/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 cindent fo=qroca: */
package com.globant.google.mendoza.malbec;
import com.globant.google.mendoza.malbec.transport.NotificationDispatcher;
import com.globant.google.mendoza.malbec.transport.Transport;
/** The main entry point to the GBuy API.
* You create one instance of this class and use it to send messages to GBuy
* and register the order callback. It must be passed a transport
* implementation that will be used to send and receive the GBuy messages.
* To send commands to GBuy you do:
* <pre>
* StandAlone transport = new StandAlone(clientFactory, serverFactory,
* merchantId, merchantKey, gbuyURL);
* GBuy gbuy = new GBuy(transport);
* gbuy.getOrder(orderNumber).archive();
* </pre>
* To receive notifications, you must create an implementation of the
* OrderListener interface and call registerOrderListener. Then call start() to
* start listening for connections.
* <pre>
* StandAlone transport = new StandAlone(clientFactory, serverFactory,
* merchantId, merchantKey, gbuyURL);
* GBuy gbuy = new GBuy(transport);
* gbuy.registerOrderListener(orderListener);
* guy.start();
* </pre>
* You can call registerOrderListener and registerCalculationListener multiple
* times, but it will have no effect until you call start. Once the GBuy is
* started, you can change the listeners, but always remember to call start so
* the changes are applied.
public final class GBuy {
/** The transport implementation.
private Transport transport = null;
/** The order listener.
private OrderListener orderListener = null;
/** The callback calculation listener.
private CalculationListener calculationListener = null;
/** True if the transport has been started.
private boolean started = false;
/** Creates an instance of the GBuy api.
* @param theTransport The trasport implementation. It cannot be null.
public GBuy(final Transport theTransport) {
if (theTransport == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the transport cannot be null");
transport = theTransport;
/** Registers the listener for order notifications.
* Calling this function multiple times overwrites the old listener, if any.
* @param theListener The order listener. It can be null.
public void registerOrderListener(final OrderListener theListener) {
orderListener = theListener;
/** Registers the listener for the merchant calculation callback.
* Calling this function multiple times overwrites the old listener, if any.
* @param theListener The callback listener. It can be null.
public void registerCalculationListener(final CalculationListener
theListener) {
calculationListener = theListener;
/** Creates an order to send commands to GBuy.
* @param orderNumber The order number to wrap.
* @return Returns the order ready to send commands to GBuy.
public Order getOrder(final String orderNumber) {
return new Order(transport, orderNumber);
/** Starts listening to connections from GBuy.
* You must call registerOrderListener or registerCalculationListener before
* calling start. The listener will start receiving notifications after this
* function is called.
* The second and subsequent calls to start only re-registers the listeners
* in the transport.
public void start() {
if (orderListener == null && calculationListener == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must set the order listener or the"
+ " calculation listener first");
NotificationDispatcher dispatcher;
dispatcher = new NotificationDispatcher(transport, orderListener,
if (!started) {
started = true;
/** Stops listening to connections from GBuy.
* The listenr will not receive any more notificatinos once stop is called.
public void stop() {
if (started) {
started = false;