Package no.sws.invoice

Source Code of no.sws.invoice.InvoiceHelper

* Copyright (C) 2009 Pal Orby, SendRegning AS. <> This program is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in
* the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
package no.sws.invoice;

import no.sws.SwsHelper;
import no.sws.client.SwsClient;
import no.sws.client.SwsMissingRequiredElementAttributeInResponseException;
import no.sws.client.SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException;
import no.sws.client.SwsNoInvoiceLinesForInvoiceException;
import no.sws.client.SwsNoRecipientForInvoiceException;
import no.sws.client.SwsNotValidRecipientException;
import no.sws.client.SwsRequiredInvoiceValueException;
import no.sws.client.SwsTooManyInvoiceLinesException;
import no.sws.invoice.line.InvoiceLine;
import no.sws.invoice.line.InvoiceLineFactory;
import no.sws.invoice.line.InvoiceLineHelper;
import no.sws.invoice.recipient.Recipient;
import no.sws.invoice.recipient.RecipientFactory;
import no.sws.invoice.recipient.RecipientHelper;
import no.sws.invoice.shipment.Shipment;
import no.sws.invoice.shipment.ShipmentType;
import no.sws.util.XmlUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.output.Format;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

* @author Pal Orby, SendRegning AS
public class InvoiceHelper extends SwsHelper {

  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InvoiceHelper.class);

   * @param invoice
   * @return
   * @throws SwsRequiredInvoiceValueException
   * @throws SwsNoRecipientForInvoiceException
  public static List<Element> getRecipientValuesAsXmlElements(final Invoice invoice) throws SwsRequiredInvoiceValueException,
      SwsNoRecipientForInvoiceException {

    // get the recipient object from the invoice
    final Recipient recipient = invoice.getRecipient();

    if(recipient != null) {
      // let RecipientHelper generate the list of XML elements
      return RecipientHelper.getRecipientValuesAsXmlElements(recipient);
    else {
      // no recipient
      throw new SwsNoRecipientForInvoiceException(invoice);

  public static List<Element> getOptionalRecipientValuesAsXmlElements(final Invoice invoice) throws SwsNoRecipientForInvoiceException {

    // get the recipient object from the invoice
    final Recipient recipient = invoice.getRecipient();

    if(recipient != null) {
      // let RecipientHelper generate the list of XML elements
      return RecipientHelper.getOptionalRecipientValuesAsXmlElements(recipient);
    else {
      // no recipient
      throw new SwsNoRecipientForInvoiceException(invoice);

   * @param invoice
   * @return A List containing one List&lt;Element&gt; for each invoice line
   * @throws SwsTooManyInvoiceLinesException If you try to exceed the maximum number of invoice lines for one invoice.
   *         Currently set to 18.
   * @throws SwsNoInvoiceLinesForInvoiceException If <code>invoice.getInvoiceLines()</code> returns <code>null</code>
   *         or the size is zero.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given parameter invoice is null
  public static List<List<Element>> getInvoiceLinesValuesAsXmlElements(final Invoice invoice) throws SwsTooManyInvoiceLinesException,
      SwsNoInvoiceLinesForInvoiceException {

    if(invoice == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter invoice can't be null");

    // get the invoice lines from the invoice
    final List<InvoiceLine> invoiceLines = invoice.getInvoiceLines();

    if(invoiceLines == null || invoiceLines.size() == 0) {
      // missing invoice lines
      throw new SwsNoInvoiceLinesForInvoiceException(invoice);

    if(invoiceLines.size() >= SwsClient.MAX_NO_OF_INVOICE_LINES) {
      // too many invoice lines
      throw new SwsTooManyInvoiceLinesException(invoice);

    final List<List<Element>> result = new LinkedList<List<Element>>();

    for(final InvoiceLine currentLine : invoiceLines) {

      // let InvoiceLineHelper generate the list of XML elements

    return result;

   * @param invoice
   * @return
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If parameter invoice is null
   * @throws IllegalStateException If invoice.getShipment() returns null or if invoice.getShipmentType() is equal to
   *         <code>email</code> or <code>paper_and_email</code> and there is no email addresses set.
  public static Element getShipmentValuesAsXmlElements(final Invoice invoice) {

    if(invoice == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter invoice can't be null");

    final Shipment shipment = invoice.getShipment();

    if(shipment == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The given invoice.getShipment() returned null. Here is your invoice object:\n" + invoice);

    final Element result = new Element("shipment");


    // set email/copy-addresses
    if(shipment.getShipmentType() == || shipment.getShipmentType() == ShipmentType.paper_and_email) {

      // email addresses is required
      final List<String> emailAddresses = shipment.getEmailAddresses();

      if(emailAddresses == null || emailAddresses.size() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("You must specify email addresses on shipment when shipment type is "
            + shipment.getShipmentType().toString());

      // create <emailaddresses> child element and add it to the shipment element
      final Element emailAddressesElement = new Element("emailaddresses");

      // iterate all email addresses
      for(final String currentEmailAddress : emailAddresses) {

        // create email element
        final Element emailAddressElement = new Element("email");

        // add element to parent element (<emailaddresses>)

      // copy addresses is optional
      final List<String> copyAddresses = shipment.getCopyAddresses();

      if(copyAddresses != null && copyAddresses.size() > 0) {

        // create <copyaddresses> child element and add it to the shipment element
        final Element copyAddressesElement = new Element("copyaddresses");

        // iterate all copy addresses
        for(final String currentCopyAddress : copyAddresses) {

          // create email element
          final Element copyAddressElement = new Element("email");

          // add element to parent element (<copyaddresses>)

    return result;

   * Iterate all invoice elements in the given XML and creates Invoice objects
   * @param xml
   * @return A List with all invoices. If the given XML is null or doesn't contain the <code>&lt;invoices&gt;</code>
   *         root element ot no <code>&lt;invoice&gt;</code> elements, an empty list is returned.
   * @throws SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException If we can't find a required element in the response
   * @throws SwsNotValidRecipientException If the required elements name, city or zip isn't found in the invoice
   *         elements from the response
   * @throws ParseException If we encounter problem parsing a date
  public static List<Invoice> xml2Invoice(final Document xml) throws SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException, SwsNotValidRecipientException,
      ParseException {

    final List<Invoice> result = new LinkedList<Invoice>();

    // is it a xml document with <invoices> as the root element
    if(xml != null && xml.getRootElement() != null && xml.getRootElement().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("invoices")) {

      final List<Element> children = xml.getRootElement().getChildren("invoice");

      for(final Element invoiceElement : children) {

        final Invoice invoice = InvoiceFactory.getInstance().getInvoice();

        // map clientId, if present
        final String clientId = invoiceElement.getAttributeValue("clientId");

        if(clientId != null && clientId.trim().length() > 0) {

        // map recipient values (name, address, zip, city, etc)
        mapRecipientValues(invoiceElement, invoice);

        // map invoice lines values
        mapInvoiceLines(invoiceElement, invoice);

        // map optional values (invoiceType, invoiceNo, invoiceDate, dueDate, etc...
        mapOptionalValues(invoiceElement, invoice);

    else {
      log.warn("The given XML document doesn't contain a <invoices> root element:\n" + XmlUtils.xml2String(xml, Format.getPrettyFormat()));

    return result;

  private static void mapRecipientValues(final Element invoiceElement, final Invoice invoice) throws SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException,
      SwsNotValidRecipientException {

    if(invoice == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param invoice can't be null. I'm trying to add the Recipient object to that object");

    if(invoiceElement != null && invoiceElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("invoice")) {

      final Recipient recipient = RecipientFactory.getInstance();

      // get name, zip and city from invoice element (these are required)
      recipient.setName(getElementValue(invoiceElement, "name", true));
      recipient.setZip(getElementValue(invoiceElement, "zip", true));
      recipient.setCity(getElementValue(invoiceElement, "city", true));

      // get recipientNo, address1, address2, country from the optional element
      final Element optionalElement = invoiceElement.getChild("optional");

      if(optionalElement == null) {"No <optional> element in <invoice> element:\n" + XmlUtils.xmlElement2String(invoiceElement, Format.getPrettyFormat()));
      else {

        recipient.setRecipientNo(getElementValue(optionalElement, "recipientNo", false));
                recipient.setOrgNo(getElementValue(optionalElement, "recipientOrgNo", false));
        recipient.setAddress1(getElementValue(optionalElement, "address1", false));
        recipient.setAddress2(getElementValue(optionalElement, "address2", false));
        recipient.setCountry(getElementValue(optionalElement, "country", false));
        recipient.setEmail(getElementValue(optionalElement, "email", false));

      // add recipient to invoice
    else {
      log.warn("No <invoice> element given to InvoiceHelper.mapRecipientValues():\n"
          + XmlUtils.xmlElement2String(invoiceElement, Format.getPrettyFormat()));


  private static void mapInvoiceLines(final Element invoiceElement, final Invoice invoice) throws SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException {

    if(invoice == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param invoice can't be null. I'm trying to add the InvoiceLine object to that object");

    if(invoiceElement != null && invoiceElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("invoice")) {

      // get the lines element
      final Element linesElement = invoiceElement.getChild("lines");

      if(linesElement == null) {
        throw new SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException("lines", XmlUtils.xmlElement2String(invoiceElement, Format.getPrettyFormat()));

      // get the line elements
      final List<Element> lineElements = linesElement.getChildren("line");

      if(lineElements == null || lineElements.size() == 0) {
        throw new SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException("line", XmlUtils.xmlElement2String(invoiceElement, Format.getPrettyFormat()));

      final List<InvoiceLine> invoiceLines = new LinkedList<InvoiceLine>();

      for(final Element currentLineElement : lineElements) {

        // create invoice line
        final InvoiceLine invoiceLine = InvoiceLineFactory.getInstance();

        // get elements value
        final String qty = getElementValue(currentLineElement, "qty", false);
        final String unitPrice = getElementValue(currentLineElement, "unitPrice", false);
        final String discount = getElementValue(currentLineElement, "discount", false);
        final String tax = getElementValue(currentLineElement, "tax", false);
        final String lineTaxAmount = getElementValue(currentLineElement, "lineTaxAmount", false);
        final String lineTotal = getElementValue(currentLineElement, "lineTotal", false);

        // itemNo (required)
        invoiceLine.setItemNo(Integer.parseInt(getElementValue(currentLineElement, "itemNo", true)));

        // qty
        if(qty != null && qty.trim().length() > 0) {
          invoiceLine.setQty(new BigDecimal(qty));

        // prodCode
        invoiceLine.setProdCode(getElementValue(currentLineElement, "prodCode", false));

        // desc
        invoiceLine.setDesc(getElementValue(currentLineElement, "desc", false));

        // unitPrice
        if(unitPrice != null && unitPrice.trim().length() > 0) {
          invoiceLine.setUnitPrice(new BigDecimal(unitPrice));

        // discount
        if(discount != null && discount.trim().length() > 0) {
          invoiceLine.setDiscount(new BigDecimal(discount));

        // tax
        if(tax != null && tax.trim().length() > 0) {

        // lineTaxAmount
        if(lineTaxAmount != null && lineTaxAmount.trim().length() > 0) {
          invoiceLine.setLineTaxAmount(new BigDecimal(lineTaxAmount));

        // lineTotal
        if(lineTotal != null && lineTotal.trim().length() > 0) {
          invoiceLine.setLineTotal(new BigDecimal(lineTotal));


    else {
      log.warn("No <invoice> element given to InvoiceHelper.mapInvoiceLines():\n"
          + XmlUtils.xmlElement2String(invoiceElement, Format.getPrettyFormat()));

  private static void mapOptionalValues(final Element invoiceElement, final Invoice invoice) throws SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException,
      ParseException {

    if(invoice == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param invoice can't be null. I'm trying to add many objects to that object");

    if(invoiceElement != null && invoiceElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("invoice")) {

      // get the optional element
      final Element optionalElement = invoiceElement.getChild("optional");

      if(optionalElement == null) {
        throw new SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException("optional", XmlUtils.xmlElement2String(invoiceElement, Format

      invoice.setInvoiceType(InvoiceType.valueOf(getElementValue(optionalElement, "invoiceType", true)));

      // add creditedId if credit invoice
      if(invoice.getInvoiceType().equals( {
        invoice.setCreditedInvoiceNo(Integer.parseInt(getElementValue(optionalElement, "creditedId", true)));

      invoice.setInvoiceNo(Integer.parseInt(getElementValue(optionalElement, "invoiceNo", true)));
      invoice.setOrderNo(getElementValue(optionalElement, "orderNo", false));
      invoice.setInvoiceDate(stringToDate(getElementValue(optionalElement, "invoiceDate", true)));

      // dueDate is -- -- -- when invoice type != ordinary
      if(invoice.getInvoiceType().equals(InvoiceType.ordinary)) {
        invoice.setDueDate(stringToDate(getElementValue(optionalElement, "dueDate", true)));

      invoice.setOrderDate(stringToDate(getElementValue(optionalElement, "orderDate", false)));
      invoice.setState(getElementValue(optionalElement, "state", true));
      invoice.setOurRef(getElementValue(optionalElement, "ourRef", false));
      invoice.setYourRef(getElementValue(optionalElement, "yourRef", false));
      invoice.setTax(new BigDecimal(getElementValue(optionalElement, "tax", true)));
      invoice.setTotal(new BigDecimal(getElementValue(optionalElement, "total", true)));
      invoice.setComment(getElementValue(optionalElement, "comment", false));
      invoice.setInvoiceText(getElementValue(optionalElement, "invoiceText", false));
      invoice.setOrgNrSuffix(Boolean.parseBoolean(getElementValue(optionalElement, "orgNrSuffix", false)));
      invoice.setAccountNo(getElementValue(optionalElement, "accountNo", true));
      invoice.setOrgNo(getElementValue(optionalElement, "orgNo", false));
      invoice.setDunningFee(new BigDecimal(1f));
      invoice.setInterestRate(new BigDecimal(1f));

            invoice.getRecipient().setMobile(getElementValue(optionalElement, "mobile", false));
            invoice.getRecipient().setPhone(getElementValue(optionalElement, "phone", false));
            invoice.getRecipient().setFax(getElementValue(optionalElement, "fax", false));

    else {
      log.warn("No <invoice> element given to InvoiceHelper.mapOptionalValues():\n"
          + XmlUtils.xmlElement2String(invoiceElement, Format.getPrettyFormat()));

    public static InvoiceStatus mapResponseToInvoiceStatus(final Document xml) throws SwsMissingRequiredElementAttributeInResponseException, SwsMissingRequiredElementInResponseException, ParseException {

        InvoiceStatus result = new InvoiceStatus();

        // does the doc have a root element
        if(xml != null && xml.hasRootElement()) {

            final Element rootElement = xml.getRootElement();

            // is the root element named salesledger
            if(rootElement.getName().equals("invoice-status")) {

                Element invoiceElement = rootElement.getChild("invoice");

                if(invoiceElement != null) {

                    result.setInvoiceNumber(Integer.valueOf(getElementAttributeValue(invoiceElement, "number", true)));
                    result.setState(getElementValue(invoiceElement, "state", true));

                    // transfer payment values
                    Element paymentsElement = invoiceElement.getChild("payments");

                    if(paymentsElement != null) {

                        List<Element> payments = paymentsElement.getChildren("payment");

                        for(Element payment : payments) {

                            InvoiceStatusPayment current = new InvoiceStatusPayment();

                            current.setId(Integer.valueOf(getElementAttributeValue(payment, "id", true)));
                            current.setDate(stringToDate(getElementValue(payment, "paymentDate", true)));
                            current.setAmount(new BigDecimal(getElementValue(payment, "amount", true)));
                            current.setPaymentType(getElementValue(payment, "paymentType", true));



                // TODO: add history and dunning entries

        return result;

    public static String getBatchId(Document response) {

        if (response != null && response.getRootElement() != null) {

            String result = response.getRootElement().getAttributeValue("batchId");

            if (result != null && result.trim().length() > 0) {
                return result;
            return null;

        return null;

Related Classes of no.sws.invoice.InvoiceHelper

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