package edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble;
import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble.Dcs_common.Dcs;
import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble.Dcs_common.Dcsd;
* Strongly-connected components.
* @author Piotr Wendykier (
public class Dcs_scc {
* Finds the strongly connected components of a square matrix.
* @param A
* column-compressed matrix (A.p modified then restored)
* @return strongly connected components, null on error
public static Dcsd cs_scc(Dcs A) {
int n, i, k, b, nb = 0, top, xi[], pstack[], p[], r[], Ap[], ATp[], rcopy[], Blk[];
Dcs AT;
Dcsd D;
if (!Dcs_util.CS_CSC(A))
return (null); /* check inputs */
n = A.n;
Ap = A.p;
D = Dcs_util.cs_dalloc(n, 0); /* allocate result */
AT = Dcs_transpose.cs_transpose(A, false); /* AT = A' */
xi = new int[2 * n + 1]; /* get workspace */
if (D == null || AT == null)
return (null);
Blk = xi;
rcopy = xi;
int rcopy_offset = n;
pstack = xi;
int pstack_offset = n;
p = D.p;
r = D.r;
ATp = AT.p;
top = n;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) /* first dfs(A) to find finish times (xi) */
if (!Dcs_util.CS_MARKED(Ap, i))
top = Dcs_dfs.cs_dfs(i, A, top, xi, 0, pstack, pstack_offset, null, 0);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
Dcs_util.CS_MARK(Ap, i); /* restore A; unmark all nodes*/
top = n;
nb = n;
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) /* dfs(A') to find strongly connnected comp */
i = xi[k]; /* get i in reverse order of finish times */
if (Dcs_util.CS_MARKED(ATp, i))
continue; /* skip node i if already ordered */
r[nb--] = top; /* node i is the start of a component in p */
top = Dcs_dfs.cs_dfs(i, AT, top, p, 0, pstack, pstack_offset, null, 0);
r[nb] = 0; /* first block starts at zero; shift r up */
for (k = nb; k <= n; k++)
r[k - nb] = r[k];
D.nb = nb = n - nb; /* nb = # of strongly connected components */
for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) /* sort each block in natural order */
for (k = r[b]; k < r[b + 1]; k++)
Blk[p[k]] = b;
for (b = 0; b <= nb; b++)
rcopy[rcopy_offset + b] = r[b];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
p[rcopy[rcopy_offset + Blk[i]]++] = i;
return D;