package org.mmisw.ont;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.mmisw.ont.admin.AdminDispatcher;
import org.mmisw.ont.admin.OntologyDeleter;
import org.mmisw.ont.db.Db;
import org.mmisw.ont.mmiuri.MmiUri;
import org.mmisw.ont.sparql.SparqlDispatcher;
import org.mmisw.ont.triplestore.ITripleStore;
import org.mmisw.ont.triplestore.TripleStore;
import org.mmisw.ont.util.Accept;
import org.mmisw.ont.util.Analytics;
import org.mmisw.ont.util.OntUtil;
import org.mmisw.ont.util.Util;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFWriter;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.UnknownPropertyException;
* The Ont servlet.
* <p>
* Thread-safety: This class is considered thread-safe.
* @author Carlos Rueda
public class OntServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OntServlet.class);
private final OntConfig ontConfig = new OntConfig();
private final Db db = new Db(ontConfig);
private final AdminDispatcher adminDispatcher = AdminDispatcher.createInstance(db);
private final ITripleStore tripleStore = new TripleStore(db, adminDispatcher);
private final MiscDispatcher miscDispatcher = new MiscDispatcher(ontConfig, db);
private final SparqlDispatcher sparqlDispatcher = new SparqlDispatcher(tripleStore);
private final UriDispatcher uriDispatcher = new UriDispatcher(sparqlDispatcher);
private final UriResolver2 uriResolver2 = new UriResolver2(this, ontConfig, db, tripleStore);
private final RegularFileDispatcher regularFileDispatcher = new RegularFileDispatcher();
private final Analytics analytics = Analytics.getInstance();
private final ThreadLocal<OntRequest> perThreadOntRequest = new ThreadLocal<OntRequest>();
* Initializes this service.
* This basically consists of:
* retrieval of configuration parameters,
* initialization of the database helper,
* initialization of the triple store,
* initialization of the admin dispatcher,
* initialization of analytics.
public void init() throws ServletException { ": initializing");
try {
ServletConfig servletConfig = getServletConfig();
analytics.init(); ": init complete.");
catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Cannot initialize: " +ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new ServletException("Cannot initialize", ex);
public void destroy() { ": destroy called.\n\n");
try {
catch (ServletException e) {
log.error("error while destroying triple store object", e);
private void _dispatch() throws ServletException, IOException {
OntRequest req = getThreadLocalOntRequest();
// first, see if there are any testing requests to dispatch
// show request info?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "showreq") ) {
Util.showReq(this, req.request, req.response);
// dispatch list of ontologies for orrclient?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "listall") ) {
miscDispatcher.listAll(req.request, req.response);
// "new" dispatch list of ontologies?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "listonts") ) {
miscDispatcher.listOnts(req.request, req.response);
// report Ont service version?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_version") ) {
miscDispatcher.reportOntVersion(req.request, req.response);
// report aquaportal rest url for orrclient?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_aqrest") ) {
miscDispatcher.reportAquaportalRestUrl(req.request, req.response);
// dispatch list of ontologies?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "list") ) {
miscDispatcher.listOntologies(req.request, req.response);
// dispatch list of vocabularies?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "vocabs") ) {
miscDispatcher.listVocabularies(req.request, req.response);
// dispatch list of mappings?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "mappings") ) {
miscDispatcher.listMappings(req.request, req.response);
// if the "_lpath" parameter is included, reply with full local path of ontology file
// (this is just a quick way to help orrportal to so some of its stuff ;)
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_lpath") ) {
miscDispatcher.resolveGetLocalPath(req.request, req.response);
// if the "_csv" parameter is included, reply with contents of associated CSV file
// (this is just a quick way to help orrportal to so some of its stuff ;)
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_csv") ) {
miscDispatcher.resolveGetCsv(req.request, req.response);
// if the "_versions" parameter is included, reply with a list of the available
// version associated with the req.request
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_versions") ) {
miscDispatcher.resolveGetVersions(req.request, req.response);
// if the "_debug" parameter is included, show some info about the URI parse
// and the ontology from the database (but do not serve the contents)
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_debug") ) {
miscDispatcher.resolveUriDebug(req.request, req.response);
// load an ontology into the graph?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_lo") ) {
// reload triple store?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_reload") ) {
// reindex triple store?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_reidx") ) {
// clear triple store?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_clear") ) {
// get users RDF?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_usrsrdf") ) {
// dispatch a db-query?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "dbquery") ) {
Util.doDbQuery(req.request, req.response, db);
// "ontology exists" request?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "oe") ) {
String uri = Util.getParam(req.request, "oe", "");
if ( _dispatchAuthority() ) {
// if the "uri" parameter is included, resolve by the given URI
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "uri") ) {
// get (ontology or entity) URI from the parameter:
String ontOrEntUri = Util.getParam(req.request, "uri", "");
if ( ontOrEntUri.length() == 0 ) {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "missing uri parameter");
if ( ! _dispatchUri(ontOrEntUri) ) {
// the explicit given uri could not be resolved, so respond with NOT_FOUND
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, ontOrEntUri);
// dispatch a sparql-query?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "sparql") ) {
sparqlDispatcher.execute(req.request, req.response);
// get user information?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_usri") ) {
// unregister ontology?
if ( Util.yes(req.request, "_unr") ) {
boolean resolved = false;
if ( req.mmiUri != null ) {
String ontOrEntUri = req.mmiUri.getTermUri();
log.debug("To dispatch MmiUri: " +ontOrEntUri);
resolved = _dispatchUri(ontOrEntUri);
else {
log.debug("To dispatch non-MmiUri: " +req.fullRequestedUri);
if ( ! resolved ) {
// try to resolve request as a regular resource.
regularFileDispatcher.dispatch(req.servletContext, req.request, req.response);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // old dispatching:
// if ( Util.yes(req.request, "ur2") ) {
// uriResolver2.service(req);
// }
// else {
// uriResolver.service(req);
// }
* @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
doGet(request, response);
* The main dispatcher.
* @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
OntRequest req = new OntRequest(getServletContext(), request, response);
try {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
finally {
OntRequest getThreadLocalOntRequest() {
return perThreadOntRequest.get();
* Dispatches authority if that's the case
* @return true iff dispatch completed here.
private boolean _dispatchAuthority() throws ServletException, IOException {
OntRequest req = getThreadLocalOntRequest();
// #294: "ontology listing for a particular authority"
if ( req.authority != null ) {
// got an "authority" request.
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_dispatchAuthority: '" +req.authority+ "'");
return miscDispatcher.listOntologiesForAuthority(req.request, req.response,
req.authority, req.outFormat);
return false;
* Dispatches the given uri.
* If the uri corresponds to a stored ontology, then the ontology is resolved
* as it were a regular self-served ontology.
* If the uri corresponds to an entity (ie, that can be resolved to a non-empty result using SPARQL),
* then it is dispatched here.
* Otherwise, return false--not dispatched here.
* @return true iff dispatch completed here.
private boolean _dispatchUri(String ontOrEntUri) throws ServletException, IOException {
OntRequest req = getThreadLocalOntRequest();
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_dispatchUri: ontOrEntUri=" +ontOrEntUri);
// TODO (#158: analytics) under preliminary testing
String finalVersion = null;
// explicit version and MmiUri with version given?
if ( req.version != null ) {
if ( req.mmiUri != null && req.mmiUri.getVersion() != null ) {
// Both, versioned URI and "version" parameter given.
// Check that the two components are equal.
if ( ! req.version.equals(req.mmiUri.getVersion()) ) {
// versioned request AND explicit version parameter -> BAD REQUEST:
"Versioned URI and \"version\" parameter requested simultaneously; both values must be equal.");
return true;
finalVersion = req.version;
else if ( req.mmiUri != null ) {
finalVersion = req.mmiUri.getVersion();
// will be non-null if request corresponds to an ontology (not term)
OntologyInfo ontology = null;
if ( finalVersion != null ) {
// explicit version requested (either from version parameter or from MmiUri).
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Explicit version requested: " +finalVersion);
// 2011-07-13
if ( finalVersion.equals(MmiUri.LATEST_VERSION_INDICATOR) ) {
if ( req.mmiUri != null ) {
_handleLatestVersionRedirection(req, ontOrEntUri);
return true;
else {
// this shouldn't happen(?)
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("request with latest version indicator but not req.mmiUri available");
// TODO should send error response or something
else {
ontology = db.getOntologyVersion(ontOrEntUri, finalVersion);
else {
// No explicit version requested.
log.debug("No explicit version requested.");
ontology = _getRegisteredOntology(ontOrEntUri);
if ( ontology != null ) {
// The requested URI corresponds to a stored ontology.
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("dispatching "+ ontOrEntUri+ " as whole ontology (not entity)");
// use ontology member in req and make sure the Uri attribute is set
req.ontology = ontology;
return true;
else {
* It is not a registered ontology.
* If it is an Ont-resolvable URI corresponding to an ontology (ie., not term),
* then respond NotFound
if ( req.mmiUri != null
&& req.mmiUri.getTerm().length() == 0
&& OntUtil.isOntResolvableUri(req.mmiUri.getOntologyUri()) ) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("_dispatchUri: ontOrEntUri=" +ontOrEntUri + " => " +
"Ont-resolvable URI for non-registered ontology, responding 404");
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, req.mmiUri.getOntologyUri());
return true;
// Else: try to dispatch as it were an entity URI (not complete ontology).
return uriDispatcher.dispatchEntityUri(req.request, req.response, ontOrEntUri,
* Does the uri correspond to a registered ontology?
* This method always completes the dispatch to the client.
private void _dispatchIsOntologyRegistered(String uri) throws ServletException, IOException {
* Based on _dispatchUri
OntRequest req = getThreadLocalOntRequest();
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_dispatchIsOntologyRegistered: uri=" +uri);
if ( uri == null || uri.length() == 0 ) {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "missing value for 'oe' parameter");
String finalVersion = null;
// explicit version and MmiUri with version given?
if ( req.version != null ) {
if ( req.mmiUri != null && req.mmiUri.getVersion() != null ) {
// Both, versioned URI and "version" parameter given.
// Check that the two components are equal.
if ( ! req.version.equals(req.mmiUri.getVersion()) ) {
// versioned request AND explicit version parameter -> BAD REQUEST:
"Versioned URI and \"version\" parameter requested simultaneously; both values must be equal.");
finalVersion = req.version;
else if ( req.mmiUri != null ) {
finalVersion = req.mmiUri.getVersion();
// will be non-null if request corresponds to an ontology
OntologyInfo ontology = null;
if ( finalVersion != null ) {
// explicit version requested (either from version parameter or from MmiUri).
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Explicit version requested: " +finalVersion);
if ( finalVersion.equals(MmiUri.LATEST_VERSION_INDICATOR) ) {
// LATEST_VERSION_INDICATOR not handled in this method -> BAD REQUEST:
"Latest version indicator in MmiUri not handled.");
else {
ontology = db.getOntologyVersion(uri, finalVersion);
else {
// No explicit version requested.
log.debug("No explicit version requested.");
ontology = _getRegisteredOntology(uri);
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_dispatchIsOntologyRegistered: uri=" +uri +
" => " + (ontology != null ? "YES" : "NO"));
if ( ontology != null ) {
else {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, uri);
* Handles redirection for a request containing the latest version indicator.
private void _handleLatestVersionRedirection(OntRequest req, String ontOrEntUri)
throws ServletException, IOException {
OntologyInfo ontology = db.getMostRecentOntologyVersion(req.mmiUri);
if ( ontology != null ) {
ontOrEntUri = ontology.getUri();
MmiUri foundMmiUri;
try {
// Note that mostRecentOntology.getUri() won't have the term component.
// So, we have to transfer it to foundMmiUri:
foundMmiUri = new MmiUri(ontology.getUri()).copyWithTerm(req.mmiUri.getTerm());
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Found ontology version: " +ontology.getUri());
if ( ! req.mmiUri.getExtension().equals(foundMmiUri.getExtension()) ) {
log.debug("Restored requested extension to: " +req.mmiUri);
// also, restore the original requested extension:
foundMmiUri = foundMmiUri.copyWithExtension(req.mmiUri.getExtension());
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Shouldn't happen", e);
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Redirecting to latest version: " + ontOrEntUri);
String redir = req.response.encodeRedirectURL(ontOrEntUri);
else {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, ontOrEntUri);
* Dispatches the given uri.
* If the uri corresponds to a stored ontology, then the ontology is resolved
* as it were a regular self-served ontology.
* If the uri corresponds to an entity (ie, that can be resolved to a non-empty result using SPARQL),
* then it is dispatched here.
* Otherwise, return false--not dispatched here.
* @return true iff dispatch completed here.
// TODO remove this old method. Actual method is _dispatchUri
private boolean _dispatchUri_Old(OntRequest req, String ontOrEntUri) throws ServletException, IOException {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_dispatchUri: ontOrEntUri=" +ontOrEntUri);
// TODO (#158: analytics) under preliminary testing
OntologyInfo ontology = null;
// explicit version?
if ( req.version != null ) {
// Dispatch explicit version request.
log.debug("Explicit version requested: " +req.version);
if ( req.mmiUri != null ) {
if ( req.mmiUri.getVersion() != null ) {
// Both, versioned URI and "version" parameter given.
// Check that the two components are equal.
if ( req.version.equals(req.mmiUri.getVersion()) ) {
ontology = db.getOntologyVersion(ontOrEntUri, req.version);
else {
// versioned request AND explicit version parameter -> BAD REQUEST:
"Versioned URI and \"version\" parameter requested simultaneously; both values must be equal.");
return true;
else {
// unversioned request. Get most recent
ontology = db.getMostRecentOntologyVersion(req.mmiUri);
else {
// possibly a re-hosted ontology.
ontology = db.getOntologyVersion(ontOrEntUri, req.version);
else {
// No explicit version.
log.debug("No explicit version requested.");
ontology = _getRegisteredOntology(ontOrEntUri);
// see if the given URI corresponds to a registered ontology
if ( ontology != null ) {
// yes, it's a stored ontology--dispatch as if it were a regular call to resolve the ontology
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("dispatching "+ ontOrEntUri+ " as whole ontology (not entity)");
// use ontology member in req and make sure the Uri attribute is set
req.ontology = ontology;
return true;
else {
// try to dispatch entity URI (not complete ontology).
return uriDispatcher.dispatchEntityUri(req.request, req.response, ontOrEntUri,
* Gets a registered ontology
* @param potentialOntUri. The URI that will be used to try to find a corresponding registered
* ontology.
* @return the ontology if found; null if not found.
* @throws ServletException
private OntologyInfo _getRegisteredOntology(String potentialOntUri) throws ServletException {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: potentialOntUri=" +potentialOntUri);
OntologyInfo ontology = null;
if ( OntUtil.isOntResolvableUri(potentialOntUri) ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: isOntResolvableUri: yes");
try {
MmiUri mmiUri = new MmiUri(potentialOntUri);
if ( mmiUri.getTerm().length() > 0 ) {
// potentialOntUri corresponds to a term, not an ontology:
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: is a term, returning null.");
return null;
if ( mmiUri.getVersion() == null ) {
// unversioned request. Get most recent
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: unversioned request.");
ontology = db.getMostRecentOntologyVersion(mmiUri);
else {
// versioned request. Just try to use the argument as given:
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: versioned request.");
ontology = db.getOntology(potentialOntUri);
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// Not an MmiUri. Just try to use the argument as given:
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: not an MmiUri.");
ontology = db.getOntology(potentialOntUri);
else {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: is OntResolvableUri: no");
ontology = db.getOntology(potentialOntUri);
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_getRegisteredOntology: " +(ontology == null ? "not resolved. returning null." : "resolved."));
return ontology;
* Gets a registered ontology
* @param potentialOntUri. The URI that will be used to try to find a corresponding registered
* ontology.
* @return the ontology if found; null if not found.
* @throws ServletException
// TODO remove this old method. Actual method is _getRegisteredOntology
private OntologyInfo _getRegisteredOntology_Old(String potentialOntUri) throws ServletException {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("getRegisteredOntology: potentialOntUri=" +potentialOntUri);
OntologyInfo ontology = null;
if ( OntUtil.isOntResolvableUri(potentialOntUri) ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("getRegisteredOntology: isOntResolvableUri.");
try {
MmiUri mmiUri = new MmiUri(potentialOntUri);
if ( mmiUri.getVersion() == null ) {
// unversioned request. Get most recent
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("getRegisteredOntology: unversioned request.");
ontology = db.getMostRecentOntologyVersion(mmiUri);
else {
// versioned request. Just try to use the argument as given:
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("getRegisteredOntology: versioned request.");
ontology = db.getOntology(potentialOntUri);
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// Not an MmiUri. Just try to use the argument as given:
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("getRegisteredOntology: not an MmiUri.");
ontology = db.getOntology(potentialOntUri);
else {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("getRegisteredOntology: is NOT OntResolvableUri.");
ontology = db.getOntology(potentialOntUri);
return ontology;
* Gets the output format according to the given MmiUri and other request parameters.
* @param formParam
* @param accept
* @param extension
* @param log
static String getOutFormatForMmiUri(String formParam, Accept accept, String extension, Log log) {
// The response type depends (initially) on the following elements:
String outFormat = formParam;
// NOTE: I use this 'outFormat' variable to handle the extension of the topic as well as the
// optional parameter "form". This parameter, if given, takes precedence over the extension.
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("===getOutFormatForMmiUri ====== ");
log.debug("===file extension = \"" +extension+ "\"");
log.debug("===form parameter = \"" +outFormat+ "\"");
// prepare 'outFormat' according to "form" parameter (if given) and file extension:
if ( outFormat.length() == 0 ) {
// no "form" parameter given. Ok, use the variable to hold the extension
// without any leading dots:
outFormat = extension.replaceAll("^\\.+", "");
else {
// "form" parameter given. Use it regardless of file extension.
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() && extension.length() > 0 ) {
log.debug("form param (=" +outFormat+ ") will take precedence over file extension: " +extension);
assert !outFormat.startsWith(".");
return outFormat;
* Gets the output format for a NON MmiUri request, so, only based on the "form" parameter.
* @param req
* @param log
static String getOutFormatForNonMmiUri(String formParam, Log log) {
String outFormat = formParam;
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("===getOutFormatForNonMmiUri ====== ");
log.debug("===form = \"" +outFormat+ "\"");
return outFormat;
* Gets the full path to get to the uploaded ontology file.
* @param ontology
* @return
static File getFullPath(OntologyInfo ontology, OntConfig ontConfig, Log log) {
String full_path = OntConfig.Prop.AQUAPORTAL_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY.getValue()
+ "/" +ontology.getFilePath() + "/" + ontology.getFilename();
File file = new File(full_path);
if ( ! file.canRead() ) {
if ( full_path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".owl") ) {
// try without ".owl":
full_path = full_path.substring(0, full_path.length() - 4);
else {
// Note: the following is a quick workaround for submissions whose URI don't have
// the .owl extension (the general rule, btw), but whose uploaded files do.
// I had to add the .owl extension in orrportal for the aquaportal parsing jobs to work.
// try with ".owl":
full_path += ".owl";
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("TRYING: " +full_path);
file = new File(full_path);
return file;
* Gets the serialization of a model in the given language.
static void serializeModelToOutputStream(Model model, String lang, OutputStream os) {
String uriForEmptyPrefix = model.getNsPrefixURI("");
RDFWriter writer = model.getWriter(lang);
String baseUri = null;
if ( uriForEmptyPrefix != null ) {
baseUri = JenaUtil2.removeTrailingFragment(uriForEmptyPrefix);
_setWriterProperty(writer, "xmlbase", baseUri);
_setWriterProperty(writer, "showXmlDeclaration", "true");
_setWriterProperty(writer, "relativeURIs", "same-document");
_setWriterProperty(writer, "tab", "4");
writer.write(model, os, baseUri);
/** Sets a writer property silently ignoring any UnknownPropertyException */
private static final void _setWriterProperty(RDFWriter writer, String propName, Object propValue) {
try {
writer.setProperty(propName, propValue);
catch (UnknownPropertyException ex) {
// ignore.
* Loads the ontology indicated with the "_lo" parameter in the request.
* The value is taken as the URI of the ontology.
private void _loadOntologyIntoGraph(OntRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException {
String ontUri = Util.getParam(req.request, "_lo", "");
if ( ontUri.length() == 0 ) {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "missing value for _lo parameter");
String graphId = Util.getParam(req.request, "_gi", null);
// explicit version?
if ( req.version != null ) {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "version parameter not accepted with _lo parameter");
OntologyInfo ontology = db.getRegisteredOntologyLatestVersion(ontUri);
if ( ontology == null ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_loadOntologyIntoGraph: not found: " +ontUri);
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, ontUri);
// Load the stored ontology:
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_loadOntologyIntoGraph: loading " +ontUri);
try {
tripleStore.loadOntology(ontology, graphId);
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error loading ontology.", e);
throw new ServletException("Error loading ontology.", e);
ServletOutputStream os = req.response.getOutputStream();
IOUtils.write(ontUri+ " loaded in graph.", os);
* _usri=username
private void _getUserInfo(OntRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String ontUri = Util.getParam(req.request, "_usri", "");
if ( ontUri.length() == 0 ) {
result.append("ERROR: missing username");
else {
Map<String, String> ui = db.getUserInfo(ontUri);
if ( ui != null ) {
for (Entry<String, String> pair : ui.entrySet() ) {
result.append(pair.getKey()+ ": " +pair.getValue()+ "\n");
ServletOutputStream os = req.response.getOutputStream();
IOUtils.write(result.toString(), os, "UTF-8");
* Executes the reload operation.
private void _reload(OntRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException {
* Executes the reindex operation.
private void _reindex(OntRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException {
String _reidx = Util.getParam(req.request, "_reidx", "");
boolean wait = _reidx.length() == 0 || _reidx.equals("wait");
* Executes the clear operation.
private void _clear(OntRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException {
* Unregisters a concrete version of an ontology.
* Required parameter: _unr=ontUri
* Optional parameter: version=vvv
* If the ontUri is "ont"-resolvable and can be parsed as an MmiUri, then the version will be
* extracted from it if it's in versioned form. If both the "version" parameter and the version
* from the MmiUri can be obtained, then it checks that they are the same. If it is a non-versioned
* MmiUri, then the ontUri is adjusted to include the given version for purposes of searching
* the database.
private void _unregisterOntology(OntRequest req) throws ServletException, IOException {
String ontUri = Util.getParam(req.request, "_unr", "");
if ( ontUri.length() == 0 ) {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "missing ontology URI");
// Determine the concrete version to be deleted.
// This is based on the parameter "version" or the versioned URI, as appropriate.
// version from parameter "version" if given:
String version = Util.getParam(req.request, "version", null);
// version from versioned ontology mmiUri, if given:
String version2 = null;
if ( OntUtil.isOntResolvableUri(ontUri) ) {
try {
MmiUri mmiUri = new MmiUri(ontUri);
version2 = mmiUri.getVersion();
if ( version2 == null || version2.length() == 0 ) {
// insert the version fragment so we are able to search in the database
ontUri = mmiUri.copyWithVersion(version).getOntologyUri();
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_unregisterOntology: inserted version fragment: " +ontUri);
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// Not an MmiUri. Just try to use the argument as given:
// continue below.
if ( version == null || version.length() == 0 ) {
if ( version2 == null || version2.length() == 0 ) {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "missing ontology version");
// take version from the MmiUri:
version = version2;
else {
// version parameter given.
// If the two versions are given, check they are the same:
if ( version2 != null && ! version.equals(version2) ) {
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "version mismatch");
// we have the desired version:
assert version != null && version.length() > 0 ;
String uriAndVerion = "ontUri=" +ontUri+ " version=" +version;
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_unregisterOntology: Deleting " +uriAndVerion);
// get ontology ID (version specific) from the database
OntologyInfo ontology = db.getOntologyVersion(ontUri, version);
if ( ontology == null ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_unregisterOntology: NOT FOUND " +uriAndVerion);
req.response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, uriAndVerion);
// TODO capture sessionId appropriately
String sessionId = "9c188a9b8de0fe0c21b9322b72255fb939a68bb2";
OntologyDeleter del = new OntologyDeleter(sessionId , ontology.getId());
String result;
try {
result = del.execute();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServletException("Error requesting deletion", e);
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("_unregisterOntology: " +uriAndVerion+ ". Result from aquaportal " +result);
if ( result.startsWith("OK:") ) {
// successful deletion from bioportal back-end.
// Remove ontology from graph:
try {
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error removing ontology from graph", e);
throw new ServletException("Error removing ontology from graph", e);
ServletOutputStream os = req.response.getOutputStream();
IOUtils.write(result, os);