* Created on Mar 30, 2003
package de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.Integrator;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationFailedException;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationInfo;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationResult;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.StopCondition;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.evaluateindex.Evaluator;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.index.FastIndex;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.index.Index;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.visualize.IndexContribution;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.visualize.IndexStatus;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualize.Visualizer;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualize.Visualizers;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.Integrand;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.NewResult;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.StartIntegration;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.StopIntegration;
import de.torstennahm.math.IntEntry;
* Adaptive sparse grid integrator that uses a weighted balance of
* index contributions and work in expanding the index set.
* With the default constructor, the integrator uses a pure greedy approache:
* It will always add that value to the index set whose calculated contribution is the largest,
* regardless of the work involved. However, it is possible to balance
* this against the work involved, by supplying a weight <i>w</i> factor
* in the constructor. In this case, <i>w</i> balances the calculated contribution
* against the amount of work involved with the following formula:<br>
* <i>priority = max((1-w)*relContribution,w*(1/relWork))</i>,<br>
* where <i>relContribution</i> is the quotient of the calculated contribution
* for the index and the (current estimate of the) integral value,
* and <i>relWork</i> is the quotient between the number of function calls required
* for evaluating the index and those for the zero index.
* <p>
* The default is the same as setting <i>w</i> to 0 in the above formula.
* If on the other hand <i>w</i> is 1,
* the controller will default to non-adaptive simplicial sparse grid integration,
* as <i>relWork</i> increases monotonically with the length of the index.
* <p>
* Note that although the valid indices whose contributions have been
* calculated are not formally part of the index set, their contributions
* still are used for the integral value, as this can only improve
* accuracy.
* <p>
* This class implements the original algorithm for sparse grid integration
* published in:
* T. Gerstner and M. Griebel. Dimension-Adaptive Tensor-Product Quadrature. Computing, 71(1):65-87, 2003
* <p>
* This class is thread-safe.
* @author Torsten Nahm
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.Integrator
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationResult
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.evaluateindex.Evaluator
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.visualize.Visualizer
public class WeightedIntegrator extends Integrator<Evaluator> {
* Factor for balance between greedy and work
protected final double workWeight;
* Constructs the weighted sparse integrator with the default settings.
* The default setting is to only use the calculated contribution for each
* index, and is the same as using <code>WeightedIntegrator(0)</code>.
* @see #WeightedIntegrator(double)
public WeightedIntegrator() {
* Construct the weighted sparse integrator with the specified work weight factor.
* For work weight 0, only the calculated contribution for an index is used,
* for and for weight 1, only the work required for evaluating the index
* is used. Values in between these extremes represent
* a relative mix of the two strategies.
* @param workWeight factor for balancing contribution against work; must be between 0 and 1
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the work weight is out of range
public WeightedIntegrator(double workWeight) {
if (! (workWeight >= 0.0 && workWeight <= 1.0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weight must be between 0 and 1");
this.workWeight = workWeight;
public IntegrationResult integrate(Evaluator evaluator, StopCondition condition, List<Visualizer> visualizers) throws IntegrationFailedException {
int dimension = evaluator.dimension();
if (dimension == 0) {
throw new IntegrationFailedException("Cannot integrate integrands with indefinite dimension");
SparseResult result = new SparseResult();
Queue<IndexData> queue = new PriorityQueue<IndexData>();
Map<Index, IndexData> indexMap = new HashMap<Index, IndexData>();
Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new Integrand(evaluator));
Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new StartIntegration());
Index zeroIndex = new FastIndex();
if (! condition.stop(result)) {
IndexData indexData = evaluateIndex(zeroIndex, evaluator, result, visualizers);
indexMap.put(zeroIndex, indexData);
indexData.priority = 0.0;
while (! condition.stop(result)) {
if(queue.isEmpty()) {
throw new IntegrationFailedException("Index queue is empty");
IndexData indexData = queue.poll();
Index index = indexData.index;
indexData.completed = true;
Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new IndexStatus(index, "expanded"));
boolean couldExpandFully = true;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
Index succIndex = index.add(i, 1);
if (isValid(indexMap, succIndex)) {
if (evaluator.canEvaluate(succIndex)) {
IndexData succData = evaluateIndex(succIndex, evaluator, result, visualizers);
indexMap.put(succIndex, succData);
} else {
couldExpandFully = false;
IntegrationInfo info = new CouldNotEvaluateInfo(evaluator, succIndex);
if (couldExpandFully) {
result.errorEstimate -= Math.abs(indexData.contribution);
Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new StopIntegration(result));
return result;
private IndexData evaluateIndex(Index index, Evaluator evaluator, SparseResult result, List<Visualizer> visualizers) throws IntegrationFailedException {
IndexData indexData = new IndexData();
indexData.index = index;
double contribution = evaluator.deltaEvaluate(index);
result.calls += evaluator.pointsForIndex(index);
result.value += contribution;
indexData.contribution = contribution;
indexData.priority = calcPriority(index, contribution, evaluator, result.value);
if (Double.isNaN(result.errorEstimate)) {
result.errorEstimate = 0.0;
result.errorEstimate += Math.abs(contribution);
Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new NewResult(result));
Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new IndexContribution(index, contribution));
return indexData;
private double calcPriority(Index index, double contribution, Evaluator evaluator, double currentValue) {
double relResult = Math.abs(contribution/ currentValue);
double relEvals = 1.0 / evaluator.pointsForIndex(index);
// Most negative priorities get handled first
return -Math.max((1 - workWeight) * relResult, workWeight * relEvals);
private boolean isValid(Map<Index, IndexData> indexMap, Index index) {
for (IntEntry entry : index) {
Index pred = index.add(entry.getNumber(), -1);
IndexData predData = indexMap.get(pred);
if (predData == null || ! predData.completed) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return "WeightedIntegrator with weight " + workWeight;
static private class IndexData implements Comparable {
private Index index;
private double priority;
private double contribution;
private boolean completed;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
return Double.compare(priority, ((IndexData) o).priority);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return compareTo(o) == 0;
public int hashCode() {
return (int) Double.doubleToLongBits(priority);