package sc;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import sc.math.CardinalCurve;
import sc.math.Spline2D;
import sc.math.Vector2D;
* Racetrack2D provides methods to create and manage a C1-continuous closed
* spline. The intention, as the name suggests, is that this represents a
* racetrack.
public final class Racetrack2D {
// The tracks spline
private final CardinalCurve splines_curve = new CardinalCurve();
private final Spline2D spline = new Spline2D(this.splines_curve);
// Half width of track
private double halfwidth;
// Number of intervals between successive control points
private double interval;
// Intervals of middle curve
private List<double[]> midcurve;
// Intervals of left curve
private List<double[]> leftcurve;
// Intervals of right curve
private List<double[]> rightcurve;
// List of polygons that make up the track
private final List<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<Polygon>();
/** Creates an instance of Racetrack2D */
public Racetrack2D() {
// Default attributes of Racetrack
* Sets the spline interval of the race track.
* @param interval
* Number of intervals between successive control points
public void setInterval(double interval) {
this.interval = interval;
* Gets the spline interval of the race track.
* @return Number of intervals between successive control points
public double getInterval() {
return this.interval;
* Sets the width of the race track.
* @param width
* Width of track
public void setWidth(double width) {
this.halfwidth = width * 0.5;
* Gets the width of the race track.
* @return Width of track
public double getWidth() {
return this.halfwidth * 2;
* Sets the tension of the race tracks spline.
* @param tension
* New tension value
public void setTension(double tension) {
* Gets the tension of the race tracks spline.
* @return Tension value
public double getTension() {
return this.splines_curve.getTension();
* Gets the tracks Spline.
* @return the spline
public Spline2D getSpline() {
return this.spline;
* Appends a new control point.
* @param x
* x-coordinate of new control point
* @param y
* y-coordinate of new control point
public void appendControlPoint(double x, double y) {
if (sanitise(x, y))
this.spline.points.add(new double[] {x, y});
/** An example of how to render the track to a Graphics context */
public void drawtrack(Graphics g) {
g.setColor(new Color(0xff0000));
for (Polygon p : polygons) {
// g.drawLine((int) p.xpoints[0], (int) p.ypoints[0], (int)
// p.xpoints[1],
// (int) p.ypoints[1]);
// g.drawLine((int) p.xpoints[2], (int) p.ypoints[2], (int)
// p.xpoints[3],
// (int) p.ypoints[3]);
for (double[] p : getSpline().points) {
g.fillOval((int)p[0], (int)p[1], 5, 5);
* Scans angle and distance between the last three controls points ending with index.
* @param x
* x-coordinate of new control point
* @param y
* y-coordinate of new control point
private boolean sanitise(double x, double y) {
int last = this.spline.points.size() - 1;
if (last < 1)
return true;
// Return false if last three control points form too sharp an angle.
double[] p1 = this.spline.points.get(last - 1);
double[] p2 = this.spline.points.get(last);
double[] v1 = new double[2];
double[] v2 = new double[2];
// Calculate stuff
Vector2D.vector(v1, p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]);
Vector2D.vector(v2, p2[0], p2[1], x, y);
double length = Vector2D.magnitude(v2);
// Control point has to be at least half track width away
if (length < this.halfwidth)
return false;
// Calculate angle formed by last three control points
double angle = Math.acos(, v2) / (Vector2D.magnitude(v1)*Vector2D.magnitude(v2))) * 180 / Math.PI;
// Calculate max angle allowed
double intervaldist = length / this.interval;
double maxangle = ((Math.PI / 2) - Math.atan(intervaldist / this.halfwidth)) * 180 / Math.PI;
return true;
* Updates the curves and polygons after a change has been made.
public void update() {
// Don't do anything if there are not enough control points
if (this.spline.points.size() < 4) return;
// Else repeatedly call internal layout method until its happy with layout
private int layout() {
// Generate the curves intervals
this.midcurve = this.spline.intervals(this.interval);
Polygon polygon;
double[][] left = new double[2][];
double[][] right = new double[2][];
this.leftcurve = new ArrayList<double[]>();
this.rightcurve = new ArrayList<double[]>();
double[][] p = new double[5][2];
int last = this.midcurve.size() - 1;
// Clear the current list of polygons
// Project the first left and right curve interval
p[1] = this.midcurve.get(0);
p[2] = this.midcurve.get(1);
Vector2D.vector(p[3], p[1][0], p[1][1], p[2][0], p[2][1]);
projectEdges(p, left, right);
left[1] = left[0];
right[1] = right[0];
// Project the left and right curve intervals
for (int i = 1; i < last; i++) {
p[0] = this.midcurve.get(i - 1);
p[1] = this.midcurve.get(i);
p[2] = this.midcurve.get(i + 1);
Vector2D.vector(p[3], p[0][0], p[0][1], p[1][0], p[1][1]);
Vector2D.vector(p[4], p[1][0], p[1][1], p[2][0], p[2][1]);
Vector2D.add(p[3], p[4]);
projectEdges(p, left, right);
//if (intervalsIntersect(left, right)) {
// Work out which control point we're closest to
// int closest = (int)Math.round((i / this.interval)) + 1;
// straightenCorner(closest);
// return i;
// Add the polygon
polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.addPoint((int) left[0][0], (int) left[0][1]);
polygon.addPoint((int) left[1][0], (int) left[1][1]);
polygon.addPoint((int) right[1][0], (int) right[1][1]);
polygon.addPoint((int) right[0][0], (int) right[0][1]);
// Remember current left/right points
left[1] = left[0];
right[1] = right[0];
// Project the last left and right curve interval
p[0] = this.midcurve.get(last - 1);
p[1] = this.midcurve.get(last);
Vector2D.vector(p[3], p[0][0], p[0][1], p[1][0], p[1][1]);
projectEdges(p, left, right);
// Add the last polygon
polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.addPoint((int) left[0][0], (int) left[0][1]);
polygon.addPoint((int) left[1][0], (int) left[1][1]);
polygon.addPoint((int) right[1][0], (int) right[1][1]);
polygon.addPoint((int) right[0][0], (int) right[0][1]);
return -1;
* Used by update() to project the points on the left and right edges of the track.
* @param p
* Point array
* @param left
* Left points array
* @param right
* Right points array
private void projectEdges(double[][] p, double[][] left, double[][] right) {
Vector2D.setLength(p[3], this.halfwidth);
left[0] = new double[]{p[1][0]+p[3][0], p[1][1]+p[3][1]};
right[0] = new double[]{p[1][0]-p[3][0], p[1][1]-p[3][1]};
* Used by update() to test for interval intersection.
* @param left
* Left points array
* @param right
* Right points array
* @return
private boolean intervalsIntersect(double[][] left, double[][] right) {
double z1, z2;
int s1, s2;
if ((z1 = ((left[0][0]-left[1][0])*(right[1][1]-left[1][1])) - ((left[0][1]-left[1][1])*(right[1][0]-left[1][0]))) < 0)
s1 = -1;
else if (z1 > 0)
s1 = 1;
s1 = 0;
if ((z2 = ((right[0][0]-left[1][0])*(right[1][1]-left[1][1])) - ((right[0][1]-left[1][1])*(right[1][0]-left[1][0]))) < 0)
s2 = -1;
else if (z2 > 0)
s2 = 1;
s2 = 0;
if ((s1 == 0 || s2 == 0) || s1 != s2)
return true;
return false;
private void straightenCorner(int index) {
double[][] p = new double[5][2];
p[0] = this.spline.points.get(index - 1);
p[1] = this.spline.points.get(index);
p[2] = this.spline.points.get(index + 1);
Vector2D.vector(p[3], p[1][0], p[1][1], p[0][0], p[0][1]);
Vector2D.vector(p[4], p[1][0], p[1][1], p[2][0], p[2][1]);
Vector2D.add(p[3], p[4]);
Vector2D.setLength(p[3], this.halfwidth / 2);
p[1][0] += p[3][0];
p[1][1] += p[3][1];