package scalaExec.gui;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
import scala.collection.Iterator;
public class ConsoleKeyHandler implements KeyListener
private Console inputConsole; // keeps the inputCons Console object
static public String text;
static public String prevtext;
private boolean firstUpArrow = false;
private int lastNewLineCommandStartIdx;
private char endCommandChar = ';'; // character denoting the end of the previous command
private int previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx;
private int tokIndex; // index of token (in order to match the text after it)
private int posAutoCompletion;
private String [] matches;
private JList topLevelResultsList;
private JList membersResultList;
private autoCompleteListHandler detailHelpAdapter;
private int tabDotIndex = -1; // fix the index of '.' at the TAB completion request
private String frozenInputConsoleContents="";
private URL watchURL;
public ConsoleKeyHandler()
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){
/**Interpret key pressed */
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
Console inputCons = ((Console)e.getSource()); // get the source Object of the event
GlobalValues.userConsole = inputCons;
int keyValue = e.getKeyCode();
scala.collection.immutable.List<String> matchesAll;
switch (keyValue) {
case KeyEvent.VK_ALT: e.consume(); break;
case KeyEvent.VK_UP: //up cursor
if (GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn)
if (firstUpArrow) {
firstUpArrow = false;
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: //down cursor
// display next command only when in line mode
if (GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn)
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: //left cursor
//check the cursor isn't moving off the current line
case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE:
//check the cursor isn't moving off the current line
case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: // at commandLineMode, each newline causes the execution of the current line
firstUpArrow = true; // allow for the previous command whether correcr or not
if (scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn==true)
scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.userConsole.textArea = ""; // reset the text from the current command
case KeyEvent.VK_TAB: // use Scala autocompletion to complete the user expression
/* SOS-Sterg
inputConsole = (Console)e.getSource();
//get the text on the current line
text = inputConsole.getText();
// get the starting point of the current command start
lastNewLineCommandStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(GlobalValues.scalalabPromptChar)+1;
// check for multiple commands per line
endCommandChar = ';'; // character denoting the end of the previous command
previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(endCommandChar)+1;
if (previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx > lastNewLineCommandStartIdx) { // multiple commands per line separated by ';''
lastNewLineCommandStartIdx = previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx;
posAutoCompletion = lastNewLineCommandStartIdx;
String toksToCheckForLastIndex = "= +*-";
int toksCnt = toksToCheckForLastIndex.length();
for (int k=0; k<toksCnt; k++) {
tokIndex = text.lastIndexOf(toksToCheckForLastIndex.charAt(k))+1; // index of token (in order to match the text after it)
if (tokIndex > lastNewLineCommandStartIdx) {
posAutoCompletion = tokIndex;
lastNewLineCommandStartIdx = tokIndex;
text = text.substring(posAutoCompletion, text.length()).trim();
// check for '.' that marks that the user requests to know the members of a structure
String iString = text; //= text.substring(startPos, text.length());
scala.Option<Class<?>> classOfItem;
String afterDot="";
boolean membersRequested = false; // when the user presses dot, we imply that the completion should provide the members of a structure
int dotIndex = text.indexOf('.');
if (dotIndex != -1) { // members of a structure should be provided
membersRequested = true;
frozenInputConsoleContents = inputConsole.getText();
tabDotIndex = frozenInputConsoleContents.lastIndexOf('.');
frozenInputConsoleContents = frozenInputConsoleContents.substring(0, tabDotIndex+1);
afterDot = iString.substring(dotIndex+1, iString.length()); // get member typed after dot
afterDot = afterDot.trim(); // strip any blanks
iString = iString.substring(0, dotIndex); // remove the dot
boolean afterDotCharsExist = false;
if (afterDot.length()>0)
afterDotCharsExist = true;
// create a completion object completion = new;
if (membersRequested == false) { // provide the top level elements
Parsed ps = Parsed.apply(iString);
scala.collection.immutable.List<String> scalaResultsList = completion.topLevelFor(ps);
int matchedSize = scalaResultsList.size();
if (matchedSize > 0) { // top level elements exist, edit them
String [] dmatches = new String[matchedSize];
Iterator complResults = scalaResultsList.iterator();
int k=0;
while (complResults.hasNext()) { // collect the matched results
String currentCompletion = (String);
dmatches[k++] = currentCompletion;
topLevelResultsList = new JList(dmatches);
topLevelResultsList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) {
String selValue = topLevelResultsList.getSelectedValue().toString();
String currentText = inputConsole.getText();
int posPreviousText = currentText.lastIndexOf(GlobalValues.scalalabPromptChar) + 2;
int posEndPreviousCommand = currentText.lastIndexOf(endCommandChar)+1;
if (posEndPreviousCommand > posPreviousText)
posPreviousText = posEndPreviousCommand;
//int lastEqualsIdx = currentText.lastIndexOf('=')+1;
if (posAutoCompletion > posPreviousText)
posPreviousText = posAutoCompletion;
GlobalValues.selectedStringForAutoCompletion = selValue;
inputConsole.setCaretPosition(inputConsole.getText().length()); // set cursor at the end of the text area
GlobalValues.autoCompletionFrame = new AutoCompletionFrame("scalalabConsole AutoCompletion, Workspace variables");
} // top level elements exist, edit them
} // // provide the top level elements
else { // a dot pressed which implies that the completion should provide members of a structure
// see if we have methods available
scala.collection.immutable.List<String> scalaComplResultsList = completion.completions(iString);
classOfItem = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.globalInterpreter.classOfTerm(iString);
if (classOfItem.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("None") == false ) {
// completion.
Iterator ccomplResults = scalaComplResultsList.iterator();
int membersSize = ccomplResults.size();
if (membersSize > 0) { // member elements exist, edit them
Vector memberMatches = new Vector();
Iterator complResults = scalaComplResultsList.iterator();
while (complResults.hasNext()) { // collect the matched results
String currentCompletion = (String);
currentCompletion = currentCompletion.trim();
if (afterDotCharsExist) { // user typed after "."
if (currentCompletion.startsWith(afterDot)) {
String [] classMatchedMethods = getMethodsOfClass(classOfItem, currentCompletion);
int classMatchedMethodsLen = classMatchedMethods.length;
for (int matchedCnt=0; matchedCnt<classMatchedMethodsLen; matchedCnt++)
memberMatches.add( (String)classMatchedMethods[matchedCnt]);
else {
String [] classMatchedMethods = getMethodsOfClass(classOfItem, currentCompletion);
int classMatchedMethodsLen = classMatchedMethods.length;
for (int matchedCnt=0; matchedCnt<classMatchedMethodsLen; matchedCnt++)
memberMatches.add((String) classMatchedMethods[matchedCnt]);
// if (classMatchedMethodsLen==0) // a special Scala method, e.g. "+"
// memberMatches.add(currentCompletion);
} // collect the matched results
membersResultList = new JList(memberMatches);
membersResultList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) {
Object selValueObj = membersResultList.getSelectedValue();
String selValue = "";
if (selValueObj != null) {
selValue = (String)selValueObj;
GlobalValues.selectedStringForAutoCompletion = selValue;
inputConsole.setCaretPosition(inputConsole.getText().length()); // set cursor at the end of the text area
String currentText = inputConsole.getText();
int posPreviousText = currentText.lastIndexOf(GlobalValues.scalalabPromptChar) + 2;
int posEndPreviousCommand = currentText.lastIndexOf(endCommandChar)+1;
if (posEndPreviousCommand > posPreviousText)
posPreviousText = posEndPreviousCommand;
int lastEqualsIdx = currentText.lastIndexOf('.')+1;
if (lastEqualsIdx > posPreviousText)
posPreviousText = lastEqualsIdx;
inputConsole.setText(currentText.substring(0,posPreviousText)+" "+selValue);
GlobalValues.selectedStringForAutoCompletion = selValue;
inputConsole.setCaretPosition(inputConsole.getText().length()); // set cursor at the end of the text area
} //
GlobalValues.autoCompletionFrame = new AutoCompletionFrame(" Members of "+iString);
}; // a dot pressed which implies that the completion should provide members of a structure
} // member elements exist, edit them
case KeyEvent.VK_F4: // switches executing each line with the newline press or with buffered inputCons
scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn = !scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn;
updateModeStatusInfo(); // update the information about scalaLab's console inputCons mode
// triggers autocompletion for the manually added items
case KeyEvent.VK_F1:
case KeyEvent.VK_F3:
if (GlobalValues.autocompletionEnabled == false) { // enable autocompletion on the first F1 press
GlobalValues.autocompletionEnabled = true;
inputConsole = (Console)e.getSource();
//get the text on the current line
text = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.userConsole.getText();
// get the starting point of the current command start
lastNewLineCommandStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(GlobalValues.scalalabPromptChar)+1;
endCommandChar = ';'; // character denoting the end of the previous command
previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(endCommandChar)+1;
if (previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx > lastNewLineCommandStartIdx) { // multiple commands per line separated by ';''
lastNewLineCommandStartIdx = previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx;
int eqIndex = text.lastIndexOf('=')+1; // index of equality (in order to match the text after it
posAutoCompletion = lastNewLineCommandStartIdx;
if (eqIndex > lastNewLineCommandStartIdx)
posAutoCompletion = eqIndex;
text = text.substring(posAutoCompletion, text.length());
String inputString = text; //= text.substring(startPos, text.length());
inputString = inputString.trim();
matches = null;
if (keyValue==KeyEvent.VK_F1) {
matches = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.autoCompletionScalaSci.getMatched(inputString);
else {
matches = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.autoCompletionScalaSci.getMatchedRegEx(inputString);
topLevelResultsList = new JList(matches);
detailHelpAdapter = new autoCompleteListHandler();
topLevelResultsList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) {
String selValue = topLevelResultsList.getSelectedValue().toString();
selValue = selValue.substring(selValue.indexOf(GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator)+3, selValue.length());
GlobalValues.selectedStringForAutoCompletion = selValue;
GlobalValues.autoCompletionFrame = new AutoCompletionFrame("scalalabConsole AutoCompletion ( F1 for detailed help on the selected entry)");
case KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE:
int i,j, lc;
// Erase the current editing line
if (GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn)
case KeyEvent.VK_F5:
case KeyEvent.VK_F10:
inputConsole = (Console)e.getSource();
// get the text on the current line
text = inputConsole.getSelectedText();
if (text != null) {
String inspectCommand = "scalaSciCommands.BasicCommands.inspectg("+text+") ";
case KeyEvent.VK_F6:
scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.autoCompletionWorkspace = new scalaExec.gui.AutoCompletionWorkspace();
inputConsole = (Console)e.getSource();
// get the text on the current line
text = inputConsole.getText();
// get the starting point of the current command start
lastNewLineCommandStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(GlobalValues.scalalabPromptChar)+1;
endCommandChar = ';'; // character denoting the end of the previous command
previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(endCommandChar)+1;
if (previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx > lastNewLineCommandStartIdx) { // multiple commands per line separated by ';''
lastNewLineCommandStartIdx = previousSemicolonCommandStartIdx;
eqIndex = text.lastIndexOf('=')+1; // index of equality (in order to match the text after it
posAutoCompletion = lastNewLineCommandStartIdx;
if (eqIndex > lastNewLineCommandStartIdx)
posAutoCompletion = eqIndex;
text = text.substring(posAutoCompletion, text.length());
String iString = text; //= text.substring(startPos, text.length());
iString = iString.trim();
matches = null;
matches = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.autoCompletionWorkspace.getMatched(iString);
topLevelResultsList = new JList(matches);
topLevelResultsList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) {
String selValue = topLevelResultsList.getSelectedValue().toString();
String currentText = inputConsole.getText();
int posPreviousText = currentText.lastIndexOf(GlobalValues.scalalabPromptChar) + 2;
int posEndPreviousCommand = currentText.lastIndexOf(endCommandChar)+1;
if (posEndPreviousCommand > posPreviousText)
posPreviousText = posEndPreviousCommand;
int lastEqualsIdx = currentText.lastIndexOf('=')+1;
if (lastEqualsIdx > posPreviousText)
posPreviousText = lastEqualsIdx;
inputConsole.setText(currentText.substring(0,posPreviousText)+" "+selValue);
GlobalValues.selectedStringForAutoCompletion = selValue;
inputConsole.setCaretPosition(inputConsole.getText().length()); // set cursor at the end of the text area
GlobalValues.autoCompletionFrame = new AutoCompletionFrame("Top-Level Workspace variables");
public static String [] getMethodsOfClass(scala.Option<Class<?>> theClass, String nameOfMethod) {
Method [] methodsOfClass = theClass.get().getMethods(); // gets the methods of the class
// collect all the methods named "nameOfMethod"
int methodCnt = methodsOfClass.length;
int matchedMethodCnt=0;
for (int k=0; k<methodCnt; k++) { // for all methods find matched ones
String methodName = methodsOfClass[k].getName();
// System.out.println("methodName = "+methodName);
if (methodName.equals(nameOfMethod))
} // for all methods find matched ones
String [] matchedMethodsStringArray;
if (matchedMethodCnt==0) { // no matches with Java reflection since Scala special method
matchedMethodsStringArray = new String[1];
String methodString = constructSignature(methodsOfClass[0]);
matchedMethodsStringArray[0] = nameOfMethod;
else {
matchedMethodsStringArray = new String[matchedMethodCnt];
int matchedCnt=0;
for (int k=0; k<methodCnt; k++) {
String methodName = methodsOfClass[k].getName();
Method currentMethod = methodsOfClass[k];
if (methodName.equals(nameOfMethod)) { // construct the signature of the matched method
String methodString = constructSignature(currentMethod);
matchedMethodsStringArray[matchedCnt++] = methodString;
return matchedMethodsStringArray;
public static String constructSignature(Method method) {
String methodStr=method.getName()+"(";
Class<?> [] methodTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
int numOfParams = methodTypes.length;
for (int k=0; k<numOfParams-1; k++) {
methodStr += methodTypes[k].getName()+",";
if (numOfParams > 0)
methodStr += methodTypes[numOfParams-1].getName();
methodStr += " ) ";
Class retType = method.getReturnType();
methodStr += ": "+retType.getName();
return methodStr;
public static String scriptModeText() {
String scriptingMode = "scalaSci";
return scriptingMode;
// updates information about scalaLab's console interaction mode
public static void updateModeStatusInfo() {
GlobalValues.TITLE = "ScalaLab - based on Scala "" library type: "+ GlobalValues.interpreterType();
String bufferedLineMode = ", Line Input ";
if (GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn == false)
bufferedLineMode = ", Buffered Input ";
if (GlobalValues.editingFileInPane != null)
GlobalValues.scalalabMainFrame.setTitle(GlobalValues.TITLE+", "+ GlobalValues.scalalabBuildVersion+", editing file: "+GlobalValues.editingFileInPane);
GlobalValues.scalalabMainFrame.setTitle(GlobalValues.TITLE+", "+ GlobalValues.scalalabBuildVersion);
void display_help() {
JFrame helpFrame = new AutoCompletionFrame("Scala-Lab help");
helpFrame.setSize(400, 400);
Container container = helpFrame.getContentPane();
JTextArea helpText = new JTextArea();
int classCnt = 0;
JScrollPane helpPane = new JScrollPane(helpText);
// displays detailed help for the selected item
public static void display_detailed_help(String selectedItem) {
GlobalValues.detailHelpStringSelected = selectedItem;
DetailHelpFrame detailFrame = new DetailHelpFrame();
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
Console inputCons = ((Console)e.getSource());
int keyValue = e.getKeyCode();
if (keyValue == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
if (GlobalValues.autoCompletionVariableSelected)
GlobalValues.autoCompletionVariableSelected = false;
else {
String text = scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.scalalabMainFrame.scalalabConsole.getText();
String inputString = text.substring(text.lastIndexOf(GlobalValues.scalalabPromptString) + 2, text.length());
inputString = inputString.trim();
prevtext = inputString;
if (GlobalValues.commandLineModeOn == true) {
String mem = GlobalValues.availMemFormat.format( (double)GlobalValues.rt.freeMemory()/1000000);
String dispStr = "Available memory : "+mem+"MB. ";
else if(keyValue == KeyEvent.VK_HOME)
else if(keyValue == KeyEvent.VK_UP || keyValue == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)