previous setting
        public static Color setLatexColor(Color col) {
            Color prevColor = PlotGlobals.latexColor;
            PlotGlobals.latexColor = col;
            return prevColor;
        public static void  latexLabel(String latex)  {
            texLabel  txl = new scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.texLabel(latex, 1, 1);
        public static void  latexLabel(String latex, int coordx, int coordy)  {
            texLabel  txl = new scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.texLabel(latex, coordx, coordy);
        public static void  latexLabel(String latex, int size,  int coordx, int coordy)  {
            texLabel  txl = new scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.texLabel(latex, size, coordx, coordy);
        public static void  latexLabel(String latex, double coordx, double  coordy)  {
            texLabel  txl = new scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.texLabel(latex, coordx, coordy);
        public static void  latexLabel(String latex, int size,  double  coordx, double  coordy)  {
            texLabel  txl = new scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.texLabel(latex, size, coordx, coordy);
        public static void latexLabel3d(String latex, double nw1, double nw2, double nw3, double se1, double se2, double se3, double sw1, double sw2, double sw3) {
            LatexImage tximg = new scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.LatexImage(latex, nw1,  nw2, nw3, se1, se2, se3, sw1, sw2, sw3);
        public static void latexLabel3d(String latex, int xcoord, int ycoord) {
            LatexImage tximg = new scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.LatexImage(latex, xcoord, ycoord);
        public static void  latexRender(String latex)  {
                      TeXFormula tf = new TeXFormula(latex);
                      TeXIcon icontf = tf.createTeXIcon(TeXConstants.STYLE_DISPLAY, 20);
                      icontf.setInsets(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));
                      OutputTextPane otp = new OutputTextPane();
                      otp.addIcon(icontf,  0, true);
      JPanel jp = new JPanel();
                      JFrame tstF = new JFrame("test");
                      tstF.setSize(200, 200);

         var t=inc(0, 0.01, 10); var x = sin(3.4*t); var y = sin(3.4*t);  plot(t,x, y)
         var t=inc(0, 0.01, 10); var x = sin(3.4*t); plot(t,x)
         var latex = "\\int_{i=1}^{N} k_i"
         latexLabel(latex, 50, 100, 100)


Related Classes of scalaSci.math.plot.plot

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