Package edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble

Source Code of edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble.Dcs_sqr

package edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble;

import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble.Dcs_common.Dcs;
import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble.Dcs_common.Dcss;

* Symbolic QR or LU ordering and analysis.
* @author Piotr Wendykier (
public class Dcs_sqr {
    /* compute nnz(V) = S->lnz, S->pinv, S->leftmost, S->m2 from A and S->parent */
    private static boolean cs_vcount(Dcs A, Dcss S) {
        int i, k, p, pa, n = A.n, m = A.m, Ap[] = A.p, Ai[] = A.i, next[], head[], tail[], nque[], pinv[], leftmost[], w[], parent[] = S.parent;
        S.pinv = pinv = new int[m + n]; /* allocate pinv, */
        S.leftmost = leftmost = new int[m]; /* and leftmost */
        w = new int[m + 3 * n]; /* get workspace */
        next = w;
        head = w;
        int head_offset = m;
        tail = w;
        int tail_offset = m + n;
        nque = w;
        int nque_offset = m + 2 * n;
        for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
            head[head_offset + k] = -1; /* queue k is empty */
        for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
            tail[tail_offset + k] = -1;
        for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
            nque[nque_offset + k] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
            leftmost[i] = -1;
        for (k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
            for (p = Ap[k]; p < Ap[k + 1]; p++) {
                leftmost[Ai[p]] = k; /* leftmost[i] = min(find(A(i,:)))*/
        for (i = m - 1; i >= 0; i--) /* scan rows in reverse order */
            pinv[i] = -1; /* row i is not yet ordered */
            k = leftmost[i];
            if (k == -1)
                continue; /* row i is empty */
            if (nque[nque_offset + k]++ == 0)
                tail[tail_offset + k] = i; /* first row in queue k */
            next[i] = head[head_offset + k]; /* put i at head of queue k */
            head[head_offset + k] = i;
        S.lnz = 0;
        S.m2 = m;
        for (k = 0; k < n; k++) /* find row permutation and nnz(V)*/
            i = head[head_offset + k]; /* remove row i from queue k */
            S.lnz++; /* count V(k,k) as nonzero */
            if (i < 0)
                i = S.m2++; /* add a fictitious row */
            pinv[i] = k; /* associate row i with V(:,k) */
            if (--nque[nque_offset + k] <= 0)
                continue; /* skip if V(k+1:m,k) is empty */
            S.lnz += nque[nque_offset + k]; /* nque [nque_offset+k] is nnz (V(k+1:m,k)) */
            if ((pa = parent[k]) != -1) /* move all rows to parent of k */
                if (nque[nque_offset + pa] == 0)
                    tail[tail_offset + pa] = tail[tail_offset + k];
                next[tail[tail_offset + k]] = head[head_offset + pa];
                head[head_offset + pa] = next[i];
                nque[nque_offset + pa] += nque[nque_offset + k];
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
            if (pinv[i] < 0)
                pinv[i] = k++;
        w = null;
        return (true);

     * Symbolic QR or LU ordering and analysis.
     * @param order
     *            ordering method to use (0 to 3)
     * @param A
     *            column-compressed matrix
     * @param qr
     *            analyze for QR if true or LU if false
     * @return symbolic analysis for QR or LU, null on error
    public static Dcss cs_sqr(int order, Dcs A, boolean qr) {
        int n, k, post[];
        Dcss S;
        boolean ok = true;
        if (!Dcs_util.CS_CSC(A))
            return (null); /* check inputs */
        n = A.n;
        S = new Dcss(); /* allocate result S */
        S.q = Dcs_amd.cs_amd(order, A); /* fill-reducing ordering */
        if (order > 0 && S.q == null)
            return (null);
        if (qr) /* QR symbolic analysis */
            Dcs C = order > 0 ? Dcs_permute.cs_permute(A, null, S.q, false) : A;
            S.parent = Dcs_etree.cs_etree(C, true); /* etree of C'*C, where C=A(:,q) */
            post = Dcs_post.cs_post(S.parent, n);
            S.cp = Dcs_counts.cs_counts(C, S.parent, post, true); /* col counts chol(C'*C) */
            ok = C != null && S.parent != null && S.cp != null && cs_vcount(C, S);
            if (ok)
                for (S.unz = 0, k = 0; k < n; k++)
                    S.unz += S.cp[k];
            ok = ok && S.lnz >= 0 && S.unz >= 0; /* int overflow guard */
        } else {
            S.unz = 4 * (A.p[n]) + n; /* for LU factorization only, */
            S.lnz = S.unz; /* guess nnz(L) and nnz(U) */
        return (ok ? S : null); /* return result S */

Related Classes of edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble.Dcs_sqr

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