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import org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext;
import org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusObjectNotFoundException;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException;
import org.datanucleus.identity.OID;
import org.datanucleus.identity.OIDFactory;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType;
import org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider;
import org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger;

* Extension of MultiMapping where the actual mapping represents multiple possible persistable types
* such as with an interface/reference field. For example, with an interface mapping we have say 3 known
* implementations of the interface, so this mapping represents 3 FKs. A maximum of one will be set
* and the others null.
public abstract class MultiPersistableMapping extends MultiMapping
     * Convenience accessor for the number of the java type mapping where the passed value would be
     * stored. If no suitable mapping is found will return -1. If is a persistent interface then will
     * return -2 meaning persist against *any* mapping
     * @param ec ExecutionContext
     * @param value The value
     * @return The index of javaTypeMappings to use (if any), or -1 (none), or -2 (any)
    protected int getMappingNumberForValue(ExecutionContext ec, Object value)
        if (value == null)
            return -1;

        ClassLoaderResolver clr = ec.getClassLoaderResolver();

        // Find the appropriate mapping
        for (int i=0; i<javaTypeMappings.length; i++)
            Class cls = clr.classForName(javaTypeMappings[i].getType());
            if (cls.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()))
                return i;

        // PERSISTENT INTERFACE : allow for the value (impl) not be directly assignable from the superclass impl
        // e.g If we have interface "Base" with impl "BaseImpl", and sub-interface "Sub1" with impl "Sub1Impl"
        // So if the mapping is of type BaseImpl and the value is Sub1Impl then they don't come up as "assignable"
        // but they are
        Class mappingJavaType = null;
        MetaDataManager mmgr = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager();
        boolean isPersistentInterface = mmgr.isPersistentInterface(getType());
        if (isPersistentInterface)
            // Field is declared as a "persistent-interface" type so all impls of that type should match
            mappingJavaType = clr.classForName(getType());
        else if (mmd != null && mmd.getFieldTypes() != null && mmd.getFieldTypes().length == 1)
            isPersistentInterface = mmgr.isPersistentInterface(mmd.getFieldTypes()[0]);
            if (isPersistentInterface)
                // Field is declared as interface and accepts "persistent-interface" value, so all impls should match
                mappingJavaType = clr.classForName(mmd.getFieldTypes()[0]);
        if (mappingJavaType != null && mappingJavaType.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()))
            return -2; // Persistent interface persistable in all mappings. Should only be 1 anyway

        return -1;

     * Method to set the parameters in the PreparedStatement with the fields of this object.
     * @param ec execution context
     * @param ps The PreparedStatement
     * @param pos The parameter positions
     * @param value The object to populate the statement with
     * @throws NotYetFlushedException Thrown if the object is not yet flushed to the datastore
    public void setObject(ExecutionContext ec, Object ps, int[] pos, Object value)
        setObject(ec, ps, pos, value, null, -1);

     * Sets the specified positions in the PreparedStatement associated with this field, and value.
     * If the number of positions in "pos" is not the same as the number of datastore mappings then it is assumed
     * that we should only set the positions for the real implementation FK; this happens where we have a statement
     * like "... WHERE IMPL1_ID_OID = ? AND IMPL2_ID_OID IS NULL" so we need to filter on the other implementations
     * being null and only want to input parameter(s) for the real implementation of "value".
     * @param ec execution context
     * @param ps a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param pos The position(s) of the PreparedStatement to populate
     * @param value the value stored in this field
     * @param ownerSM the owner StateManager
     * @param ownerFieldNumber the owner absolute field number
    public void setObject(ExecutionContext ec, Object ps, int[] pos, Object value, ObjectProvider ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber)
        boolean setValueFKOnly = false;
        if (pos != null && pos.length < getNumberOfDatastoreMappings())
            setValueFKOnly = true;

        // Make sure that this field has a sub-mapping appropriate for the specified value
        int javaTypeMappingNumber = getMappingNumberForValue(ec, value);
        if (value != null && javaTypeMappingNumber == -1)
            // as required by the JDO spec, a ClassCastException is thrown since not valid implementation
            // TODO Change this to a multiple field mapping localised message
            throw new ClassCastException(LOCALISER.msg("041044",
                mmd != null ? mmd.getFullFieldName() : "", getType(), value.getClass().getName()));

        if (value != null)
            ApiAdapter api = ec.getApiAdapter();
            ClassLoaderResolver clr = ec.getClassLoaderResolver();

            // Make sure the value is persisted if it is persistable in its own right
            if (!ec.isInserting(value))
                // Object either already exists, or is not yet being inserted.
                Object id = api.getIdForObject(value);

                // Check if the PersistenceCapable exists in this datastore
                boolean requiresPersisting = false;
                if (ec.getApiAdapter().isDetached(value) && ownerSM != null)
                    // Detached object that needs attaching (or persisting if detached from a different datastore)
                    requiresPersisting = true;
                else if (id == null)
                    // Transient object, so we need to persist it
                    requiresPersisting = true;
                    ExecutionContext valueEC = api.getExecutionContext(value);
                    if (valueEC != null && ec != valueEC)
                        throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("041015"), id);

                if (requiresPersisting)
                    // The object is either not yet persistent or is detached and so needs attaching
                    Object pcNew = ec.persistObjectInternal(value, null, -1, ObjectProvider.PC);
                    id = api.getIdForObject(pcNew);
                    if (ec.getApiAdapter().isDetached(value) && ownerSM != null)
                        // Update any detached reference to refer to the attached variant
                        ownerSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, pcNew);
                        RelationType relationType = mmd.getRelationType(clr);
                        if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_ONE_BI)
                            ObjectProvider relatedSM = ec.findObjectProvider(pcNew);
                            AbstractMemberMetaData[] relatedMmds = mmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr);
                            // TODO Allow for multiple related fields
                            relatedSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(relatedMmds[0].getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), ownerSM.getObject());
                        else if (relationType == RelationType.MANY_TO_ONE_BI)
                            // TODO Update the container element with the attached variant
                            if (NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled())
                                NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.debug("PCMapping.setObject : object " + ownerSM.getInternalObjectId() +
                                    " has field " + ownerFieldNumber +
                                    " that is 1-N bidirectional - should really update the reference in the relation. Not yet supported");

                if (getNumberOfDatastoreMappings() <= 0)
                    // If the field doesn't map to any datastore fields, omit the set process

        if (pos == null)

        ObjectProvider op = (value != null ? ec.findObjectProvider(value) : null);
            if (op != null)

            int n = 0;
            NotYetFlushedException notYetFlushed = null;
            for (int i=0; i<javaTypeMappings.length; i++)
                // Set the PreparedStatement positions for this implementation mapping
                int[] posMapping;
                if (setValueFKOnly)
                    // Only using first "pos" value(s)
                    n = 0;
                else if (n >= pos.length)
                    n = 0; // store all implementations to the same columns, so we reset the index
                if (javaTypeMappings[i].getReferenceMapping() != null)
                    posMapping = new int[javaTypeMappings[i].getReferenceMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                    posMapping = new int[javaTypeMappings[i].getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                for (int j=0; j<posMapping.length; j++)
                    posMapping[j] = pos[n++];

                    if (javaTypeMappingNumber == -2 || (value != null && javaTypeMappingNumber == i))
                        // This mapping is where the value is to be stored, or using persistent interfaces
                        javaTypeMappings[i].setObject(ec, ps, posMapping, value);
                    else if (!setValueFKOnly)
                        // Set null for this mapping, since the value is null or is for something else
                        javaTypeMappings[i].setObject(ec, ps, posMapping, null);
                catch (NotYetFlushedException e)
                    notYetFlushed = e;
            if (notYetFlushed != null)
                throw notYetFlushed;
            if (op != null)

     * Method to retrieve an object of this type from the ResultSet.
     * @param ec execution context
     * @param rs The ResultSet
     * @param pos The parameter positions
     * @return The object
    public Object getObject(ExecutionContext ec, final Object rs, int[] pos)
        // Go through the possible types for this field and find a non-null value (if there is one)
        int n = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<javaTypeMappings.length; i++)
            int[] posMapping;
            if (n >= pos.length)
                //this means we store all implementations to the same columns, so we reset the index
                n = 0;

            if (javaTypeMappings[i].getReferenceMapping() != null)
                posMapping = new int[javaTypeMappings[i].getReferenceMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                posMapping = new int[javaTypeMappings[i].getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
            for (int j=0; j<posMapping.length; j++)
                posMapping[j] = pos[n++];

            Object value = null;
                // Retrieve the value (PC object) for this mappings' object
                value = javaTypeMappings[i].getObject(ec, rs, posMapping);
                if (value != null)
                    if (value instanceof OID)
                        // What situation is this catering for exactly ?
                        DatastoreField col = null;
                        if (javaTypeMappings[i].getReferenceMapping() != null)
                            col = javaTypeMappings[i].getReferenceMapping().getDatastoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField();
                            col = javaTypeMappings[i].getDatastoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField();
                        String className = col.getStoredJavaType();
                        value = OIDFactory.getInstance(ec.getNucleusContext(), className, ((OID)value).getKeyValue());
                        return ec.findObject(value, false, true, null);
                    else if (ec.getClassLoaderResolver().classForName(getType()).isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()))               
                        return value;
            catch (NullValueException e)
                // expected if implementation object is null and has primitive fields in the primary key
            catch (NucleusObjectNotFoundException onfe)
                // expected, will try next implementation
        return null;

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