package JFplot;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFrame;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYPointerAnnotation;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnit;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueMarker;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;
// TODO subplots, load/save
import scalaSci.Vec;
* This class encapsulates JFreeChart's XY charts. JFreeChart is very powerful,
* which also means that it is sometimes to complex for trivial tasks. This class
* simplifies the usage of JFreeChart by providing interface similar to Matlab's
* plot command.<p>
* To create a chart, we need X and Y values stored in arrays of
* doubles. Then we:
* <ul>
* <li>create a chart object</li>
* <li>display the chart in window</li>
* <li>plot the data.</li>
* </ul>
* This procedure is illustrated by the following example:
* <pre>
* double x1[] = new double[] { 0.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0 };
* double y1[] = new double[] { 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0 };
* jplot chart = new jplot("example1"); // create a chart object
* chart.showInNewFrame(); // display it in new window
* chart.plot(x1, y1); // draw a line
* </pre>
* <p>
* If we want to display a chart in existing window, we can get a {@link JPanel}
* object containing chart by calling method {@link #getPanel()}
* <p>
* We can configure chart properties (colors, axis ranges...), by setter methods.
* Most <code>set...()</code> methods may be called before or after <code>plot()</code>
* and <code>addPlot()</code> methods. The exception to this rule are
* methods, which set color and style of lines. They all have
* <code>lineIndex</code> or <code>lineId</code> as first parameter. These
* methods may be called only after the line with the given index or id has been
* drawn.
* <p>
* <b>Examples:</b><br>
* Let's draw a green, dashed line, with 'x' markers and legend 'temperature':
* <pre>
* String lineId = chart.plot(x1, y1, "g--x", "temperature");
* </pre>
* Note that we used <code>lineId</code> to store id for use in the next statement,
* where we'll change the line style and color to red dotted line with diamond
* markers. Width will be 5 pixels:
* <pre>
* chart.setLineSpec(lineId, "r:d", 5);
* </pre>
* The same can be done by specifying the last plotted line:
* <pre>
* chart.setLineSpec(jPlot.LAST_IDX, "r:d", 5);
* </pre>
* or specifying index value:
* <pre>
* chart.setLineSpec(0, "r:d", 5);
* </pre>
* We can have more than one line on the chart at the same time. This can be
* achieved in one of three ways:<ul>
* <li>by specifying all lines in a single plot command, for example
* <code>plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, x3)</code></li>
* <li>by calling <code>setHold(true)</code> before calling next plot commands</li>
* <li>by calling method <code>addPlot()</code> instead of <code>plot()</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>Line specification</b>
* <p>
* Methods <code>plot(), addPlot()</code>, and <code>setLineSpec()</code> have
* parameter <code>lineSpec</code>, which defines line color, style, and markers.
* Any combination of color, marker and style is allowed. The following
* properties can be specified:
* <ul>
* <li>Colors:</li>
* <ul>
* <li>r - red</li>
* <li>g - green</li>
* <li>b - blue</li>
* <li>c - cyan</li>
* <li>y - yellow</li>
* <li>m - magenta</li>
* <li>k - black</li>
* </ul>
* <li>Markers:</li>
* <ul>
* <li>+ - Plus sign</li>
* <li>o - Circle</li>
* <li>* - Asterisk</li>
* <li>. - Point</li>
* <li>x - Cross</li>
* <li>^ - Upward-pointing triangle</li>
* <li>v - Downward-pointing triangle</li>
* <li>> - Right-pointing triangle</li>
* <li>< - Left-pointing triangle</li>
* <li>'square' or s - Square</li>
* <li>'diamond' or d - Diamond</li>
* <li>'pentagram' or p - Five-pointed star (pentagram)</li>
* <li>'hexagram' or h - Six-pointed star (hexagram)</li>
* </ul>
* <li>Styles</li>
* <ul>
* <li><b>-</b> solid line</li>
* <li><b>--</b> dashed line</li>
* <li><b>:</b> dotted line</li>
* <li><b>-.</b> dash-dot line</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* <b>Examples:</b><p>
* "yx--" - yellow dashed line with crosses at points<br>
* ":c" - dotted cyan line without markers<br>
* "w" - white solid line (the same as "w-")<br>
* <p>
var x1 = inc(0, 0.1, 10);
var x2 = sin(x1)
var jp = new jplot("example1"); // create a chart object
jp.plot(x1, x2); // draw a line
public class jPlot {
* Use this value as line index, to refer to the last line added to
* the chart.
static public final int LAST_IDX = -1;
public JFreeChart m_chart;
public ChartPanel m_chartPanel;
private JFrame m_frame;
private DefaultXYDataset m_dataset;
private boolean m_isHoldOn = false;
private String m_title;
private String m_xAxisLabel;
private String m_yAxisLabel;
private XYPointerAnnotation m_xyAnnotation;
private ValueMarker m_xMarker;
private ValueMarker m_yMarker;
private double[] m_xAxisRange;
private double[] m_yAxisRange;
private Paint m_backgroundPaint;
private Paint m_gridPaint;
private double m_xTickDelta;
private double m_yTickDelta;
private int defaultXSize = 500;
private int defaultYSize = 500;
public JFreeChart getChart() {
return m_chart;
* Enumeration of chart axes.
public enum AxisEnum {
/** Identifies X axis. */
/** Identifies Y axis. */
* Call this method to get the panel with chart, which can be displayed
* inside custom window.
* @return panel containing this chart
public JPanel getPanel() {
if (m_chartPanel == null) {
if (m_chart == null) {
m_dataset = new DefaultXYDataset();
m_chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(m_title, m_xAxisLabel, m_yAxisLabel,
m_dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
m_chartPanel = new ChartPanel(m_chart);
return m_chartPanel;
public JPanel getPanel(jPlot jp) {
if (jp.m_chartPanel == null) {
if (jp.m_chart == null) {
jp.m_dataset = new DefaultXYDataset();
jp.m_chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(m_title, m_xAxisLabel, m_yAxisLabel,
m_dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
jp.m_chartPanel = new ChartPanel(jp.m_chart);
return jp.m_chartPanel;
* Call this method to open chart in a new window.
* @return the created frame with the chart
public JFrame showInNewFrame() {
if (m_frame == null) {
m_frame = new JFrame();
return m_frame;
public JFrame showInNewFrame(int figId) {
if (m_frame == null) {
m_frame = new JFrame();
String figStr = "Figure "+figId;
return m_frame;
* Call this method to open chart in a new window. The only difference
* between this method and showInNewFrame() is in return value. This method
* was implemented because MAtlab did not recognize method showInNewFrame()
* possibly because of unknown class JFrame???
* @return the created frame with the chart
public void showInNewWindow() {
if (m_frame == null) {
m_frame = new JFrame();
* Another method for testing in Matlab - without variable argument list.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param dummy
* @return
public String jplot(double []x, double []y, double dummy) {
return jplot(x, y)[0];
* This method plots lines. Colors are cycled in the following order:
* "y", "c", "m", "k", "r", "g", "b".
* @param x array of X values
* @param y array of Y values
* @param args optional arrays of doubles for additional lines. Even arguments
* are used as X values, odd arguments are used as Y values.
* @return ids of lines. These ids can be used instead of index when calling
* methods, which take lineId as parameter, for example setLineColor(),
* setLinestyle(), setLineSpec(), addAnnotation().
public String[] jplot(double []x, double []y, double[]... args) {
if (args.length % 2 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There should be even number of " +
"input arrays! It is: " + args.length);
int noOfSeries = args.length / 2 + 1;
String [] seriesKeys = new String[noOfSeries];
seriesKeys[0] = jplot(x, y, "y", "")[0];
int keyIndex = 1;
String colors [] = {"y", "c", "m", "k", "r", "g", "b"};
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
double xa[] = args[i];
double ya[] = args[i + 1];
seriesKeys[keyIndex++] = addPlot(xa, ya, colors[i % colors.length], "");
return seriesKeys;
* This method plots lines. Colors are cycled in the following order:
* "y", "c", "m", "k", "r", "g", "b".
* @param x Vec of X values
* @param y Vec of Y values
* @param args optional arrays of Vecs for additional lines. Even arguments
* are used as X values, odd arguments are used as Y values.
* @return ids of lines. These ids can be used instead of index when calling
* methods, which take lineId as parameter, for example setLineColor(),
* setLinestyle(), setLineSpec(), addAnnotation().
// dummy parameter is needed for disambiguation
public String[] jplot(Vec x, Vec y, int dummy, Vec ... args) {
if (args.length % 2 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There should be even number of " +
"input arrays! It is: " + args.length);
int noOfSeries = args.length / 2 + 1;
String [] seriesKeys = new String[noOfSeries];
seriesKeys[0] = jplot(x, y, "y", "")[0];
int keyIndex = 1;
String colors [] = {"y", "c", "m", "k", "r", "g", "b"};
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
double xa[] = args[i].getv();
double ya[] = args[i + 1].getv();;
seriesKeys[keyIndex++] = addPlot(xa, ya, colors[i % colors.length], "");
return seriesKeys;
public String[] jplot(Vec x, Vec y, double[]... args) {
return jplot(x.getv(), y.getv(), args);
public String[] jplot(double [] x, Vec y, double[]... args) {
return jplot(x, y.getv(), args);
public String[] jplot(Vec x, double [] y, double[]... args) {
return jplot(x.getv(), y, args);
public String[] jplot(double [] x) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.length;
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x);
public String[] jplot(Vec x) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.size();
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x.getv());
public String[] jplot(Vec x, String specs) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.size();
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x.getv(), specs);
public String[] jplot(double x[], String lineSpec, Object... args) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.length;
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x, lineSpec, args);
public String[] jplot(Vec x, String lineSpec, Object... args) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.size();
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x.getv(), lineSpec, args);
* This method plots lines with the specified line style and color.
* @param x array of X values
* @param y array of Y values
* @param lineSpec line specification, see class description for details
* @param args triples of (double x[], double y[], String lineSpec) for next
* lines
* @return ids of lines. These ids can be used instead of index when calling
* methods, which take lineId as parameter, for example setLineColor(),
* setLinestyle(), setLineSpec(), addAnnotation().
public String[] jplot(double x[], double y[], String lineSpec, Object... args) {
if (args.length % 3 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of input args should " +
"be multiple of 3! It is: " + args.length);
int noOfSeries = args.length / 3 + 1;
String [] seriesKeys = new String[noOfSeries];
seriesKeys[0] = jplot(x, y, lineSpec, "")[0];
int keyIndex = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 3) {
double xa[] = (double[])args[i];
double ya[] = (double[])args[i + 1];
String lineSpecA = (String)args[i + 2];
seriesKeys[keyIndex++] = addPlot(xa, ya, lineSpecA, "");
return seriesKeys;
var opl = new plot
var t = Inc(0, 0.01, 10)
var x = sin(0.234*t)+0.45*cos(0.3*t)
// we draw a red dashed line, with 'x' markers and legend sin-cos
opl.jplot(t,x, "r--x", "sin-cos")
* This method plots lines with the specified line style and color.
* @param x array of X values
* @param y array of Y values
* @param lineSpec line specification, see class description for details
* @param legend text for legend
* @param args tuples of (double x[], double y[], String lineSpec, String legend) for next
* lines
* @return ids of lines. Usually the 'legend' parameter is used as id, unless
* the line with the same legend already exists in the chart. In such case
* the legend string is modified. These ids can be used instead of indices when calling
* methods, which take <code>lineId </code> as parameter, for example <code>setLineColor(),
* setLinestyle(), setLineSpec(), addAnnotation()</code>.
var t=inc(0,0.01, 2); var x = sin(2.3*t);
jplot(t, x)
public String[] jplot(double []x, Vec y, String lineSpec, String legend, Object... args) {
return jplot(x, y.getv(), lineSpec, legend, args);
public String[] jplot(Vec x, Vec y, String lineSpec, String legend, Object... args) {
return jplot(x.getv(), y.getv(), lineSpec, legend, args);
public String[] jplot(Vec x, double [] y, String lineSpec, String legend, Object... args) {
return jplot(x.getv(), y, lineSpec, legend, args);
public String[] jplot(double x[], String lineSpec, String legend, Object... args) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.length;
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x, lineSpec, legend, args);
public String[] jplot(Vec x, String lineSpec, String legend, Object... args) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.size();
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x.getv(), lineSpec, legend, args);
public String[] jplot(double x[], double y[], String lineSpec, String legend, Object... args) {
if (args.length % 4 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of input args should " +
"be multiple of 4! It is: " + args.length);
LineAttrs lineAttrs = new LineAttrs(lineSpec);
int noOfSeries = args.length / 4 + 1;
String [] seriesKeys = new String[noOfSeries];
seriesKeys[0] = jplot(x,
int keyIndex = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 4) {
double xa[] = (double[])args[i];
double ya[] = (double[])args[i + 1];
String lineSpecA = (String)args[i + 2];
String legendA = (String)args[i + 3];
seriesKeys[keyIndex++] = addPlot(xa, ya, lineSpecA, legendA);
return seriesKeys;
public String jplot(double x[], Paint color, Shape marker, float[] style, String legend) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.length;
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x, color, marker, style, legend);
public String jplot(Vec x, Paint color, Shape marker, float[] style, String legend) {
// construct implicitly the axis
int sigLen = x.size();
double [] taxis = new double[sigLen];
for (int k=0; k<sigLen; k++)
taxis[k] = k;
return jplot(taxis, x.getv(), color, marker, style, legend);
* We use this method when we want to specify line properties, which can not
* be specified with standard specification string.
* @param x array of X values
* @param y array of Y values
* @param color line color
* @param marker shape used to mark points given by x[] and y[]
* @param style definition for lengths of dashes and dots, for example:
* new float[]{2, 5, 8, 5} specifies dot dash line.
* @param legend text to appear in the legend
* @return id of line. Usually the 'legend' parameter is used as id, unless
* the line with the same legend already exists in the chart. In such case
* the legend string is modified. This id can be used instead of index when calling
* methods, which take lineId as parameter, for example <code>setLineColor(),
* setLinestyle(), setLineSpec(), addAnnotation()</code>.
public String jplot(double x[], double y[], Paint color, Shape marker, float[] style, String legend) {
if (x.length != y.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays x and y must have the same size!"
+ " x.len = " + x.length + ", y.len = " + y.length);
String seriesKey = null;
if (m_chart == null) {
m_dataset = new DefaultXYDataset();
seriesKey = getUniqueSeriesKey(m_dataset, legend);
new double[][] { x, y });
m_chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(m_title,
} else { // chart already exists - we'll use it
if (m_isHoldOn) {
seriesKey = getUniqueSeriesKey(m_dataset, legend);
m_dataset.addSeries(seriesKey, new double[][] { x, y });
} else { // hold not ON
for (int i = 0; i < m_dataset.getSeriesCount(); i++) {
Comparable key = m_dataset.getSeriesKey(i);
seriesKey = getUniqueSeriesKey(m_dataset, legend);
m_dataset.addSeries(seriesKey, new double[][] { x, y });
if (color == null) {
color = Color.yellow;
setLineColor(LAST_IDX, color);
if (marker != null || style != null) {
return seriesKey;
public ChartFrame jPieChart(String [] categories, double [] values, String chartTitle) {
DefaultPieDataset data = new DefaultPieDataset();
for (int k=0; k<values.length; k++)
data.setValue(categories[k], values[k]);
m_chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart(chartTitle, data, true, true, true);
ChartFrame cf = new ChartFrame("Pie Chart", m_chart);
cf.setSize(defaultXSize, defaultYSize);
return cf;
var categories = Array("category1", "category2", "category3")
var values = Array(8.9, 5.6, 3.4)
var jchart = new jPlot()
jchart.jPieChart(categories, values, "A demo pie chart")
* If setters were called before chart has been created, set them now.
private void initChart() {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
if (m_xyAnnotation != null) {
if (m_xMarker != null) {
if (m_yMarker != null) {
if (m_xAxisRange != null) {
NumberAxis rangeAxis = getAxis(AxisEnum.X);
rangeAxis.setRange(m_xAxisRange[0], m_xAxisRange[1]);
if (m_yAxisRange != null) {
NumberAxis rangeAxis = getAxis(AxisEnum.Y);
rangeAxis.setRange(m_yAxisRange[0], m_yAxisRange[1]);
if (m_backgroundPaint != null) {
if (m_gridPaint != null) {
if (m_xTickDelta > 0) {
NumberAxis rangeAxis = getAxis(AxisEnum.X);
rangeAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(m_xTickDelta));
if (m_yTickDelta > 0) {
NumberAxis rangeAxis = getAxis(AxisEnum.Y);
rangeAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(m_yTickDelta));
* Sets text for the given axis.
* @param label axis text
public void setLabel(AxisEnum axis, String label) {
if (m_chart != null) {
ValueAxis vaxis = getAxis(axis); // plot.getRangeAxis();
switch (axis) {
case X:
m_xAxisLabel = label;
case Y:
m_yAxisLabel = label;
* Sets text for X axis.
* @param label x axis text */
public void setXLabel(String label) {
m_xAxisLabel = label;
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
ValueAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis();
* Sets text for Y axis.
* @param label y axis text */
public void setYLabel(String label) {
m_yAxisLabel = label;
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
ValueAxis axis = plot.getRangeAxis();
* Sets the chart title.
* @param title title text.
public void setTitle(String title) {
if (m_chart != null) {
m_title = title;
* Sets the chart background color.
* @param color new background color. For example
* <code>new java.awt.Color(12, 45, 145),</code> or <code>java.awt.Color.grey</code>.
public void setBackground(Paint color) {
if (m_chart != null) {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
m_backgroundPaint = color;
* Sets the grid color.
* @param color grid color.
public void setGridColor(Paint color) {
if (m_chart != null) {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
m_gridPaint = color;
* This method sets visibility of line parts.
* Line is composed of line segments and markers. This method specifies,
* which of these should be visible.
* @param lineIndex index specifying the line. Indices are assigned to
* lines in the same order as they were added to chart. Use jPlo.LAST_IDX
* to refer to the last line added.
* @param isLineVisible if true, line segments are visible
* @param isShapeVisible if true, markers are visible.
public void setLineVisibility(int lineIndex,
boolean isLineVisible,
boolean isShapeVisible) {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
lineIndex = getLastIndex(lineIndex);
renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(lineIndex, isLineVisible);
renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(lineIndex, isShapeVisible);
* This method sets visibility of line parts.
* Line is composed of line segments and markers. This method specifies,
* which of these should be visible.
* @param lineId id specifying the line. Ids are returned from jplot() and
* addPlot() methods. Usually the 'legend' parameter is used as id, unless
* the line with the same legend already exists in the chart. In such case
* the legend string is modified.
* @param isLineVisible if true, line segments are visible
* @param isShapeVisible if true, markers are visible.
public void setLineVisibility(String lineId,
boolean isLineVisible,
boolean isShapeVisible) {
setLineVisibility(getLineIndex(lineId), isLineVisible, isShapeVisible);
* Sets color of existing line.
* @param lineIndex index specifying the line. Indices are assigned to
* lines in the same order as they were added to chart. Use jPlot.LAST_IDX
* to refer to the last line added.
* @param linePaint for example: Paint paint = Color.magenta;
public void setLineColor(int lineIndex, Paint linePaint) {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
renderer.setSeriesPaint(getLastIndex(lineIndex), linePaint);
* Sets color of existing line.
* @param lineId id specifying the line. Ids are returned from jplot() and
* addPlot() methods.
* @param linePaint for example: Paint paint = Color.magenta;
public void setLineColor(String lineId, Paint linePaint) {
setLineColor(getLineIndex(lineId), linePaint);
* This method specifies shape of markers and line width.
* @param lineIndex index specifying the line. Indices are assigned to
* lines in the same order as they were added to chart. Use jPlot.LAST_IDX
* to refer to the last line added.
* @param marker
* shape drawn at point positions, for example new
* Rectangle2D.Double(-4, -4, 8, 8). May also be null, to keep
* the existing shape.
* @param lineWidth line width
* @see #LAST_IDX
public void setLineStyle(int lineIndex, Shape marker, int lineWidth) {
setLineStyle(lineIndex, marker, lineWidth, new float[] { 1 });
* This method specifies shape of markers and line width.
* @param lineId id specifying the line. Ids are returned from jplot() and
* addPlot() methods.
* @param marker
* shape drawn at point positions, for example new
* Rectangle2D.Double(-4, -4, 8, 8). May also be null, to keep
* the existing shape.
* @param lineWidth line width
* @see #LAST_IDX
public void setLineStyle(String lineId, Shape marker, int lineWidth) {
setLineStyle(getLineIndex(lineId), marker, lineWidth, new float[] { 1 });
* This method specifies shape of markers and line width.
* It is intended for advanced users, who are familiar with Java2D API.
* @param lineIndex index specifying the line. Indices are assigned to
* lines in the same order as they were added to chart. Use jPlot.LAST_IDX
* to refer to the last line added.
* @param marker
* shape drawn at point positions, for example new
* Rectangle2D.Double(-4, -4, 8, 8). May also be null, to keep
* the existing shape.
* @param lineWidth line width
* @param style
* specifies lenghts of dashes and spaces, for example new
* float[]{1, 10, 5, 5}
public void setLineStyle(int lineIndex,
Shape marker,
int lineWidth,
float[] style) {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
lineIndex = getLastIndex(lineIndex);
if (marker != null) {
renderer.setSeriesShape(lineIndex, marker);
if (style == null) { // no line, draw only markers
/* float dashPhase = 0;
Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(lineWidth,
renderer.setSeriesStroke(lineIndex, stroke);
setLineVisibility(lineIndex, false, true);
} else {
setLineVisibility(lineIndex, true, true); // show line and markers
if (style != null) {
float dashPhase = 0;
Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(lineWidth,
renderer.setSeriesStroke(lineIndex, stroke);
* This method specifies shape of markers and line width.
* @param lineId id specifying the line. Ids are returned from jplot() and
* addPlot() methods.
* @see #setLineStyle(int, Shape, int, float[])
public void setLineStyle(String lineId,
Shape marker,
int lineWidth,
float[] style) {
setLineStyle(getLineIndex(lineId), marker, lineWidth, style);
* This method sets line specification - color, style, markers, and width.
* @param lineIndex index specifying the line. Indices are assigned to
* lines in the same order as they were added to chart. Use jPlot.LAST_IDX
* to refer to the last line added.
* @param lineSpec line specification, see class description for details
* @param lineWidth width of the line
public void setLineSpec(int lineIndex, String lineSpec, int lineWidth) {
LineAttrs lineAttrs = new LineAttrs(lineSpec);
setLineColor(lineIndex, lineAttrs.getColor());
setLineStyle(lineIndex, lineAttrs.getMarker(), lineWidth, lineAttrs.getStyle());
* This method sets line specification - color, style, markers, and width.
* @param lineId id specifying the line. Ids are returned from jplot() and
* addPlot() methods.
* @param lineSpec line specification, see class description for details
* @param lineWidth width of the line
public void setLineSpec(String lineId, String lineSpec, int lineWidth) {
setLineSpec(getLineIndex(lineId), lineSpec, lineWidth);
* Defines delta between ticks on the specified axis.
* @param delta the delta
public void setTickUnit(AxisEnum axis, double delta) {
if (m_chart != null) {
NumberAxis rangeAxis = getAxis(axis);
// change the auto tick unit selection to integer units only...
// rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createStandardTickUnits());
rangeAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(delta));
switch (axis) {
case X:
m_xTickDelta = delta;
case Y:
m_yTickDelta = delta;
private NumberAxis getAxis(AxisEnum axis) {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
switch (axis) {
case X:
return (NumberAxis)plot.getDomainAxis();
case Y:
return (NumberAxis)plot.getRangeAxis();
return null; // should never happen
* Draws annotation at default angle of 45 degrees.
* @param x pointer X position
* @param y pointer Y position
* @param annotation annotation text
public void addAnnotation(double x, double y, String annotation) {
addAnnotation(x, y, annotation, -0.78f);
* Draws annotation on the chart.
* @param x pointer X position
* @param y pointer Y position
* @param annotation annotation text
* @param angle annotation line angle in degrees
public void addAnnotation(double x, double y, String annotation, float angle) {
m_xyAnnotation = new XYPointerAnnotation(annotation,
-angle * Math.PI / 180);
m_xyAnnotation.setLabelOffset(m_xyAnnotation.getLabelOffset() * 2 + 10);
if (m_chart != null) {
XYPlot plot = m_chart.getXYPlot();
* Draws annotation at default angle of 45 degrees. Annotation coordinates
* are given implicitly by specifying data index.
* @param lineIndex index specifying the line. Indices are assigned to
* lines in the same order as they were added to chart. Use jPlot.LAST_IDX
* to refer to the last line added.
* @param pointIdx index of point on the specified line
* @param annotation annotation text
public void addAnnotation(int lineIndex, int pointIdx, String annotation) {
addAnnotation(lineIndex, pointIdx, annotation, -0.78f);
* Draws annotation on the chart.
* @param lineId id specifying the line. Ids are returned from jplot() and
* addPlot() methods.
* @see #addAnnotation(int, int, String)
public void addAnnotation(String lineId, int pointIdx, String annotation) {
addAnnotation(getLineIndex(lineId), pointIdx, annotation, -0.78f);
* Draws annotation on the chart. Annotation coordinates
* are given implicitly by specifying data index.
* @param lineIndex index specifying the line. Indices are assigned to
* lines in the same order as they were added to chart. Use jPlot.LAST_IDX
* to refer to the last line added.
* @param pointIdx index of point on the specified line
* @param annotation annotation text
* @param angle annotation line angle in degrees
public void addAnnotation(int lineIndex, int pointIdx, String annotation, float angle) {
lineIndex = getLastIndex(lineIndex);
double x = m_dataset.getXValue(lineIndex, pointIdx);
double y = m_dataset.getYValue(lineIndex, pointIdx);
addAnnotation(x, y, annotation, angle);
* Draws annotation on the chart.
* @param lineId id specifying the line. Ids are returned from jplot() and
* addPlot() methods.
* @see #addAnnotation(int, int, String, float)
public void addAnnotation(String lineId,
int pointIdx,
String annotation,
float angle) {
addAnnotation(getLineIndex(lineId), pointIdx, annotation, angle);
* Sets position of the legend. Legend can currently be placed only on one of
* the chart edges.
* @param position legend position, for example RectangleEdge.BOTTOM
public void setLegendPosition(RectangleEdge position) {
if (m_chart != null) {
LegendTitle legend = m_chart.getLegend();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not set legend position before " +
"the chart is drawn. Call jplot() method first!");
* Adds marker line to the chart. The default color is red.
* @param axis axis on which to add the marker.
* @param position marker position
public void addMarker(AxisEnum axis, double position) {
addMarker(axis, position,, 1, new float[] { 1 });
* Adds marker line to the chart.
* @param axis axis on which to add the marker.
* @param position marker line position
* @param paint marker line paint
public void addMarker(AxisEnum axis, double position, Paint paint) {
addMarker(axis, position, paint, 1, new float[] { 1 });
* Adds marker line to the chart.
* @param axis axis on which to add the marker.
* @param position marker position
* @param paint marker paint
* @param width marker width
public void addMarker(AxisEnum axis, double position, Paint paint, int width) {
addMarker(axis, position, paint, width, new float[] { 1 });
* Adds marker line to the chart.
* @param axis axis on which to add the marker.
* @param position marker position
* @param paint marker paint, for example <code>Color.yellow</code>
* @param width marker width
* @param style marker style, for example:
* <cocde>new float[]{2, 5, 8, 5}</code> specifies dot dash line.
public void addMarker(AxisEnum axis, double position, Paint paint, int width, float[] style) {
float dashPhase = 0;
Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(width, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND,BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 2, style, dashPhase);
ValueMarker marker = new ValueMarker(position, paint, stroke);
switch (axis) {
case X:
m_xMarker = marker;
if (m_chart != null) {
case Y:
m_yMarker = marker;
if (m_chart != null) {
* Sets range on the given axis.
* @param min minimum value shown
* @param max maximum value shown
public void setAxisRange(AxisEnum axis, double min, double max) {
if (m_chart != null) {
NumberAxis rangeAxis = getAxis(axis);
rangeAxis.setRange(min, max);
switch (axis) {
case X:
m_xAxisRange = new double[]{min, max};
case Y:
m_yAxisRange = new double[]{min, max};
* If hold is set to true, then calls to jplot() method add lines to the
* chart and keep existing ones. If set to false, calling jplot() method
* deletes existing lines and adds new ones.
* @param isHoldOn new hold status
public void setHold(boolean isHoldOn) {
m_isHoldOn = isHoldOn;
* Toggles hold status.
* @return hold status after it is toggled.
* @see #setHold(boolean)
public boolean toggleHold() {
m_isHoldOn = !m_isHoldOn;
return m_isHoldOn;
* Returns current hold status.
* @see #setHold(boolean)
public boolean getHold() {
return m_isHoldOn;
* Adds lines to the chart regardless of hold status.
* @param x array of X values
* @param y array of Y values
* @param lineSpec line specification, see class description for details
* @return id of line. This id can be used instead of index when calling
* methods, which take lineId as parameter, for example setLineColor(),
* setLinestyle(), setLineSpec(), addAnnotation().
public String addPlot(double []x, double []y, String lineSpec) {
return addPlot(x, y, lineSpec, "");
public String addPlot(double []x, double []y, int dummy) { // use a default line specification
// dummy parameter is needed for disambiguation of overloaded definition
// double [] x, double [] y, double []..
return addPlot(x, y, "c", "") ;
public String addPlot(Vec x, Vec y, String lineSpec) {
// dummy parameter is needed for disambiguation of overloaded definition
// Vec x, Vec y, Vec..
return addPlot(x.getv(), y.getv(), lineSpec, "");
public String addPlot(Vec x, Vec y, int dummy) {
return addPlot(x.getv(), y.getv(), "");
* Adds lines to the chart regardless of hold status.
* @param x array of X values
* @param y array of Y values
* @param lineSpec line specification, see class description for details
* @param legend text for legend
* @return id of line. Usually the 'legend' parameter is used as id, unless
* the line with the same legend already exists in the chart. In such case
* the legend string is modified. This id can be used instead of index when calling
* methods, which take lineId as parameter, for example setLineColor(),
* setLinestyle(), setLineSpec(), addAnnotation().
public String addPlot(double x[], double y[], String lineSpec, String legend) {
if (m_chart != null) {
String seriesKey = getUniqueSeriesKey(m_dataset, legend);
m_dataset.addSeries(seriesKey, new double[][] {x, y});
int lastSeriesIndex = m_dataset.getSeriesCount() - 1;
LineAttrs lineAtrs = new LineAttrs(lineSpec);
setLineColor(lastSeriesIndex, lineAtrs.getColor());
setLineStyle(lastSeriesIndex, lineAtrs.getMarker(), 1, lineAtrs.getStyle());
return seriesKey;
return jplot(x, y, lineSpec, legend)[0];
public String addPlot(Vec x, Vec y, String lineSpec, String legend) {
return addPlot(x.getv(), y.getv(), lineSpec, legend);
/* public void load(String fileName) throws IOException {
} */
* Saves chart as image in PNG format.
* @param fileName name of file to save image to
* @param width image width in pixels
* @param height image height in pixels
* @throws IOException if the output file can not be opened for writing
public void saveAsPNG(String fileName, int width, int height) throws IOException {
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File(fileName), m_chart, width, height);
// Returns index of the last line added to the chart
private int getLastIndex(int index) {
int maxIdx = m_dataset.getSeriesCount() - 1;
if (index == LAST_IDX || index > maxIdx) {
index = maxIdx;
return index;
private String getUniqueSeriesKey(DefaultXYDataset dataset, String suggestedKey) {
if (dataset.indexOf(suggestedKey) == -1) {
return suggestedKey;
suggestedKey += '.';
return getUniqueSeriesKey(dataset, suggestedKey);
private int getLineIndex(String lineId) {
int id = m_dataset.indexOf(lineId);
if (id == -1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Line with the given id does not exist! " +
"Id = " + lineId);
return id;