/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 cindent fo=qroca: */
package com.globant.google.mendoza.malbec;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookiePolicy;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.FailingHttpStatusCodeException;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.HttpWebConnection;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.KeyValuePair;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.Page;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.SubmitMethod;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequestSettings;
import com.globant.google.mendoza.malbec.schema._2.CheckoutRedirect;
import com.globant.google.mendoza.malbec.schema._2.CheckoutShoppingCart;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException;
/** The simulated buyer.
public class SeleniumBuyerRobot {
/** The class logger.
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SeleniumBuyerRobot.class);
/** This is the timeout given by Google for merchant calculations to be
* performed. The time is given in millis.
private static final long MC_TIMEOUT = 3001;
/** Time to wait for bad login errors. The time is given in millis.
private static final long BAD_LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 1000;
/** The url to post the cart to. This url encodes the merchant id.
private String postURL;
/** The firefox-bin path.
private String firefoxBinPath;
/** The firefox path. The path given to selenium to start the browser.
* Default value is "*chrome" + firefoxBinPath.
private String firefoxPath;
* The cart encoder.
private CartPostEncoder encoder;
* The merchant key used by the encoder to sign the cart.
private String merchantKey;
* The base url for checkout.
private String serverUrl;
* The buyer url for checkout.
private String buyerURL;
* The hostname where selenium server is running.
private String seleniumHost;
* The port used to connect to selenium server.
private int seleniumPort;
* The selenium remote controller.
private DefaultSelenium seleniumRC;
* Indicates if the seleniumRC is started or not.
private boolean seleniumRCStarted = false;
/** Creates a simulated buyer.
* @param buyerUrl the buyerUrl. Cannot be null.
* @param url The GBuy url, including the merchant id. Cannot be null. Used
* to post carts.
* @param theEncoder The encoder used to encode the cart.
* @param theMerchantKey The merchant key used by the encoder to sign the
* cart.
* @param theFirefoxBinPath The path to the firefox-bin file.
* @param seleniumServerHost the host where selenium server is running.
* @param seleniumServerPort the port used to connect to selenium server.
public SeleniumBuyerRobot(final String buyerUrl, final String url,
final CartPostEncoder theEncoder, final String theMerchantKey,
final String theFirefoxBinPath, final String seleniumServerHost,
final int seleniumServerPort) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Entering Buyer('" + url + "')");
if (url == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the url cannot be null");
if (theEncoder == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the encoder cannot be null");
if (theMerchantKey == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the merchant key cannot be null");
if (theFirefoxBinPath == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the firefox-bin path cannot be null");
buyerURL = buyerUrl;
postURL = url;
encoder = theEncoder;
merchantKey = theMerchantKey;
firefoxBinPath = theFirefoxBinPath;
firefoxPath = "*chrome " + firefoxBinPath;
try {
URL checkoutUrl = new URL(url);
serverUrl = checkoutUrl.getProtocol() + "://"
+ checkoutUrl.getHost()
+ (checkoutUrl.getPort() == -1 ? "" : ":" + checkoutUrl.getPort());
seleniumHost = seleniumServerHost;
seleniumPort = seleniumServerPort;
log.debug("Using firefox. Path: " + firefoxBinPath);
log.debug("Connecting with selenium server at:" + seleniumHost + ":"
+ seleniumPort);
seleniumRC = createSeleniumRc(serverUrl);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("The url received is malformed:" + url, e);
log.trace("Leaving Buyer");
* Create a new default selenium, which is the selenium rc.
* @param theServerUrl The url where to star selenium interaction.
* @return Return a brand new default selenium.
private DefaultSelenium createSeleniumRc(final String theServerUrl) {
DefaultSelenium newRC = new DefaultSelenium(
seleniumHost, seleniumPort, firefoxPath, theServerUrl);
return newRC;
/** Places an order to gbuy, specifying the cart as an JAXB cart.
* This function implements the buyer's actions necessary to place an order:
* 1- It posts the shopping cart to the gbuy url.
* 2- Logs in as a buyer.
* 3- If the initial address is specified, it posts it to the ajax url. This
* triggers the merchant calculation callback for the predefined buyer
* address.
* 4- It checks that the place order button is available.
* 5- It posts, one by one, the additional addresses or coupons/buy
* certificates to the ajax url. This triggers the merchant calculation
* callback in the server for the additional addresses, coupons and gift
* certificates.
* 6- Places the order, posting the coupons and gift certificates found in
* the additional addresses.
* @param cart The checkout cart to send. It cannot be null.
* @param email The buyer email used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param password The passoword used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @return returns the order number of the new posted cart order.
public String placeOrder(final CheckoutShoppingCart cart,
final String email, final String password) {
return placeOrder(cart, email, password, null);
/** Places an order to gbuy, specifying the cart as an JAXB cart.
* This function implements the buyer's actions necessary to place an order:
* 1- It posts the shopping cart to the gbuy url.
* 2- Logs in as a buyer.
* 3- If the initial address is specified, it posts it to the ajax url. This
* triggers the merchant calculation callback for the predefined buyer
* address.
* 4- It checks that the place order button is available.
* 5- It posts, one by one, the additional addresses or coupons/buy
* certificates to the ajax url. This triggers the merchant calculation
* callback in the server for the additional addresses, coupons and gift
* certificates.
* 6- Places the order, posting the coupons and gift certificates found in
* the additional addresses.
* @param cart The checkout cart to send. It cannot be null.
* @param email The buyer email used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param password The passoword used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param buyerInformation A list of either shipping addresses, coupons or
* gift certificates.
* @return returns the order number of the new posted cart order.
public String placeOrder(final CheckoutShoppingCart cart,
final String email, final String password,
final List<BuyerInformation> buyerInformation) {
return placeOrder(cart, email, password, buyerInformation, null);
/** Places an order to gbuy, specifying the cart as an JAXB cart.
* This function implements the buyer's actions necessary to place an order:
* 1- It posts the shopping cart to the gbuy url.
* 2- Logs in as a buyer.
* 3- If the initial address is specified, it posts it to the ajax url. This
* triggers the merchant calculation callback for the predefined buyer
* address.
* 4- It checks that the place order button is available.
* 5- It posts, one by one, the additional addresses or coupons/buy
* certificates to the ajax url. This triggers the merchant calculation
* callback in the server for the additional addresses, coupons and gift
* certificates.
* 6- Places the order, posting the coupons and gift certificates found in
* the additional addresses.
* @param cart The checkout cart to send. It cannot be null.
* @param email The buyer email used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param password The passoword used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param buyerInformation A list of either shipping addresses, coupons or
* gift certificates.
* @param ccOptions the list of carrier calculated shipping options to verify.
* @return returns the order number of the new posted cart order.
public String placeOrder(final CheckoutShoppingCart cart,
final String email, final String password,
final List<BuyerInformation> buyerInformation,
final List<String> ccOptions) {
log.trace("Entering placeOrder");
if (cart == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the cart cannot be null");
if (email == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the buyer's email cannot be null");
if (password == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("buyer's password cannot be null");
String returnString = postCart(email, password, buyerInformation,
encoder.generateParameters(cart, merchantKey),
encoder.getBodyForCart(cart), ccOptions);
log.trace("Leaving placeOrder");
return returnString;
/** Places an order to gbuy, specifying the cart as an xml string.
* This function implements the buyer's actions necessary to place an order:
* 1- It posts the shopping cart to the gbuy url.
* 2- Logs in as a buyer.
* 3- If the initial address is specified, it posts it to the ajax url. This
* triggers the merchant calculation callback for the predefined buyer
* address.
* 4- It checks that the place order button is available.
* 5- It posts, one by one, the additional addresses or coupons/buy
* certificates to the ajax url. This triggers the merchant calculation
* callback in the server for the additional addresses, coupons and gift
* certificates.
* 6- Places the order, posting the coupons and gift certificates found in
* the additional addresses.
* @param cart The checkout cart to send. It cannot be null.
* @param email The buyer email used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param password The passoword used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @return returns the order number of the new posted cart order.
public String placeOrder(final String cart, final String email, final String
password) {
log.trace("Entering placeOrder");
String returnString = placeOrder(cart, email, password, null);
log.trace("Leaving placeOrder");
return returnString;
/** Places an order to gbuy, specifying the cart as an xml string.
* This function implements the buyer's actions necessary to place an order:
* 1- It posts the shopping cart to the gbuy url.
* 2- Logs in as a buyer.
* 3- If the initial address is specified, it posts it to the ajax url. This
* triggers the merchant calculation callback for the predefined buyer
* address.
* 4- It checks that the place order button is available.
* 5- It posts, one by one, the additional addresses or coupons/buy
* certificates to the ajax url. This triggers the merchant calculation
* callback in the server for the additional addresses, coupons and gift
* certificates.
* 6- Places the order, posting the coupons and gift certificates found in
* the additional addresses.
* @param cart The checkout cart to send. It cannot be null.
* @param email The buyer email used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param password The passoword used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param buyerInformation A list of either shipping addresses, coupons or
* gift certificates.
* @return returns the order number of the new posted cart order.
public String placeOrder(final String cart, final String email, final String
password, final List<BuyerInformation> buyerInformation) {
return placeOrder(cart, email, password, buyerInformation, null);
/** Places an order to gbuy, specifying the cart as an xml string.
* This function implements the buyer's actions necessary to place an order:
* 1- It posts the shopping cart to the gbuy url.
* 2- Logs in as a buyer.
* 3- If the initial address is specified, it posts it to the ajax url. This
* triggers the merchant calculation callback for the predefined buyer
* address.
* 4- It checks that the place order button is available.
* 5- It posts, one by one, the additional addresses or coupons/buy
* certificates to the ajax url. This triggers the merchant calculation
* callback in the server for the additional addresses, coupons and gift
* certificates.
* 6- Places the order, posting the coupons and gift certificates found in
* the additional addresses.
* @param cart The checkout cart to send. It cannot be null.
* @param email The buyer email used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param password The passoword used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param buyerInformation A list of either shipping addresses, coupons or
* gift certificates.
* @param ccOptions the Carrier Calculated shipping options to verify.
* @return returns the order number of the new posted cart order.
public String placeOrder(final String cart, final String email, final String
password, final List<BuyerInformation> buyerInformation,
final List<String> ccOptions) {
log.trace("Entering placeOrder");
if (cart == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the cart cannot be null");
List<KeyValuePair> parameters =
encoder.generateParameters(cart, merchantKey);
String body = encoder.getBodyForCart(cart);
String returnString = postCart(email, password, buyerInformation, parameters,
body, ccOptions);
log.trace("Leaving placeOrder");
return returnString;
/** Places an order to gbuy.
* @param email The buyer email used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param password The passoword used to log in to the GBuy service as a
* buyer. Cannot be null.
* @param buyerInformation A list of either shipping addresses, coupons or
* gift certificates.
* @param parameters The parameters that encode the content of the cart.
* @param body the body to be sent in the request.
* @param ccOptions The Carrier Calculated Shipping Options to verify.
* @return returns the order number of the new posted cart order.
private String postCart(final String email, final String password,
final List <BuyerInformation> buyerInformation,
final List <KeyValuePair> parameters, final String body,
final List<String> ccOptions) {
try {
String path = post(parameters, body);
startSeleniumOnPage(serverUrl + path);
loginAfterPlacingOrder(email, password);
// Check if the Carrier Calculated Shipping Options are shown.
if (ccOptions != null && !ccOptions.isEmpty()) {
+ "document.getElementById('bottomBuyButton') != null", "30000");
+ "document.getElementById('bottomBuyButton')."
+ "disabled == false", "30000");
// First make sure that the select drop-down for the methods is present.
"name=shippingMethodsViewName", (int) MC_TIMEOUT);
// Then check if all elements are shown
checkCarrierCalculatedOptions(seleniumRC, ccOptions);
return placeOrder();
//TODO disable the comment when done.
// seleniumRC.waitForCondition(
// "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow()." +
// "document.getElementById('userLinks') != null", "3000");
// seleniumRC.click("link=Sign out");
// seleniumRC.close();
// /* This code was added to handle the captcha issue on Google's internal
// * servers.
// */
// log.debug("Comparing page title: (" + orderPage.getTitleText().trim()
// + ") with (Google Accounts)");
// if (orderPage.getTitleText().trim().equals("Google Accounts")) {
// pass = (HtmlPasswordInput) form
// .getInputByName("Passwd");
// pass.setValueAttribute(password);
// HtmlTextInput logincaptcha =
// (HtmlTextInput) form.getInputByName("logincaptcha");
// logincaptcha.setValueAttribute("mackerel");
// orderPage = (HtmlPage) form.submit();
// }
} catch (FailingHttpStatusCodeException e) {
log.error("Error posting cart: " + e.getMessage());
log.debug("Error content: " + e.getResponse().getContentAsString());
throw new MalbecHttpErrorCodeException("Unable to place the order",
e.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getContentAsString(), e);
} catch (I18NDoesNotShipToAddressException e) {
log.debug("Found I18N exception: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
} catch (MalbecCarrierCalculatedShippingException e) {
log.debug("Found Carrier Calculated Shipping exception: "
+ e.getMessage());
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error posting cart: " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
* Starts the SeleniumRC.
private void startSeleniumRC() {
log.debug("Starting Selenium RC...");
seleniumRCStarted = true;
log.debug("Selenium RC started");
* Stops the SeleniumRC.
public void exit() {
if (seleniumRCStarted) {
log.debug("Stopping Selenium RC...");
if (seleniumRCStarted) {
seleniumRCStarted = false;
log.debug("Selenium RC stopped");
} else {
log.debug("Selenium RC was already stopped");
* Post the cart and open the buy page with selenium.
* @param cart the Checkout Shopping cart to post. cannot be null.
public void postCart(final CheckoutShoppingCart cart) {
try {
String path = post(encoder.generateParameters(cart, merchantKey),
startSeleniumOnPage(serverUrl + path);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not post the cart to: " + serverUrl);
* Posts a shopping cart and open the buy page with selenium.
* @param cart the shopping cart to post as a string. Cannot be null or empty.
public void postCart(final String cart) {
List<KeyValuePair> parameters = encoder.generateParameters(cart,
try {
String path = post(parameters, encoder.getBodyForCart(cart));
startSeleniumOnPage(serverUrl + path);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not post the cart to: " + serverUrl);
* Logs the user in after the order has been placed. Selenium must be started
* and the cart posted for this method to be called.
* @param email the email of the buyer to login.
* @param password the password of the buyer to login.
public void loginAfterPlacingOrder(
final String email, final String password) {
if (!seleniumRCStarted) {
throw new RuntimeException("You must post the cart before logging in");
try {
// Find the login frame
seleniumRC.type("Email", email);
seleniumRC.type("Passwd", password);
} catch (SeleniumException e) {
log.error("The user cannot be logged in.", e);
throw new RuntimeException("The user cannot be logged in: "
+ e.getMessage(), e);
boolean badEmail =
"//*[@id='errormsg_0_Email']", BAD_LOGIN_TIMEOUT);
boolean badLogin =
"//*[@id='errormsg_0_Passwd']", BAD_LOGIN_TIMEOUT);
if (badEmail || badLogin) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid login. Username and password do not match.");
//this forces to wait till the page is fully loaded.
SeleniumUtil.waitForElementPresent(seleniumRC, "//*[@id='addressView']",
if (SeleniumUtil.waitForTextPresent(seleniumRC,
"does not ship to this address", 5000)) {
log.trace("Found that the Merchant does not ship to the buyer's "
+ "address. Throwing an exception.");
throw new I18NDoesNotShipToAddressException("Merchant does not ship to"
+ " the buyer's address.");
* Logs the user in into the user account front end, to see the purchase
* history. Selenium must be started for this method to be called.
* @param email the email of the buyer to login.
* @param password the password of the buyer to login.
public void login(final String email, final String password) {
log.debug("Entering login");
if (!seleniumRCStarted) {
log.warn("Selenium must be started to log in and is down. Starting...");
try {
// Find the login frame
seleniumRC.type("Email", email);
seleniumRC.type("Passwd", password);
boolean badEmail =
"//*[@id='errormsg_0_Email']", BAD_LOGIN_TIMEOUT);
boolean badLogin =
"//*[@id='errormsg_0_Passwd']", BAD_LOGIN_TIMEOUT);
if (badEmail || badLogin) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid login. Username and password do not match.");
seleniumRC, "link=glob:*continue to use the service*", 3000);
if (seleniumRC.getTitle().equals("Google Accounts")) {
seleniumRC.click("link=glob:*continue to use the service*");
log.debug("User is logged in now");
log.debug("Leaving login");
} catch (SeleniumException e) {
log.error("Error while accessing the user account: " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Error while accessing the user account: "
+ e.getMessage(), e);
* Gets the source code for the email message received for the new order.
* @param email The email used to log in.
* @param password the password used to log in.
* @param orderNumber the order number for the expected email message.
* @return the html source code for the email message.
public String getBuyerMessageMail(final String email, final String password,
final String orderNumber) {
DefaultSelenium gmailSeleniumRC = null;
try {
String gmailUrl = "http://gmail.google.com";
gmailSeleniumRC = createSeleniumRc(gmailUrl);
gmailSeleniumRC.type("Email", email);
gmailSeleniumRC.type("Passwd", password);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.warn("Interrupted sleep", e);
+ ".document.getElementsByName('q')[0].value='" + orderNumber + "'",
//open result if any
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.warn("Interrupted sleep", e);
gmailSeleniumRC.keyPress("xpath=//body", "o");
String result = gmailSeleniumRC.getHtmlSource();
return result;
} finally {
if (gmailSeleniumRC != null) {
* Gets the order page for the given order number. You must call login first.
* @param orderNumber the order number.
* @return the order page.
public String getBuyerOrderInformation(final String orderNumber) {
log.debug("Entering getBuyerOrderInformation");
if (!seleniumRCStarted) {
throw new RuntimeException("The selenium must be started to get the order"
+ " information");
try {
String orderPage = buyerURL.endsWith("/") ? buyerURL : buyerURL + "/";
orderPage += "view/receipt";
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
parameters.put("t", orderNumber);
log.debug("Leaving getBuyerOrderInformation");
return getPage(orderPage, parameters);
} catch (SeleniumException e) {
log.error("Found an error while getting the order information from the"
+ " buyer page: " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Could not get the order information: "
+ e.getMessage(), e);
* Starts selenium on the buy page using the given path.
* @param path the path to access the buy page.
private void startSeleniumOnPage(final String path) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Gets the html source obtained when requesting an url with a set of
* parameters.
* @param url the url to request.
* @param parameters the parameters to be posted.
* @return the html source of the obtained page.
private String getPage(
final String url, final Map<String, String> parameters) {
String result = url;
if (parameters.keySet().isEmpty()) {
return seleniumRC.getHtmlSource();
result += "?";
for (Iterator<String> it = parameters.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String key = it.next();
result += key + "=" + parameters.get(key);
result += "&";
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
return seleniumRC.getHtmlSource();
* Enters the list of buyerInformation objects given, such as coupons or
* address changes, for example.
* @param buyerInformation the list of BuyerInformation objects.
public void enterBuyerInformation(
final List<BuyerInformation> buyerInformation) {
try {
// wait for the initial mc if there is any.
// Enter addresses, coupons and gift certificates.
if (buyerInformation != null) {
BuyerVisitor buyerVisitor = new SeleniumBuyerVisitor(seleniumRC);
for (BuyerInformation information : buyerInformation) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error entering buyer information", e);
* Place an order. Click on the buy button. Should be called once the selenium
* was started and the user has logged in.
* @return the order number of the placed order.
public String placeOrder() {
try {
if (!seleniumRCStarted) {
throw new RuntimeException("Selenium must be started before placing"
+ " the order");
// Check that the button exists on the page.
try {
+ "document.getElementById('bottomBuyButton') != null", "30000");
} catch (SeleniumException e) {
log.error("The button is not visible on the current page. "
+ "Check that the user is logged in before placing the order", e);
throw new RuntimeException("Must be logged in to place an order", e);
// Check that the button is available to be clicked.
try {
+ "document.getElementById('bottomBuyButton')."
+ "disabled == false", "30000");
} catch (SeleniumException e) {
log.error("The button to place order is disabled.", e);
throw new RuntimeException("Could not place the order: "
+ "button is disabled", e);
// Even if the bottomBuyButton is enabled just wait 2 seconds (looks like
// a messy hack to emulate the human interaction with the UI) this is
// done because when entering coupons the bottomBuyButton is enabled
// before the coupon timeout expired.
// Place the order
log.debug("Placing order");
"selenium.getTitle() == 'Purchase Complete!'", "45000");
return getOrderNumber(seleniumRC.getLocation());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error placing the order", e);
* Get the current page html.
* @return the current page html.
public String getPage() {
if (!seleniumRCStarted) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Cannot obtain a page when selenium is stopped");
try {
return seleniumRC.getHtmlSource();
} catch (SeleniumException e) {
log.error("The current page could not be obtained: " + e.getMessage(),
throw new RuntimeException("Could not obtain page: " + e.getMessage(),
* Get the buyer receipt as html. Should be called once the order was placed.
* @return the buyer receipt as html.
public String getBuyerReceipt() {
try {
seleniumRC, "Get up-to-date order progress", 3000);
seleniumRC.click("link=Get up-to-date order progress");
return seleniumRC.getHtmlSource();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error trying to get the buyer receipt", e);
* Gets the order number based on a url, the order number comes as a value of
* the t get parameter.
* @param url The url that contains the order number.
* @return The order number.
private String getOrderNumber(final String url) {
log.trace("getting ordernumber from " + url);
int position = url.indexOf("t=");
if (position != -1) {
String orderNumber = url.substring(position + 2);
int ampIndex = url.indexOf("&");
boolean moreParameters = (ampIndex != -1);
if (moreParameters) {
orderNumber = url.substring(position + 2, ampIndex);
return orderNumber;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("The order number couldnt be found in the url"
+ " after placing the order");
* Checks if all the given carrier calculated shipping options are shown in
* the place order page.
* @param selenium the {@link Selenium} class to use.
* @param options the shipping option names to check.
private void checkCarrierCalculatedOptions(final Selenium selenium,
final List<String> options) {
List<String> foundOptions = Arrays
for (String current : options) {
if (!anyStartWith(foundOptions, current + " (")) {
throw new MalbecCarrierCalculatedShippingException("Carrier calculated"
+ "shipping option not found: " + current);
* Checks if any of the strings in the container starts with the given prefix.
* @param container The container to iterate.
* @param prefix the prefix to be found.
* @return true if at least one element is found.
private boolean anyStartWith(final List<String> container,
final String prefix) {
for (String current : container) {
if (current.startsWith(prefix)) {
return true;
return false;
* Posts the shopping cart and get the response.
* @param parameters The parameters that encode the content of the cart
* @param body the Request body to be sent.
* @return Returns the path to the place order page.
* @throws IOException when the URL is invalid, or any IO error occurs.
private String post(final List<KeyValuePair> parameters, final String body)
throws IOException {
if (body != null) {
return postUnsigned(parameters, body);
} else {
return postSigned(parameters);
* Posts the signed shopping cart and get the response.
* @param parameters The parameters that encode the content of the cart
* @return Returns the path to the place order page.
* @throws IOException when the URL is invalid, or any IO error occurs.
private String postSigned(final List<KeyValuePair> parameters)
throws IOException {
WebClient client = createWebClient();
log.debug("Posting shopping cart to " + postURL);
WebRequestSettings request = new WebRequestSettings(new URL(postURL),
try {
Page page = client.getPage(request);
String path = page.getWebResponse().getUrl().getFile();
return path;
} catch (Exception e) {
//throw new RuntimeException("Could not connect to " + postURL);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Posts the shopping cart and get the response.
* @param parameters The parameters that encode the content of the cart
* @param body the Request body to be sent.
* @return Returns the path to the place order page.
* @throws IOException when the URL is invalid, or an IO error occurs.
private String postUnsigned(final List<KeyValuePair> parameters,
final String body)
throws IOException {
WebClient client = createWebClient();
log.debug("Posting shopping cart to " + postURL);
WebRequestSettings request = new WebRequestSettings(new URL(postURL),
Map headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (KeyValuePair current : parameters) {
headers.put(current.getKey(), current.getValue());
try {
Page page = client.getPage(request);
CheckoutRedirect response = (CheckoutRedirect) CartUtils.unmarshal(
URL url = new URL(URLDecoder.decode(response.getRedirectUrl(), "UTF-8"));
String path = url.getFile();
return path;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not connect to " + postURL);
/** Creates the WebClient that will be used by this BuyerRobot.
* @return The web client.
private WebClient createWebClient() {
WebClient client = new WebClient();
CookieWebConnection cookieWebConnection = new CookieWebConnection(client);
return client;
/** An object that handles the actual communication portion of page
* retrieval/submission.
* This connection sets the cookie policy as BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY.
* BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY: compatible with the common cookie management
* practices (even if they are not 100% standards compliant)
private static class CookieWebConnection extends HttpWebConnection {
/** Creates a CookieWebConnection.
* @param webClient The web client.
public CookieWebConnection(final WebClient webClient) {
/** Creates the httpClient that will be used by this CookieWebConnection.
* @return the client
protected HttpClient createHttpClient() {
HttpClientParams httpClientParams = new HttpClientParams();
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientParams);
return httpClient;
/** Creates a sample html page suitable to show in a browser and manually
* post the shopping cart.
* @param cart The shopping cart to be posted.
* @return Returns a string with an html page that can be used to manually
* post the order.
public String createHtmlPageForOrder(final CheckoutShoppingCart cart) {
StringBuffer page = new StringBuffer();
page.append(" <form method='post' action='").append(postURL).append("'>\n");
List<KeyValuePair> parameters =
encoder.generateParameters(cart, merchantKey);
for (Iterator it = parameters.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
KeyValuePair pair = (KeyValuePair) it.next();
page.append(" <input type='hidden' name='").append(pair.getKey()).
append("' value='").append(pair.getValue()).append("'>\n");
page.append(" Post the cart:\n");
page.append(" <input type='submit' name='Post'>\n");
page.append(" </form>\n");
return page.toString();
* Click the anchor that has the text received as parameter.
* @param linkText The anchor text.
* @param timeout the timeout to wait once link was clicked.
public void linkText(final String linkText, final long timeout) {
SeleniumUtil.waitForElementPresent(seleniumRC, "link=" + linkText, 3000);
seleniumRC.click("link=" + linkText);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* Click the anchor that has the id attribute received as parameter.
* @param linkId The anchor id attribute.
* @param timeout the timeout to wait once link was clicked.
public void linkId(final String linkId, final long timeout) {
SeleniumUtil.waitForElementPresent(seleniumRC, "id=" + linkId, 3000);
seleniumRC.click("id=" + linkId);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* Gets the text of an element. This works for any element that contains text.
* @param elementId The element id attribute.
* @param timeoutMillis The timeout in milliseconds to wait to get the element
* text.
* @return The text of the element.
public String getElementContent(final String elementId,
final int timeoutMillis) {
seleniumRC, "id=" + elementId, timeoutMillis);
return seleniumRC.getText("id=" + elementId);