package edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble;
import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tdouble.Dcs_common.Dcs;
public class Dcs_negate {
public static Dcs cs_negate(Dcs A) {
int p, j, anz;
int m, n;
Dcs C;
if (!Dcs_util.CS_CSC(A) )
return null; /* check inputs */
m = A.m; // number of rows
n = A.n; // number of columns
anz = A.p[A.n]; // non-zero elements of matrix A
C = new Dcs();
C.m = m;
C.n = n;
C.p = new int[n+1]; // column pointers
C.i = new int[anz]; // row pointers
C.x = new double[anz]; // values
System.arraycopy(A.p, 0, C.p, 0, n+1);
System.arraycopy(A.i, 0, C.i, 0, anz);
// negate values
for (int v=0; v<anz; v++)
C.x[v] = -A.x[v];
return C; /* success; free workspace, return C */