Package scalaSci.math.plot

Source Code of scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel

package scalaSci.math.plot;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.util.LinkedList;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

import scalaSci.math.plot.canvas.Plot2DCanvas;
import scalaSci.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas;
import scalaSci.math.plot.components.LegendPanel;
import scalaSci.math.plot.components.PlotToolBar;
import scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.Axis;
import scalaSci.math.plot.plotObjects.Plotable;
import scalaSci.math.plot.plots.Plot;

// this class extends the JPanel class in order to cope with plots
public abstract class PlotPanel extends JPanel {
        public FrameView  holdingFrameView = null// the FrameView that holds the current plot
        public PlotToolBar plotToolBar;  // each PlotPanel is associated with a toolbar
        public PlotCanvas plotCanvas;
        public LegendPanel plotLegend;
        public final static String EAST = BorderLayout.EAST;
        public final static String SOUTH = BorderLayout.SOUTH;
        public final static String NORTH = BorderLayout.NORTH;
        public final static String WEST = BorderLayout.WEST;
        public final static String INVISIBLE = "INVISIBLE";
// the plot types
        public final static String SCATTER = "SCATTER";
        public final static String LINE = "LINE";
        public final static String BAR = "BAR";
        public final static String HISTOGRAM = "HISTOGRAM";
        public final static String BOX = "BOX";
        public final static String STAIRCASE = "STAIRCASE";
        public final static String GRID = "GRID";
        public final static Color[] COLORLIST = { Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW, Color.ORANGE, Color.PINK, Color.CYAN, Color.MAGENTA };
         // identifiers for x and y axis
        public final static int xAxisId = 0
        public final static int yAxisId = 1;
        public final static int zAxisId = 2;
        static PlotPanel  currentPanel;
        public PlotPanel(PlotCanvas _canvas, String legendOrientation) {
  plotCanvas = _canvas;
  setLayout(new BorderLayout());



  add(plotCanvas, BorderLayout.CENTER);

            public PlotPanel(Plot2DPanel [][]  panels, String legendOrientation) {
    int nPanelsX = panels.length;
                    int nPanelsY = panels[0].length;
                    currentPanel = panels[0][0];   // use this panel as the current one
       // panels are arranged  with a GridLayout within plot panels                   
                    JPanel  plotsPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(nPanelsX, nPanelsY));
                    for (int x=0; x<nPanelsX; x++)
                        for (int y=0; y<nPanelsY; y++
                    PlotPanel firstPanel = panels[0][0];
                    plotCanvas = firstPanel.plotCanvas;  // set plotting canvas to draw to the first plot canvas
                    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                    add(plotsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

          public PlotPanel(Plot3DPanel [][] panels, String legendOrientation) {
                    int nCanvasX = panels.length;
                    int nCanvasY = panels[0].length;
                    currentPanel = panels[0][0];   // use this panel as the current one
            JPanel  plotsPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(nCanvasX, nCanvasY));
            for (int x=0; x<nCanvasX; x++)
                for (int y=0; y<nCanvasY; y++
            PlotPanel firstPanel = panels[0][0];
            plotCanvas = firstPanel.plotCanvas;
            setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            add(plotsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

     public PlotPanel(PlotCanvas _canvas) {
        this(_canvas, INVISIBLE)// legend will be invisible

   * Defines where the legend of the plot should be added to the plot
   * panel.
   * @param location Location where should be put the legend (String).
   * location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST,
   * SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, INVISIBLE (legend will be hidden in this case).
   * Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to
   * the error output.
    public void addLegend(String location) {
        if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(EAST)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.VERTICAL);
  add(plotLegend, EAST);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(SOUTH)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.HORIZONTAL);
  add(plotLegend, SOUTH);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(WEST)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.VERTICAL);
  add(plotLegend, WEST);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(NORTH)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.HORIZONTAL);
  add(plotLegend, NORTH);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(INVISIBLE)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.INVISIBLE);
  } else
        System.err.println("Orientation " + location + " is unknown.");

    public void addLegend(String location, Plot2DPanel commentedPanel) {
        if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(EAST)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.VERTICAL);
  commentedPanel.add(plotLegend, EAST);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(SOUTH)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.HORIZONTAL);
  commentedPanel.add(plotLegend, SOUTH);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(WEST)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.VERTICAL);
  add(plotLegend, WEST);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(NORTH)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.HORIZONTAL);
  commentedPanel.add(plotLegend, NORTH);
        } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(INVISIBLE)) {
  plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.INVISIBLE);
  // add(legends, BorderLayout.NORTH);
  } else
           System.err.println("Orientation " + location + " is unknown.");

   * Removes the current legend from the plot panel.
  public void removeLegend() {

   * Moves the legend to the specified location.
   * @param location Location where should be put the legend (String).
   * location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST,
   * SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, INVISIBLE (legend will be hidden in this case).
   * Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to
   * the error output.
                public void setLegendOrientation(String location) {

   * Adds a new plot toolbar to the specified location. The previous toolbar
   * is deleted.
   * @param location Location where should be put the toolbar (String).
   * location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST,
   * Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to
   * the error output.
  public void addPlotToolBar(String location) {
    if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(EAST)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
      add(plotToolBar, EAST);
    } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(SOUTH)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
      add(plotToolBar, SOUTH);
    } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(WEST)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
      add(plotToolBar, WEST);
    } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(NORTH)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
      add(plotToolBar, NORTH);
    } else
      System.err.println("Location " + location + " is unknown.");

        public void addPlotToolBar(String location, Plot2DPanel controledPanel) {
    if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(EAST)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(controledPanel);
      add(plotToolBar, EAST);
    } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(SOUTH)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(controledPanel);
      add(plotToolBar, SOUTH);
    } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(WEST)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(controledPanel);
      add(plotToolBar, WEST);
    } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(NORTH)) {
      plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
      add(plotToolBar, NORTH);
    } else
      System.err.println("Location " + location + " is unknown.");

   * Removes the plot toolbar from the panel.
  public void removePlotToolBar() {
    if (plotToolBar == null)

   * Moves the plot toolbar to the specified location.
   * @param location Location where should be put the toolbar (String).
   * location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST,
   * Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to
   * the error output.
  public void setPlotToolBarOrientation(String location) {

  // ///////////////////////////////////////////
  // ////// set actions ////////////////////////
  // ///////////////////////////////////////////

  public void setActionMode(int am) {

  public void setNoteCoords(boolean b) {

  public void setEditable(boolean b) {

  public boolean getEditable() {
    return plotCanvas.getEditable();

  public void setNotable(boolean b) {

  public boolean getNotable() {
    return plotCanvas.getNotable();

  // ///////////////////////////////////////////
  // ////// set/get elements ///////////////////
  // ///////////////////////////////////////////

  public LinkedList<Plot> getPlots() {
    return plotCanvas.getPlots();

  public Plot getPlot(int i) {
    return plotCanvas.getPlot(i);

  public int getPlotIndex(Plot p) {
    return plotCanvas.getPlotIndex(p);

  public LinkedList<Plotable> getPlotables() {
    return plotCanvas.getPlotables();

  public Plotable getPlotable(int i) {
    return plotCanvas.getPlotable(i);

   * Return the axis specified in parameter.
   * @param i Axis number. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
   * @return The axis which number is given in parameter.
  public Axis getAxis(int i) {
    return plotCanvas.getGrid().getAxis(i);

   * Returns the scaling for all of the axis of the plot.
   * @return  An array of String
  public String[] getAxisScales() {
    return plotCanvas.getAxisScales();

  //   TODO axes labels are rested after addPlot... correct this.
   * Sets the name of the axis, in this order: X, Y and Z.
   * @param labels One to three strings containing the name of each axis.
  public void setAxisLabels(String... labels) {

   * Sets the name of the axis specified in parameter.
   * @param axe Axis number. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
   * @param label Name to be given.
  public void setAxisLabel(int axe, String label) {
    plotCanvas.setAxisLabel(axe, label);

   * Sets the scale of the axes, linear or logarithm, in this order: X,Y,Z.
   * @param scales Strings containing the scaling, LOG or LIN (case insensitive) for the axes.
  public void setAxisScales(String... scales) {

   * Sets the scaling of the specified axis.
   * @param axe Axis number. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
   * @param scale String specifying the scaling. LIN or LOG, case insensitive.
  public void setAxisScale(int axe, String scale) {
    plotCanvas.setAxiScale(axe, scale);

   * Sets the boundaries for each axis.
   * @param min Array of at most 3 doubles specifying the min bound of each axis, in this order: X,Y,Z.
   * @param max Array of at most 3 doubles specifying the max bound of each axis, in this order: X,Y,Z.
  public void setFixedBounds(double[] min, double[] max) {
    plotCanvas.setFixedBounds(min, max);

   * Sets the boundaries for the specified axis.
   * @param axe Axis number to modify. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
   * @param min Min bound of the axis.
   * @param max Max bound of the axis.
  public void setFixedBounds(int axe, double min, double max) {
    plotCanvas.setFixedBounds(axe, min, max);

   * Modify bounds of the axes so as to include the point given in parameter.
   * @param into Coords of the point to include in bounds.
  public void includeInBounds(double... into) {

   * Modify axes boundaries so as to include all the points of a given plot.
   * @param plot Plot to include.
  public void includeInBounds(Plot plot) {

   * Set bounds automatically.
  public void setAutoBounds() {

   * Set bounds automatically for one axis.
   * @param axe Number of the axis to modify. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
  public void setAutoBounds(int axe) {

  public double[][] mapData(Object[][] stringdata) {
    return plotCanvas.mapData(stringdata);

  public void resetMapData() {

  // ///////////////////////////////////////////
  // ////// add/remove elements ////////////////
  // ///////////////////////////////////////////

  public void addLabel(String text, Color c, double... where) {
    plotCanvas.addLabel(text, c, where);

  public void addBaseLabel(String text, Color c, double... where) {
    plotCanvas.addBaseLabel(text, c, where);

  public void addPlotable(Plotable p) {

  public void removePlotable(Plotable p) {

  public void removePlotable(int i) {

  public int addPlot(Plot newPlot) {
    return plotCanvas.addPlot(newPlot);

  protected Color getNewColor() {
    return COLORLIST[plot.currentPlotCnt % COLORLIST.length];

  public int addPlot(String type, String name, double[]... v) {
    return addPlot(type, name, getNewColor(), v);

  public abstract int addPlot(String type, String name, Color c, double[]... v);

  public void setPlot(int I, Plot p) {
    plotCanvas.setPlot(I, p);

  public void changePlotData(int I, double[]... XY) {
    plotCanvas.changePlotData(I, XY);

  public void changePlotName(int I, String name) {
    plotCanvas.changePlotName(I, name);

  public void changePlotColor(int I, Color c) {
    plotCanvas.changePlotColor(I, c);

  public void removePlot(int I) {

  public void removePlot(Plot p) {

  public void removeAllPlots() {

  public void addVectortoPlot(int numPlot, double[][] v) {
    plotCanvas.addVectortoPlot(numPlot, v);
        public int addScalogramPlot(String name, double [][] XY)  {
       return ((Plot2DCanvas) plotCanvas).addScalogramPlot(name, getNewColor(), XY);
  public void addQuantiletoPlot(int numPlot, int numAxe, double rate, boolean symetric, double[] q) {
    plotCanvas.addQuantiletoPlot(numPlot, numAxe, rate, symetric, q);

  public void addQuantiletoPlot(int numPlot, int numAxe, double rate, boolean symetric, double q) {
    plotCanvas.addQuantiletoPlot(numPlot, numAxe, rate, symetric, q);

  public void addQuantilestoPlot(int numPlot, int numAxe, double[][] q) {
    plotCanvas.addQuantilestoPlot(numPlot, numAxe, q);

  public void addQuantilestoPlot(int numPlot, int numAxe, double[] q) {
    plotCanvas.addQuantilestoPlot(numPlot, numAxe, q);

  public void addGaussQuantilestoPlot(int numPlot, int numAxe, double[] s) {
    plotCanvas.addGaussQuantilestoPlot(numPlot, numAxe, s);

  public void addGaussQuantilestoPlot(int numPlot, int numAxe, double s) {
    plotCanvas.addGaussQuantilestoPlot(numPlot, numAxe, s);

  public void toGraphicFile(File file) throws IOException {
    // otherwise toolbar appears

    Image image = createImage(getWidth(), getHeight());
    image = new ImageIcon(image).getImage();

    BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics g = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, Color.WHITE, null);

    // make it reappear

    try {
      ImageIO.write((RenderedImage) bufferedImage, "PNG", file);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {

   /*   these methods allow the handling of axis by retrieving first a PlotPanel reference.
    t = inc(0, 0.01, 20);
         x = sin(0.2*t)+5*cos(0.23*t);;
         fig = figure(1); plot(t,y);
         fig.xlabel("Time axis t"); */
        public void xlabel(String xLabelStr) {
            setAxisLabel(scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel.xAxisId, xLabelStr);
        public void ylabel(String yLabelStr) {
            setAxisLabel(scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel.yAxisId, yLabelStr);
        public void zlabel(String zLabelStr) {
            if (this instanceof  Plot3DPanel) {
               setAxisLabel(scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel.zAxisId, zLabelStr);
public void title(String titleStr)  {
    int plotCnt = plot.currentPlotCnt-1;
    if (plotCnt < 0 )
         plotCnt = 0;
    FrameView currentView = plot.allFrames[plotCnt];
    if (currentView != null)
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int n=2; int m=3;
            try {
            Plot2DPanel [] [] mySubplots = new Plot2DPanel[n][m];
            for (int ni=0; ni<n; ni++
                for (int mi=0; mi<m; mi++)  
                      mySubplots[ni][mi] = new Plot2DPanel();
            Plot2DPanel  mSinePlot = mySubplots[0][0];
            int np=2000;
            double SF = 0.012;
            double [] x = new double [np];
            double [] t = new double [np];
            for (int k=0; k<np; k++) {
                t[k] = SF*k;
                x[k] = Math.sin(t[k]);
            mSinePlot.addLinePlot("Sine Plot", new Color(0, 200, 0), t, x);
             Plot2DPanel  mTwoSinesPlot = mySubplots[1][1];
            double SF2 = 0.018;
            double [] y = new double [np];
            for (int k=0; k<np; k++) {
                y[k] = x[k]+Math.sin(x[k]*SF2*t[k]);
            mTwoSinesPlot.addLinePlot("Complex Sines Plot", new Color(0, 0, 200), t, y);
            mySubplots[1][0].addBarPlot("barplot", new Color(0,50, 50), t, y);
            Plot2DPanel p = new Plot2DPanel(mySubplots, PlotPanel.NORTH);
            FrameView f = new FrameView(p);
    } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
            Plot3DPanel [] [] mySubplots3D = new Plot3DPanel[m][n];
            for (int ni=0; ni<n; ni++
                for (int mi=0; mi<m; mi++)  
                      mySubplots3D[ni][mi] = new Plot3DPanel();
            Plot3DPanel  mySine3Plot = mySubplots3D[0][0];
            int np=2000;
            double SF = 0.012;
            double [] x = new double [np];
            double [] t = new double [np];
            double [] y = new double [np];
            for (int k=0; k<np; k++) {
                t[k] = SF*k;
                x[k] = Math.sin(t[k]);
                y[k] = x[k] +t[k]*Math.random();
            mySine3Plot.addLinePlot("Sine3 Plot", new Color(0, 200, 0), t, x, y);
            Plot3DPanel p = new Plot3DPanel( mySubplots3D, PlotPanel.NORTH);
                FrameView f = new FrameView(p);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    /* String man = "Usage: jplot.<sh|bat> <-2D|-3D> [-l <INVISIBLE|NORTH|SOUTH|EAST|WEST>] [options] <ASCII file (n rows, m columns)> [[options] other ASCII file]\n"
        + "[-l <INVISIBLE|NORTH|SOUTH|EAST|WEST>] giving the legend position\n"
        + "[options] are:\n"
        + "  -t <SCATTER|LINE|BAR|HISTOGRAM2D(<integer h>)|HISTOGRAM3D(<integer h>,<integer k>)|GRID3D|CLOUD2D(<integer h>,<integer k>)|CLOUD3D(<integer h>,<integer k>,<integer l>)>    type of the plot\n"
        + "      SCATTER|LINE|BAR: each line of the ASCII file contains coordinates of one point.\n"
        + "      HISTOGRAM2D(<integer h>): ASCII file contains the 1D sample (i.e. m=1) to split in h slices.\n"
        + "      HISTOGRAM3D(<integer h>,<integer k>): ASCII file contains the 2D sample (i.e. m=2) to split in h*k slices (h slices on X axis and k slices on Y axis).\n"
        + "      GRID3D: ASCII file is a matrix, first row gives n X grid values, first column gives m Y grid values, other values are Z values.\n"
        + "      CLOUD2D(<integer h>,<integer k>): ASCII file contains the 2D sample (i.e. m=2) to split in h*k slices (h slices on X axis and k slices on Y axis), density of cloud corresponds to frequency of X-Y slice in given 2D sample.\n"
        + "      CLOUD3D(<integer h>,<integer k>,<integer l>): ASCII file contains the 3D sample (i.e. m=3) to split in h*k*l slices (h slices on X axis, k slices on Y axis, l slices on Y axis), density of cloud corresponds to frequency of X-Y-Z slice in given 3D sample.\n"
        + "  -n name    name of the plot\n"
        + "  -v <ASCII file (n,3|2)>    vector data to add to the plot\n"
        + "  -q<X|Y|Z>(<float Q>) <ASCII file (n,1)>    Q-quantile to add to the plot on <X|Y|Z> axis. Each line of the given ASCII file contains the value of quantile for probvability Q.\n"
        + "  -qP<X|Y|Z> <ASCII file (n,p)>    p-quantiles density to add to the plot on <X|Y|Z> axis. Each line of the given ASCII file contains p values.\n"
        + "  -qN<X|Y|Z> <ASCII file (n,1)>    Gaussian density to add to the plot on <X|Y|Z> axis. Each line of the given ASCII file contains a standard deviation.";

    if (args.length == 0) {
      double[][] data = new double[20][];
      for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
        data[i] = new double[] { Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random() };
      ASCIIFile.writeDoubleArray(new File("tmp.dat"), data);

      args = new String[] { "-3D", "-l", "SOUTH", "-t", "SCATTER", "tmp.dat" };
      System.out.println("\nExample: jplot.<sh|bat> " +;

    PlotPanel p = null;
    if (args[0].equals("-2D"))
      p = new Plot2DPanel();
    else if (args[0].equals("-3D"))
      p = new Plot3DPanel();

    try {

      String leg = "INVISIBLE";
      String type = SCATTER;
      String name = "";

      double[][] v = null;

      double[] qX = null;
      double[] qY = null;
      double[] qZ = null;
      double qXp = 0;
      double qYp = 0;
      double qZp = 0;

      double[][] qPX = null;
      double[][] qPY = null;
      double[][] qPZ = null;

      double[] qNX = null;
      double[] qNY = null;
      double[] qNZ = null;

      for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
        //System.out.println("<" + args[i] + ">");
        if (args[i].equals("-l")) {
          leg = args[i + 1];
        } else if (args[i].equals("-t")) {
          type = args[i + 1];
        } else if (args[i].equals("-n")) {
          name = args[i + 1];
        } else if (args[i].equals("-v")) {
          v = ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
        } else if (args[i].startsWith("-qX(")) {
          qX = ASCIIFile.readDouble1DArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
          qXp = Double.parseDouble(args[i].substring(4, args[i].length() - 1));
        } else if (args[i].startsWith("-qY(")) {
          qY = ASCIIFile.readDouble1DArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
          qYp = Double.parseDouble(args[i].substring(4, args[i].length() - 1));
        } else if (args[i].startsWith("-qZ(")) {
          qZ = ASCIIFile.readDouble1DArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
          qZp = Double.parseDouble(args[i].substring(4, args[i].length() - 1));
        } else if (args[i].equals("-qPX")) {
          qPX = ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
        } else if (args[i].equals("-qPY")) {
          qPY = ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
        } else if (args[i].equals("-qPZ")) {
          qPZ = ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
        } else if (args[i].equals("-qNX")) {
          qNX = ASCIIFile.readDouble1DArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
        } else if (args[i].equals("-qNY")) {
          qNY = ASCIIFile.readDouble1DArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
        } else if (args[i].equals("-qNZ")) {
          qNZ = ASCIIFile.readDouble1DArray(new File(args[i + 1]));
        } else {
          File input_file = new File(args[i]);
          int n = 0;
          if (input_file.exists()) {
            if (name.length() == 0)
              name = input_file.getName();

            if (p instanceof Plot2DPanel) {
              Plot2DPanel p2d = (Plot2DPanel) p;
              if (type.equals("SCATTER"))
                n = p2d.addScatterPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
              else if (type.equals("LINE"))
                n = p2d.addLinePlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
              else if (type.equals("BAR"))
                n = p2d.addBarPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
              else if (type.startsWith("HISTOGRAM2D(")) {
                n = p2d
                    .addHistogramPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDouble1DArray(input_file), Integer
                        .parseInt(type.substring(12, type.length() - 1)));
              } else if (type.startsWith("CLOUD2D(")) {
                n = p2d.addCloudPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file), Integer.parseInt(type.substring(8, type.indexOf(","))),
                    Integer.parseInt(type.substring(type.indexOf(",") + 1, type.length() - 1)));
              } else
                p2d.addPlot(type, name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
            } else {
              Plot3DPanel p3d = (Plot3DPanel) p;
              if (type.equals("SCATTER"))
                n = p3d.addScatterPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
              else if (type.equals("LINE"))
                n = p3d.addLinePlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
              else if (type.equals("BAR"))
                n = p3d.addBarPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
              else if (type.startsWith("HISTOGRAM3D(")) {
                n = p3d.addHistogramPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file), Integer.parseInt(type.substring(12, type.indexOf(","))),
                    Integer.parseInt(type.substring(type.indexOf(",") + 1, type.length() - 1)));
              } else if (type.equals("GRID3D")) {
                n = p3d.addGridPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));
              } else if (type.startsWith("CLOUD3D(")) {
                n = p3d.addCloudPlot(name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file), Integer.parseInt(type.substring(8, type.indexOf(","))),
                    Integer.parseInt(type.substring(type.indexOf(",") + 1, type.indexOf(",", type.indexOf(",") + 1))), Integer
                        .parseInt(type.substring(type.indexOf(",", type.indexOf(",") + 1) + 1, type.length() - 1)));
              } else
                p3d.addPlot(type, name, ASCIIFile.readDoubleArray(input_file));

            if (v != null)
              p.addVectortoPlot(n, v);

            if (qX != null)
              p.addQuantiletoPlot(n, 0, qXp, false, qX);
            if (qY != null)
              p.addQuantiletoPlot(n, 1, qYp, false, qY);
            if (qZ != null)
              p.addQuantiletoPlot(n, 2, qZp, false, qZ);

            if (qPX != null)
              p.addQuantilestoPlot(n, 0, qPX);
            if (qPY != null)
              p.addQuantilestoPlot(n, 1, qPY);
            if (qPZ != null)
              p.addQuantilestoPlot(n, 2, qPZ);

            if (qNX != null)
              p.addGaussQuantilestoPlot(n, 0, qNX);
            if (qNY != null)
              p.addGaussQuantilestoPlot(n, 1, qNY);
            if (qNZ != null)
              p.addGaussQuantilestoPlot(n, 2, qNZ);

            type = "SCATTER";
            leg = "SOUTH";
            name = "";
            qX = null;
            qY = null;
            qZ = null;
            qXp = 0;
            qYp = 0;
            qZp = 0;

            v = null;

            qPX = null;
            qPY = null;
            qPZ = null;

            qNX = null;
            qNY = null;
            qNZ = null;

          } else {
            System.out.println("File " + args[i] + " unknown.");
      FrameView f = new FrameView(p);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("\n" + man);
    } */

Related Classes of scalaSci.math.plot.PlotPanel

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